Wilmington Town Crier - Wilmington Memorial Library

Wilmington Town Crier - Wilmington Memorial Library

Wilmington Town Crier - Wilmington Memorial Library


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•EAR '.c ;: PHCNE 9~S> 555-2345 DECEMBER 10. 199* FAX 9"c 658-22S6 42 PAGES<br />

, Firefighter in Somerville<br />

Tom Brown honored<br />

for outstanding j<br />

BOSTON - At the Massa-<br />

i chusetts Firefighter of the<br />

Year Award ceremony held<br />

recently at Fanuel Hall, Gover-<br />

nor Paul Cellucci presented<br />

<strong>Wilmington</strong> resident Tom<br />

Brown with a Governor's Cer-<br />

tificate for outstanding fire<br />

fighting work.<br />

Three Massachusetts<br />

' firefighters received Medals of<br />

Honor, five firefighters<br />

received Medals of Valor, one<br />

1<br />

Challenge<br />

for Miceli<br />

Newhouse<br />

weighs<br />

run for<br />

house<br />


WILMINGTON - Just a short lime ago.<br />

Mike Newhouse ran and gained a seat on<br />

the <strong>Wilmington</strong> Board of Selectman. A<br />

life long resident and a practicing attor-<br />

ney. Newhouse is considering a run for<br />

Representative James Miceli's seal in<br />

the Massachusetts House.<br />

In discussion with friends and asso-<br />

ciates, they are encouraging the young<br />

Selectman to seriously consider chal-<br />

lenging the many year incumbent. "I<br />

have gntien a lot of positive feedback in<br />

conversation. I think many people feel it<br />

is lime for a change." said Newhouse.<br />

Newhouse is a graduate of Harvard<br />

College. He received his Law Degree<br />

from Suffolk University. Active in local<br />

politics since completing his formal edu-<br />

cation. Newhouse is looking to forge a<br />

new direction for the district. He feels he<br />


firefighter received a Com<br />

minify Service award, and<br />

four individual firefighters in-<br />

cluding Brown plus five fire<br />

fighting departments received<br />

Governor's Certificates.<br />

Brown, an 11-year veteran of<br />

the Somerville fire department,<br />

used a fire extinguisher to put<br />

out flames in a burning apart-<br />

ment, and then, despite zero<br />

visibility in the smoke,<br />

managed to locate a man and<br />

Mike Newhouse<br />

§ •<br />

carry turn out of the apart-<br />

ment.<br />

Brown did not know it dur-<br />

ing the rescue attempt, but the<br />

man had already succumbed to<br />

the smoke.<br />

In addition to the Governor's<br />

citation. Brown has been<br />

honored multiple times for his<br />

rescue attempt The most<br />

recent citation was presented<br />

BROWN PAGE 16<br />

Selectmen show Christmas spirit<br />

Local merchant given<br />

OK to sell trees<br />


WILMINGTON*- In keeping<br />

with the spirit of ihc holiday<br />

season. Ihc Board of Selectmen<br />

approved a last minute request<br />

from local business owner Michael<br />

DiGiulio to sell Christmas trees at<br />

his Main St. location.<br />

' According to <strong>Town</strong> Manager<br />

Michael Caira, permits to sell Ihc<br />

Jrccs arc generally issued by the<br />

.September 8 deadline, however.<br />

<strong>Town</strong> <strong>Crier</strong><br />

'Christmas<br />

decorations contest<br />

»' Thc<strong>Town</strong><strong>Crier</strong>elvcswillagainbc<br />

judging Christmas decorations in<br />

<strong>Wilmington</strong> and Tcwksbury. This<br />

contest will, as usual, have no prizes,<br />

other than announcing the names and<br />

publishing photos of the decorations.<br />

The judges will be driving around<br />

on Saturday evening Dec. 20th view-<br />

ing the homes that have been nomi-<br />

nated by their neighbors. Nominations<br />

will be open until Thursday evening.<br />

Those homes nominated will be noti-<br />

fied (hopefully) in advance by mail.<br />

Judging criteria will, as always, be on<br />

the lastefulness of the decorations and<br />

of Ihc cookies offered as bribes to the<br />

»<br />

most members agreed lo make the<br />

exception since DiGiulio is new lo<br />

t he town and was not aware thai he<br />

needed a permit<br />

DiGiulio. who owns Sunline. a<br />

outdoor furniture and pool supply<br />

store, told Ihc board that he has<br />

already purchased 500 trees for the<br />

season and thai he would be stuck<br />

with them should Ihc permit be<br />

denied.<br />

"I Ihink we'd be doing him a<br />

judges.<br />

To nominate your neighbor (or<br />

yourself [how lacky.'D simply call the<br />

<strong>Town</strong> <strong>Crier</strong> at 658-2346 anytime.<br />

During the day a live person will an-<br />

swer the phone, after hours just leave<br />

a message.<br />

Please make sure you give a com<br />

plcte address, including the town (some<br />

street names are duplicated in<br />

Tcwksbury & <strong>Wilmington</strong>, and there<br />

are even some duplicates in Tcwksbury<br />

alone. Abo the name of the people is<br />

helpful in sending notification that well<br />

he visiting<br />

Remember this is all in fun!<br />

disservice. He is a business owner."<br />

said Chairman Daniel Wandell<br />

before the board voted 4-1 in<br />

favor of DiGiulio. with Selectmen<br />

James Rooncy opposed.<br />

Rooncy expressed concern over<br />

the issue, feeling thai Ihc proximity<br />

of DiGiulio's site lo local nonprofit<br />

organizations and other seasonal<br />

vendors may effect their business.<br />

"I'm concerned about the Boy<br />

Scouts selling trees at the plaza<br />

across the street, and the people<br />

across ihc street from Lucci's."<br />

said Rooney.<br />

Joseph Stecn of the American<br />

Legion was also on hand Monday<br />

lo discuss Ihc possibility of<br />

constructing a memorial lo honor<br />

<strong>Wilmington</strong>'s veterans.<br />

"I've traveled all across the<br />

state..and every city and town has<br />

some sort of monument dedicated<br />

lo their veterans." said Stecn who<br />

pointed out that <strong>Wilmington</strong> has<br />

yet to build such a memorial.<br />

Stecn s suggestion resulted in a<br />

unanimous decision by the board to<br />

appiove a live-member committee<br />

of veterans, including Rooncy.<br />

who will determine the feasibility<br />

of the proposed memorial project.<br />

Although there is currently no set<br />

location or design for memorial. ■<br />

Stecn estimated thai the cost of the<br />

project would probably be in the<br />

$50,000 range.<br />

Also. Caira updated the status of<br />

TREES PAGE 16<br />

GOVERNOR'S CERTIFICATE RECIPIENT Tom Brown (R), an 11-year veteran<br />

of the Somerville Fire Department and <strong>Wilmington</strong> resident, with (L to R) his<br />

