Air Force the Official Service Journal - Air Force Historical Studies ...

Air Force the Official Service Journal - Air Force Historical Studies ...

Air Force the Official Service Journal - Air Force Historical Studies ...


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'A crystal gazing sergeant :II :111,\SC dcpot<br />

in J-:1li;Lmd forcs:m th« p,mihilih of sah'a~illi;<br />

t lu. hii;hh' SCIISlti\l' 'lILntz cleIllClltS ill<br />

2(1,(!(1I!il"lcl i\l' Ll,ho IT\'SLIIs stor:li;cd for<br />

sllipmcllt hIck to <strong>the</strong> P, S, lie is <strong>the</strong> proud<br />

l)Jo2I1o,stic:ltor of :1 eli1lOdc LI\' IILIChl1lc<br />

which vivu.illv tells t lir plccisc fr'C'lIlCIICI of<br />

a clIsLII .u«l .rt t hc S;III1C t in«- illdiellcs its<br />

:rhi];'h to wit hvt.mr! <strong>the</strong> tlCIllClldoJlS vibrut<br />

ion of a pl.u n- ill fli~ht.<br />

Tho clc:nhc:ldcd cl.urvov.mt is T/S1;t.<br />

J;mlcs T, )Ohll"l1l of \\'cl<strong>the</strong>rforcL 'lcx.iv,<br />

on clut v ill thc rcsc:nch dcp.rrtuunt of thc<br />

dcpot's Sii;lLJ! \LlilllclLIIICC Section. who<br />

without lxucfit of ou ij.: ho.u d or :lstro]0i;i,:Il<br />

aid«, allcvi.rtcd :1 CTitiells]lOILii;C ill thc-«:<br />

vit.il I:lclio COlllpollcnts .u«] solved ;1 ticklish<br />

problem ill Il'st c'lllipIllCIlt.<br />

It SlTlIlS 11"lt t lun- \\';IS red d;lIl~er of<br />

111 a 11\' .-\lIleric:11I pl.mc-, hcilli; i;rollll'lccl for<br />

bck of Si~ILIi cquipmcut , :md thc clenLmcls<br />

from Ili;hter ;llId bomlx-r u n il x ill 1':II~LIlld<br />

rosc to :I four-motored pitch, The .\ir Scrvicc<br />

Conuu.uid inn ncdiatt-lv hU';:11I .m ill\l'stig:ltioll<br />

10 clctennillC thc' possihilit\, of injcctilli;<br />

IIL'\\ lift- int o "Cl..«, 2()" r.ulio CI\sLds<br />

t h.it ~\erl' ;I\\;lilillg dch;nblJolI .md liouor-<br />

:Ihlc disc]"ngc,<br />

:\clillg ;d'"lg t hc-.c lines. .Vnuv t erl mici.ins<br />

sllCcccckcl ill s;J\mg II LlII v \l't'CLIII CT\sLlls<br />

from t h« igllOlllill\' of '[Ilict rctin-mcnt. hilt<br />

fonllcl tli.it t l«: in-olubl« kcv to <strong>the</strong> whole<br />

plOCCSS \\;lS ;I Icli:lhk IIll'1hod of g:mgillg <strong>the</strong><br />

cx.ict cOllciitilJ1l of t lic CI\sLds .rf tcr ICact<br />

iv.it ion . Llch 1I11it. ill melcr to be clTcc-<br />

";\ l.ikc m inc ;1 cloulilc shot" m.r, he appropriate phrasing<br />

under ccrt.un condition«. but pllotogr:lpllicalh' spcakmg it<br />

mcrclv iud icutc-. twice :IS m.un m.untcu.mo; misf:lkes, The<br />

serge;int whn drC:ll1In! !IP fllis' COCkf:li1 of errors cLiillls that<br />

he nllXC'd se\en ingredients of poor pr:lctice in e;lch of <strong>the</strong><br />

pi\, But don't tmll thc pa;,;c for ;1 peek :It cohulln three<br />

llntil :'ou\c prmul tlr;lt he nceels ;,;1:15'0' Pictme A shOll'S a<br />

in<br />

t iv.lv IIsccl ;lg;lill, \\as rcquirccl to f uuct ion .rt<br />

t]IC r.u cr! frc'lllcnc\ origill;llh spccif'cd bv<br />

t hc m.muf.rctun-r , .mcl uulcvs this s;lInc frc-<br />

'l"CIIC\, \\':IS m.unt.nucd af tcr ,,1I';lging, <strong>the</strong><br />

CT\sLII would 1LIn' to be Llppcd Oil tlu: dlcst<br />

.n«l pronnunrcrl unfit. It \\;IS nCCC'SS;lll',<br />

<strong>the</strong>reforc, to find out to \\']Llt cxttnt t hc<br />

Lld;o (T\'SLlls l"ld been ;lffcctcd bv t lu- rcchm.it<br />

ion I)Joccss, hilt ill'lnirics to t lic SLIIcs<br />

rcn'aled th.rt 110 iu-t.mt.mcous met lrorl of<br />

testIng crvst.ils for ;ICCIll:llc o-rill.rfion \\':IS<br />

av.ul.rblc.<br />

Filter t l«: t.rlcntcd t cch. III :1 1I1OlIth's<br />

t iurc lie' perfected a crvst.il testcr th.it lulped<br />

to return ;I high pcrccIILl[;c of former}, ITjcclcd<br />

CT\'SLIIs to .u.t iv« dutv. ]-'C\\' np.ur<br />

jobs h:ln' f.nlcd since his app:n;ltns h:LS been<br />

ill usc. and lip to rcccnf lv he has assist eel in<br />

t lu: rc.ut iv.rt ion of :;(1,I!()() (T\'SLl!.S .rt ;I subst.mt<br />

i.rl s:l\ing, :;(l,(l()() (T\'Stals cant be<br />

\\rollg, .u«] elils for till' m.u.hin« ;lIC hcillg<br />

Iccci\l,d from .iircruft rtp.ur dcpols :111 on']<br />

t he world. ,\]ICI,h', hHJ of <strong>the</strong> machines<br />

.irc in opcr.ition in India,<br />

Sergc:IlIl JOI"l\OII

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