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ground fire <strong>the</strong> pilot should look for his targets from 4,.000<br />

feet altitude.<br />

"By maintaining this altitude," he explains, "I find that<br />

I have an excellent \ ie\\' of <strong>the</strong> countryside and am able to<br />

sec far enough in front of my flight l;ath to avoid heavily<br />

defended areas, such as <strong>the</strong> larger towns and airdromes.<br />

This not only cn.ihlcs Inc to stuclv a particular target long<br />

enough to decide its worth, but also affords ample time to<br />

plan my attack.<br />

"A few thousand feet above <strong>the</strong> terrain gives more protection<br />

for <strong>the</strong> pilot In' making<br />

it possible to get <strong>the</strong> hell<br />

out of <strong>the</strong>re in ;1 hurry if a<br />

big coueentration of g'round<br />

fire is encountered. In addition,<br />

I am in a position to<br />

trim my plane for <strong>the</strong> highel<br />

speed caused by <strong>the</strong> di\ing<br />

pass and at <strong>the</strong> s.nnc time can<br />

make a good steep approach<br />

wh ich gi~'es a n ex trcmclv<br />

hcavv concentration of bullets<br />

in one spot."<br />

The majority of mistakes<br />

iu.rclc in grolllid strafing arc<br />

.luc to <strong>the</strong> pilot disregarding<br />

his training in ground gunnery,<br />

according to Capt.<br />

\\'anle K. Hlickcnvt.tfl. mcmher<br />

'of a 1'-47 group.<br />

"Too frequently <strong>the</strong> novice<br />

puts <strong>the</strong> pip dircctlv on <strong>the</strong><br />

target and attempts to judge<br />

his error by \yatching his<br />

strikes," he says, "The result<br />

is that in th~ begiuuing of<br />

<strong>the</strong> p,lSS he shoots bel 0\\' <strong>the</strong><br />

t.nact and his attempts at<br />

correction rcsul ts in spraying<br />

bullets above and around <strong>the</strong><br />

target. This habit can be corrected<br />

by lcavi ng <strong>the</strong> pip<br />

'IbO\'C <strong>the</strong> target at <strong>the</strong> beginning<br />

of <strong>the</strong> pass and as<br />

<strong>the</strong> range decreases allO\ying<br />

<strong>the</strong> pip to drop on to <strong>the</strong><br />

ta rget.<br />

"Train bmtiug is a great<br />

sport. 'I\\'(1 preea u t ion-, nrc<br />


The Lord is my Pilot. I sllall not falter.<br />

He sustaineth me as I span <strong>the</strong> heavens;<br />

He leadeth me, steady, o'er <strong>the</strong> sk~ways.<br />

He refresheth my soul.<br />

For He showeth me <strong>the</strong> wonders of IIis firmament<br />

For His Name's sake.<br />

Yea, though I fly through treacheous storms and<br />

darkness<br />

I shall fear no evil, for He is with me.<br />

His Providence and Nearness <strong>the</strong>y comfort me.<br />

He openeth lovely vistas before me<br />

In <strong>the</strong> presence of His Angels.<br />

He filleth my heart with calm.<br />

My trust in Him bringeth me peace.<br />

Surely, His Goodness and Merc~'<br />

worth mentioning, First of all, a train needs very little if<br />

,I11V leading and can be considered as ;1 stationary target.<br />

Sccondlv, it is well to look O\U' cvcrv train carefully and<br />

neutLlli;,e am' small ann defenses, if present: <strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong> locomotive<br />

is easv meat."<br />

There arc' several steadfast rules pilots should observe in<br />

attacking airfields and trains. aecordiug to Lt. l Ioracc Q.<br />

\\T;lggoncr, a Thunderbolt flight leader.<br />

"<strong>Air</strong>fields arc <strong>the</strong> most difficult and dangerous of ground<br />

t:Jrgets," \Vaggoner says, "The initial pass on any field<br />

should be made from an altitude of from 6,000 to 8,000<br />

feet, Come out of <strong>the</strong> sun or through ;1 cloud if possible.<br />

I lave a target picked out as you go do\\'u-a plane, a hangar<br />

or a gun position.<br />

"An airfield should not he attacked line abreast, nor should<br />

<strong>the</strong> approach be nude on <strong>the</strong> deck, lor <strong>the</strong> get;nY;l\', stay<br />

flat on <strong>the</strong> deck until clear of <strong>the</strong> field a half to a full mile,<br />