wife Mary and daughters Chrissy and Lindsey.<br />

Laurel Avenue<br />

Pizza delivery driver<br />

held up Friday night<br />

By FRANK J. AMMO<br />

WILMINGTON A 22 year old Wilm-<br />

ington pi/Ai delivery dnver escaped in-<br />

jury when he was held up by Ihrcc men<br />

Friday night.<br />

The driver, went to a Laurel Avenue<br />

address to make a delivery when, ac-<br />

cording to police, approached the house<br />

which was in darkness, asked a man<br />

silling on the front steps if he had the<br />

right house when he said "give me the<br />

pizza, your money, and your wallet, if<br />

you don't, one of my friends across the<br />

street will shoot you".<br />

The driver gave the man the pizza<br />

and an undisclosed amount of money.<br />

then left the scene. He then approached<br />

Officer Paul Chalifour. who was parked<br />

on Route 38 hy the Salvation Army, and<br />

informed him of the tiWx'n.<br />

Officer Chalifour then broadcast the<br />

information about the holdup over his<br />

radio and within moments six Wilming-<br />

ton six police officers converged on the<br />

scene, hut on their arrival, the men had<br />

fled the scene.<br />

Police conducted an area search and<br />

called in the Burlington K-9 officer for<br />

additional help in finding the suspects<br />

Police later found die uneaten pi//a. but<br />

no suspects.<br />

The police department has released<br />

the following description of the suspect<br />

at the door White or Hispanic male, late<br />

teens, stocky wiihachubhy face He was<br />

wearing a dark hooded sweat shin, and<br />

a baseball cap The two friends have<br />

onh been described as wearing dark<br />

jackets.<br />

The police arc continuing their in-<br />

vesligalion. and have not released addi-<br />

tional details.<br />

Police arc advising other restaurants<br />

who deliver food to use care when mak-<br />

ing deliveries.<br />

Anyone having information about<br />

thcnMicryshouldconfact InspeckwTJave<br />

Sugruc at 657-8082<br />

New DPW director<br />

appointed<br />


WILMINGTON Citing Ihc lack<br />

of cooperation from the Wakcficld<br />

Board of Public Works. Department<br />

of Public Works (DPW) Director<br />

DonaldOnusseit has accepted a sim-<br />

ilar job in <strong>Wilmington</strong>. »<br />

• "Working for this Board has been<br />

very difficult." Onusscil said. "Over<br />

Ihc past year I haven't fell great<br />

about coming to work."<br />

Onusscil said that several factors<br />

were involved in his decision lo<br />

take the <strong>Wilmington</strong> position. "The<br />

people I talked to in the public<br />

works industry all said good things<br />

about <strong>Wilmington</strong>." Onusscil said.<br />

School Committee<br />

Special needs<br />

programs raise<br />

some questions<br />

bv ERIN DOWMM:<br />

WILMINGTON - School officials<br />

claim that a 29-year old programs<br />

tuition expense is to blame lor<br />

lower student enrollment.<br />

George Flynn. executive director<br />

of SEEM Collaborative, a program<br />

that provides educational services hi<br />

special-needs students in kinder-<br />

garten through high SJI.MII said at<br />

the <strong>Wilmington</strong> School Committee<br />

meeting of December 3, that the<br />

service saves taxpayers money.<br />

Flynn said. "There is link<br />

question that the existence ol<br />

collaborativcs and their services<br />

have a significant economic impact<br />

in Massachusetts. Thcv save<br />

^<br />

He also noted that he will be re-<br />

placing the present superintendent.<br />

Robert Palmer, who has been with<br />

the department for 40 years.<br />

"Before I made my decision I<br />

talked with him on Monday."<br />

Onusscil said.<br />

Onusscil has been in negotiations<br />

lor the position with <strong>Wilmington</strong><br />

<strong>Town</strong> Manager Michael Caira.<br />

Caira said. "I am delighted he has<br />

accepted."<br />

According to Caira. Onusscil was<br />

one ol 42 applicants for the posi-<br />

tion. Caira noted that of the 10 fi-<br />

nalists, eight - were sitting public<br />

works superintendents and two oth-<br />

ers were highly qualified in the<br />

taxpayer ilollais There arc no<br />

|nis >|aic |nal<br />

othei organizations "><br />

have the capacil) to do what the<br />

collaborativcs. individual and<br />

collectively, are accomplishing."<br />

Committee inemhci Robert Young<br />

asked how the <strong>Wilmington</strong><br />

coinmunilv pays lor the program<br />

"Do we (Ihc community I have a set<br />

fee oi is it a pcr-pupil based<br />

payment.'" asked Young<br />

I him said that there is a tuition<br />

based payment that ranges Irom<br />

SIX.000 lor a student with learning<br />

disabilities to $22,000 !

