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50<br />


BEFORE DECEMBER 7. 1941<br />

1909, OCT. 26: First Arrnv man to solo <strong>the</strong> Arm v's<br />

first plane is Lt. F. E. I Iurnphreys after three hours'<br />

pilot instruction by \Vilbnr \Vright.<br />

1911, OCT. 10: Riley E. Scott bombsight and drop.<br />

ping device tested.<br />

1911, OCT. 14; <strong>Air</strong> strength: 6 officers, :; airplanes, 3<br />

captive balloons.<br />

1912. OCT 9: First competition for Mackav Trophy<br />

is won bv Lt. II. II. Arnold.<br />

1914. OCT. 8, <strong>Official</strong> American one-man altitude<br />

record of 16.791\ feet is set by Capt. II. LcR. Muller.<br />

1916. OCT 27: For fiscal year 1918. Chief Signal<br />

Officer asks for enlisted strength of 3,320 for 10 aero<br />

squadrons, 6 observation balloon companies, a proving<br />

ground and necessary schools. .<br />

1917. OCT. 21: 12 cylinder Libertv engine first flown.<br />

1918. OCT 9: 32 tons of bombs dropped during<br />

Meuse-Arzouue offensive in record concentration of<br />

air forces 'to date. More than 250 bombers and 100<br />

pursuit planes participate.<br />

lJlS, OCT. I~: Oxygcn tanks ordered carried on all<br />

American flights over enemy lines. American <strong>Air</strong><br />

<strong>Service</strong> cngages in its first night fighting.<br />

1919, OCT. 4: <strong>Official</strong> world 2-man altitude record of<br />

31.1\21 feet is established hy Maj. "Shorty" Schroeder<br />

and Lt. G. K Elfrev,<br />

1922. OCT. 6: Unofficial world duration record is<br />

established I>\"Lts. Macrcadv and Kellv, Established<br />

time: 35:18:-'0. . .<br />

1922, OCT 13: Libcrtv Engine Trophy Race is won<br />

bv Lt. T. J. Koenig. Speed: 128.8 mph over 257.7.<br />

m ilc course.<br />

1922, OCT 14: Pulitzer Trophv Race is won hy Lt.<br />

R. L. Maughan. Speed: 20:;.8 mph, 250 km course.<br />

1922. OCT. 18: World's speed record of 222.96 mph<br />

for I kill is set bv Brig. Gen. \\'m. E. :\litchell.<br />

1923. OCT 3-6' \\'illiam 1\litC'hell Trophy Race won<br />

by Capt. B. E. Skeel. Speed: 146.44 mph.<br />

/924. OCT. 2-4: Jolin L. Mitchell Trophv Race won<br />

by Lt. C. Bettis. Speed: 175.41 mph, 200 krn course.<br />

1925. OCT. 8-10: New world speed records of 249.342<br />

mph for 100 km, and 248.975 mph for 200 kill set.<br />

1927, OCT. 12: Wright Field formally dedicated.<br />

1928. OCT, 19: Six-man machine gun team parachutes<br />

from 6-airplane formation, sets up in 3 minutes.<br />

1938, OCT. 26: 350 mph average speed achieved by<br />

new Army pursuit plane. Lt. B. S. Kelscv, pilot.<br />

1940, OCT. 25: l\Iaj. Gcn. II. II. Arnold designated<br />

Acting Deputy Chief of Staff for <strong>Air</strong>.<br />

1941, OCT. 23: Increase in AAF expansion program<br />

from 54 to 84 combat groups is announced.<br />

1941, OCT. 30: B.H carrying members of Harriman<br />

Mission circles globe. 14.700 miles in elapsed time<br />

of 17 days.<br />

AIR FORCE each month will present in this section new<br />

titles on aviation subjects which arc available to AAF per.<br />

sonnel through <strong>the</strong> AAF Field Technical Librarv <strong>Service</strong>,<br />

which provides for technical libraries at ;111 major iustall.rtionx.<br />

These book list.s, compiled b~' Al\F Headquarters<br />

Libr.irv. supplement <strong>the</strong> Selected Bibliogr.iplu of Aviation<br />

appearing in The <strong>Official</strong> Cuidc to <strong>the</strong> Army <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong>s.<br />

