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Air Force the Official Service Journal - Air Force Historical Studies ...


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sengcr and courier service in areas behind <strong>the</strong> front lines of<br />

cncmv troops. Act uullv. liaison xqu.rdrons arc performing<br />

functions in com hat <strong>the</strong>aters which will never be found on<br />

anv activa tion chart.<br />

'!'hrcc tvpcs of pLl11cs~thc 1.- I. L.-4 and 1.- )~\\"(Te used.<br />

The L-I, no longcr in production, has a cruising speed of<br />

.rpproximutclv 100 mph a 2S0-horscpO\\"cr I ,\coming enginc<br />

and a LInc1ing speec1 of about :;(i mph, Tl«: I,--t. now used<br />

pr im.uilv bv ':icld .Yrtillcrv. has ;1 LTuising specd of -;-) mph,<br />

a (»).horsepo\ITr Continental cngine and a landing speed of<br />

approxiruntclv :;S mph. The I,,), nO\I' <strong>the</strong> pl.mc o{fiCialh.<br />

assigned to :\:\F li.nsou squac1rollS. cruises nt about 110<br />

mph. lands at apprmimateh' )0 mph and has a ] S )-llOrSCpo\\'er<br />

1,\"('Ollling cngine.<br />

luch li.rivon squadron h;ls i officcr pilots and :;2 nonconuuiv.ioncd<br />

pilots, of whom -t arc muxtcr scrgcants, 12<br />

tech sergcants and 16 st.rff 'LTgcants, 'l'hc: 1\.\1.' light<br />

pl.mc OjK'L1tiom ;UT not to hc confused with thc usc of<br />

liaison sq u.rcl TOllS hy <strong>the</strong> .rrt illrrv. :\:\ F liaison sq u.id rons<br />

arc att.rchccl to <strong>the</strong> variou : air forces where tht-v mal' bc<br />

assigned to thc ground forcc units for over-all li;!;,on fuuc.<br />

t ious. Their pl.mcx arc piloted In' air force pcrsonnel. Artillery<br />

liaison pl.uicx arc flown bv .\rtiller\" personnel .md arc<br />

used ollly in connection wirh <strong>the</strong> operations of <strong>the</strong> .Yrtillcrv,<br />

To dcuioustr.rtc <strong>the</strong> potential pcrfonuuncc of tlic light<br />


and <strong>the</strong>re \\;IS no \\'ay to hring <strong>the</strong>m out of <strong>the</strong> jungles.<br />

SCITn light pl.mcs and nine scrgc;mt pilots were scnt down<br />

and in I) c1a\'s thcv succcssfullv evacuated iOO casualties,<br />

'] 'hc missiollS' were 'so important that tlu: British provided<br />

Spitfirc co. cr for <strong>the</strong> light pl.rnc». In all of <strong>the</strong>ir Liter opcrations,<br />

however, <strong>the</strong> li.uson pLIncs never hac! any fighter<br />

protection.<br />

"lhc usc to which <strong>the</strong> "little" pbnes were put in <strong>the</strong><br />

conuuando strike IILI\" he consick-rcd ;1 hpicJ1 cx.un plc of<br />

<strong>the</strong>ir gcner;I1 cnpahilit ic«. Cencral \\ing;lte, speaking of<br />

thc,c uct ivitic«. s;licl. "Vvit liout \OU men .md vour aircraft,<br />

this camp;ligu could not h;11e hoped to be a ~ucccss."<br />

That a hpe of pl.mc \\"hich herctofore 1l:1c1been consiclcrcd<br />

nothing more th.m a mess;lge carrier .md a "tov<br />

airplane" should ITCCIIT such high pr.u-«: is a trihutc to all<br />

concerned. who found IICI\"II;IYS to solve old problems. One<br />

irupor t.m t ditTicult\" bceel I\,;IS <strong>the</strong> prohlem of keeping supplies<br />

Rlmillg mt o <strong>the</strong> grouud forc'es, who \\'eIT completely<br />

isol.md in <strong>the</strong> jllllgles, Li.u-on planes formec1 ;1 team with<br />