<strong>the</strong>n pull up and climb hack to 6,000 to ii,OOO feet for auo<strong>the</strong>r<br />

pass, if ucccvsarv.<br />

"For attacking trains, and here is a place for one stead-<br />

Shall accompany me each moment in <strong>the</strong> air,<br />

And I shall dwell in II is matchless heavens forever.<br />

fast rule, ah\ays take <strong>the</strong> engine first from 90 degrees. This<br />

gin's you a chance to look over <strong>the</strong> train and sec if it is to<br />

be thoroughly beat np or left alone.'<br />

Capt. William J. ~laguire, ano<strong>the</strong>r 1'-47 pilot, is of <strong>the</strong><br />

opinion that many new pilots think that ground s"afing<br />

"is just a simple matter of puttiug his plane in a dive and<br />

sCjuee/ing <strong>the</strong> tit."<br />

"The f.rct is," ~laguire iuvixts, "<strong>the</strong>re arc probably more<br />

things to consider in ground strafing than in air-to-air<br />

combat. The pilot ruust take into consideration <strong>the</strong> type<br />

of tnget he is going after, his<br />

angle of clive. his airspeed,<br />

<strong>the</strong> position of <strong>the</strong> sun and<br />

just \\'llat evasive action he i,<br />

going to take from ground<br />

fire.<br />

"If vou find an airdrome<br />

that vou know little or nothing<br />

.ibou}, feel <strong>the</strong> place out:<br />

do not send more than tw»<br />

planes in for <strong>the</strong> first pass.<br />

l\e\'Cr send more than foiu<br />

planes across any drome at<br />

one time."<br />

Of all <strong>the</strong> pilots who have<br />

Hown with <strong>the</strong> Sth <strong>Air</strong> lorcc<br />

perhaps one of <strong>the</strong> most experienced<br />

in <strong>the</strong> art of 10\\'<br />

bel attacks is Capt. B. \1.<br />

"~Iike" Claelyeh, a native of<br />

\\;)[5;1\\', Potlllel. Captain<br />

Clndvch has been in action<br />

"ith' file air forces. Since<br />

J qoq he h;ls flown for Poland.<br />

Fiul.mcl, France, England and<br />

<strong>the</strong> United Stites. As a member<br />

of <strong>the</strong> high scoring Thnndcrbolt<br />

grollp formerly comm.rnclcd<br />

bv Col. II ubert<br />

Zem ke, Captaiu Cludvch has<br />

dr.rf tcd wh.it he considers <strong>the</strong><br />

ten commandments of ground<br />

straflllg:<br />

l--Before vou make an attnck<br />

be sure t'hat <strong>the</strong>re arc no<br />

cucmv aircraft ill <strong>the</strong> vicinitv.<br />

2~\lake an approach into<br />

<strong>the</strong> wind because <strong>the</strong> sound<br />

is killed.<br />

3-\Vateh out for <strong>the</strong> gun positions anel rem em her <strong>the</strong>y<br />

arc diffieillt to spot bdore t licv open fire.<br />

4-Relllember that <strong>the</strong> closer to <strong>the</strong> gun you fly <strong>the</strong><br />


safer von arc.<br />

5~Piek out <strong>the</strong> turact "i\e full<br />

b ' b<br />

elevation. aim c.ircfullv and xtc.idilv<br />

about 1,000 \';m]s.. .<br />

throttle, half a ring<br />

and open fire from<br />

6-At 300 vurds cease fire, get as close to <strong>the</strong> grollild ;1,<br />

you dare. Forget about <strong>the</strong> blrge! and concentrate Oil<br />

flying onlv.<br />

7-\Vhen attacking a gllil remember that VOIl h;I\'C <strong>the</strong><br />

aeh';lllblge of fire PO\\cr. Couccntr.itc on one gun at a time,<br />

Go in uud kill <strong>the</strong> crew.<br />

s- Take <strong>the</strong> initiative, strike first; don't wait for <strong>the</strong>m<br />

to open fire.<br />

9- Don't become ovcrcon fielen t because \OU arc not hit<br />

in <strong>the</strong> first attack. At first <strong>the</strong> enemy gunners usu.illv underestimate<br />

vour speed, but it doesn't t.rkc <strong>the</strong>m long to spot<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir errol.<br />

10- '\e\Tr expend all VOIH .uum nnit iou. -{:{<br />


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