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Air Force the Official Service Journal - Air Force Historical Studies ...

Air Force the Official Service Journal - Air Force Historical Studies ...


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"WE arc not going to bubble over with a lot of cflcrvcscent<br />

fizz about 'How to Gct \Vcll in Ten Easv Lcssons.'<br />

You mcn cntcring here have seen too "much<br />

blood and muck to swallo«: such lines. But von can be sure<br />

of this fact: every eby mcn who camc hcr~ shot to pieces<br />

walk out of this hospital ready, able, and cagcr to compete<br />

with anybody-s--bc it for a civilian job or a blondc."<br />

This is <strong>the</strong> straightforward introduction to <strong>the</strong> AAF's<br />

convalescent hospitals that overseas returnees get when <strong>the</strong>y<br />

enter, wounded, ill, mcntallv and phvsicallv worn out. And<br />

<strong>the</strong> hospitals make good thcir boast with thc most farsigh<br />

tcd com bi na tion of medical, voca tional, anel cd uca tiona]<br />

rcconditioning vet developed.<br />

As an outgrowth of thc Convalescent Training Program<br />

inaugurated in 1942, several AAF convalescent hospitals<br />

throughout thc country arc now rccciving thc sick and<br />

wounded from ports of debarkation, redistribution stations,<br />

AAF station and rcgional hospitals and Army gcncral hospitals.<br />

Administered by <strong>the</strong> ncwly-organizcd Personnel Distrihution<br />

Couuuancl, thcy arc stratcgically located at <strong>the</strong>se<br />

points: Fort Logan, Colo.; l\fiami Bcach, Fla.: St. Petersburg,<br />

Fla,; Albuquerque, N. l\1.; Nashvillc, Tcnn. and Ft.<br />

Gcorgc \Vright, \Vasll. In addition, a similar convalescent<br />

center at l'~l\\'liug, N. Y., now under <strong>the</strong> I st <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong> as an<br />

adjunct to l\fitchel Field, soon will be absorbed hy <strong>the</strong> Personnel<br />

Distribution Command, along with several o<strong>the</strong>rs,<br />

Thc Pcrsonnel Distribution Command also has established<br />

liaison with ASF gcncral and AAF rcgional hospitals by assigning<br />

cspccinlly trained liaison officcrs and NCOs to 120<br />

of <strong>the</strong>se instullutions. 'I'hcv perform 1!oll-lllcdical service for<br />

AAF casual tics destincd for future assignmcnt to AAF convalcsccnt<br />

hospitals and rcdistrihution stations or, in rare<br />

cases, for return to civilian lifc. They assist hospital staffs in<br />

handliug AAI' puticnts' problems such as records, pay,<br />

awards and dccorat ious, aIilll.oricntation prior to proccssing<br />

for future rcassignmcnt.<br />

Suppose vou'vc hccn a patient in a station or gcncral hospital.<br />

Unless vou'rc returned dircctlv to dutv or to civilian life,<br />

chances arc that vou will cntcr onc of <strong>the</strong>se convalescent<br />

centers. If VO\\ conic home from overseas suffering from combat<br />

fatigue; voull prob.iblv lx: scnt to onc of <strong>the</strong>m iuuuccliatcly<br />

upon vour nrr iv.rl in this couu trv. If vou comc from a prcvious<br />

hospital, von arc noxv over thc acute phase of vour illness.<br />

Your dcfmitivc mcdical trc.rtmcnt is concluclcd and vour spccific<br />

injury or ailmcnt has comc to take on sccond.irv import.mcc<br />

to vour O\'cr,J11 condition. Also, bv nO\I' vou arc .unbulatOf\'-\:ou<br />

arc ahle to \valk about, if 01'111' bv ;\sing crutches.<br />

C;J\\q;lete medical rccO\cry is thc chIef 'aim of <strong>the</strong> convalcsccnt<br />

program, hut medical officcrs know this means<br />

both physiological and psvchologic:d fitncss. As a result. thc<br />

SOl' of any of <strong>the</strong>se couvnlcsccut hospitals is a skillful<br />

blcnding of medical care, supervised, though not rcgimcntcd,<br />

exercise. hcalthv pbv, academic and vocational training-all<br />

aimed at <strong>the</strong> rccovcrv of <strong>the</strong> "wh olc man,"<br />

"One hoy hack fr(lm <strong>the</strong> ETO camc to us with a serious<br />

ann iujurv-s-piccc of flak O\'Cr Brcmcn got him-and hc<br />

was fa\'Cning <strong>the</strong> wounded arm to thc point of not using it<br />

at all," says a convalescent training officcr at Pawliug. "lIis<br />

60<br />

medical officcr told us he must exercise those muscles or<br />

<strong>the</strong>y would atrophy. \Vcll, <strong>the</strong> boy had signcd up for our<br />

farm projcct so we decided to han; him dig those post holes<br />

\\'C needed to fence thc livestock corral. That's one job you<br />

just can't do with one hanel. In a vcrv short timc even <strong>the</strong><br />

1\10 was astonished at <strong>the</strong> ituprovcmcut in <strong>the</strong> condition<br />

of <strong>the</strong> arm, \Vhcn we had run out of post holes to dig, <strong>the</strong><br />

soldier volunteered to help us clear a section of ncarby<br />

woods. \Vhile he worked with us he learned a lot about<br />

<strong>the</strong> farming business-so much so, in fact, that he has decidcd<br />

to go in for it after <strong>the</strong> war."<br />

"\Ve had a licutcnant here a couple of months," says<br />

<strong>the</strong> shop forcman at lr. Ccorgc \\fright. "Llc'd lost an<br />

arm in a hoobv trap in It.ilv. Before he went into <strong>the</strong> AAF<br />

he'd had somc cnginccriug experience anel our mach in<br />

shops intcrcstcd him more than anything else. I Ie c.uncaround<br />

one duv to ask if <strong>the</strong>re \\'as auv machine hc coulc'<br />

managc with rust one hand. So I sh~l\\'CCl him how tc<br />

operate a radial drill prcss. In a week's time he wa::<br />

\l'Orking it like an expert. It did wonders for his self.<br />

con ficlcucc."<br />

A corporal who had injured his back in <strong>the</strong><br />

Southwest Pacific signs up for courses in wild life<br />

conservation at Nasll\'ille. I Ic plans to enter this<br />

field after thc war and thinks it would be a prac<br />

tical idea to learn all he can about game preserves,<br />

bird refuges, and stocking streams '<br />

while lie's recuperating. '<br />

Before he joincd <strong>the</strong> AAI', a captain

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