<strong>Wilmington</strong> school lunch menus<br />

Week of Dcccaabcr 15<br />

Ekaeatary<br />

Mo ad ay: "Day at die Beach<br />

Day." frankfuit on a roll. French<br />

fries or potato rounds, seasoned<br />

vegetable, chilled fruit, milk/juice,<br />

ice cream. Buy lunch and receive a<br />

tumbler!<br />

Tuesday: "Loaded nachos"<br />

(nacho chips, cheese sauce, tomato,<br />

lettuce, salsa, seasoned ground<br />

beef), seasoned rice, chilled fruit,<br />

milk/juice, dessert.<br />

Wednesday: Chicken nuggets,<br />

creamy mashed potato, seasoned<br />

vegetable, dinner roll, chilled<br />

fruit, milk/juice. Jello with<br />

lopping.<br />

Thursday: Roast turkey dinner,<br />

whipped potato. seasoned<br />

vegetable, cranberry sauce, dinner<br />

roll, milk/juice, dessert.<br />

Friday: Italian style pizza,<br />

pepperoni optional, tossed garden<br />

salad, breadstick. chilled fruit,<br />

milk/juice, ice cream.<br />

BoatweU School<br />

Monday:"Day at the Beach<br />

Day." frankfurt on a roll, French<br />

fries, carrot and celery sticks,<br />

chilled fruit, milk/juice.ice cream.<br />

Buy lunch and receive a tumbler!<br />

Tuesday :"Loaded nachos"<br />

(nacho chips, cheese sauce, tomato,<br />

lettuce, salsa, seasoned ground<br />

beef), seasoned rice, chilled fruit,<br />

milk/juice, dessert.<br />

Wednesday: Chicken nuggets,<br />

creamy mashed potato, seasoned<br />

vegetable, dinner roll, chilled<br />

fruit, milk/juice. Jello with<br />

lopping.<br />

Thursday: Sliced turkey<br />

sandwich, oven baked French<br />

DOUG'S<br />


REPAIR<br />

Mobile Mechanic<br />

658-5944<br />

Save $$$"on brakes"<br />

and general repairs<br />

Day & evening service available<br />

<strong>Town</strong>Qrier<br />

Classifieds<br />

They Work!<br />

Advertisement<br />

ITs YOUR Money<br />

by Joyce Brisbois<br />


TAXES<br />

There are legitimate uses for busts:<br />

for estate planning, for instance, or to<br />

protect the property of minors, even for<br />

some charitable giving. There are trusts<br />

that have considerable tax benefits but.<br />

under the law. that cannot be their main<br />

purpose. It's legitimate for parents to<br />

buy life insurance through an insurance<br />

trust, with their children as beneficia-<br />

ries. The policy stays out of the estate,<br />

and the children gat the full benefit<br />

Trouble is. there are a lot of abusive<br />

trusis. and the Internal Revenue Service<br />

is cracking down on them. Some chari-<br />

table business trusts have caught the<br />

IRS' attention, especially those set up by<br />

promoters who claim they can escape<br />

income, self-employment and estate<br />

taxes. In time, the IRS will discover<br />

assets hidden in foreign-based asset pro-<br />

tection trusts, and their owners may be<br />

subject to stiff penalties. The key is<br />

control: if you control an asset, you-not<br />

the trust-own iL<br />

Got a trust offer that sounds to good to<br />

be true'.' Check it out with folks a<br />

Joyce K. Brisbois, C.P.A.<br />

404 Main St.. Suite #1<br />

<strong>Wilmington</strong>. MA 01887<br />

(508)658-5034<br />

I<br />

fries, carrot and celery sticks,<br />

milk/juice, pudding with lopping.<br />

Friday: Italian style pizza,<br />

pepperoni optional, tossed garden<br />

salad, breadstick, chilled fruit,<br />

milk/juke, ice cream.<br />

Middle schools<br />

Moaday: Foot long frankfurt on<br />

a roll, oven baked beans, seasoned<br />

vegetable, chilled fruit, milk/<br />

juice, ice cream.<br />

Tuesday: Manager's buffet.<br />

milk/juice.dcssert. Buy lunch and<br />

receive chance to win a prize.<br />

Wednesday: Chicken nuggets,<br />

creamy mashed potato, seasoned<br />

vegetable, dinner roll, chilled<br />

fruit, milk/juice. Jello with<br />

topping.<br />

Thursday: Roast turkey dinner,<br />

whipped potato. seasoned<br />

vegetable, cranberry sauce, dinner<br />

roll, milk/juice, dessert<br />

Friday: Sal's pizza, tossed<br />


garden salad, breadstick. chilled<br />

fruit, ice cream, milk/juice.<br />

High School<br />

Moaday: Steak and cheese<br />

bomb. French fries, seasoned<br />

vegetable. chilled fruit,<br />

milk/juiccdessert.<br />

Tuesday: chicken pot pie,<br />

creamy mashed potato, seasoned<br />

vegetable, wheat bread, chilled<br />

fruit, snack cake, milk/juice.<br />

Wedaesday:"Mama Anna's"<br />

pasta bar, seasoned vegetable.<br />

French bread/butter, chilled fruit,<br />

milk/juice. Jello with topping.<br />

Thursday: Oven roast turkey,<br />

creamy mashed potato, seasoned<br />

carrots, cranberry sauce, dinner<br />

roll and butter, milk/juice, dessert.<br />

Friday: Chicken nuggets with<br />

assorted sauces, whipped potato,<br />

seasoned vegetable, wheat bread,<br />

chilled fruit, milk/juice, ice cream<br />

Tewksbury Schools and<br />

Shawsheen Tech. lunch menus<br />

Tewksbury<br />

schools<br />

Week of December 15<br />

Moaday: American chop sucy.<br />

garden green beans, hot homemade<br />

roll, milk, chocolate chip cookie.<br />

Tuesday: Vegetable soup,<br />

assorted hoagies.cold cuts, ham<br />

and cheese or tuna with cubed<br />

tomato and lettuce, ice cream,<br />

milk.<br />

Wedaesday: Rotin. pasta with<br />

meat sauce, green beans, hot cross<br />

bun, raisin cookie, milk<br />

Thursday: Oven roasted<br />

chicken, creamy mashed potato.<br />

carrot slices, corn bread, dessert,<br />

milk<br />

Friday: Chilled juice, tomato<br />

and cheese pizza, garden salad,<br />

dessert, milk.<br />

Shawsheen<br />

Tech<br />

Week of December IS<br />

Line III<br />

Moaday: American chop sucy.<br />

green beans, hot wheat roll, fresh<br />

fruit, milk. •<br />

Tuesday: Chicken nuggets with<br />

dipping sauces. mashed<br />

potato.vegetable, hot roll, fresh<br />

fruit, milk.<br />

Wednesday: Chicken fajitas,<br />

Mexican rice, corn bread, baked<br />

dessert, fresh fruit, milk.<br />

Thursday: Veal cutlet<br />

parmesan. mashed potato, green<br />

beans, hot roll, fresh fruit, milk.<br />

Friday: Italian style pizzajossed<br />

salad, fresh fruit, ice cream treat,<br />

milk<br />



The Superior Court hereby gives notice of the availability of a special<br />

bail commissioner appointment to be made for the territorial jurisdic-<br />

tion of Woburn District Court. Preference given to candidates living<br />

in the Court district. A bail commissioner, during the hours when the<br />

court is not in session, authorizes the release of persons held in cus-<br />

tody at police stations and other lockup facilities within the jurisdic-<br />

tion, pees an set by law and are presendy $25-540 depending on die<br />

number of releases authorized. The appointment will be for a period<br />

of three years, but is renewable at the discretion of the Superior Court.<br />

Persons interested in'being considered<br />

for Ms appointment should contact:<br />

Michael J. McEaieaacy, State Bal Administrator<br />

Office of Bal Administration<br />

1100 New Court House, Boston, MA 02108<br />

Tel: (»T7) 725-8130<br />

M. J. ZERO Fuel Co.<br />

72?* ■■ Bm ^ mM COD<br />

•24 Hour Service mt^^tmm '»¥«* Experienced<br />

•Fully Insured price subject to Chang* -Fully Licensed<br />

Call (508)-664-0275<br />

Wing's<br />


851-8100 657-7389<br />

Used Auto Truck Parts<br />

1628 Shawsheen Tewksbury<br />

Junk Cars & ucks<br />

Wanted<br />

Mon. - FrL 8:00 - 6:00 & Sat 8:00 - 4:<br />

aW Owners: Lynn Deconto & Ken Wing<br />


CO. INC.<br />

658 - 9126<br />

Mac Sez:<br />

Get Snow Tires Early<br />



An ■■■■!■> I<br />

210 Andover Street<br />

New Location, <strong>Wilmington</strong><br />

BBSS<br />

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BBBBBB-**a> k<br />

East Gate<br />


DPI \ SI \I)\Y I 2 - r»<br />

Wll MIM.ION<br />

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I \il 38 nil Rl *>.^ Rl 129<br />



PYRAMID"<br />

OREGON Wl<br />


rauau.<br />

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OPI \ SI \I)\Y 12 ■ 6<br />

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12 Main Si • Ki 28<br />

39 oil Ki 93 < uncord Si<br />



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Peter MacKenrie. David Bradley and Gene Hubert of boy scout<br />

