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of Demobilized Personnel Records Brauch,<br />

High Point, X C. t Scc .\R 311J;1). :h<br />

amended 1", Ch, 8. .md \\'D Cir. 231<br />

I f).H, for :j list of commands required to<br />

forward <strong>the</strong>se files.)<br />

Q. If a cOllluI:uHI is appropri:lte to <strong>the</strong><br />

command of a general officer. should official<br />

mail to that command he addressed to <strong>the</strong><br />

"ConlllJ;Jnding Ccncrai." even though <strong>the</strong><br />

commander is not ;1 general officer?<br />

A. To <strong>the</strong> Commanding General. A.\F<br />

Reg. 10.2, 31 J lily I 9H, states that "an<br />

official commuuic.rt iou to an activitv is ad.<br />

dressed to <strong>the</strong> 'Commanding Officer' when<br />

<strong>the</strong> conun.mdcr i,s lx-lo«: <strong>the</strong> grade of Briga.<br />

dier Ccuvral: ot hcrwisc. 'Commanding Cen<br />

era!' is used." Referencc I,S to <strong>the</strong> r;mk of<br />

<strong>the</strong> cnnuuandcr normnllv in couuuand as<br />

established bv Tables of ()rganization. :\ Ian.<br />

ning Tables, ctc., not to r.mk of <strong>the</strong> par.<br />

ticular officer ,\'/10 is ill conuuancl.<br />

Q. \\'111' docs tIJe Aom' ha"e \\'arrant<br />

Officers' ,<br />

A. There have been Warr.mt Officers in<br />

<strong>the</strong> Arucrican naval service since <strong>the</strong> Revolutionarv<br />

