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Air Force the Official Service Journal - Air Force Historical Studies ...

Air Force the Official Service Journal - Air Force Historical Studies ...


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m.mship which can compare wit ]: <strong>the</strong> best<br />

in <strong>the</strong> business, If vour photogLlpher-or<br />

that girl-\l':lllts a joh \dlell <strong>the</strong> liar IS over.<br />

please ask <strong>the</strong>m to get in t outh with me.<br />

pfc, bl\lard hJhin, Scott l.'ielcl. Ill.<br />

Dear Editor:<br />

... I h.ivc never wr it tcn to <strong>the</strong> editor of<br />

a maga/ille before, but 1 felt this t imc I<br />

should. I'd like to kuo« who <strong>the</strong> 1'0011lg<br />

l.rdv is, whme pict n«: covered vnur October<br />

.\IR FORel: i,SSIlCand wlut hcr shc's .ictuallv<br />

a nurse or not? Her u pt ur ncd C\CS arc<br />

st rictlv mellow looking and her hI'S 'look so<br />

soft and luscious. That's rc.illv bcautv, not<br />

to mention her hair. ' .<br />

I ccrt.unlv hope nHI k u oxv her.<br />

!'It: Jalllcs" lartill, 1:, Y lie<br />

loob tireel .md he<br />

has a right to he,<br />

The pictur« was<br />

shot .it <strong>the</strong> ellel of<br />

a SCITn hO\IT escort<br />

nnSSIOiI OITr CerllI:llI<br />

I', On <strong>the</strong> b.rck<br />

of his hand is ClPsulc<br />

inform.it ion f.rmih:u<br />

to :;11 lighter pilot s: t iu«. for St.rrt<br />

lingilles, T:lkeoff, Set CO\ITse. Rcndevvouwith<br />

<strong>the</strong> hig frienels, .md <strong>the</strong> course for<br />

] IOlJ!e, It em be rubbed or lie-keel off in<br />

case of b.nlout over enellll' tc-rr it orv. \\-hen<br />

this pict ur« \\':IS taken. i.t , Rieh':IfC!s \I'as<br />

crcditcd lIith five ":lIi pl.mc«: two in <strong>the</strong><br />

air .md three Oil <strong>the</strong> grolilld,<br />

If vou have glanced at O\IT table of contents<br />

1'011 m:I1' h.ivc noticed a few changes<br />

ill on; linell!;, Thev appear in our departmental<br />

setup. \\-c don't w.m! to bothcr<br />

"Oil wit h shop talk, except to sa\' ill p:ISSing<br />

that this challge clim.rxc« a serie' of<br />

rcfiucrucuts ill presentation inangllfatcd 1lI<br />

recent is-uc«. am! to explain br icflv Illl:lt<br />

<strong>the</strong> challge is all about.<br />

I\ll{ !-'O\{CE h:ls grollpeel its dcpart nuntul<br />

material into tInCT pacbges - This Is<br />

YOIlf blellll', nneir:llIf;eel except th:lt it<br />

has been incrc.ivd bl' two pages. Cross<br />

Couut rv :md Techniqllc. \lllich !I;JI'e bcen<br />

cxpuudccl to niuc p:lges e:leh.<br />

Cross Count rv is our geneLll infon n.rlion<br />

dcp.rrtmcut. covcr n u; as m.uiv as 6:;<br />

different items of interest and nuport.u«c<br />

to :\,\F nu:u. It imlncks non technical<br />

snbjects of thc type fonnel ill <strong>the</strong> former<br />

On <strong>the</strong> .Vlcrt. ],'hillg Safctv .uid Tr.uniiu;<br />

.\iels dcp.u tuunfs. plnx :1 li,t of extras, It<br />

also has fom special scction«: a review "f<br />

_\,\1' policies and proeeelures. a listing of<br />

new tr:lilling aiels al':rilabk to <strong>the</strong> ficld ,<br />

two CO]IlIlrI!S of fll'ing boners am] COrI!uuut-,<br />

1)\ safetl' experts, .u«] a listillg of<br />

nell' al'iation boob,<br />

Techniqne is Ollf teclIII ica1 dcpartmellt.<br />

:rs ahl'a\'s, It noll' cOI'crs <strong>the</strong> mailltenance<br />

:llIel s'l)~ph' as \lTlI as <strong>the</strong> delTlopmellt of<br />

aircraft :mel eqniplllent. It indmks <strong>the</strong><br />

teehllical \lIaterial fonllerh' fonnd in On<br />

thc ,\!crt. Fhillg S:lfch', Trainillg ,\iels :md<br />

On <strong>the</strong> Linc, :md also has fom spceial<br />