troop #47 work their biggest fund-raiser of the year selling Christmas<br />

trees at the Congregational church in Tewksbury center, (photo by<br />

Maureen Lamoureux)<br />

Together with their families, TMHS students held a gathering<br />

in the high school library in honor of their Australian exchange<br />

students. Shown are members of the Fabiano Family: Karen, Bill<br />

and Jenn with their guest Ebaay .Hill- (photo by Maureen<br />

Lamoureux) ''-.' ""'<br />

Letter to the ed itor j<br />

<strong>Wilmington</strong> sends 505 signatures<br />

Dear Larz:<br />

On Wednesday, December 3,<br />

volunteers from around the state<br />

delivered 100.000 signatures to the<br />

Secretary of the Commonwealth in<br />

order to qualify the Clean Elections<br />

Law for the November 1998 ballot.<br />

By delivering 40,000 more<br />

signatures than were required, the<br />

voters of Massachusetts sent a clear<br />

message to Beacon Hill and Capitol<br />

Hill that voters want an election<br />

system in which votes, not dollars,<br />

count.<br />

State by state citizens are<br />

reclaiming their democracy from<br />

special interest money. In 1996,<br />

voters in Maine, Colorado,<br />

California and Arkansas approved<br />

campaign finance reform ballot<br />

initiatives.<br />

This fall, an estimated 3,000<br />

Massachusetts volunteers spent their<br />

weekends out in the driving rain<br />

collecting signatures. Concerned<br />

they would find cynicism and<br />

apathy, they discovered instead a<br />

groundswell of enthusiasm for fair,<br />

effective campaign reform.<br />

*<br />

In <strong>Wilmington</strong>, Henry Latla,<br />

volunteer organizer for Common<br />

Cause, worked in conjunction with<br />

the League of Women Voters. Mass.<br />

Voters for Clean Elections. CPPAX<br />

and others to gather SOS signatures.<br />

Those who helped collect<br />

signatures and those who signed the<br />

petitions have reason to celebrate.<br />

Archibald Cox. the Special<br />

Prosecutors during the Water<br />

investigation, told Clean Elections<br />

supporters on Wednesday: "You<br />

have done something extraordinary.<br />

Passage of the Clean Elections Law<br />

will help restore confidence in<br />

government, and will make elected<br />

officials more accountable to voters<br />

rather than special interest money.<br />

The Massachusetts Legislature will<br />

take up the Clean Elections'Law<br />

early in 1998. If the lawmakers fail<br />

to pass it. voters will have the<br />

opportunity to pass the Clean<br />

Elections Law in November, 1998.<br />

Joshua Friedes,<br />

Executive Director,<br />

Common Cause. Massachusetts<br />

Qfonm&GIrwr<br />

Puofahet<br />

Cetobsburp - <strong>Wilmington</strong><br />

l«<br />

104 LOMI St. P.O. Bm 939. Wtein^on. MA 01887-0938<br />

(506)65*2346 FAX (508)85*2286<br />

Pubkofen No 635-340<br />

ApuHMMrf toWoBMfMyTlMl te<br />

One tov.Oim.mam. MA 01801. pubfahtd *«y Wedrwotoy<br />

iGajLUaNrim<br />

G«.Mgr./Edfcr C Start<br />

hncyCTqlor NHUII Fank-L<br />

■Mil JohnD.OH* Sports&fcy *■<br />

T— Cihw.lt* I—■ *. Wi i in ■ iMAWP<br />

war<br />



SOI SAM To My SON<br />


PowtRof Ttff. MrtrffiN<br />

AW USE it ONLY Fof*<br />

THECroooof...<br />

1MENM&<br />

\HfE*RtffTS<br />

AND SEZ:<br />

^PLEASE DAD// ,<br />



CALLlM&fof?<br />

AOrOOD.<br />

OtP f ASlllPMt^<br />

Eric Fonlecchio of Newton puts the finishing touches on his wonder-<br />

ful ice sculpture. The ice for the reindeer was supplied by Brookhne Ice<br />

Co.. for the lighting of the tree ceremony .(photo by Maureen Lamoureux)<br />

tEoton <strong>Crier</strong><br />

10 years ago in <strong>Wilmington</strong> 10 years ago, Tewksbury<br />

Elves Bonnie Nod. Julie Robinson<br />

and Diana Delaney were pictured at<br />

work in Santa's Workshop at the<br />

<strong>Wilmington</strong> <strong>Town</strong> Hall.<br />

Rec Director Ron Swasey was<br />

pictured in Santas Workshop as he<br />

showed Danny Butler his picture<br />

taken with Santa a few minutes<br />

earlier.<br />

Bruce Davidson of Gunderson<br />

Road and Kevin Stokes of Allen<br />

Park Drive were among the 453<br />

students to graduate at summer<br />

commencement exercises of<br />

Went worth Institute of Technology.<br />

Julie Celata of Fairmeadow Road<br />

was selected for inclusion in Who's<br />

Who Among Students in American<br />

Universities and Colleges, 1988<br />

HUM —am<br />

edition.<br />

Christina Favero of Gowing Road,<br />

played the role of Hannah in the<br />

Elms College (Chicopee)<br />

production of Little Women.<br />

Pictured as they were honored for<br />

their 30 or more years of service to<br />

the <strong>Wilmington</strong> Schools were<br />

Loddy Weisbcrg, Dolores Silva,<br />

Mildred Woods.Lorrainc Kalil, Al<br />

Hambleton. Kay Souza. George<br />

Cogan. Roger Breakcy. Fred<br />

Bcllissimo and Frank Kelley.<br />

Missing from the picture were<br />

James Gilligan, Carol Folkins and<br />

Marjorie Marshall<br />

Mary Ellen Taylor of Glendale<br />

Circle, became the bride of Joseph<br />

i»aul Osborne of Derry. N.H.<br />

Gerry Gilks of Marion Drive was<br />

pictured looking over one of the<br />

many Christinas trees being offered<br />

for sale by the Tewksbury Lions<br />

Club. Sal Ciaccio, Lions member<br />

was pictured making the "sales<br />

pitch." Proceeds of the event would<br />

benefit eye research.<br />

Barbara Krueger wrote a letter to<br />

the <strong>Town</strong> <strong>Crier</strong> thanking all those<br />

involved in the beautiful Christmas<br />

lighting on Tewksbury common,<br />

especially Yvonne Hall and the<br />

Tewksbury Garden Club who<br />

initiated, organized and provided<br />

leadership in the drive to collect<br />

funds for the project.<br />

Fourth graders Kelly Archiprcte,<br />

Aimee Martin. David Moore.<br />

Benjamin Christopher. J

I<br />



*££?<br />

Rte.129 <strong>Wilmington</strong><br />

Lowell Street At Woburn Street<br />

Store Hours: Mon. thru Sat. ? AM-9 PM1<br />

Now Open Sundays 8 AM - 6 PM<br />

^^ WE NOW ACCEPT<br />

4SL VISA M/C & ATM fig<br />

(IfnV*^ - ^ ^^■■■1 LONG AS STOCKS DO<br />

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STEAKS<br />




IBLADE<br />

$ 1 Li.<br />


CORNED<br />

$<br />

SAVE $1.50<br />

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BEEF $|69<br />




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$149<br />

1<br />


$ 2"<br />

CAKES<br />

not<br />

Carvel<br />

BLUE<br />

RIBBON<br />

ICE<br />

CREAM<br />

CAKES<br />

4 $<br />


SAVE $5.00<br />



WHEAT<br />

READ<br />

/ $ 3<br />

SAVE 98*.<br />

1201<br />

BOX<br />

10 INCH<br />


FROM<br />

[DLVS<br />

4 $<br />




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1/2 GAL<br />

IVELVEETA $099<br />

REG & LITE<br />

(RAFT<br />

WEDDED<br />

WEDDAR&<br />


80Z.<br />

2<br />

2/ $ 3<br />

SAVE 98*<br />


WILMINGTON - Fair Chairman<br />

Joe Fiiipowicz and all Ihc senior,<br />

volunteers who worked hard at the<br />

Senior Fair last Saturday, thank all<br />

who spent many hours id their lime<br />

making so many beautiful articles<br />

that filled the tables and sold at the<br />

'fair. They thank all who purchased<br />

chance books and took chances at<br />

the table: attended and brought with<br />

ihem friends and families, to do<br />

some of their Christmas shopping.<br />

With all seniors working together<br />

ihc Senior Fair was a success.<br />

Christmas celebration<br />

The next holiday celebration<br />

social will be the Christmas<br />

celebration. Open House party.<br />

Friday. December 19, starting at'IO<br />

with ihc exercise class. Food will<br />

start to be served at noon. We. as<br />

senior citizens enjoy having our<br />

•iwn Christmas and Hanukkah<br />

celebration at the Senior Center<br />

eMl year. It is for all <strong>Wilmington</strong><br />

rSfcnfs 60 years of age and over.<br />

There will be singing, dancing,<br />

conversation and food:, all<br />

ingredients for a festive, happy<br />

holiday party. Don't sit home and<br />

lament because you think your<br />

children don't invite you to a<br />

Christmas party they may have.<br />

Your children have their own<br />

children to shop with and<br />

lin Trying to keep up with the<br />

duties of their careers, families.<br />

Christmas shopping, decorations,<br />

visiting relatives (besides you), they<br />

arc stressed out. more stress from<br />

He careful<br />

Something we should be careful of<br />

as we celebrate the holidays is the<br />

consumption of alcohol. Remember,<br />

as we age our bodies react different<br />

to alcohol, especially when<br />




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medication is- being taken. With<br />

