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;:::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=:::::::::=:::<br />

iorn of <strong>the</strong> fuselage .md arc released in<br />

<strong>the</strong> cunvcnt iouu] !)()ndJ b.rv m.u iucr.<br />

\\'hen <strong>the</strong> C-S2 is usecf as an .uuhul.mcc<br />

pl.iuc, pmts and \\eh StLlPS for<br />

litters arc set np in a double roll' along<br />

<strong>the</strong> center of <strong>the</strong> plane without interfering<br />

with side seating :lIT'lI1gemenh.<br />

Scvcntv-fivc clsu,Ilties may he c.uric«],<br />

toge<strong>the</strong>r with three attcnd.mt-. \ Vhcn<br />

not in usc, litters arc stowed under <strong>the</strong><br />

plywood flooring,<br />

I n profile, <strong>the</strong> C-82 looks slightly like<br />

an O\'ergr0\\'1 1 "Black \\'idlm," III)\\'ever,<br />

its \\ing slxm of 1 ()(J.:;6 fcct-<br />

.ilm ost nl;ltching that of <strong>the</strong> l''h-ing<br />

l'"ortress-consideLlhh' dll',nfs <strong>the</strong> night<br />

fighter. \\'ing is full cantilever construction,<br />

witl: aluminum alloy and alebd<br />

framework and cOlcring, Special flaps<br />

and usc of a "drooping aileron" permit<br />

quick take-offs with full lo.rdx from short<br />

rIm"'a;:s, and gin' <strong>the</strong> plane an extremely<br />

slow bnding speed.<br />

The crew's ca lrin is on a deck above<br />

<strong>the</strong> forward end of <strong>the</strong> cargo compurtment<br />

.md provides ro()Jn~', sound-proofed<br />

quarters for pilot. copilot and na"igatorradio-operator.<br />

l~ntrancT is through a<br />

small h;ltch in <strong>the</strong> floor Ill' mC11lS of a<br />

ladder from <strong>the</strong> cargo area.<br />

TIre fusebge is of monoeoquc construction<br />

and is built of alebd slu-ct<br />

.md formed stringl'ls "ith a nlvwood<br />

"Dur.uuolcl" no-.c. The rctTae1:lhle laue]ing<br />

gear is motor-operated, with an intricate<br />

svxtom of folding strut arms<br />

aduptcd 'from <strong>the</strong> 1\.\1" Short-Stirling<br />

bomber permitting hnlf-minutc wheel<br />

retraction.<br />

Power for <strong>the</strong> C-82 comes from two<br />

Pratt and '''hitne\' R-2S00 series engincs,<br />

clch c.rpublc of developing 2,100<br />

hp at take-off, '1\\0 full-fea<strong>the</strong>ring, constant<br />

speed. l Lunilton Standard threebladed<br />

props pull <strong>the</strong> plane's 2:; gross<br />

tons in <strong>the</strong> air. wh ilc built-in \ying tanks<br />

can take <strong>the</strong> air freighter for about 3, :;00<br />

miles.<br />

On <strong>the</strong> Technique Cover Page<br />

The spider-web pattern inside this<br />

wiud tunnel at \\'right Field is created<br />

hv a nvlon net which aiels in testing airplane<br />

spin characteristics, The operator<br />

is about to throw into <strong>the</strong> airstream a<br />

1/20 scale model of<br />

a fighter plane with<br />

controls set for perform.mcc<br />

at a specified<br />

level so engineers<br />

.md obscrvcrs<br />

can studv its<br />

spin a nd rec~nTv<br />

properties with delicate<br />

recording deliccs.<br />

The netting<br />

tech<br />

top ics . . • '!bout aircratl and equipment<br />

Conl cmplntcd puvhcrtvpc fighters have<br />

led to dcvclopmcn! of :I sprillgtype laLl<br />

pult which tosses <strong>the</strong> pilot out of <strong>the</strong> pl.mc<br />