\\'ar, but Warrant Officers did not<br />

appear in <strong>the</strong> Arrnv until 9 [ulv 191 S. when<br />

thcv were authorized in <strong>the</strong> Armv :\ Iinc<br />

Pla;1ter <strong>Service</strong>.<br />

'I'hcv II'erc .iut hor izccl ill t hl' ,\mll at<br />

large -+ [uuc lCJ20,<br />

Pur pose ,\,;IS to render more economica]<br />

and cffiricut aclministrut ion of <strong>the</strong> larger<br />

tactical llllih in <strong>the</strong> field b" furnishing a<br />

class of officers who would be able to per,<br />

form iuauv of tlie subaltern duties otlicr<br />

wise pcrformccl bv conunivsiouccl officer-;<br />

.md to provide a means of reeogni/ing <strong>the</strong><br />

-crviccs of cnlivtccl men ,\'/10 had served<br />

c rcdit.rblv as commissioned officers in \\'odd<br />

\\'ar I, 'bnt \1,110 were incliaililc for com.<br />

m ivsio ncc] grades in <strong>the</strong> Regular Annv.<br />

Furt licr .. \f1111 held Clerks. civiliaus wit li<br />

milit.uv statu~ who performed much of tlie<br />

clerical work of <strong>the</strong> ,\rI1l1 in \\'orld \\':n Y,<br />

were cluuiuatcd bv app;,illtlllg tliem \\'ar.<br />

rant OI1ieer.s.<br />

\\'arrant Ot1ieers nrc adclreS\ed Ill' <strong>the</strong><br />

tItle ":\Iister." t lrcv receive <strong>the</strong> s:lllltl' and<br />

arc extended <strong>the</strong>' court cvic-, due couuui-.<br />

sioned officers. Th(,\, mal' perform those<br />

duties nonuallv as\iglled to juuior conuni.<br />

sioucc] officers, for <strong>the</strong> pmpfhe of reliel'inl;<br />

conuuis-.ioucd ot1ieers of couvidcrabl« ad<br />

minixrr.rtivc and tccluucul detail. \\'heu<br />

\\'arrant Officers .u c leg:ilh assigned to<br />

duties nor mullv performed hI couuu issioncd<br />

officers t hcv arc vcxtccl with all <strong>the</strong> pO\l'Crs<br />

usu.illv excrci,cd 1", conuuiv.iouc«! officers ill<br />

<strong>the</strong> pcrform.mcc of sllch clut ics. Some clut icthat<br />

111",1'he pcrformed bl' \\.:nraut Ot1icers<br />

;Ire COll1l1Lllld of a st"tiOIl. ullit. or detach<br />

ment, \lhclI sllch comm:md docs not m,<br />

elude COlllIlli"iollUI officer' cligihle to COIJI<br />

maml; Offi('l'f of <strong>the</strong> ]);11, PriSOll ot1icer.<br />

\Iess alld SlIpplr- Officer ;illd ,\djllLmt,<br />

\\'arrallt offiecrs liLlI' not serl'C on :l<br />

cOllrt llLlrti:JI. miiIf:n,' C;IIIIIJIi"ioll. or comt<br />

of illquin'; Oil :1111'l;o:nc1 of ot1icer' where<br />

<strong>the</strong> cOlldud. sf:ltns. li:lhl1itl or right> of ;1<br />

cOlnmi"iollul officer arc ill i"lle; as :1<br />

Cbillls (lfficer or [I1\Tstii;atiug Officer<br />

lIithill tlJc pllllic'l\' of .\\\' -:-0; ',I,\djllf:mt<br />

CeneLIl. IIl'IJl'dor Geller:JI. or Jnc1ge ,\dl'(),<br />

c:lte of :111\ comm:mcl. (,\R ()Ill ;, :md \\'j)<br />

Cir, ]()-f.l ().+i ) -!:<br />

52<br />


(Con tin ucd from Page 3)<br />

is still 011, aud it docs not make sense,<br />

when <strong>the</strong> need is great, to waste yom<br />

tr;lining.<br />

\X'hat h"ppellS if I cannot conrmuc if! nil'<br />

;\105:' The Classification Section of <strong>the</strong><br />

Redistribution Station will dctcnn inc vour<br />

nell' :\IOS, Yom civilian background i,<br />

carefullv cousiclcrcd. Y 011 wil! he tested<br />

and ex:ulIined as If Ion had just joiued<br />

<strong>the</strong> service. \\'hen vour qn.ilificat ion', arc<br />

determined. 1'(1Il will be sent where vou<br />

can be best 'emplO\'Cd or fur<strong>the</strong>r trai;lCd<br />

in <strong>the</strong> job for which yon arc best qualified.<br />

Can a single clIgillC pilot apph for lIIulti.<br />

enginc training' /\ man who expresses a<br />

desire to ch:lnge equipment tlpes mal' be<br />

sent to <strong>the</strong> Training Command. lI'hich is<br />

informed of his qualificnt ious and wivhcs.<br />

After c.rrcful examination and a thorough<br />

studv, <strong>the</strong> Training Command makes <strong>the</strong><br />

final determination. Changes from single<br />

engine pilot to multicuaine training. or<br />

lice versa. are infrequent became of <strong>the</strong><br />

time .md energ" demanded in <strong>the</strong> transit<br />

ion a \1(1 bccau-c <strong>the</strong> man's combat ex.<br />

pcr ic-ncc docs not :JlII':11'S applv if he<br />

changes from bombers to fighters. or "icc<br />

vcrx».<br />

Can a bomb:mJier or u:l\'ig;ltor apph. for<br />

pilot tr;linim,:' Yes. if he i, 1I0t above thc<br />

gr:lck of capt.un .mcl is under 27 vears of<br />

age at <strong>the</strong> time such tr:linillg begins.<br />

Call" combat crew member beeo1llc a pilot'<br />

Yes, a combat crew IJIan is gi'TII prefer,<br />

enre ill appl\'ing for <strong>Air</strong> Crew Training as<br />

pilot, hom hardier or rw,'ig:ltor, llc can<br />

put in for it at <strong>the</strong> Redistribntion Station.<br />

If he passes his phvsic.rl examination and<br />

medical il1\Tstigation. and if classifIcation<br />

apprO\Ts. he g(~es right before a hn.irr] at<br />

<strong>the</strong> st.rt iou and is sent out for <strong>Air</strong> Crew<br />

Trainiuu.<br />

Com cnlisted men pnt in for OCS' Yes. but<br />

:\.\l-'I'DC. h:II'ing its own limited quotn.<br />

CIIllHlt sellcl t luiu. J]OIlTITr. it can and<br />

docs pass 011 f('COIJIIJIeIH1:JtioIlS to <strong>the</strong><br />

next e01llIJI;llld to ,,'Jlieh <strong>the</strong> m.in is ;IS.<br />

signcd,<br />

C:lII officers pnt in fm iurthcr tr;lining' Ye,.<br />

returnees call applv for higher schools<br />

such :IS <strong>the</strong> Inlclligence Schoo! at Or<br />

lando. Fla .. and <strong>the</strong> Command and Cell.<br />

era] Staff Schoo] :1t Fort Lcavonwort li.<br />

Kan. Selection depends on 10m qualific.rt<br />

ionx .md vac.mcics nv.ril.iblc<br />

I[OIl' lOll[; do I stal' in tI,e l'ersmJ1lel Dis.<br />

trillllti(;n COlllllla'nd:' Or,hu:nih' bchl'('Cn<br />

onc :mel hl'O IITeb ,\ \FI'DC is <strong>the</strong><br />

cle:ning 110Il.se of tIll' \,\l-' It kuOlYS<br />

I\hcrc mell Inth :1 .slx'cillc \ (OS arc<br />

necdcd :md it kn"'l.s \lhat m:mpOlITr is<br />

:11':1 il:Jhle , III .sOIlll' lllst;IlleeS. of comse. a<br />

man mis;ht be ]X'l1ll;l1lCIlth :lssiE;ned to<br />

:\.\/-'PDC. for likc elCrl o<strong>the</strong>r ConllIl:l1ld<br />

and .\ir Forcc III tl;c llnited St;ltC.s.<br />

,\,\I.'('])C is CllTlilli; Ollt <strong>the</strong> "';Ir Dc<br />

p:ntmeIlt's rof:ltioll l;ohcI' :md CITlltll:l1h'<br />

\lill hc cOInpletch' ,.statted \I'itlt retl\flleeS,<br />

\,'ill I he iJlllIlCc/i:lfc!1 rdmned "lerSCl\'<br />

OrdilI:llih'. llO, ,\\/-' policl' is tlut men<br />

retl\fnul from comb:lt \I'ill rel1l:1in in<br />

domc,tie C"IlIIll;mcll ;llld ,\ir /-'mec.s for<br />

;1 miuimum of three month" III <strong>the</strong> vast<br />

J1lajofltl' of cases it h:l.s been longcr th.u:<br />

six months, as it clcpends l.n aclv npoll <strong>the</strong><br />

currcn t m ilitarv sitl\;} tion.<br />

\Vhere lI'ill I b~ assigned frou: <strong>the</strong> Redis.<br />

tributicm Statioll,' To one of <strong>the</strong> four<br />

<strong>Air</strong> lorccs in <strong>the</strong> U nitcd States or one of<br />

<strong>the</strong> Commands in this conntrv.<br />

Do I h;lI'c .inv cllOiee as to \I:Il

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