alcohol, some medications heighten<br />

the effect. Always check with your<br />

doctor when a prescription is given<br />

to determine what effect a drink of<br />

alcohol will have on you when<br />

taken with the prescription.<br />

you will not help .Especially when<br />

you should be enjoying your own<br />

holiday celebration at the Senior<br />

Center without your children. Let<br />

them enjoy themselves with their<br />

friends. -<br />

A little uplift<br />

As senior citizens we can give the<br />

best of gifts at Christmas to those<br />

who need a little uplift So many of<br />

our seniors are in constant pain,<br />

from a terminal or prolonged<br />

illness. Others are carrying the<br />

terrible pain of losing a spouse,<br />

family member or friend; still<br />

others are confined to hospitals or<br />

nursing homes. To make Christmas<br />

a little happier for them, especially<br />

if they live alone pay them a visit<br />

If you can afford, take along a little<br />

gift to lift their spirits, let them<br />

know you will be seeing them<br />

again. Helping others is a very<br />

rewarding feeling, try it<br />

Programs next week<br />

Monday, December IS, exercise<br />

class from 10 to II a.m.. art class<br />

from I to 3 p.m.. whist starting at<br />

noon.<br />

Tuesday: Commissioners<br />

meeting.<br />

Wednesday: Exercise class. 10<br />

to 11 a.m., podiatrist starting at<br />

9:30 a.m.. craft class from 9 am to<br />

noon.<br />

Thursday: Ceramics class from<br />

9 a.m. to noon, shop class from 9<br />

a.m. to noon, sewing, knitting and<br />

crocheting class from 9 a.m. to<br />

1 to 3 p.m..<br />

t:30. Wood<br />

pressure.<br />

Friday: Exercise class from 10<br />

to, 11 a*flL, hearing specialist<br />

«attng m 10. open house all day.<br />

No bingo.<br />

Edie Cunningham<br />

<strong>Wilmington</strong><br />

seniors<br />

Week of December 15<br />

Monday: Meatloaf. whole<br />

parslicd potato, seasoned carrots.<br />

■null■ ••rain bread and butter,<br />

brownie, milk.<br />

Tuesday: Pork roast with gravy<br />

on the side, oven baked potato,<br />

chilled applesauce, seasoned<br />

broccoli, bread and butter, tapioca<br />

pudding, milk.<br />

Wednesday: Flame grilled<br />

burger, potato wedges, seasoned<br />

vegetable blend, chilled fruit,<br />

dessert, milk.<br />

Thursday: Roast turkey dinner,<br />

whipped potato, seasoned butternut<br />

squash, wheat bread and butter,<br />

cranberry sauce, pudding with<br />

topping, milk.<br />

Friday: Baked fish dinner,<br />

mashed potato, seasoned spinach,<br />

pumpernickel bread and butter, ice<br />

cream, milk.<br />

Minuteman menu<br />

Week of December 15<br />

Served at Veterans' <strong>Memorial</strong><br />

Center. 144 School Street. No.<br />

Wohurn. Call 617-935-2239.<br />

Monday: Turkey vegetable<br />

casserole, baked potato, corn<br />

bread, applesauce, milk.<br />

Tuesday: Holiday meal, apple<br />

juice, ham. honey mustard sauce,<br />

green beans almondinc, sweet<br />

potato, twist roll, eclair, milk.<br />

Wednesday: Ziti with meat<br />

sauce, grated cheese, garden salad,<br />

dressing, sourdough bread,<br />

chocolate chip cookie, milk.<br />

Thursday: Cream of broccoli<br />

soup, cbickea marsala, lyoaaaise<br />

potato, pumpernickel bread,<br />

chilled fruit, milk.<br />

Friday: Meatloaf with onion<br />

gravy, mashed potato, peas and<br />

carrots, oatmeal hread.frcsh fruit,<br />

milk.<br />

WED. THRU SAT. DEC 10TH - DEC 13TH<br />





Hostesses 'for the Festival of the Trees, sponsored by the<br />

<strong>Wilmington</strong> Garden Club included: Carolyn Richburg. Louise<br />

Meegan. Jean Reid. and Sandra Geanakakis. (photo by Maureen<br />

Lamoureux)<br />

**r '<br />

Rick Barry is the newest member of the <strong>Wilmington</strong> Kiwanis<br />

Gub. He pitched right in on their latest service project: serving a<br />

holiday dinner to senior citizens at <strong>Wilmington</strong>'s Deming Way.<br />

Every year they provide meals, merriment and music for dozens of<br />

residents.<br />

Daniel Francis Keough<br />

Tewksbury Center High School,<br />

Class or '43<br />

211 LOWELL!<br />

WILMIN<<br />

>■.»<br />

iJV -ii. LX~ —<br />

TOP<br />

J*<br />



FJi"<br />

$199<br />

I LB. jg|<br />

37*1<br />

RUMn<br />

Potassium<br />

o\Hom(<br />

i<br />

I<br />

c»»<br />

Goodness<br />

HIM<br />

Carvel<br />

* 1 ■ I ' m I ><br />

BLUE<br />

RIBBON<br />

TEWKSBURY - Daniel Francis activities including New Engla<br />

Keough, 72. died Monday, Patriots Football and the Bosti<br />

December 8, 1997 at his home in Red Sox.<br />

North Andover. He was the Mr. Keough is survived by<br />

widower of Florence L. (Ford) daughters and sons-in-law, Susan'<br />

Keough who died November and Michael M. Hoy of Miltc<br />

24.1994. Born in Gharlestown Sheila K. and Gerald D. Holland •<br />

February 6, 1924, he was the son of Hudson. N.H. and Nancy K.<br />

the late Leonard and Alice Daniel D. Doolan of New Hof<br />

(Hamilton) Keough. He lived in PA; two hrothers.Gcrald Keough i<br />

Tewksbury for many years prior Naples, Fl. and Wakefield, MA<br />

to moving to North Andover in William Keough of Reading;<br />

1988.<br />

sister, Margaret K. Hill and his <<br />

He was educated in Tewksbury friend, Barbara McKenzie both<br />

schools and graduated from the Tewksbury; six grandchildre<br />

former Tewksbury Center High Shawn M. and Patrick M. He.<br />

School with the Class of 1943.<br />

2SOZ l&JM<br />

CUPS I 9*1<br />

During his high school years he was Dana J. and Kaleigh A. Holl<br />

an accomplished three sport athlete, Maeve K. and Daniel D. Doolan J<br />

ICE<br />

competing in football, basketball He was also the father of the<br />

and baseball Which he was captain, Millicent A. Crowell; brother of<br />

he later attended Coburn late Leonard, Robert and Edw.<br />

Preparatory Academy in Keough; the late Thomas Kehoe<br />

CREAM Waterville, Maine.<br />

the late Mary Lydon; grandfatl<br />

Mr. Keough served the country of the late Alexander D. Holland<br />

during World War was a motor Calling hours are scheduled for<br />

CAKES machinist mate 3rd class in the to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday at<br />

