Air Force the Official Service Journal - Air Force Historical Studies ...

Air Force the Official Service Journal - Air Force Historical Studies ...

Air Force the Official Service Journal - Air Force Historical Studies ...


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TIM ELY A D V ICE FRO M THE A I R INS PEe TOR * Administration * Supply and Maintenance * Operations and Training<br />

Confidence:<br />

1-:"cllti;I! in all flling. confidence is partic<br />

IIIarlv Ilccc"an in 11Ight fIghting. l nvpcctors<br />

c.m help a pilot gain sclfa"nLnlCc bv<br />

"scertaining that he is familiar with ;111 his<br />

lIightfllillg equipment. The impnrt.mcc of<br />

<strong>the</strong> pilot's knOll'ing <strong>the</strong> procedure to follow<br />

if his radio fails cannot be ovcrcmpha-<br />

,i/C(!.<br />

Drivct'» Trip Ticket:<br />

Proper completion of a driver's trip ticket<br />

work-: to thc adnntagc of hoth thc driver<br />

.md thc vcluclc user. The speedometer reading.<br />

<strong>the</strong> elate and thc timc of rclc.isc should<br />

be inserted hy thc pa"enger and not bv <strong>the</strong><br />

.lr ivor.<br />

Stored Vehicles:<br />

Proper care shollld be taken to prcsclye<br />

.uul maintain stored vcbiclcs ;m;lIting rcp;ms.<br />

'Shotglll/' PLJlIe IlISpcetiollS:<br />

\Lllnten;lncc (TC\lS wh o arc gil'ill[,; planes<br />

. o"hotgull" or gellcral invpctt ioux. IHl iu.rt tcr<br />

\lhethcr ;1 oil. 1 II1I or :1I1l hom check-np is<br />

icquirccl. should discontinne t h.it pr.ut rcc.<br />

10 111;lkc t lu: proper cx.muu.uiou at t l«. right<br />

t mu. (TC\lS 111 lISt lISe" [,;lIillc ;IS directed hy<br />

TO Illl :1l.\2.<br />

Ingel/lIit\. iJ1 \\';Jr Orientatiol/:<br />

.\1l1LTiClll illgClIlllt) 1\ pr()\"lllg to be a<br />

lILIJOI I.ut or ill t l«: SlllH'" of <strong>the</strong> ,\\1,'<br />

\ \;Ir (hlellLIt ion Pn'gLln!.<br />

lx.un plr» of this illgenllltl' noted at "lr.i in-<br />

;ng Connu.u«! st;ltiom ;Ire p;l,sul ;I!ong hCIC<br />

hv <strong>the</strong> .\ir Impector for <strong>the</strong> hellcllt of ot licr<br />

pnsonnel UlIlCLTlled IIIth \I;lr oruul at inu.<br />

Tllo dun nuic-, in '\;I/i u ruf unu , l"llinl.; ;1<br />

lIIc;I! ontside ;1 tent. addul nnlivm to ;1 d isphI'<br />

of (;erllLlII u]nipmellt CIt ]\o'llcll held,<br />

x. \1.<br />

'1\1"l1 (; 1 's III '\;I/i and J"p uniforms<br />

toured Deminl.; rie1e1, '\. \1. Thcv were<br />

"nneler gn;nd" for o1l1"iom rClsons.<br />

The Oricn t.uiou .\lllisorl' Comnut tee.<br />

conlp()Su1 of 12 cnllsted men \Iho h;lle secn<br />

OILTSe;IS scrvit«: in v.u iou-, thclters of opeLI'<br />

lions. is <strong>the</strong> backbonc of <strong>the</strong> progLlln at<br />

Stockton hc1d, CI!if.<br />

Th« ;IITLlge (; I \londers \\h;lt a cor.rl ;Itoll<br />

i, like. Ll1Ighlin hc1d. Tcx.i«. has <strong>the</strong><br />

;nlslHT in a co1orfnl .uu] inform.rt ivo sand<br />

box displa" in its war rooui.<br />

.:\ IITekll' cotu liut forum is condncted .rt<br />

l,;m'do hC:'ld. 'j'n;ls. \len retllnIcd from<br />

cUlnhlt ;1I1S\HT stlldcnt glliniers' pLICticI!<br />

Itnestions ;Ihont life in thcaters of opcrations.<br />

Clothing a1l(1 J':C/lIipll/el/t:<br />

Thc condition of clotllinL: awl cqnipmcnt<br />

of pLT"lIlnel going OITrSC;IS shonld IIlITr hc<br />

Llkcn fm gLmtl'll. lmt sllOnlel hl' dclnlllinccl<br />

hI inspcct iom.<br />

OCTOBER, 1944<br />

Paraehlltc Clleek'lIp:<br />

"[umpim; out of all airplane wit l: a parachute<br />

is nothing to get all hct III' about. It<br />

is sillJplv <strong>the</strong> occ;l.sion wluch von hall' long<br />

.ruticipatcd and for which Ion arc fullv prepared.<br />

.. , :\'011'. wcll a"umc that thc h.rrlJCSS<br />

is corrcetll' llttccl .md equipment is all<br />

iu order. If vou h.rvcnt seen to that before,<br />

it's too late 'to do it noll', ... " These rcmarks<br />

from ;1 British Training \ lcmorandum<br />

shoulr] start flying pcrvouncl thinking.<br />

Ilhethcr in <strong>the</strong> R.\" or .\\F. Is 10m parachute<br />

harnc" corrccr lv fitted and is vour<br />

cqllipmcnt in order: . .<br />

Keeping II/forllled:<br />

Counuunicat ionx pcr-ouncl xhould acqu.rin!<br />

t hcmsclvc-, wit l: all challges aflectillg<br />

combined conuuuuirnt ious procedures and<br />

CTlptographic sccurrtv. Thcv should sec ,\1\<br />

~Sll, 5 and thc radio .md Crvptorr.iphic Bnllctiu<br />

issllcd 1", <strong>the</strong> .\ir Comunuucnt ions<br />

Officer. .\11 1Il:II' .\I\'s, wn Circular s and<br />

.\\F I\CgllbtiollS shollld he c!Jcckcd for<br />

dircct;I'l's ;Ippliclhle to conuu u nirutionv, .md<br />

.\,\1' Rcg. 1 IIIl 1 shonld he kcpt III' to date .<br />

Cas \ Tasks:<br />

IllSpcctiollS s!Ioll1d he m.ulo f rcq lien til, to<br />

scc th.rt g;ls lll:hb lIt persollllel to whom<br />

t hcv 1I:II'e lxx-n i--ucd.<br />

Tire JTaz;lrCls:<br />

RIIII\I ;1\'S II1mt be kept clc.m. Bolts. v.ilvc<br />

Stl'II1S, picccs of till .u u] otlicr loose mat cri.rl<br />

;IIT t ir« h.rz.ml- « hich m.iv result ill accidcnts.<br />

(TO Il-+ 11l2) .<br />

,\fark It '\'(J\I:<br />

1.;I!lC1ing of C]Otllillg .md equipment<br />

should hc ;1 d.iv to d;II' process. imtc;ld of a<br />

I'IIs!I joh jmt hefore ;1 llnit is ordcrcd OI'crscas,<br />

T!Ic nl:lrkillg sll1 .\,\1' Reg. (,: :1\, ) JIII\' ] 0-+-+.<br />

Q. \\']I;Jt disl)()\ilioll is llLlolllllL Ili11 hc for<br />

\" ..mln] to tJ,C .\djl;tant (;CIICLIL ;ltlclltilJlI<br />

5 1

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