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Air Force the Official Service Journal - Air Force Historical Studies ...

Air Force the Official Service Journal - Air Force Historical Studies ...


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turn to Traffic Scction, Crcnicr Field. \ lanchester.<br />

01. I I.<br />

No. -121 O")8-1()6. return to Topeka Army<br />

<strong>Air</strong> Field. Topeka, "an.<br />

:\"0. -12,200")00. scat tvpc: return to Le-<br />

JIIOorC Arrnv .\ir Fic]d , Lemoore. Calif.<br />

:\"0. -12-1';820. scat tvpc: return to Flii:;ht<br />

Opcrat ious. DcRidder .vrmv .\ir Base, De.<br />

Ridder. La.<br />

:'\0. -I2:;j"7-16. scat tvpc. juugle pack att.uhccl.<br />

t.ikc. from or with a 2:;th Bomb<br />

Croup B2:; parked at Clovis. N. \1.. last<br />

Fcbru.rrv. Return to Capt. C. \\', vlills.<br />

Officers' \ lnil Room. Box 8"), . vnnv <strong>Air</strong><br />

I;'ISC, .\LlInagordo. :'\. \1. '<br />

Prop Wash vs. III Wind<br />

\\'hen his P :;1 developed cngiue trouble<br />

O\Tr Ccnu.mv. 2nd Lt. Stephen C. An.rni.m<br />

of Nc«: York Cit , was forced to hail out<br />

mer <strong>the</strong> North Sca. I Ie hit <strong>the</strong> choppy<br />

water still in his chute harness. and hefore<br />

he could free himself. <strong>the</strong> wind caught thc<br />

open chute. tugged it across water and<br />

battered <strong>the</strong> AHT against <strong>the</strong> waITS.<br />

Sccond Lt. Ceorgc T. Rich. \\'ilmington,<br />

N. C .. Aving with Anani.m, stood hv when<br />

<strong>the</strong> latter bailed out and sent out 'distress<br />

"I WISll TO m.r.i. rm.v n GIVE us<br />

]»':R ))11:\.1 ox 'lliESF I.O:'\"(; ILHIJ,S!"<br />

signals. Sizmg up <strong>the</strong> xit uat iou whcn <strong>the</strong><br />

wind did its dirtv work, Rich dropped bis<br />

\Iustang ncarlv to <strong>the</strong> water. flew over <strong>the</strong><br />

billm\'ing chute and collapsed it with his<br />

prop wash. thus enabling .vnan i.m to cxtric.itc<br />

himself. Picked up a short time later.<br />

<strong>the</strong> New Yorker \\'as returned to FngLmd<br />

unharmed 11\' his experience.<br />

Living up to a Name<br />

You might know it \\"{1Il1d happen at<br />

1.00'e Field .. \,\1' «omcn \olunteers 'It <strong>the</strong><br />

Dallas (Texas) base arc aiding. upon rcquest.<br />

in prcpar.rt ions for enlisted iucns<br />

I\Tddings.<br />

\ lost of <strong>the</strong> wcdcliugs take place in <strong>the</strong><br />

post chapel. and :;th Fern'ing Croup \\'0'<br />

man's Club members provide .md arrange<br />

floral dccorut ious for <strong>the</strong> ceremonies. Flower»<br />

for <strong>the</strong> bride also h'1\T been provided in<br />

some iustanrcs. If <strong>the</strong> br iclctohe is not<br />

from <strong>the</strong> Dnll.r. area, she is assisted in find.<br />

ing living accouunod.rt ious and completing<br />

her last-miuutc shopping.<br />

DECEMBER,1944<br />

\\'hen a small rcception after <strong>the</strong> cere,<br />

niouv is desired. cluh mcrubcrs provide rcfreshments<br />

and h.rvc e\'enthing in readiness<br />

when <strong>the</strong> wedding party arr ivcx from <strong>the</strong><br />

chapel.<br />

Accrued Leave<br />

Officers. \\']10 11\' choice or circumst:mce<br />

h:1\T not taken <strong>the</strong>ir full leave allowance of<br />

30 clavs a vc.rr. will be giH'n <strong>the</strong> .rccruccl<br />

time. up to a maximum of 120 cl.ivs. before<br />

thcv arc separated from xcrvicc.<br />

Suppose. for example. <strong>the</strong> war is ended,<br />

demobilization m.uhincrv is in operation<br />

and an officer \\,110 lias accumulated -I:; Clals<br />

of unuvcc] leave is at tlie separation center<br />

nearest his home. I Ie will receive orders<br />

whirh will send him home for -I:; duvs plus<br />

tr.rvc! time. Dming ,iIis terminal leave, <strong>the</strong><br />

officer will receive full pal .md allowances.<br />

hut he will he tcchnicallv liahle to recall<br />

for act ivc dutv. .\t <strong>the</strong> ~nd of <strong>the</strong> leave<br />