United States Navy, he earned Farmer & Dee Funeral Home,<br />

SA99 4<br />

several decorations, including the Lee St.. Tewksbury. Funeral<br />

World War II Victory Medal and services will be held Friday at 9 j<br />

the American Theater Medal. He a.m. from the funeral home .<br />

was last in the Keough family line followed by a funeral mass at Si. J<br />

employed with Boston Shipping Williams Church. I3SI Main St.. J<br />

SAV£'2.78 HALfPRICt<br />

$AVt*S.O0<br />

Association - International Longshoreman's<br />

Union Local 800, a job<br />

he held for 43 years.<br />

He was a communicant at the<br />

chapel of Merrimack College in<br />

Rt. 38, Tewksbury and interment f£j<br />

Tewksbury Cemetery.<br />

Donations made in his memory to<br />

the Redmen Football Club, 9<br />

Cleghorn Ln., Tewksbury 01876 or<br />

■ta*MrtfcMiiMMtfMi^Mi**MtaM<br />

North Andover and previously<br />

attend St. Williams Parish in<br />

to Nation Organization of Rare<br />

Disorders, Box 8923, New Fairfield<br />

Tewksbury. He enjoyed many CT 06812, will be appreciated.<br />


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Some of the Best Surgeons in Boston Work at Winchester Hospital<br />

Dr. William Brechvoldt is one of the<br />

many gifted surgeons at Winchester<br />

Hospital. His medical expertise has<br />

allowed hundreds of people the<br />

opportunity to resume normal lives.<br />

Dr. Breckwoldt could practice<br />

anywhere he likes. He chooses to<br />

practice at Winchester Hospital.<br />

Over 100 surgeons work at<br />

Winchester Hospital. All of them<br />

are superbly-trained. Many of them<br />

maintain affiliations with the great<br />

teaching hospitals of Boston. Because<br />

of their expertise and skill, Winchester<br />

Hospital has become one of the best<br />

medical institutions in New England.<br />

We take pride in their work.<br />

We share their devotion to this<br />

community. We believe, as they do,<br />

that our patients deserve the highest<br />

quality medical care.<br />

For more information, please call<br />

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Medical Excellence. Community Values.<br />

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• • 8W TOWN CRIER - WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10. 1997<br />

%B£ c yVildcat Uiappenincj s<br />

Frances Boudreau<br />

Integral part of WHS<br />

bv BEN DeC.ENNARO<br />


Frances Boudreau is an integral<br />

part of <strong>Wilmington</strong> High School .<br />

She is one of the nicest and most<br />

thoughtful teachers at WHS. After<br />

graduating high school. Mrs.<br />

Boudreau wasn't sure what her<br />

career goal would be. She decided<br />

to attend Salem Slate College. A<br />

degree from Salem would give her<br />

the flexibility to enter the business<br />

world, or become a teacher. It<br />

wasn't until she did her student<br />

teaching at Lowell High School that<br />

she realized this was the profession<br />

that she would like to pursue.<br />

Mrs. Boudreau began teaching at<br />

WHS after graduating from Salem<br />

State and has been with us for the<br />

past 34 years. She was hired by<br />

Superintendent Harold Shea and<br />

Principal Bernard McMahon. She<br />

has taught a variety of courses and<br />

is now enjoying the new computer<br />

technology lab. After all these<br />

years, Mrs. Boudreau says that she<br />

still loves teaching - attitude is most<br />

important, and you have to have a<br />

good sense of humor.<br />

onow Villt<br />

1977-1997 age<br />

Bjr Deputnwnl 56<br />

Choose from several nostalgic<br />

Village pieces.<br />

^Family Tradition.<br />

c^fe/g^<br />

M. 't. 'i. y. Jt- >Ji p<br />

211 Lowell Street<br />

(Rlc. 129-Luccis Shopping Man.<br />

betide Royal Dpofly)<br />

<strong>Wilmington</strong> (978)658-2910<br />

tta:Mon-Fn9-7.Sji9-6. Sun 11-4 J<br />

Frances Boudreau with her students<br />

Each year, during the first week<br />

of school. Mrs. Boudreau gives her<br />

students a few words of wisdom:<br />

try hard, never give up. be kind and<br />

have fun! She hopes that these will<br />

help them, not just in school, but<br />

throughout their lives. She loves<br />

working with students and helping<br />

them as much as she can. Mrs.<br />

Boudreau loves to see her students<br />

cninusiasuc aooui learning and tells<br />

them they should be proud of what<br />

they have accomplished.<br />

Mrs. Boudreau especially enjoys<br />

when former students return as<br />

guest speakers; or just to visit. Also,<br />

at WHS Open Houses, she meets<br />

many former students who are now<br />

parents. She wonders "Am I really<br />

thatold?-<br />

Over the years, Mrs. Boudreau<br />

has been a class advisor, an acting<br />

department chairperson, and has<br />

been an advisor to business clubs.<br />

Currently, she serves as the<br />

Distributive Education Clubs of<br />

America (DECA) advisor. She feels<br />

that this is a wonderful opportunity<br />

for marketing students to compete<br />

with students from other schools.<br />

She commented that "Whenever we<br />

go to competitions, our students are<br />

recognized as being respectful<br />

young 'ladies and gentlemen' Your<br />

teaching style must be working,<br />

Mrs. Boudreau."<br />

She is the type of person who will<br />

"bend over backward" to help you,<br />

and I want her to know that she is<br />

appreciated, and held in the highest<br />

regard at <strong>Wilmington</strong> High School.<br />

Local grants for teens<br />

WINCHESTER - Teenagers who<br />

want to make a difference in their<br />

community will now have their<br />

chance. Winchester Hospital's<br />

Community Health Institute and<br />

Tufts Health Plan will co-sponsor a<br />

scries of grants which will be<br />

awarded to local teens for youth-<br />

initiated health prevention<br />

programs. The Teen Mini-Grant<br />

Program provides students with a<br />

small grant to use toward<br />

implementing their project ideas.<br />

These grants will support health<br />

and prevention programs such as<br />

substance abuse support, drinking<br />

and driving awareness and the<br />

prevention of smoking among<br />

teenagers. Winchester Hospital<br />

President Stephen Laverty says.<br />

r%*% CUSTOM STITCH -<br />

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978-988-1344<br />

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iPap Hat}<br />

Each year as Santa works on his list Larz starts working<br />

on his own. You can be on his "Good" list by sending your<br />

renewal now.<br />

Local readers (<strong>Wilmington</strong> and Tewksbury) can beat the<br />

clock by sending $19.00 to Larz. Readers who live else-<br />

where and don't want to miss a single issue should make<br />

their checks for $23.00.<br />

After January 31, renewal notices will be mailed to all<br />

subscribers who have not renewed. The price will be $20.00<br />

for. <strong>Wilmington</strong> and Tewksbury and $24.00 for out of town.<br />

New subscriptions are also available<br />

at these discount rates.<br />

•<br />

9> '<br />

Hung Nguyen<br />

Nguyen ranked<br />

high in his class<br />

by MICHAEL VITALE years now, and she knows me belter<br />

WILMINGTON - <strong>Wilmington</strong> than any other teacher docs." Hung<br />

