Air Force the Official Service Journal - Air Force Historical Studies ...

Air Force the Official Service Journal - Air Force Historical Studies ...

Air Force the Official Service Journal - Air Force Historical Studies ...


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two weeks: Cincinnati. one week: Pit tsburgh.<br />

11m weeks: Cleveland, one week: Philadolph<br />

ia, fom IHTks; \\'ashington. two weeks,<br />

.mrl Ibltinlore. one week.<br />

Set for c.ulv release is <strong>the</strong> moyie version<br />

of <strong>the</strong> pLII' ;Ih ieh <strong>the</strong> cast completed .rt<br />

~I)th CtuturvFo-c stndios in Bcvcrlv I1ills.<br />

Calif ., shortl;' hefore heginning <strong>the</strong> 'cnrrent<br />

rn.tc] tour. l'roceeds frOll1 <strong>the</strong> 111m also wil]<br />

go to .vnuv ch.nit ic-. The world premiere of<br />

<strong>the</strong> picture at <strong>the</strong> 1\0,1 Thc.rtcr. ','ell' York,<br />

])ecemher 211. wil] he .rttcndccl bv high<br />

r.mkins; .\,\1' ol1icers. :mel <strong>the</strong>re also will he<br />

IJfTieial p.utuip.rtiou in thc InOl'ic's opening'<br />

in o<strong>the</strong>r priurip.r] cit ic-, e1uring thc follOll'ing<br />

two \I'ccks,<br />

Bug Patrol<br />

Conlmaneling o 11icels h'IH' hecn e1irectcel<br />

to COOj)L'L1te wit h hcult l: .md qu.ua nt iuc<br />

ot1iei:r1s in <strong>the</strong> States and overseas Ill' provid<br />

ing for adequate invpccr iou am! disillSecti/:1<br />

lion of ,\,\1' pl.mcs operating in or return<br />

ing from areas infested III dise:l.se.hearing<br />

imeets. DisillSecti/.ation n'lethods arc pre.<br />

serihed in ,\,\1' Regnlation 61-3.<br />

Just Testing<br />

Capt, \ \. ill.ud Zens puts in a lot of pilot<br />

time in lighters ncar <strong>the</strong> front lines in<br />

lr.rucc, .u«l each t iuu- [crrv h.rppcu« along.<br />

he stre:lks hell hcnt.for-lc:l<strong>the</strong>r in <strong>the</strong> op.<br />

posite direction,<br />

Thc capt.un is 'I test pilot for <strong>the</strong> 'Jth .Vir<br />

Vorce, The pLlnes he flies arc uu.irmcd<br />

fighters t h.rt h:I\T been repaired and oyerh.mlcd<br />

.if tcr cucking np.<br />

Uulikr m ovt piloh wh« flv one tvpc of<br />

pl.mc d.rv .iftcr d:II' and get used to its<br />

quirk». Cupt.uu Ze;ls h:IS h:ld to hundlc<br />

do/ellS of ditfercnt br.mds, and he lus heen<br />

introdllln] to m:IIlI' of <strong>the</strong>m jllSt 'Ifter<br />

t luvv« left <strong>the</strong> repair line, Bllt he S:IIS he<br />

II:IS plentl' of confidence in <strong>the</strong> .\,\1' nrc<br />

rh.uucv.<br />

\n'I:lgillg tin) ruu-, a d:II'. <strong>the</strong> capt:Iin has<br />

tested tuorc t h.m (,1111 pl.mc«. ,\11 hilt OIlC<br />

trillctioned \lithollt :1 hiteh :mel Il'eIT IT<br />

cLr"itied 1,\ .md rct urucd to com hat clutv.<br />

The sillgle nception h;Id its .rilcrou-, hookc:d<br />

on in reverse and. .if tcr a short. erratic<br />

flight. clur ius; \lhicii it tmneel left \I,hell<br />

steered right. it erashed and II':IS rl'!eg:lted to<br />

t he sa1l':lge heap,<br />

\ thorongh test flight lasts .ibout .m huur<br />

.mcl Llkcs <strong>the</strong> captain .ilmost np to <strong>the</strong> front<br />

lines .uic] b.uk. From <strong>the</strong> grolmd. he ;IP<br />

pe;lrs to he staging a mock dog light.<br />

"Yon Inight cal! it highaltitnde shad 011'<br />

hoxing." he suvs.<br />

Evacuation School Evacuated<br />

The School of .Vir j':ucnation. located for<br />

tin) ITars at Bowm.u: Field, KI',. has been<br />

t r.mvfcrn«] to Randolph Field to become a<br />

p:lrt of <strong>the</strong> \, \1,' School of .\ I'iation \ Icel i.<br />

cine, The LIst eLI" :It BOInnan \\"as gradn,<br />

:lted on Oetoher ::. :mel <strong>the</strong> transfer hecame<br />

cffL-ctil'e Octoher 1:;, Under jmiseliction of<br />

I Troop C'nrier Comnunel Ilhile at BOIl"<br />

man. <strong>the</strong> school on;ani/ed ;mel trained air<br />

cI'aCtLltion sqnadrons Il,hieh no\\" arc operat,<br />

ing in com hat <strong>the</strong>aters thronghont tlIe<br />

~, WI<br />

o I "dJ<br />

On Questions Of~OliCyl<br />

Q. In computing flling t uuc, whcu docs <strong>the</strong><br />

Illght ofTici;r1i1 hegm .md em]?<br />

A. :\n aerial night cmnn)ellCeS \1hen <strong>the</strong><br />

:,ircraft IlegillS to move fOI\Lnd on <strong>the</strong> takeoff<br />

JIlII :\\lel enels wircn snfficient !!lOnlentll!!l<br />

is lost on <strong>the</strong> landing run so that <strong>the</strong> air.<br />

e;aft ei<strong>the</strong>r eO!!les to a stop or ]J0\1'er 1I1llst<br />

he applieel to continlle motion. It docs not<br />

inellJ(/e Lniing. 1,\.\1-' Reg, 15-513)<br />

Q. Is it permissible to rec1nce <strong>the</strong> grade of<br />

.m cnli,ted IIOIll:III for <strong>the</strong> purpose of filling<br />

an OITrse:IS requisition?<br />

A. ,\'0, \ 'o!IIIlt:nih m othcl\\,ise, no en-<br />

!l,ted \I'()JJI;lIl \lill ile reelllced in grade for<br />

this JlIllJlmc, ISee. XI, Cir. :;5(J, \\1]) 19-H)<br />

Q. Is an officer responsible for seeing that<br />

all .illotmcnt', arc propcrlv entered on his<br />

pal' voucher?<br />

A. Yes, This respoJ]Sibilill' eamJCJt he shifted<br />

to <strong>the</strong> Jlersollnel officer or to thc disl)JJrsiIlg<br />

officer hecame of <strong>the</strong> aSsistalIce rendered ill<br />

<strong>the</strong> preparatioll :llld processiIlg of P:II' .rc-<br />

COllllts, Before sigllillg his voucircr. each<br />

officer ShOlIld check it to xcc tIl:lt :dl data<br />

tlicrcciu is correct.<br />

-A?<br />

(Cir. 315, \,']) I9-f))<br />

,--\':.<br />

~l r'w?<br />

('",<br />

-0, '-~

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