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The economic system of <strong>the</strong> Philippines in peacetime<br />

was based on a simple agricultural life. Most of <strong>the</strong> cultiv.rtcd<br />

area, about I) percent of <strong>the</strong> total land area, \\'as<br />

devoted to food crops, principally rice. ~ lctliods of cultivation<br />

were pruuit ivc, although <strong>the</strong> lfugao rice terraces in<br />

nor<strong>the</strong>rn Luzou \I ere convidcrcd one of <strong>the</strong> grclt cnginlTing<br />

feats of <strong>the</strong> world. Corn, coconuts, sllg:lr, hemp .md tob.icco<br />

also were grOlnl in qu.mt itv.<br />

L.ittle 11lalluLletmillg, as we k no«: it, existed in <strong>the</strong><br />

Ph ilrppincs before thc \I;Ir. "'hat <strong>the</strong>re \\as cousistccl mu inlv<br />

in <strong>the</strong> proces,ing of export crops, and hanelierafts such as<br />

cmbroidering, hat-nlaking, cigar-making and clothing production<br />

for home couvumptiou. Othcr industrics included<br />

mining, lumhcring and a little fishing.<br />

forest covers about CJ+ percent of <strong>the</strong> Philippmc land<br />

area. Still present in 1111leh of <strong>the</strong> rough, uuinhubitcd terrain<br />

is prim cva] rain forcst wh ich gellcralh' is made np of<br />

bill trees witl: a clcn «, overhead ca IlOpy I ()O to 140 feet II igh.<br />

This foliagc ,hilt, out <strong>the</strong> sun .md makes <strong>the</strong> fore,t floor<br />

dark and damp.<br />

In m;III\' 'lTtions, sccollCl-grOllth jungle of \';lrying hcight<br />

.md clcnvitv or grass covers tcrritorv once under cult iv.i tiuu<br />

or cut OILT bv thc nut ivcs. ,\t .rlt itudcs above 3. :;()O fcet<br />

may be found llIOSS fOlc,t wh icl, is dense and gcner:illy<br />

e1ripping lid. On <strong>the</strong> highcr iu ounr.uu slopl's. however.<br />

p:ll ticul.nlv ill nort lu-rn Luzou , <strong>the</strong>re often arc pme xt.mcls<br />

of pine.<br />

~ Iangrol'e Sll'amps are Iocatccl along proteeted coavtx<br />

lI'hich hale lo«: m udclv fl;lt LlIIds. ;\ network of ]LllTO\\',<br />

f.urlv deep w.rtcr ch:ml;cls frcqucutlv iutcrl.iccs <strong>the</strong> S\\':llllP<br />

:IrClS. J'\ ipa p.rhu s\\';lmps 1l1:1\' be found in <strong>the</strong> chicr. !C"<br />

,alty :!reas bcvoud llLlll~rolC S\\':llllp,. I.:lrgc arcas of floating<br />

gr:I'>SCS .md sedgcs ;lppcar in <strong>the</strong> interior of \ l ind.m.ro.<br />

while extensive natural gLIs,Lmds COlTr <strong>the</strong> urc.is of le'>Ser<br />

r.uuf.rl l Oil th.rt i-l.mcl.<br />

The conuuou h'pc of I'h ilippiuc gu'>S is called "cogoll."<br />

\' crv CO:Ir:«: and clcu-.c, it m.tv he .ruvwlurc from th rcc to<br />

eigl;t fed high, \\'llcel,-up 'emergelic:' lallelillgS 111:1\' hc<br />

made in cogon gr:lss.<br />

There arc ]]() l:Irge :Ind cLiIE;crom wild ;lnim:I1s in tIle<br />

fore,ts of <strong>the</strong> Philippines. LlrgC\t of <strong>the</strong> n.it ivc species i-.<br />

<strong>the</strong> small huff.ilo, <strong>the</strong> t im.rru. cOllfined to <strong>the</strong> island of<br />

\ Imeloro. Ollu-r he:l,ts includc wild pig" slIre\\'s, !clllms,<br />

skunks, otters, civet catx, sqllirrels, snull \li]dcats, roc!cnls,<br />

t.uvicr«, nlollke\'" deer. elngollg,. porcupinc-, .u«] :mll':lter,.<br />

All]()ng tIle hirds of <strong>the</strong> l'llilippines .nc d uckx, cools, g;I1linn!cs,<br />

nib. ,llmchircls. dOle" pigeollS, h orub ills aud xnipc-. .<br />

.\lthongh <strong>the</strong> i,!:Ill(!,ll:lke popul.it ion gener:t!h- i, hanlllC\s,<br />

,ome of <strong>the</strong> sn:lkes nrc clc.ullv, Chief :lInollg tlle Litter i,<br />

<strong>the</strong> cohr:l. fnund lllosth- in riel' fields .mc] Oil <strong>the</strong> nlues of<br />

forests. Crocodiles ofteil :IrC found in clelT rillTs .md ~reeks<br />

inside m:mgrOl'c forc,ts.<br />

\I:III\ 'In:dkr forc,l pes!'> arc to be :lloi(kcl, Th..v inelllde<br />

bl.uk wiclo«: xpiclcr-. Ln:mtld:ls, scorpiom. eelltipl'de" .mt-.<br />

\\:I'pS. l.mc] leeehe, and v.uioux hiting hilc;,>-<br />

Philippine \'.:I!ers. hot h fre\h :mel s:ilt. :Ire rich fl,hing<br />

p(lllnels. Common v.uict ic-: include rav-; sa\\ll,h, cel" 1I11t!rd.<br />

SI1:lp])('r,. pom p.mos. e:ltfi,!J. Clrp :lncl ,h:1I1;,.,.<br />

The 7Jh ~ i,Linlh cOlnpri,in~ <strong>the</strong> P1lilippinc, 1I:l\c CO:I,tline,<br />