period. he \vili he diseliarged automat icullv<br />

from active dutv without retmning to <strong>the</strong><br />

separation center.<br />

If an officer is m , s.iv, China when <strong>the</strong><br />

war ends and he \\,ishes to spend his ac<br />

cmcd leave in <strong>the</strong> Orient when his outfit is<br />

reach' to go home for demobilization. he<br />

could do so bv securing approval of hi,<br />

<strong>the</strong>ater commander and return to <strong>the</strong> St'ltes<br />

for discharge at <strong>the</strong> end of his leave.<br />

Furlough time docs not accrue for en.<br />

listed men. who arc discharged when tlu-v<br />

leave <strong>the</strong> scpar.rt iou center uearest <strong>the</strong>ir<br />

homes.<br />

Short Bursts<br />

Silver instead of gold \\'ings have been<br />

uut liorizcd for Aight surgeons and flight<br />

nurses. The design of <strong>the</strong> insigne remains<br />

<strong>the</strong> same .... The Flight Control Division<br />

of <strong>the</strong> Office of Fh'ing Snfctv has been rcdesignated<br />

<strong>the</strong> .\.\F Flight <strong>Service</strong> and<br />

placed under <strong>the</strong> Assistant Chief of <strong>Air</strong><br />

Staff. Training. This domestic service will<br />

continue to operate through regional offices<br />

and flight service centers. :-S:ot long<br />

after <strong>the</strong> new vcar. commcn-inl .nr linc« will<br />

ha\'e returned 'to <strong>the</strong>m all transport planes<br />

requisitioned for militarv usc when <strong>the</strong> war<br />

emergCllc\' \\as moxt critical. Of <strong>the</strong> 1:;8<br />

planes turned mer to <strong>the</strong> .\.\F. 1-12 alrcudv<br />

h;I\T heen returned to <strong>the</strong> airlines or rc<br />

placed. . . . Thcv arc calling a 10th :\ir<br />

<strong>Force</strong> B2:; squadron <strong>the</strong> "Burma Bridge<br />

Busters." The bovs knocked off 1") briclacs<br />

in ;IS m.mv davs .... The Central African<br />

Division of <strong>the</strong> .\TC gets ;1 pat OIl <strong>the</strong> hack<br />

for rounding out a vc.ir of iutcuxivr- trans,<br />

port Aung wit houf a fatal accident. And<br />

over jungle :md desert countrv never hefore<br />

traversed except bv air. . .. ;\' umlTOUS take<br />

off and landing accidents arc caused In'<br />

pilots losing control of <strong>the</strong>ir planes whe;1<br />

adjustable scats slide backward or forward.<br />

The Office of Fh'ing Safety recommends<br />

that seat locks be checked carcfullv hefore<br />

each flight and faultv operation reported on<br />

Form :;-1 (UR) ... , Stricter owgen dis<br />

cipline and nu provcd oxvgcn equipment :If(:<br />

credited bv <strong>the</strong> .\ir Smgeon for a c)Opereent<br />

reduction in <strong>the</strong> auuvi.t rate among hc.ivv<br />


QUJ-:STIO:\S<br />

1. 11'l\\' m.mv .iirpl.mc-, arc <strong>the</strong>re<br />

III <strong>the</strong> pict urc'<br />

2, em vou idcnt ifv all tire tlpes of<br />

pl.mcs?<br />

3. .vr c :111\' roekettJrillg tubes<br />

vivihlc? .<br />

of. \\'hat is <strong>the</strong> 1l:IlJIl' printed on<br />

<strong>the</strong> radiator ("Il\\'lillg of tire pl.mc<br />

in <strong>the</strong> fore£;rollnd?<br />

). \\'h,lt is tire initial on <strong>the</strong> t.ul of<br />

<strong>the</strong> plane ill <strong>the</strong> fore£;rolllld;<br />

(>. There nrc four uun III tire pic.<br />

t urc. Three 'Ill' \I':Jiklllg or xt.urdillg<br />

Oil <strong>the</strong> grollllcl. \\'Ir:lt is <strong>the</strong><br />

fourth cloin£;;<br />

The three pl.mc-, nc.ucxt <strong>the</strong><br />

C:1InlT,1 h;1\C bubble c.mopic«:<br />

True or false?<br />

1->. h tire jcep in <strong>the</strong> picture p.untt«]<br />

wit l: stripes. circle, or checks?<br />

9 .. \re <strong>the</strong> flaps of <strong>the</strong> plane ill tire<br />

foregrollnd np or clown?<br />

III, Is <strong>the</strong>re :1 pilot in <strong>the</strong> pl.uu, IJl<br />

<strong>the</strong> foregrollllCl'<br />

\'\S\\TR~ 0'\ l'.\C:F -10<br />

bomber (TellS of <strong>the</strong> ')th .Vir !'

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