C--t-;-s, and h.mcllcd a prohlem which nei<strong>the</strong>r tlPC of plane<br />

could have done alone. The trau-ports c.uuc in to <strong>the</strong> largc<br />

buck b;lses with a full IO;Ic1of supplics and <strong>the</strong> light planes<br />

c1ispcrscd this materiel to <strong>the</strong> small advauccd outposts spread<br />

throughout <strong>the</strong> jungle.<br />

'Ihe light planes Hc-v into p;1c1ch fielcl, lontccl right in<br />

'",<br />

v '~<br />

<strong>the</strong> heart of <strong>the</strong> 1;1]);l11e,e tcrrit<br />

orv. Thc-v took off .md<br />

l.rudcd mer 'thc' hl';lc1> of <strong>the</strong><br />

• clefenclini.; ene11l1 One pilot<br />

•.-::::!n.:~or21 holes in his plane when<br />

t urucd left on ;1 tl ke-off<br />

r.u lur th.m leering to <strong>the</strong><br />

'~. ri~ht. ;111';11' f rom <strong>the</strong> Jap,. It<br />

,. \ 11;1' IIOt nnuvu.rl for <strong>the</strong> op-<br />

....: pmin~ force, to oeenpl' both<br />

. ,,- cnd-, of <strong>the</strong> S;11I1e l.mcliiu;<br />

pl.mcs. two j.+th <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong> officers actuall, flc«: thc<br />

"'"<br />

(J-<br />

IIlllllP" " h:<br />

~_~<br />

I11III" . -<br />

fillcl.<br />

pos,e'Sion<br />

Li.iivou pilot'; actu.illv<br />

of tlnir aircr.rf]. On<br />

in li.uvon pl.uic-. a procedure wh ich origin;dh' h.rd hCCIL""l.o~n~c!i!. Japs ;lch;11Iccd and captured SOI11Cof <strong>the</strong><br />

rccouu ncudcd agaillSt wlu-u <strong>the</strong> question cau«: up a, to thc'-s. ., pii:lts turned <strong>the</strong>lllsehes into ground<br />

best rnctliod of 1Il0\ing <strong>the</strong>se planes from l ncli.t into China, troops, (1l1l'C <strong>the</strong> Brlti,h forces .md rcc.rpt urcd <strong>the</strong>ir pl.mcs.<br />

ILl\ing heard of <strong>the</strong> difficulties of hopping <strong>the</strong> II um p, :t\fost mu intcu.mcc 11;IS lWldled In' <strong>the</strong> li.iivou pilots. A<br />

\!aj. I.'red \\'e1>h and Capt. ]':dl\";lrcl \ l.rhcr decided to do it rol'lllg crc« of 111cch.m ic- went from ontpost to out povt<br />

111 a p.rir of ] ,-)s. Tluv took off from a hhe in \";1111 and doing <strong>the</strong> hC'1 I' work .md re'cLJilning jnnknl p.ut«. hnt<br />

landed at ;111advanced ficld in Ch iua. :t\lajor \\ clsh rcports, u-uullv a light pl.nu: pii:Jt flell I:i, plane. fought to protect<br />

"\\'e flell' bv <strong>the</strong> scat of om p.mt s jmt as <strong>the</strong> old b.un- it aur] took c.rrt. of It h i.u.clf .<br />

stornllT, n-ed to do. Of eomse. wc: 11I;ICle;1 thorongh check Colonel Corhr.ru s;lid. "Our lii.;ht plane, did elTnthing.<br />

wit l: <strong>the</strong> China :"ation;d airll11es .md <strong>the</strong> <strong>Air</strong> TL111Sport "llu.v CI;IULlted Ilonnded ;In;1 die! one of <strong>the</strong> finest joh, I<br />

Conun.rud, so lIT kucw <strong>the</strong> 10\\" spot'; .md <strong>the</strong> passcs to hit. li.rvc cvcr scen. TIley IIl'le cnr.::J c.uiicr-. tLlmportl11g eITI"\'-<br />

