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Air Force the Official Service Journal - Air Force Historical Studies ...

Air Force the Official Service Journal - Air Force Historical Studies ...


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Burma. A Japanese light antiaircraft battery,<br />

hoping it had solved <strong>the</strong> problem of rnohil<br />

itv m this area, mounted all its equipment<br />

ou <strong>the</strong> bro.td backs of elephants, .\fter<br />

month-, of intense training, <strong>the</strong> unit set out<br />

for jnngle maneuvers. Thcv made an imp"cssi\'c<br />

start, wit h a brass band lc.idins; <strong>the</strong><br />

clcphnnt herd, and <strong>the</strong> local cit izcnrv cheermg<br />

<strong>the</strong>m on. TInt again <strong>the</strong> [ups had outsmarted<br />

thrmsclvcs .. \ week later <strong>the</strong> batten'<br />

straggled back to camp, tired, hnngn', cml:'<br />

ing one lone Bofors barrel, but ot hcrwi-,c<br />

gunless, cquipmcur k:«; and clcph.intlc-,s. The<br />

Japs had failed to takc into account three<br />

vit.rl factors: I-The prcsence of CO\\' clcph.mt<br />

s in <strong>the</strong> column. 2-That <strong>the</strong>re is a<br />

ccTt:lin, definite season in cvcrv vc.ir. from<br />

an elephant's point of view. 3~;I'he po\\i<br />

hilit\. of CTTcoTTntering \lild bull elephants in<br />

<strong>the</strong> jnTTgle,<br />

England. :\ colonel wcut on a misvion as an<br />

observer. 'I'l«: flight ran into serious oppo-.itiou<br />

from both fighters :md fbk over Iurop«.<br />

.u«l <strong>the</strong> B,I7 was hit. .\ 2lJ n11l1 shell struck<br />

<strong>the</strong> top turret, and thc gunner fell to t lu:<br />

floor, covered wit h blood, The colonel<br />

rllShcd b.«k to gi\'e first aiel, saw thc bo\''s<br />

still form and thought he 11':lScit her dC:ld or<br />

clme to chillg. 'I'l«. officer \I':lS .rbout to ad,<br />

Jilinister :t lllpodcrlllic whe-n <strong>the</strong> .gllnner<br />

"pcTTcd his cn's. Thc coloTTcl bcnt over 111m,<br />

pLicillg .m c.ir close to <strong>the</strong> boy's hps, expcct<br />

mg some l.r.t, fceblc word«.<br />

"C :Cl'l, Col.nnl.' <strong>the</strong> g"lTTcr said, ''I'm<br />

bcginning to think <strong>the</strong>re's not much [ut ur c<br />

IU this r.ukc t ."<br />

Australia. \\-hcn <strong>the</strong> \\',\,\T-'s (\ustr:Tli:m<br />

.ur \\:ICS) were first issued shorts, a com-<br />

IILIIllhllg olTicer not iccd th.rt <strong>the</strong> lICI''- g:lr-<br />

iucnt-, \\TrC gCIlcLdly too ]o1lg. lJ;l1J~ill~<br />

r.r! heT s]o['['ih- below t licir knccs. Iloplllg to<br />

flud ,,0111C ~()11l! ion, <strong>the</strong> ~l'ntlcIILlll l':liL,,! (Jilt<br />

t lr.. gi:ls :llId lillcd tlum u[' for :111 cxpcr iincut.<br />

lie ;lskeel sc\er:l! of th« nior.: :1["<br />

P,HCllt CIsh to fold <strong>the</strong> legs of tllelr Sllolts<br />

up to v.niou-. len2ths. l--ilLJ1h' i.. (k,:dcd<br />

u['on <strong>the</strong> mo-! suit.ihlc length :ITTd Iud ;Ill<br />

lite' girls fold t iu-ir shorts to liTe, s.n u.; 1c-::gtlJ.<br />

The otTiL'er t}«:n reviewed <strong>the</strong> rcsults and<br />

seemed quite satisfied with his decision. So<br />

"Itistlccl. in fact. that he didn't realize how<br />

his next couun.md would sound: ".\II right,<br />

girls, 0:011' you can let your pants down,"<br />

England. In <strong>the</strong> 9th <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong> is a B,26<br />

whoso nose will probnblv never catch up<br />

wit h its tail. It h.rppcus th.it a plane n.nucd<br />

\lartv \lar:lUder collided wit h :1plane n.uucd<br />

Coutee I Icll. The no-«: \I';IS ,hC:llL'C1from one<br />

aircraft, and <strong>the</strong> tail from <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r. \ lcch.mics<br />

sk illf ullv put <strong>the</strong> tim ends toge<strong>the</strong>r<br />

to produce a B,26 now known as \larty<br />

\ laraudcr-Coatee Hell. The n()\e has made<br />

51 missions, <strong>the</strong> tail is credited with 57.<br />

England. An /\.\1' lieutenant had golf clubs,<br />

but no .golf balls, Taking his problem directlv<br />

to <strong>the</strong> English public, he iuscrtcd a w.mtad<br />

in :1 local ne\\'Sp:lper. lie reeeil-cd this<br />

rcplv: "Dear Amcnc.m officer, I am Peter<br />

Turner, aged 9. I will trade m v four golf<br />

halls for two p:lek:l[;cs of Cindy 'or chcwint;<br />

gnm. But if vou Ill- a B,I7 or a B,2-f. you<br />

c.m h.ivc <strong>the</strong>m for nothing,"<br />

Bougainville. The Jap hattle flag \I'as soiled<br />

Ill' mudclv hands, and in one corner <strong>the</strong>re<br />

II:as a sm:ill pat-ch which looked im prcssi\Thl.kc<br />

blood. The tr.msicnt colonel. \I:lltmg<br />

for <strong>the</strong> next plane, w.uit cd <strong>the</strong> flag to rcmind<br />

him of his twelve hours on this his,<br />

torie gronnd. Something nice to have, a [ap<br />

b.itt lc flag. The officer h:m;:lined shrcwcllv,<br />

secreth' \lilling to P:l\' whatever price \I'as<br />

fin.illv asked Lvcntuallv he h:lgg1cel <strong>the</strong><br />

price clown to 52:;, .md a fc\\' hourx later \I'as<br />

on his \1':1\' hack to <strong>the</strong> Statcs. On <strong>the</strong> plane<br />

he di-pl.ivcd it proucllv, uu.rw.irc of <strong>the</strong><br />

kncJ\\'in.g .glanccs which p;1"ed behn'en nicrnhers<br />

of <strong>the</strong> erc\l'. Back in San lr.u.ci-«o. <strong>the</strong><br />

colonel sllO\lTel <strong>the</strong> fl:lg to a friend wh».<br />

ironir.rllv, could reael [up.mcsc. He happil\'<br />

lr.ur-l.it cd <strong>the</strong> ;:Ip cluLlCfcrs t h.it tile C:I<br />

jokeskls li.rcl prinled on <strong>the</strong> counfcrfeit flag,<br />

"Souvenir of Yom \ 'isit to Boug:linl'l1le."<br />

India. ,\11 S:. \l1j() c

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