Air Force the Official Service Journal - Air Force Historical Studies ...

Air Force the Official Service Journal - Air Force Historical Studies ...

Air Force the Official Service Journal - Air Force Historical Studies ...


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F\lr:RCF'\~CY FOUrp\lr:,\'T<br />

luvpcctiou of pLlll;; to insure- th:It t hcv<br />

.uc stockld II it h all aul horl/cd l'IlICl S CIlC\<br />

eqllipnll'nt nv.ul-, nothinr; if ill in~ IXT""l1ll'!<br />

LlI! to t.rl;c :llh:I!II:If;e of s!llh f:lcilitil's wluu<br />

:1 m i-h.ip OClln" T:,),c <strong>the</strong> CI\C of Ihe\lhed<br />

fighter pilol forced down ill k;lll~;ll()() .iu.l<br />

l,nlI:li i;",IS\ uiiu iuilr-, trnm his SOllth !':ICille'<br />

h:ISC, \pp:m'l\l 11, Ill' tll;mcd I hc h il«: luck<br />

woulc] hl' :1 cinch. for he st:lrkd out m inu-,<br />

his \'elY pistol. elllCll;ency r.tt inu-, and ot lu-r<br />

l'qniplllent fmnisllCd h iru for jlht SlIC11 :111<br />

neCaSlOIl. \ -c.nch p.ntv f"nnd hiu: ,(,<br />

hour, l.u cr in :1 sll:llnp IllIh Ilakr "P 10 hi,<br />

ucr], .u«! 1l1(l\\jl1J!OC\ c()\.l'1"ill~ li i-, t.r.«. J Ie<br />

II:IS too e,I':lllsted to uu rv c. '\:III\T tL"lCls<br />

cnrinl h nu b.u k I" till' 1>:1,,',<br />

FPl:r. TIU'\~SI'IIZ SYSI 1:\1<br />

.\ iuuu lxr of forced bnchlIss dne to lIl:iI<br />

f unct Ion of Ihe f uc! Iran-fer "stelll h:" l<br />

bccu reported, IllITstil;alion h:ls ITIT:Illd<br />

t h.it in muncrou-, Clses p,!otS nu;kctnl to<br />

check II,e "stelll 1l1It,) shortai;c of fuel pre<br />

vented contiun.rurc of flil;ht to .m ackqnate<br />

airport. .vll t.uik-, :Ind fllcl t r.m-Fcr snIT'n,<br />

shollld hc chccked hefore re:"I"n~ <strong>the</strong> "point<br />

of no nt uru."<br />

.\llZPL\'\!: crUSll lil/Zl<br />

JiICllTl'\C<br />

.Vt tcn t ion "f .ill c"ncClned is invitr«! jo<br />

'1'\[ ::;, l n, ".\irpbne Crash lur h~ll!ln~,"<br />

which elisen"es ell\\lplIle\\t, fne and rese\\l'<br />

h.iz.mls. crash opcr.it ions and tr:lininl;' ()ne<br />

sentence in t hc nl:llln:Il-"There is 110 xul:<br />

st itutc for common sense"-larrils vohmu-,<br />

of sound :l1h,icl,<br />

JEl'lnZS ()J: TTZ\'\S\/IIT.\r.<br />

To consel\e nl:II'pmHT .iud p:'1"'r, eHTI<br />

effort slioulr] 11e ninde to rlnu in.it« kltTrs of<br />

tr.mvmitt.rl for forms and reports 1llll'nCll'l<br />

icasiblc. Part icul.tr attention should be elirected<br />

toward ol im in.rt iou of ktters t r.m s<br />

mittini; routine m.rt cr i.rl. (Sec, Ill, \\'l)<br />

Cir. 310, ]l)++')<br />

I'ROPI'IZ P.\C/(I'\~C<br />

Snbst:lnti:ll c1:nn:1l;e to m.itcricl in Sl1iI"<br />

uuut is clue to improper palkinl; and Cil<br />


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