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Air Force the Official Service Journal - Air Force Historical Studies ...

Air Force the Official Service Journal - Air Force Historical Studies ...


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cardboard bombs on <strong>the</strong>ir choice of three<br />

targets-<strong>the</strong> Tokyo "Munitions Plant,"<br />

"Steel "'orb" or "Railwav Compauy."<br />

Fnch grade .ittcm ptcd to b~ <strong>the</strong> first' to<br />

"wipe out" a tnget.<br />

In <strong>the</strong> I':dmund .\. Jones lIigh School of<br />

Cleveland. Ohio, each dollar's worth of<br />

stamps mO\Td miniature botubcrs closer to<br />

Berlin and Tokio, Vvln-u gmls \UTe met<br />

"rn issions were nccom pl ishcd."<br />

\\'hen <strong>the</strong> children at <strong>the</strong> ]\[eDanic!<br />

Public School of Philadelphia decided to<br />

buv enough bonds to pa\' for a bomber. a<br />

rcplica of <strong>the</strong> plane \\'as lJLiccd in <strong>the</strong> main<br />

hall. The huvcr of <strong>the</strong> highest c!cnomination<br />

bond \\'as to h.rvc tlrst choice of where he<br />

wanted to wr itc his name on <strong>the</strong> replica.<br />

On <strong>the</strong> first duv. <strong>the</strong> kids flocked to<br />

school witl: t luir m oncv. HOll(ls of S2:;, S:;O<br />

and S-; drnominutions were purchased<br />

right .md left. Then, :dong c.unc :1 bov \\ ho<br />

w.rutcd a S :;1111 bond. "\\ 'here va 'gonna<br />

put vour n:lmc:" <strong>the</strong> kids shouted, but he.<br />

fore' <strong>the</strong> hov could :lm\UT, up strode ano<strong>the</strong>r<br />

huvcr who \\':Illtcd a S 1,0110 bond, and<br />

<strong>the</strong> question \\:IS directed .rt him.<br />

"Xl c." replied <strong>the</strong> thous.mdclollar bov,<br />

''I'm gonna pot it right on <strong>the</strong> nose. The<br />

o<strong>the</strong>rs c.ru h:I\T <strong>the</strong> t.ul, bot I w.mt <strong>the</strong><br />

nose."<br />

Any Ideas?<br />

A sngclllt gonnn \\e k uovv about, vetnan<br />

of a vc.trx O\CTSCIS dut v, tigmed out a<br />

w.rv to improvr: <strong>the</strong> pcrforur.mrc of his gnns.<br />

Ill' thooght o<strong>the</strong>rs could benefit froru his<br />

idea, hot -assunled that it woulc] gct bog!;ed<br />

clown in chuuucls. So he c.unc hack to <strong>the</strong><br />

States not cOllnting on doiog nuuh .ibout it.<br />

'\-hen Ill' .mivcd at a Redistrihotion St.rt<br />

iou, he \\':IS slllprised to find that <strong>the</strong> .\.\F<br />

wanted to get rctonunt-nclat iuuv frou: rcturnccs.<br />

:\ot onlv to listen, hot to take .rctIOII.<br />

The SCT!;Clllt ]l'lssed along his gun idea<br />

and it was accepted. It probublv \nIl mean<br />

a lot to o<strong>the</strong>r soldiers.<br />

At cvcrv Rccl ist rihution Station <strong>the</strong>re is<br />

an <strong>Air</strong> IIltl'lligeuee Cuut.u! Unit. Rct umccs<br />

arc invited to oHer am' snggestious or cr it icisms<br />

wluch wil] iucrc.r-c <strong>the</strong> eflieielllT of<br />

<strong>the</strong> .\.\/-'. .<br />

The pl.m is fnnctiouing well. Snggestious<br />

made In' rtt nruccs regl1Lirh' are heing<br />

adopted In' <strong>the</strong> .\.\1'" 'ljSgt. .Vndrc«:<br />

Smarck. a radio operator. for cx.uu plc. cornplaincd<br />

t li.rt his 1,1 II-' sct blac'ked out uudcr<br />

certain eOllditions .. \ rcport \\':IS suhm it tccl<br />

to \\-ashington. It \\:IS redirected. innuccliatclv.<br />

to Put tcrson held whcrr: euginl'lTS<br />

discovered <strong>the</strong> trouble .. \s soon as a new<br />

part c.in be mauufarturcd. a Tech Order<br />

will be issued to rcct ifv <strong>the</strong> couclitiou.<br />

Capt. Ravmouc] J:I;lnc\' had .m idea for<br />

fingertip stick control to replace rudder<br />

pedal action in order to maint:lin <strong>the</strong> trim<br />

of <strong>the</strong> airpLme. lIe \\':IS sent to \\'ashillgton<br />

to present his rceollllllCllCLition in person.<br />

i\bollt I, :;1111rcports ha\'e bcell for\\':nded<br />

to \\':Ishillgton sillce <strong>the</strong> unit \\'as es'ab.<br />

lisheel List \Iareh. Reeollllllenelations ha\'c<br />

cO\Trccl snbjeets from illtCly:rlOllletcrS anel<br />

solenoid comtrnetiolls to diffielllt scconel<br />

lientcllants and \\',mn beer.<br />

So, if yon nlell eOIII;lIg h:lck lLI\T SOllIe<br />

DECEMBER,1944<br />


Newly Standardized for Field Use<br />

IIO\\- TO FLY Till': B.17, Hl ""C):;<br />

r Part [II, Jirllergen(T Operatiom I .. \ di-.<br />

cuv.ion In' a group of Fortress pilot , helps<br />

dcmonvtr.rt.: eorrcct procedlllcs for cuu-rgcmT<br />

xit n.rtions in tli!;ltt: lirc ill an engillC,<br />

iuvt.ihilitv (,;lll~ed In improper<br />

loading (displ:ricn,cnt of c. g. demCHIstrated<br />

In' .num.rtcd diagralllS I, st.ill«.<br />

xhort fIelel t:lke off , cllginc f.nlun- 011 takeoH,<br />

shorttlcld landing. (Rllnning time:<br />

):; m in utcx. 'J<br />


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