sections: a report on IlCII' tcchnical e1e-<br />

\'elop\llents, tips on nl:lilltellance, cxpenenees<br />

\I'ith l1lechs arolnlC] <strong>the</strong> \\'orle!. :\lIel<br />

<strong>the</strong> old sL\lIcll)\, \\-h:lt's \\-rong with This<br />

l'ictme:<br />

This nel\' clepartl1lcntal pattern gilTS ns<br />

more flexibilitl' for halldlinf; snbjeets that<br />

deseflT disellssioll each \lIonth. permits ns<br />

wider cOI'Cf:lge of :\\F aetil'ities, anel, lI'e<br />

trmt, makes for grclter rcaehbilitl"<br />

\Vhene\'l'r we start a ne\\' featme in <strong>the</strong><br />

magazine. Il'e tnrn <strong>the</strong> premises into :I<br />

gnineapig stl' (is that thc right \I'eml?)<br />

Iss u e<br />

.mcl trv <strong>the</strong> innov.rt iou on cvcrvboclv with<br />

1lI eve-hot: Lltest uproar \I':r~ c:n;sed hv<br />

<strong>the</strong> "J low Sharp\re YOIl:" test wh iclr<br />

,Ippclrs this mout h on Page 2, Jilelging f roui<br />

<strong>the</strong> seorcs, a coupk- of pks .md majors<br />

.rrouud here onght to trade pl.ucx.<br />

Onr OI'erse:rs staff hac] <strong>the</strong>ir hands well<br />

into this iSSIlC, l-'irst of all. \ l.rj. Herbert<br />

)oh:lllsell. om sLitT corrc-ponclcut in <strong>the</strong><br />

SOlltllllTst J':lcitie, Il'as ill on <strong>the</strong> Philip<br />

piuc-, inv.r-ion. l.mdiur; on .\ plu-, 2 wit li<br />

<strong>the</strong> hrst ,\ir T:lsk l.'orcc Oil Lcvtc. lie<br />

proiu pt lv put his notes toge<strong>the</strong>r ahont <strong>the</strong><br />

initial .utiou 1)\, ,\,\1,' \lI ell , .mc! <strong>the</strong>' reslllt<br />

i, <strong>the</strong> !call :Irtiele "Hack to <strong>the</strong> Philrp<br />

pines," which [olumvcu cabled from Lcvtc.<br />

The .rrt iclc "Striking 01'1." Page ') 1,<br />

called for colluburat rou Oil <strong>the</strong> part of two<br />

of our ()\TrSeaS mcu. From Crc.it Britain<br />

st:rlt c'orrcsponeknt \ l:lj, Charles h:un<br />

sent ill his rcport on tlie ,~th .\ir lorrc<br />

l:nllpaign a£;ainst >::l/i oil t:ngds in north<br />

em 1-:mope, and from ]tu lv stuff eorre<br />

spondent Capt. 1.:11\TClICe Ibehm:llrn di,s<br />

patched his report 011 tile ] oth ,\ir hrrcc'<br />

C':llnpai£;n ag:linst <strong>the</strong> I'locst i rcfincricv.<br />

In like m.uincr. lin 1 o<strong>the</strong>r staff men,<br />

altholli.;h sC'jJ:lr;lted 1", xonu: ] IIJHHl in ik-s,<br />

]lilt <strong>the</strong>ir heads togethcr for <strong>the</strong> artic-le<br />

",\11 in a "ight's \\ork" 011 Page~, .vf tcr<br />

recei\'ing om C':I]] for COInbat cxpcncuccs<br />

of <strong>the</strong> nc\\' P-()l ni£;ht fl£;hter, corrcvpoud<br />

cut S/Sgt. Vl.rrk Vl urph , ambled over to<br />

a Black \\'id(lI\' sqlladron ncar <strong>the</strong> front<br />

lines in Bel£;illln, .unl climbed aboard a<br />

I' (,] for <strong>the</strong>' night mis-.ion report leading<br />

off thc article, In <strong>the</strong> SOlltlmest Pacific,<br />

correspolldent Capt. Vl.mfor d Susuum hur<br />

ricdlv pnt toge<strong>the</strong>r :1 cable- Oil some ex<br />

periel'ICTS of <strong>the</strong> ]'61 in that <strong>the</strong>ater be<br />

fmc takillg off 011 a mission into <strong>the</strong> interim<br />

of "e\l' Gninea which we expect<br />

Ium to tell Yon about in a future issue.<br />

St:ilT .irt ix! Capt, Ravmnnd Creekmore,<br />

jnst :rrriling in <strong>the</strong> Ccutr.il Pacific, barclv<br />

had lime to scratch off <strong>the</strong> Black \\-ido\\,<br />

c1ra\\'ing whic-h accOlnp:mies <strong>the</strong> night<br />

fi£;htcr .ut iclc. .mc] add <strong>the</strong> little sketch of<br />

<strong>the</strong> l l ick.nu held "creep" Oil Pagc 2,

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