J\irCT.1ft YC.1rhnok. "'\. Y ... vcronaut ic.rl Clram hcr of Commerce of<br />

Amcr icn, 19-H. Vol, 26. The l:Jtcst voluun- of <strong>the</strong> oldest vcarbook<br />

in <strong>the</strong> field of ncron.mtics. .<br />

AYLI:\C. KEITII. J)omharc!lllcllt AI'iation. llarrisIJllr~. Pa .. :\Iilitar\'<br />

SCr\icc. I (H-f. _\11 account of thc havic t hcorv of air w.uf.m-.<br />

AYLI:\C. KJ:ITIL Bomhcrs. N. Y .. Cr()\\'l'IJ. 1944 .. \11 .m.ilvsis of<br />

cl:l"cs .md tvpcs of bombcrs. both .\llied .mcl cncmv. of th'is w.n.<br />

DO:\D. J)O:\.\I.D s. R)(lio Directio/i Filld~'rs. :\'. Y., :\ lcCr.nv-Hill ,<br />

1944. A guidcbook to this spcci.rl field.<br />

C\HLISl.l:. xo n vr.vx v. Illmtr;Ited lhiiltioll EIJ('I'clol'cdi:J: N. Y ..<br />

:\'C\l' l Iomc Libr.rrv. 19.H. .\ popul.rr. elJ(.\'clopulic prc-cnt.r<br />

t iou of simple acron.rut ir.il bets.<br />

FLIGIIT I'RJ:I'.\R.\TIO:\ '11\.\1:\1:\(; SIRIJ:S. ,\ir '-:;l\'i~iltiOIl. Part FOllr.<br />

X;l\ii;atir)JJ IlIstrll1l1ellls. :\'. Y .. :\IcCr;I\\'.llilJ. 1r)H. Ano<strong>the</strong>r<br />

in thc serics of nil\'ig;ltioll text- prl'j);ncd uuckr <strong>the</strong> supervision<br />

of thc .vvi.rt ion Tr;lillillg Divixion, OtTicc of tl«: Chid of Nil\';J!<br />

Operations.<br />

GOOD\n:\. II.\! .. Acri;11 \\';nfare. thc Ston of tl".' i\crfJl'l;lllc as ;1<br />

\\'C:I/lOIL :\. Y .. :\'C\l Horne Libr.irv, I'H'). T;letic's .n«] tech.<br />

niqllcs of toclavx air w:rr.<br />

GlIIlTITIlS. IL\IWi.D. ,\"'<strong>the</strong>ll1atics for ,\ircr;dt Enginc j\1cc1I;wics.<br />

:\'. Y .. :\lcCril\\,IlilJ. I(H4. I'r;letica] avint ion m.rt lu-mut ic-, or.<br />

g;mi/ul .mrl prcscutcc] throllgh C\Cr\d;I\' jobs.<br />

IL\RIUSO:\. RICIL\IU) D. Look at thc "'mld. <strong>the</strong> Fortllllc Atbs fm<br />

"'orld Str;Jfcg\. :\'. Y .. Knopf. ]C)-f-f. .\11 .iir uundc.l atlas with<br />

full-color. l:ngcscJ!c m'lps.<br />

norr.u. DO:\.\LIl. Cilpl:iill Hetrcad. :\'. Y .. :'\ortOll. ],H4. 'l'h«<br />

pcrson»] n.irr.it ivc of all A.\I-' oiTicer of two w.u».<br />

L\:\CL\I'IJ:SCIII:. \\Ol.lC\:\C. Stick ;llId 1\1Iddcr. ;111 F'l'lall;Itioll of<br />

thc ;\rt of Fllillg. :\'. Y .. \\ -hittlese\ l louxc, J ')H. .\ textbook<br />

.iinu«! at tho «: who will bc iutcrc-tc«! ill lc.unnu; 110\1' to operate<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir 0\1'11 light pl.uics .if tcr <strong>the</strong> \I';If.<br />