High School senior Hung Nguyen said.<br />

certainly has a lot to be proud of. Right now Hung is busy filling out<br />

He's in the top 10 of his class, a those pesky college applications, he<br />

member of National Honors<br />

"The Community Health Institute<br />

is applying to RPI. Boston College.<br />

Society, and hard working and<br />

has found an excellent way to<br />

WPI. and Northeastern, but his first<br />

conscientious student all make up<br />

involve teenagers in the health<br />

choice will be MIT. "My dad alwa> s<br />

Hung. Son of Hon and Backhuong<br />

education process. This program<br />

says that I will graduate from MIT<br />

Nguyen. Hung is enrolled in AP<br />

supports the efforts of teenagers<br />

and get a good paying job right<br />

World Literature. Honors Calculus,<br />

who want to address health issues."<br />

away." Hung is the perfect<br />

Psychology, Latin, Sociology, and<br />

These grants empower teens to Careers |his » candidate for MIT. His main goal<br />

very<br />

get an early start on learn.ng and challenging ^.i.<br />

for senior year is getting into MIT<br />

adopting a healthy lifestyle, which<br />

and getting lots of scholarship<br />

Hung is ranked seventh in a class<br />

will extend and improve their<br />

money.<br />

of 159. On his SATs Hung received<br />

health in the long run," says Harris<br />

In college. Hung plans to major in<br />

a 620 verbal and an incredible 730<br />

Bcrman. M.D., chief executive<br />

computer engineering because he's<br />

math, for a combined score of<br />

officer of Tufts Health Plan:<br />

always been interested in computers<br />

I<br />

I3S0! Hung is a member of and hopes that having an<br />

I Winchester Hospital is the area's Students Against Destructive exceptional background in<br />

-i I leading provider of comprehensive Decisions and the Robotics Cluh computers will get him a good job.<br />

■ I health care services ranging from He is also a member of the WHS Hung's main goal is to get a job that<br />

j | acute care to home and respite care.<br />

Varsity Tennis team and enjoys makes him happy.<br />

! | With 183 beds. Winchester Hospital playing basketball and soccer. As for life goals. Hung has this, to<br />

! | serves the needs of Winchester, Last year Hung received the say: "By the time I settle in with my<br />

{ | Woburn. Reading, <strong>Wilmington</strong>. Rensselaer Polytechnical Institute career,! want a family, a nice house,<br />

| North Reading, Stoneham, Scholarship for his outstanding kids and a Ferrari. I've been<br />

| Burlington. Billerica, Medford and work in math and science. 'It made inspired by racing, because I<br />

| other surrounding communities. me feel good because my parents believe that life is a race. You start<br />

were more proud of my off bumpy, but once you go through<br />

Applications for these grants are accomplishments than I was." Hung a couple of laps, you learn to<br />

_ now available. For more<br />

said.<br />

perfect the turns and bends.<br />

| information, and to obtain an A special teacher for Hung is Mrs. Obstacles are always a factor* hut<br />

| application, contact Rick Vail at the Joyce Beck with, A Spanish, French with hard work you'll cross the<br />

| Community Health Institute, (781) and Latin teacher at the high school.<br />

finish line." Hung certainly has a<br />

J 756-4716.<br />

"I've had Mrs. Beckwith for three good head start for his race.<br />

I Please send the <strong>Town</strong> <strong>Crier</strong> to:<br />

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State Rep. Jim Miceli delivers annual summation<br />

WILMINGTON State<br />

Representative. Jim Miceli.<br />

delivered his annual summation to<br />

approximately 20 <strong>Wilmington</strong><br />

residents Tuesday night at<br />

<strong>Wilmington</strong> <strong>Memorial</strong> <strong>Library</strong>.<br />

Miceli reflected mainly on the<br />

issues dealing with die stale and<br />

local government that he has<br />

worked on. or is currently working<br />

on. to best serve the needs of the<br />

people he represents.<br />

The session, which Miceli labeled<br />

as informal and comfortable,<br />

allowed <strong>Wilmington</strong> residents a<br />

chance to get a more distinct picture evening by reassuring that his door<br />

of what is happening in their ls always open to the public. He<br />

community and an opportunity to said. "I am no stranger in this town,<br />

pose any questions or concerns they I am here all of the time. I don't<br />

had regarding topics dealing with just sit up in my office in Boston<br />

Male and local government. and come around only during<br />

Miceli. who has been serving in election time." With that, he invited<br />

government since 1977. opened the<br />

Programs raise some questions<br />

FROM PAGE 1<br />

But according to a letter presented<br />

addition to tuition, the eight •* n y n IO *« Scho ° l Committee,<br />

member communities (Lynnficld. SEEM reduces expenses by<br />

Reading. North Reading. Stoneham. collaborating with other school<br />

Wobum. Winchester. Wakefield and districts. "Collaboratives provide a<br />

<strong>Wilmington</strong>) each pay an annual fee mechanism for school di: Iricls to<br />

of $5,500.<br />

<strong>Wilmington</strong> Special Education<br />

Director Clco Fredette said that the<br />

number of participating students has<br />

decreased by half since the program<br />

changed its payment plan.<br />

Fredette reported that SEEM had<br />

23 students prior to changing from<br />

a fee-based to a tuition-based<br />

payment three years ago.<br />

cooperate in providing services that<br />

would prove more costly for a<br />

single district to offer. By<br />

collaborating and cooperating with<br />

other school districts, collaboratives<br />

enable school districts to achieve<br />

economies of scale and to utilize<br />

group leverage." reads the letter.<br />

Flynn also believes the quality of<br />

New DPW director<br />

FROM PAGE 1<br />

Onusscit said he would stay on the<br />

job in Wakefield until January 3.<br />

the date of the Board's first budget<br />

hearing. "This is a difficult time to<br />

be leaving." Onusscit said, "with the<br />

budget negotiations starting.<br />

"This will be a big year for trash<br />

(contracts) and I want to get the<br />

Board up to speed on that."<br />

Onusscit noted that the trash and<br />

recycling collection contracts will<br />

he coming up for renegotiations this<br />

year and the price the town pays for<br />

the service is expected to double.<br />

Onusscit said that his disappoint-<br />

ments will be in not completing the<br />

North Andovcr project and the<br />

Montrosc Avenue project before he<br />

leaves.<br />

Looking forward to his new posi-<br />

tion. Onusscit said that it would be<br />

similar in nature to his job in<br />

Wakefield. He will hold the title of<br />

Superintendent ins cad of Director<br />

and he will be in charge of build-<br />

ings as he is in Wakefield.<br />

"There is actually a decrease in<br />

pay to start," Onusscit said. "In six<br />

months I will be close to what I am<br />

making now and after a year I will<br />

surpass that point."<br />

Onusseit has been with the<br />

Wakefield department for IO years<br />

and look over as director on the re-<br />

tirement of Richard C. Boutictte in<br />

1992. He .will start his new position<br />

on January 12.<br />

Putting "quit" on<br />

your resolutions list<br />

WILMINGTON - As the holiday<br />

season brings 1997 to a close, many<br />

of us will resolve to cat less,<br />

exercise regularly, and quit<br />

smoking in the new year. To help<br />

you gel started, the <strong>Wilmington</strong><br />

Board of Health Tobacco Control<br />

Program and the Winchester<br />

Hospital Cessation Program will be<br />

at the Winchester Hospital Family<br />

, Medical Center Wednesday,<br />

December 17 from II a.m. to I<br />

p.m. to offer information and<br />

Tina Piquette<br />

support for those who will put "quit<br />

smoking" on their New Year's<br />

resolution list<br />

Information about upcoming<br />

cessation programs, along with<br />

"quit kits" to gel you through those<br />

first difficult days will be available.<br />

Those who are unable to stop by,<br />

can call the <strong>Wilmington</strong> Tobacco<br />

Control Program at 658-7228 or<br />

Winchester Hospital Cessation<br />

Program at 781-756-4705 for<br />

additional information. Happy New<br />

Year!<br />

the programs is shown by the<br />

number of people participating in<br />

them. "People were questioning the<br />

quality of the programs. In some<br />

programs most of the changes made<br />

were in the personnel. Now. we<br />

have high quality programs and the<br />

number of people attracted to them<br />

shows this." said Flynn.<br />

Headquartered in Lynnfield.<br />

Flynn said that the Target<br />

Program is successful. "When the<br />

participants graduate, they will have<br />

the full time job to give them<br />

something positive to do." said<br />

FIynn.<br />

School Committee member Paul<br />

Palizzolo asked how they measure<br />

the success of the program.<br />

Flynn responded by saying that<br />

<strong>Wilmington</strong> students have been 'J Cy can de,em,inc lhe success of<br />

