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Air Force the Official Service Journal - Air Force Historical Studies ...


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t Cont inu.xl [r om P:l~e :;:; I<br />

tern, <strong>the</strong> complete ort;:lniz:llloll ill <strong>the</strong> I'~TO<br />

w.rs est:lhhshed.<br />

Did <strong>the</strong> svstcm P:l\' off? It worked so<br />

well. that on D.da\'. less th.ui onch.ilf of<br />

OIlC percent of :III t:ictica] aircraft of <strong>the</strong> St h<br />

.md 9th <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong>s were grollilded for l.uk<br />

of parts.<br />

:\'cxt c.unc thc translatioll of supplv int o<br />

.utiou. l ut clliecncc provided inforru.it ion<br />

Oil what tan;ets would be neutralized wl uu ,<br />

while <strong>the</strong> <strong>Air</strong> Staff decided Oil how much<br />

time <strong>the</strong> pre-invasion "prcxcssiui;" xliould<br />

take. However. quest ions were .tlwav. bobhing<br />

lip, like "\\'hat will be <strong>the</strong> :l\cra~e<br />

.iltit udc of attack and <strong>the</strong> nut icip.itcd bombillg<br />

accnracv at that al t ituclc?" "11m\' m.mv<br />

bombs will have to be dropped to ~ct <strong>the</strong><br />

required number of hits?" "110\\' n1:lIIV<br />

bombers will have to bc put O\'lT <strong>the</strong> tar~l:t<br />

to drop <strong>the</strong> required number of bombs,"<br />

To settle thcse .mcl ot lur tille poinf -. it<br />

\\'as evident th.it oulv :1 complc«: chcck on<br />

c(jlnb:lt opcrat ious O\'lT :1 lorn; period coul.l<br />

possiblv provide <strong>the</strong> data required. Yet St:l-<br />

IlStical Cont rol , with :1 li£;ht flick of its<br />

1,orm i-f reports. served Ill~ <strong>the</strong> Ilt;ll\c, in<br />

short orrlcr.<br />

\lodiflcatirl11 rcprcscuts ano<strong>the</strong>r t:m~k f rcuucutlv<br />

unrave-led with t imclv a\Sist:llllc In'<br />

Stat COlltroL In .thc ETO' hIck ill C:lrI;'<br />

I ')-f i, for cx.unplc. it \\,:IS dccided to iIIClC:l'C<br />

1\ 17 arm.uncut bv installing twin :;()s in <strong>the</strong><br />

nose in order to counter cncmv fighter plalles<br />

'\hich were attacking hC:ld01I. Ollh.:;:; percent<br />

of <strong>the</strong> bombers ill a grollp nee.led this<br />

c1r:lIIgC, since a formation is so cleplmcd t li.rt<br />

<strong>the</strong> noses of aircraft in ccrt.iiu positions arc<br />

adeqllateh- protected bv <strong>the</strong> tail £;mlS of<br />

01 her planes. It \\'as <strong>the</strong> job of <strong>the</strong> modifJc:ltiolls<br />

officer to dircct <strong>the</strong> Arm' of 1\ l-s<br />

from <strong>the</strong> airbascs to <strong>the</strong> depot .md back<br />

again, without cit he; strippillf.; <strong>the</strong> airb.ivc<br />

lx.low combat strcuuth or o\'lTcrm\'lling <strong>the</strong><br />

service f.rcilit ic«. \\'I1:lt \\':IS more, he had to<br />

kecp track of those bombers under his jmisdiction<br />

which had lxcn armcd in this w.rv.<br />

xiucc it was this f.ntor wh ich decided \\'h:'lt<br />

plane would lead each clcmcut. This seemed<br />

simple cnouah, but when <strong>the</strong> air forces bet;:ln<br />

massing ships for bif.; offensi\'l's, <strong>the</strong> situat<br />

ion became so involved with details that<br />

modifications officers were on <strong>the</strong> \crf.;c of<br />

throwing lip <strong>the</strong>ir hands.<br />

Here, too. Statistical Control stepped in<br />

.u.d c.uue up with <strong>the</strong> right idea-on <strong>the</strong><br />

nose. An appendix was added to <strong>the</strong> rcgul.u<br />

aircraft status report and an arr:mgcmcnt<br />

was made for fOf\\'ardillg it to higher levels.<br />

Under this plan, gronp knew bv serial number<br />

what aircraft had been modified, air<br />

division knew bv quantity, and command<br />

knew by perccntaf.;cs, But any time command<br />

wanted to know bv serial numbers,<br />

<strong>the</strong> necessary iuforuiat ion could be supplied<br />

within <strong>the</strong> hour.<br />

Preparation for Dxlav in Europe was a<br />

big order. Stat Control took off its tabulators,<br />

rolled up its index files and went to<br />

work. Preparation for Dvday in <strong>the</strong> Pacific<br />

will be an equally large undertaking, But<br />

Stat Control has its machinery set up. its<br />

report system ora.mizcd and its comprchcnxivc<br />

data reach, for action, *<br />

6D<br />

"All right, Ca<strong>the</strong>y-dress it up!"<br />

Answers to Quiz on Page 53<br />

1. (Il) \.000<br />

2, (A \ Dominator<br />

;. (A) TTIle<br />

4, (D) Shanghai and lIong Kong<br />

S. (B) 5'/e<br />

6, Personal :\ffairs Officer<br />

(c:) :\\;1\' 6. I 'J-+2<br />

fl. (ll) Expcr irncntul<br />

9, (c) 2,000 vards<br />

10. (c) \\'ilmington. Del.<br />

11. (Il) Delaware to India and China<br />

I :. (,\) Sepa ra tc gas \':1pors<br />

I;. (Il) False. Lcvt e. with approximatch'<br />

2.800 sqn:lre miles. is <strong>the</strong><br />

eighth largest of thc islands. Luzon.<br />

:\lmd.uiuo, Samar. 0:egros.<br />

Panav, Palawan and M indoro arc<br />

largcr in that order.<br />

14, (B) False, Direct communication<br />

is authorized.<br />

1:;. (Il) False. The 1\29 win~sp:ln is<br />

approximately l l l fcet; <strong>the</strong> H19.<br />

212 feet.<br />

16, (B) Vivcositv<br />

1-. (c) 4:;0 '<br />

18. (Il) F:J1se. Union of Soviet Soci:ilist<br />

Republics<br />

19. (,\) TTIlc<br />

20. The C -fli Commando (left) and<br />

t hc C47 Skvtr.un.<br />

Rendezvous<br />

(Coutinued fro II I I'a

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