Ll:Y. "'ILLY. Hodcts. thc 1'IItmc 01 Tr:!"cl bc,olld tllc Str;Jfo-<br />

.sl'llCrc. :\'. Y .. \'ibllg. I'H4 .. \ prcclict iou of ~\h;lt rocket ships<br />

111;/' lll;lkc pOlsible ill .Iobr cxplor.itiou.<br />

J\I\C\\'IIY. c. B. I. TIle Ilclic0l'krs '\'L' COlilillg. :-\. Y., \\'hittle-<br />

.IC'\' I lou,«. 194-1. The pot cnt i.tlit ic-, of rot.u, .urcr.rtt ,<br />

1\1\:\:\. C.\I{L. l\ir I1cr;rleln'. N. Y.. Rolxrt :\IcBriclc. 1944. The<br />

r.ipidlv cxp.mclius; \\eJlth of ,\\F illSigllia.<br />

J\ICl:\TOSlI. COLl:\ II: LOllg-Rallgc Fligllt. 0:. Y .. :\IcCI:l\\' IIJlJ.<br />

I (H4. A piouccr title ill a field of illLTC;lsillg import.uuc.<br />

IIIIKSClII:. 11.1\111:\\:\]) o. Is Bmll;,ill!~ Dcci.silc:. II Stllch- ill tile<br />

Orglllli/atioll :1I1e1Tletied 1':lIll"()\IlICIIt of .\ !OciLTII .\;r Flcets.<br />

:\. Y .. :\'ortoll. I'H') .. \11 hl!;lis!l public.it ron which has rc<br />

cc ntlv been m.rdc .iv.ul.rb!« ill tllis COlllltn'.<br />

1'.\1 IllCi i. J.\\ILS. amI SCllllI(. 11.\1'1" ,\ir '\';l\i'_;:Jf;OII .\I:rde 1':;1".<br />

:\'. Y .. :\ IcC!:l\\ I I ill. ] ')H. 'lh« b;lsic Clellll'ltlS of .iir pilot iu.;<br />

.md clc.«] rcckollillg lIa\'igatioll.<br />

I\.\IS/. J:J(\\'l:\. Arbs of ClolJ:lI Ce'!g'"l'll\'. :\. Y .. I l.upcr , J cH4.<br />

\\orlel lllilpS .SlIppIc-IIIC'lItcd In' gcogr;lpllic;JI bcts.<br />

svur n. c. CL01-TI(LY. GllS Tmbillcs llllel Jet l'rol'lds;OIl for ""cr;dt.<br />

:\' Y,. ,\crosphLTc. Ir)-f-1. hlst publivlu«! III Lourlou. t lu-,<br />

prcscllts <strong>the</strong> historical dc,cloplllCllt of jet PIOPlllslOIL<br />

'1IiO\L\S. RO\\'.\:\ 'I. Borll ill Ibtt1c. IZollllel tt«: \\ mid ,\,!I'CllrllrCS<br />

of thc 51 ')t1l BOIII/);ncllllcllt S'1lllldroll. Plul.nlclph i:r. \\'IIlStOIl.<br />

I (H4. The corortul rccord of this SqlJ:IClrOIl'S v.ur.d C"pcrICIICCS.<br />

\\ILU:\SO:\. 1'.\111. II. ,\ncr;dt Ellgillcs of tllC \\ oriel. :\. Y .. 1';1IJ1<br />

II. \\'ilkillSoll. 19--14. The rc\i,,'c! cclit ion of a hasic .urcr.rft<br />

cllgillC cncvclopccli.r.<br />

"'YC\:\, LI1C.\1\ J. BOlII),crs i\crO.\). 0:. Y .. Lllttoll. J 'H4 .. \ 1l;11.<br />

r.it iv« prcselltatioll of <strong>the</strong> work of t lu: .\TC ill sl'l'l'lhllg pLtIlCS<br />

.md sllpl'hcs to <strong>the</strong> combat JIIC"IS.. :'::<br />


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