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Rendezvous<br />

Mo<strong>the</strong>r Beckham's Boy<br />

Dear F.ditor'<br />

"Tho B29 and You"-a yen' enhghtening<br />

st orv. but II hv not mcut ion <strong>the</strong><br />

good!ooking felloll' in fhing togs 1I'!IO.se P"><br />

ture appears aloug with a picture of <strong>the</strong><br />

B29? lIc is none o<strong>the</strong>r than \laj_ Vvaltcr<br />

Carl Beckham 11'110 is rcspousiblc for blasting<br />

I R [crrics out of <strong>the</strong> sky oyer Emope<br />

while flying a Thunderbolt with <strong>the</strong> Sth <strong>Air</strong><br />

<strong>Force</strong>, en! had been<br />

reported mlssIllg Il1<br />

action since \ larch of<br />

this vcar and is now<br />

interilCd in a Ccnu.m<br />

prison for American<br />

airmen. Carl and I<br />

h.rvc beeu friellels<br />

since children and<br />

haH' shared '1 secret<br />

aIIIbit ion - becoming<br />

millionaires. and<br />

if things didn't go too<br />

well ill that field, AI'iIlg<br />

woulr! do. lIis parting words to me<br />

'HTe: "Coodbvc, Claude, wish me luck and<br />

perhaps I'll become a hero." The Icadini:;<br />

tighter ace in <strong>the</strong> ETO at <strong>the</strong> time, he was<br />

shot clown while strafing a Ccnu.m airfield.<br />

lie is prob.iblv better rcmcm be red as <strong>the</strong><br />

£ellOlI' 1\"110radioed to his l\"Ing m.m to "take<br />

<strong>the</strong> bovs horne. Ceorge. I can't make it.<br />

l""e been hit," after his pl.mc was OIl fire.<br />

For <strong>the</strong> benefit of his IIIa nv friends, "\ lot her<br />

Beck ha III's bov" is cloing' all right for himself<br />

in prison.<br />

\\. /0 Clancle E. Jenkins, S'III Antonio, Tex.<br />

Instructors' Grandchlldr.n<br />

Dear Ld itor :<br />

... "'hen I'OU sal'. on <strong>the</strong> back coyer of<br />

yom October issuo, "Let us hear from I"OU,"<br />

well ... just glance in <strong>the</strong> mirror and see<br />

how far vour necks arc extended'<br />

So I ,isk: ""hat about <strong>the</strong> armv of <strong>Air</strong><br />

<strong>Force</strong> Instructors, a len" import.mt part of<br />

<strong>the</strong> top cream of I'oung .-\mericI who are<br />

helpiug to win <strong>the</strong> war. but who will have<br />

Ilothing in particular (so t hcv bemoan) to<br />

tell <strong>the</strong>ir grandchildren? , .<br />

Audrey ""alls \ loslcv. Tulsa. Okla.<br />

You must h ai:e missed <strong>the</strong> article "Un c 0/<br />

.l[r [Jon," b v Cllpt. N. IT'. Pinnrv, ] r.. an<br />

.,I.-IF instructor, in our .1/1/\. ]1).14. issu c, It<br />

rrports ulur! on r inst rurt or h as In t cll his<br />

grandchildrcn .-Ed.<br />

Parting Shots<br />

Dcar J-:ditor:<br />

In <strong>the</strong> \ larch 19'H issuc of .-\IR FORC!'<br />

vou publishcd 'Ill .u t icl« on p'lgc (i-] cnt itk-d<br />

"Part im; Shots" in wluch SiSS;!. Bcu B.<br />

Colecehi is alleged to h'IYC cout inucd firius;<br />

at J'IP Zeros after thc tail section of <strong>the</strong><br />

B 2+. on which he II'as <strong>the</strong> tail gunner. was<br />

completeh' severed [rom <strong>the</strong> rest of <strong>the</strong> airplane.<br />

That statement has aroused much<br />

cur iositv in mv mind. and I turn to I'OU<br />

for an cxplauation. .<br />

r Ilan: clOllbts as to <strong>the</strong> pmsibilitl. of such<br />

.ut ion, .md \\'('fe it not for <strong>the</strong> orelers COli.-<br />

DECEMBER,1944<br />

Vol. 27 No. 12<br />

December 1944<br />



Back to <strong>the</strong> Philippines Mo;. Herbert 0 Johansen<br />

1. The CIs Corne TllfOll£;It-'lr'llll:l Oll t lrc 'trip at LCI"te. 4<br />

If. Our :\ir Task Forcc-c-l.o« it", orr.mizcd. how it functions. 7<br />

All in <strong>the</strong> Night's Work 8<br />

Our Black ""idoll's ovcrsc.e, arc cntting xouu: deadly capers after dark.<br />

Human Picl.up 11<br />

Snatch a man off <strong>the</strong> grollnd h\ pLn1c: Ilere's hoiv it's clone.<br />

The Careless Die Early Capt. Greer Williams 16<br />

Listen carefully to your PI.:O. 111' adl1C

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