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Air Force the Official Service Journal - Air Force Historical Studies ...

Air Force the Official Service Journal - Air Force Historical Studies ...


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.I<br />

In. ]~rhO:S-':cl <strong>the</strong>'mll-it:IIT m:mll:ils wil], ill <strong>the</strong><br />

coming yea;'s. doubtless devote IIIl;ch spacc to Lt. Cl'll,<br />

Ceorgc S, Patton. Jr,'s drive across I:rallcc und <strong>the</strong> part that<br />

Brig, Ccn. 0, 1', \\eyLlIld's 19th Tactical <strong>Air</strong> Couuu.md<br />

tool, in it.<br />

III <strong>the</strong> Third /\rll1\''s furious (Llsh, air pr111'cr II:h u-ccl<br />

wirh :IS llI111h or more illlagination than it kid ever been<br />

u-cd lx-for«. .md a brief rcvic« of lIlilitary tactics lila:' hclp<br />

a little to cxpluiu lust IIJut II:IS done.<br />

lrm u <strong>the</strong> tnuc of Phihp of Macedon. nnuv couuuunclcr«<br />

h:II'C worried "bout Il.ink», simpll' because most of <strong>the</strong> tunc<br />

all arlllY is mucl: longer than it is wide, To <strong>the</strong> rear of all<br />

:Hlll\"S front 11l1e arc reserve troops and supply depot, 'lIIcl<br />

couunuuic.rtions. i\ st.mclanl mcthod of winuiur; a C:llllpaign<br />

is to -trikc <strong>the</strong> CllUlIY's Il.mks. destroy his suppl, routes, and<br />

cut otT IllS hont hill' troops from support and materiel.<br />

III past w.n». cllaln often was used to protect <strong>the</strong> fl:mb<br />

of .u i anll:', III <strong>the</strong> present confhct, <strong>the</strong> Ccrm.in, frcqllentJ:'<br />

han; cmplovcd armored patrols for <strong>the</strong> purp(he. Tire rmillg<br />

c.ivalrv or armor would cover its own flanks. spot am cucmv<br />

strcngth .md ellgage <strong>the</strong> opposition until support univcd.<br />

Patton, ]W\I'e,,'Cr, lwei ano<strong>the</strong>r idea. IIe II':IS in one hen of<br />

a hWT\. so l«. called ill \VC\-l:lllcl and gal'C him <strong>the</strong> Llsk of<br />

proteet1l1g all exposed flallk-not <strong>the</strong> flank of all .um , iu ovinf;<br />

llletirodieally across known tcrr.un, but th:lt of a mcch-<br />

.mizcd .unr, 1Il00ing with incredible speed. 1l0\1 in one clircct<br />

iun. no« in ano<strong>the</strong>r, dcstroving <strong>the</strong> cncmv. hcadillg ever<br />

to\U I'd tire Cerm:11l honicla nd.<br />

And so for <strong>the</strong> first time in historv, air, in addition to its<br />

clut icx of columu support, rccounaissuncc allel all <strong>the</strong> oelel<br />

work of a tactical force, \I',IS gil'en a task which uut il recent<br />

mouths in this war had been a ground job. This \I'as no<br />

mere reconllaiss,lllce ,lssignmen t. \ Vcvlu nel 's forces were<br />

cxpcctccl to cover <strong>the</strong> exposed area and handle all\thing that<br />

del'eloped. Prcviouvlv. armies had 1ll0\'CC1 so f.u, stopped,<br />

regrouped .md moved on again. Patton, confident that hi,<br />

air support would protect him, kept on goinf; for weeks after<br />

U, S. troops whirh liberated St . Divicr on September I found <strong>the</strong>se<br />

i\':l/,i pl.mc-, smashed hI \lIicd :Iiruaft that preceded <strong>the</strong> :lCh':mec,<br />

....<br />

__tton's <strong>Air</strong> Cavalry<br />

B Y SIS g t. MAR K M U R P H Y<br />

it II:IS expected he would stop, l Ic and \\'C\bncl took on<br />

:1 job requiring nerve ami skill as well as ilnagination.<br />

Tile J WII Taetic:il <strong>Air</strong> Comm.u«! ,1IId <strong>the</strong> Tllird Arrnv<br />

were kept under IIT:IPS UU til Augu',t l . :11though both ha~1<br />

been :Ietilatcd fur S01nc t n nc. and <strong>the</strong> 19th kId done a lot<br />

in <strong>the</strong> softening up of <strong>the</strong> lrcurli coast prior to I)-dal,<br />

] .atc in July. <strong>the</strong>re was <strong>the</strong> business :It St. 1.0. <strong>the</strong> breakthrough<br />

allel ,Ollle feillts \\hich e:lllght <strong>the</strong> Ccnn.n» nc.rtlv<br />

The British were left to hold <strong>the</strong> pivot at Cacn, <strong>the</strong>ir troops<br />

ellg:lgillg <strong>the</strong> bulk of Ccrin.m units in <strong>the</strong> :nCI, \\hile thc<br />

Amcrir.ms cut loose on a wild jaunt through lr.uicc.<br />

Although take-of] of <strong>the</strong> 19th on Augmt ] wns clcl.ivccl<br />

until late :Iftemoon because of bad wc.rf hcr. <strong>the</strong> Third .vrmv<br />

had launched operations bright and cull', .md. in <strong>the</strong> hours<br />

relnaining before cluxk, <strong>the</strong> airmen were ahle to klloek out<br />

.umor and trucks.<br />

After <strong>the</strong> ground forces broke through in :1 clrivc past<br />

Avr.inrlu-s. <strong>the</strong> ] 9th rcallv had its work cut out for it,<br />

Croups were assigned to h:;ng O\'lT <strong>the</strong> .muorccl eolunlllS of<br />

<strong>the</strong> Third Armv, to prevent :ltt:I(-!..:In' cncnr, pLllles amI to<br />

knock out stuff holding up <strong>the</strong> columns, :\rmnl rccounaissanec<br />

squadrons had <strong>the</strong> long rangc johs of isolatinf;<br />

h:lttlefields, whicl) is a rn ilit.irv \\:1\' of s:ning <strong>the</strong>\ had to<br />

kill .nr, troops coming to <strong>the</strong> support of <strong>the</strong> cucmv, to<br />

spot .md break lip an:' conccntrarionx, :lnd to keq; <strong>the</strong><br />

cucnr, constantlv off balance.<br />

,\,\F pilots I\:ere told not to buxt nnv bridges hecll1se<br />

th.it ll1ight hold up <strong>the</strong> progress of <strong>the</strong> Auicric.u: :1r111icswh o<br />

were dcfinitclv on <strong>the</strong>ir 11:1\'. If <strong>the</strong>re were no targets for<br />

<strong>the</strong> col ullin-supporting groups, <strong>the</strong>\' were left frec to 11:llldcr<br />

:;() miles ahead in search of objectives to borub or strafe.<br />

Fighter Control stations kept track of wh.rt II:IS going ()!I<br />

.md often sent squadrons out to hit t:rrgets noticed oulv<br />

in inutcs before hv recon outfits. '<br />

l':ltton moved his licnclqu.utcrs, .md <strong>the</strong> 19th T.\C headquarters<br />

moved. too. The couun.mcl's tlsk

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