.md bel 011' <strong>the</strong> propeller arc in case he has<br />

to .ib.mdon .... Dropp.rblc fuel I.mks 1101\'<br />

bcing jlttcd to \Iillg imtaJl:Itium of 1'.61 s<br />

m:Iy gile <strong>the</strong>se planes extra long range.<br />

Complaints from grolllld (TC\\'S on rcmov.rl<br />

of spinner C':IPSfrom 1'.38 props .rrc<br />

answered with 'I new quick-detachable spin.<br />

ncr. "\ fel\' simple opcration-, and <strong>the</strong> new<br />

spinner drops off; prcviouslv, 100 Phillips<br />

head scrcw« had to he removed.<br />

Because occasional "luckv" hits have<br />

cnnscd xcrious damagc to 'propellers rcxult<br />

ini; ill Ill'S of .urpl.mc-, a nCI\' tougher<br />

dcflcct iou armor is hl'illg utilized for proJl<br />

spinners ..... \ high streugth laminated<br />

",lass pb,t ic In;1\ he Il.,ed for molding small<br />

two hbded propellers,<br />

E\'Cn some of om old experimental air,<br />

CLift ;Ire get tin£; a Ilorkc"lt in thi, w.rr,<br />

Take <strong>the</strong> gi;lut Boeing XBl S, which now<br />

is llSed 11\' .\'I'C for c:ngo operations in <strong>the</strong><br />

Cnil,k"lu tl'l';l!er .. , . Sln,I11 cUlergenC'\'<br />

sigml Ii:.;hts iu <strong>the</strong> honlh h'l\ of Bl7s<br />

1101\' tell t hc crcvv nu-mlxr. whcu to pre.<br />

pare to hit <strong>the</strong> silk .. , .. \n old B 1S<br />

hom her whicl: participated in initial cxpcri-<br />

mcnt , \\ith .mtom.rt ir lanchng' h:ls lx-cu<br />

tltted wit h a nell' automatic' pilot .u«l<br />

is 11011' heiu£; llSed for tests of <strong>the</strong> latest<br />

"hands off" l:mding svstcm,<br />

Spl'cial hiological containers minE; clrv<br />

icc nO\I' prO\ ide a mv.u r- of shipping v.u<br />

cilll',s ;llIeI scm illS jn templ'ratures lx.loiv<br />

freTziu[' .. , . Port.rblcbvnir .mt ir: .md<br />

tropic:l hospit.tl sheltcrs' lurvc been de.<br />

signed for wouuclcd patients, who arc lxinr;<br />

eTal""ted )1\' .ur ami get groullded at .\'I'C<br />

xl opovcr points. Shelters iuclude heating<br />

or cooling units. (lepending UpOIl clim;ltes<br />

to wh ith <strong>the</strong>l arc sent. Thin. li£;ht.<br />

\\cight cas""lil bl.mkct • with tilll electric<br />

wire» ill <strong>the</strong>ir lining also 'He<br />

hclping keep wonl,~led coru<br />

fortahle. Thel plugin to<br />

am' plane's l'lc:etric';I1 ",te,ll,<br />

... The air l'\';!CmT' wil]<br />

E;ct w.mn soups .n«] bcvcr<br />

;1£;l'S hl'ea lISC of a coin pact.<br />

ekct ricallvlu-ntcd thcrmo-,<br />

ill" leeenth' developed hI<br />

\\1-' enginl'er' .... Diffi<br />

cilities e"'peril'need bv COlli.<br />

bat crews tning to get out<br />

of crippled hom hers have<br />

led to a series of mockup-<br />

\\hich cmhorlv var ious sh;lpes for e,cape<br />

hatches and doors.<br />

\\'ri"ht Field's Arm.mu-nt Labor.it orv is<br />

? '<br />

planning a unique "torture cham her" for<br />

aircraft machine gnns and light cannon.<br />

I loused in a 2() hI :;u foot eOlllTetl' hmld.<br />

ing, <strong>the</strong> gnn fire:s tlllollgh ;l tnbl' at a<br />

hlckstop of IS inch h:lltleship .irmor. 1m<br />

p.ut sln'lshes slllg to pieces .mcl deflects it<br />

into .m anuor.d cone shaped container<br />

which. after 1.()()().()1I1I rounds, automati<br />

callv dumps <strong>the</strong> used lead for disposal. ...<br />

;\ .speci;J! jig. larger th.n: .mv prcviouslv<br />

used. has lxcu deSigned for drop te'>tmg of<br />

B.29s.<br />

-<br />

-' Pilots Alin£; I' ,Ss in <strong>the</strong> ETO hale<br />

a'>ked for nl'\\' ;eat ruvhions. The "bottom"<br />

is too !J:nd whcr: wcaring back-type chutes.<br />

. , .. \11 1'- ,Cis soon will liav« an improved<br />

gnn xwitr-h on <strong>the</strong> control wheel that enahles<br />

all guns .md rockets to he fired with<br />

a single trigger. Original cannon switch is<br />

to he used for rcleasing hom bs in place of<br />

pllSh hili tOil on <strong>the</strong> homh control panel.<br />

... Sonic B2 ..h h.rvc been fitted with<br />

poweroperated 1\"list guns.<br />

Studcnts in Link Instrumcnt I'h'inE; and<br />

Landing trainers nOI\' 1\ ill h.rv« more iu-tru<br />

Inents to fret over. ,\ modified design of<br />

<strong>the</strong> trainers !J:IS added major cngine iuvt rn<br />

urcuts to aeCJ""int pilots with <strong>the</strong>ir u-c.<br />

Red and green I\indshields. called view<br />

liniiter« aml-II'ed for blind flight inst ruct<br />

ion \\ill be replaced \\'it h or.mgc and blue<br />

color com bin;ltiollS which arc eonsidcred<br />

more l'ffecti\l'. Te'ts rcccnt lv h.ivc<br />

lxcn cOlllj)Jetl'd with fi\(, new h'pes of<br />

goggle's wluch arc "lid to gi\c greater field<br />

of vi-ion. .\lIlOng those tested was a Russian<br />

dC"ligll.<br />

.\ phosphorosccu! t.ipc mav be used inside<br />

airpLIlIl" to iu.uk hatch\\:l\s .mcl l'xits.<br />

... ]);Illgns in il.rklircd aircraft arc being<br />

miniulizl'e1 hy .m cxpcr iuu-nt.il tlreproof<br />

f.ihri« for personal clothiug.<br />

;\1 Ion .md tlhlTgla" clot h<br />

for cOIniug alpaca fuzz on<br />

intelllluli;l!l' fll iug suils IS<br />

I)lO\'ill£; highh- uou-combu-.<br />

t ihl«, III;{I' -s('l';'e ;IS .m 'Ielded<br />

jire pllliector for :lirerCln.<br />

. . I,ightwei£;lit elltter'<br />

aucl \\Tdge' with spceial fca<br />

l unx h;l\'e lx.cu desiglled to<br />

aiel (Te\\s ill cllftillg <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

\\"11 our of 'lIhlllergeel air<br />

pl.un, .if tcr el':"h Iallding'<br />

III w.itcr.<br />

Par;ltroopers :lre heillg supplied with a<br />

11l'\\ '1IIIc1opelliug sllap hook device for<br />

t luir IT,nlC p'lral'illlte, .... Coil spring'<br />

in ;{ tubular I\Thhing construct ion arc<br />

heillg tested 'IS p.uk 0PClllTS in parachute'<br />

.md arc prOl'illg supcrior to rubber elastic<br />

openers. IT<br />

DECEMBER,1944 43

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