tot:I1ing .ihout 1 ~,O()O lnile" nc.ulv twir;: th.it of t l«<br />

l !nitccl St:ltl">. Before <strong>the</strong> ):Ip oCCllp:diOlL !lICIT \lLTe 11<br />

ofFici:Il port'> of cntrv in <strong>the</strong> i,hncls.\Llllil:l \1':1' <strong>the</strong> k:ldin~<br />

port, .md l loiln next in im porlu ucc.<br />

Princip.rl r.iilro.id line. of <strong>the</strong> Philippine, :Irc on <strong>the</strong><br />

i-l.mcls of Luvon, P:lll:I\' and (:c1111. Tlle m:lin linc of thl'<br />

r:lilroad OIl [,1l/0I1 extclids -f:;c) miles frOJll S:1ll FCrJI:lndo in<br />

I.a Ullioll Prminee to [,eg:I'pi ill i\lh:l\' Prmince. The lille<br />

OIl P:llla\' COlllleets Iloilo :md C:lpi/; th:lt Oil Ce1111 cOllncct'><br />

Arg:](1 :mel Dall:lO.<br />

The main Philippine higlmays, built hy <strong>the</strong> Insular<br />

Covcnuucnt, form 1I0 network as those in <strong>the</strong> United State><br />

became <strong>the</strong> Ph ilippincs arc not industrializcd and because<br />

much of <strong>the</strong> Island population is conccntr.rtcd OIl <strong>the</strong> coash<br />

where \later travel is convcuicut. There were 14.~O() miles<br />

of roads in IlHU, of which 7. :;UU mile, were desigmted first<br />

cLIss, 4.hUU second dl\S a Ill! ~,1UU third cia'>'. Two-th ircls<br />

of <strong>the</strong> total Inile:lge of good roads \\'LTe on Luzon. ccnterillg<br />

.iround ~ l.uul.r.<br />

j\S of Septelnber, ]C)41, <strong>the</strong> Philippines h.«] more than<br />

S:; airports and Llndillg fields. Three-fourths of <strong>the</strong>m were<br />

operated b:' thc Communwculth Covcrnmcut. Although<br />

most of <strong>the</strong> airllclds \\'LTe conuncrci.rl. <strong>the</strong> IIUnl her of military<br />

air imtallatiom \I';IS increasing shortlv before <strong>the</strong> fall of<br />

<strong>the</strong> Philippines. It is reasonable to a\Slllne mallY add itiou.il<br />

faCi]ltlCS hale lxcn convtructcd hy tlic J:lp' since <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

occu pa tion.<br />

The conquest of <strong>the</strong> Philippines bv <strong>the</strong> J:lpancsc providcd<br />

one more ch.rptcr ill <strong>the</strong> li\cly auc] chaotic historv of<br />

<strong>the</strong> ivl.mds. i\ltho'lgh t luv have been a IncIting pot of v.ui<br />

ous r:lecs and cultures for 111:1l1\' ccntur«:». <strong>the</strong> wlritc m.m<br />

had bee-n cou tiu uouvlv inAllenti:'d since <strong>the</strong> 1(lth ccu turv in<br />

shaping <strong>the</strong>ir dcxt iuv. 'The i,Lillcls were clivcovcrccl hv ~Ligel,<br />

l.m in l:;~ I, colonized hI' Spun in ] :;(j:; :mel ceded to <strong>the</strong><br />

United St:ltes in ] ,,()S follO\\ing <strong>the</strong> Sp:mi,Ii-,'meric:m \I':Ir.<br />

Schooled in clciuor-r.rcv under our gOI'CTlnllcnt. <strong>the</strong> PhilippillCS<br />

were wcll on <strong>the</strong> \\:1\' to g:lining <strong>the</strong>ir complete iuclcpenllellce<br />

when <strong>the</strong> [:lpS steppcd in .md h.iltccl <strong>the</strong> proce'>'.<br />

I n our com p:ICt with <strong>the</strong> Ph il ippinc«, \\T h.«l set ]f)-fCJ :IS<br />

tlic vc.rr ill \lhich t luv \lolllcl t:lh. <strong>the</strong>ir place ill <strong>the</strong> f:nllih,<br />

of frlT u.rt ioux. De\trlletil\n of th« 1;lp and hi, pm\'lT to<br />

\I'age w.rr will m.ikc good th.rt prOllli,c. J:<br />

•. ' ....0'"<br />

....:<br />

~~.::.:.,:.~ -,<br />

.....<br />

........<br />

....... {.<br />

.......<br />

SOUTH ...\<br />

CHINA "'\<br />

e.;;V~~> SEA \::.:: .<br />

+-s~.Pi:' ::::::: ",.::;;;::.>: -.::..<br />

o<br />


AND<br />


Zone r. No dry season. Maximum rainfall from November<br />

to March<br />

Zone 2. Two seasons. Dry in winter and spring (Dec. to<br />

April or Moy) Wet in summer and autumn<br />

Zone 3. No pronounced maximum rain period, but with<br />

dry season of I to 3 months (late Jan., Feb., Mar .•<br />

and April)<br />

Zone 4. No pronounced maximum rain season and no dry<br />

season<br />

Typhoon paths. Each track line represents <strong>the</strong> average<br />

of 25 storms<br />

. 0'"<br />

. ~~;:: .<br />

OCTOBER. 1944 35

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