"\\e got as high ;IS II'e could~().r)()() fect~;111d negoti- thing from b.nlxd wir« and hee!ding rolls to iuort.u: and<br />

atccl mo-t of <strong>the</strong> passes. \\'e had to drop to :;00 feet SOlUC mortar shells. \\'c usee! thcin to help direct our gronlld<br />

of <strong>the</strong> t imc. jmt 'Knnming <strong>the</strong> trl'e tops. Coming throngh act ivi.i.«, to O:,\lTIC cnl'1ll\ nlO\ enlcnts. .mcl a couple of<br />

<strong>the</strong> iu.uu P;\'S, Ill' hacl to fly single file, hut lIT got through tinles we m.rd.: hO;I,hu, on! of tlu-m .n«] i.;0!' cxcclk-ut<br />

without ;Inl trouble." rcsultx. If IIC needed to roun-l np thc Linking onicer, from<br />

In Burnl:\, t lurc IITrc two scp;lr;ltc ligl,t pLlIlc opcr.rtiouv. v.rr iou-, p:liut'; in <strong>the</strong> jnngle for inrport.mt cOllfercncc" <strong>the</strong><br />

One 'CJll;\dron ;Ittachcd to t lu: l Uth .\ir I'mcc, original1\' k;llt pLl11c, die! <strong>the</strong> joh."<br />

hc.rdqu.utcrcd at Lcclo. India. vupportcd <strong>the</strong> Chinese- I':\;lct figurcs arc not ;1\;liLlhk. hu t \Llj, Cc-n. Ccori.;e<br />

Am crira n forces in 111C!i;1which included \lerrill's \[acme!- ~tLltelne\cr. couuu.mdim; i.;eneLJ! of tIle ji;lstern i\ir Comcrs.<br />

Thc o<strong>the</strong>r light pLinc forcc \\";1, p;nt of thc .\ir C011l- nl;lI1d. c,timates <strong>the</strong> ligllt pLllles flell ::;,(1)(1 to S.()O() sorties<br />

nl;ll1c1os. unc1er <strong>the</strong> e()]nhlned dircction of Co!s. Philip e;llIin~ thc comm;llle!() O[JCLlticllI. Thel' el;lcu;ltcd in e'\eTS\<br />

COChLll1 ;lllCl John ,\hson \\ho cO()jc1Jnated thcir actilities of 2,O()() CISIl:I1ties. In hi, otTiCl~d repo'rt to CencLI1 Arnolc1,<br />

\\"ith thc Lite \hj. Ccn. O. C. \\'ingate of thc British Cener;I1 Stratcme'.Tr ,;lic1. "\lost spectlcuLIr pcrh;lps of ;111<br />

.\rmed Scnices. <strong>the</strong> air C(lmn1;111C1oairer;lft has hecn thc pLTforIn;,nce of IO()<br />

1';ITn beforc thc conln1;llldo o[JeratiollS hcg;ln. <strong>the</strong> Ii;lison light pLInc\ ;ltLiehed to tIll' i.;roup."<br />

pL/ncs \\Tnt into ;Iction in IT'ponsc to ;1 clespeLlte cdl for Dilling thc comm;l11e!o opcLltion, <strong>the</strong> lii.;ht pLlllCS pcrhelp<br />

from <strong>the</strong> Briti,h grouud troops in sou<strong>the</strong>rn Burma. A formee! m:11I\' e!ifferl'nt funcho!lS, tIll' most illlJ)()rtant of<br />

largc British forcc had hecn surroullelec1 ;llld tr;lppcd in <strong>the</strong> \':hieh incluc1c:<br />

.\rakan section and \\';1' iu thc inllul'Cli;ltc eLmger of being Evacuating wounded. Thc 1,-1 and thl' 1,-) lIorJ!1;dh' ClIT\,<br />

\\"ipcd O\lt. \LlllY l\lmc!ree1> of <strong>the</strong> BritIsh had bcen \\'oullClec1 cmh' t\\"() men each. But UI rl"jJollse 1

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