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Air Force the Official Service Journal - Air Force Historical Studies ...

Air Force the Official Service Journal - Air Force Historical Studies ...


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Concordia Vega 11;1\ virt u.illv dcmolivhccl by a series of hr.rvv !J]OIY>dming [ulv. 1'J+f, Onlv two of <strong>the</strong> tanks in foreground remain intact.<br />

34<br />

Zeitz, l'iilit/" Brux, BlechhaIllIller, J\Iersehurg, J\Iagc1ehurg,<br />

Bohlen, Lutzkcuclorf, Ruhl.md, ILnnburg and Illany o<strong>the</strong>r».<br />

Total !\;lI,i prod uction of oil prod nets decl ined stead ily and<br />

incxor.rblv. By October <strong>the</strong> CJmntity avuil.rblc lIas less th.m<br />

one-fourth of \\h;lt it had been, and <strong>the</strong> Vv'clmnucht \\,as<br />

forced to dip hc.ivilv into its reserve».<br />

Bv its \U~. unturc, an oil refinery is a good target. The<br />

process of rcflning pctrolcmu requires instal l.rt ions that arc<br />

rambling .mcl wcll spread out. offering bom b.udicrs wid«<br />

areas upon whicl: to sigllt. SnlOkestaeks, often more than<br />

100 feet tall. .md distillation cq u iprucu t situated well above<br />

gronnd, make c;nnonfbge cx trcru clv difficult. And ideal<br />

landmarks .irc provided by <strong>the</strong> clustcr, of t.mk farms which<br />

arc used to accumul.itc crude oil to supplv <strong>the</strong> rcfincricx and<br />

to store <strong>the</strong> finished products until shipment can be made,<br />

Syn<strong>the</strong>tic pl.mt -, too, need complicated facilities, The<br />

manufacture of oil from coal shale b~ ei<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong> Bergins<br />

method, which provide. <strong>the</strong> gre;ltest pl'lTenblge of .ivi.rt ion<br />

gas, or <strong>the</strong> livchcr 'I'ropvch s\'Stem, requires pluuts for distillu<br />

tion, ca rhonll,;l tion. com p reSSlOn, couvcrviou, ca ta lv-.is<br />

and purificution. as well as OH'n houses, gas generators, brge<br />

gas t.iu ks, in jector pL1l1t-. \\'a ter gas wor ks a ncl o<strong>the</strong>r specialized<br />

equipment. Authorit i.« sav that it takes two years<br />

to build a syn<strong>the</strong>tic plant from <strong>the</strong> ground up,<br />

In addition, <strong>the</strong> number of direct hits ncccssarv to incapacitate<br />

a rcfincrv is smaller than for most targets. To<br />

render a plant nnproduct ivc. onlv one of its corupoucnl s has<br />

to be xcriou-Jv impeded, Dcstrurt ion of ei<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong> cr.ickiur;<br />

plant. <strong>the</strong> distillation unit or <strong>the</strong> boiler house will suspend<br />

normal opcr.ition of <strong>the</strong> refinen until It is repaired or rebuilt.<br />

And <strong>the</strong> high vol.itilitv of <strong>the</strong> product itself. which m.iv<br />

ignite from o<strong>the</strong>r causes whe-n even a ncar-miss occurs,<br />

greath' increases <strong>the</strong> prob.ibilitv of d.uu.iac.<br />

The Ccnn.ms have made frantic efforts to reduce this<br />

vulncruhilitv, and <strong>the</strong>n methods, di,seussed later in this<br />

article, ha\'(~ been partially successful. One of <strong>the</strong> great prO\'ing<br />

grounds for this epic race between o!1ense and defense<br />

\\'as Plocst i. Th;lt l.rcct of <strong>the</strong> c;lmpaign is wort]: considering<br />

in some detail. not oulv because it \I'as <strong>the</strong> greatest single<br />

source of :\';Izi oil, but' also because <strong>the</strong> fields have since<br />


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