participating in SEEM since I968. ,hc P ro ? ram b Y looking at the<br />

according to Flynn. "Four young numb


Church news<br />

St. Elizabeth's<br />

Episcopal Chapel<br />

Corner of Forest Street and<br />

Aldrich Road. <strong>Wilmington</strong>. 658-<br />

2487.<br />

The chapel is accessible to<br />

handicapped individuals.<br />

Service of the Holy Communion.<br />

Sunday School and Crib n Crawl<br />

Child Care are at 10 a.m. each<br />

Sunday with coffee hour<br />

immediately following the service.<br />

Than., Dec. 11: 7:30 p.m..<br />

Tai Chi class.<br />

Fri., Dec. 12: S:30 p.m.. Bible<br />

study.<br />

Sat., Dec. 13: 7 p.m.. Movie<br />

Night.<br />

Son., Dec. 14: 10 a.m.. Holy<br />

Communion. Sunday School. Crib<br />

n Crawl Child Care; Coffee hour.<br />

Taes., Dec. 16: Noon. Bible<br />

study with bag lunch; 7 p.m..<br />

Executive Committee meeting.<br />

Wed., Dec. 17: Advent<br />

Program.<br />

Thurs., Dec. 18: 3 to 7:30<br />

p.m.. Bread of. Life Homeless<br />

Feeding Program; 7:30 p.m..<br />

Advent study program.<br />

First Baptist Church,<br />

Tewksbury<br />

The Rev. Carole Boutwell pastor.<br />

1500 Andover St.. (Rome 133).<br />

Church office hours. 9 a.m. to<br />

noon. Monday through Thursday;<br />

978-851-6575. The Rev. Brenda<br />

Champney. associate pastor of<br />

Christian Education.<br />

Sunday: 10:30 a_m... Worship<br />

service 9:30 a.m.. Church School<br />

for all ages "nursery through adult.<br />

Nursery care available from 9:30<br />

to 11:45 a.m; Junior Choir<br />

practices from 11 30 am. to noon.<br />

During the week: Hilltop<br />

Learning Center offers a safe<br />

learning environment for infants<br />

and toddlers through kindergarten,<br />

call 978-640-9277.<br />

Adult luncheon the second and<br />

fourth Wednesday at noon; Boy<br />

Scout Troop 431 meets Friday<br />

evenings at seven.<br />

First Baptist Church<br />

<strong>Wilmington</strong><br />

The Rev. Ronald D. Grimley.<br />

pastor. 173 Church St., Wilm-<br />

ington; 658-8584. Church office is<br />

open Tues-Fri., 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.<br />

Toes.: 7 p.m.. Men's Bible study<br />

(biweekly).<br />

Wed.: 10 a.m.. Women's Bible<br />

study at B. Welches; 6 p.m..<br />

Pioneer girls, grades 1-6; 7 p.m..<br />

Prayer meeting.<br />

Than.: 7 p.m.. Stockade Boys,<br />

grades three through six;<br />

Batallion. young men grades seven<br />

through 12; Choir rehearsal.<br />

Fri.: 10 a.m.. WOE Women's<br />

Bible study.<br />

Sat.. 8 a.m.. Men's Breakfast.<br />

ihird Saturday.<br />

SUB.: 9:15 am .Sunday school.<br />

Adult electives. nursery care<br />

provided; 10:45 a.m.. Worship<br />

service. (traditional and<br />

contemporary music). Junior<br />

Church, ages four through seven<br />

and nursery care.<br />

St. Thomas Church<br />

126 Middlesex Ave.. Wilm-<br />

ington. The Rev. Robert Browne,<br />

pastor, the Rev. Edward F. Sherry,<br />

parochial vicar. Paul W. Merullo.<br />

pastoral assistant<br />

Masses are celebrated Saturday<br />

at 5 p.m.; Sunday at 8:15.9:30 and<br />

10:45 a.m and noon; weekday<br />

masses are said at 9 a.m. Monday<br />

through Friday and 8 a.m.<br />

Saturday.<br />

Youth Choir: For people seven<br />

and older who would like to sing<br />

at the 9:15 a.m. mass on Sunday.<br />

Rehearse Friday from 4 to 5 p.m.<br />

Baptism: First and third<br />

Sundays of the month at 2 p.m.<br />

upon completion of instruction for<br />

parents on the Friday preceding<br />

the first Sunday of the month at<br />

7:30 p.m. Parents should<br />

preregister with Father Sherry at<br />

658-4655. God parents are<br />

required to be baptized, confirmed<br />

and practicing Catholics.<br />

Sat., Dec. 13: Bus leaves from<br />

the church parking lot at 8 a.m.<br />

for the trip to Yankee Candle in<br />

So. Deerfield. Take your own<br />

beverage; donuts or danish will be<br />

supplied.<br />

Staircase: The outside staircase<br />

of Villanova Hall needs to be<br />

rebuilt. Church officials are<br />

seeking estimates on the job. Any<br />

interested carpenter may call Fr.<br />

Browne. 658-4665.<br />

Universalist/<br />

Unitarian<br />

Reading<br />

The Rev. Victoria Weinstein.<br />

summer minister; 239 Woburn St..<br />

Reading. Call 944-0494. The<br />

church office is open 9 a.m. to<br />

noon on Fridays.<br />

St. Dorothy's Church<br />

<strong>Wilmington</strong>, South Tewksbury.<br />

The Rev. Rickafd O'Donovan,<br />

pastor; the Rev. Donald Abbott.<br />

Parochial Vicar; the Rev. John<br />

Harrington, visitor. 658-3550.<br />

Masses: Sunday. 7:30. 9:30 and<br />

11 30 a.m. Saturday Vigil at 4<br />

p.m. Daily at 8:30 a.m.<br />

Confessions: Are heard<br />

Saturday at 3:15 p.m.. or by<br />

appointment<br />

Baptisms: Every Sunday by<br />

appointment.<br />

Marriages: Couple must meet<br />

with a priest at least six months<br />

before wedding date.<br />

St William's Church<br />

Conducted by the Oblate Fathers.<br />

1268 Main St.. Suite #161.<br />

Tewksbury, Rectory phone, 851-<br />

7331; Religious Education Center.<br />

851-3471.<br />

Mass schedule<br />

Saturday. 4 and 7 p.m.<br />

Sunday. 7:30. 9 and 1030 a.m..<br />

noon<br />

and 5 p.m.<br />

Family mass at 9 a.m. in the<br />

lower<br />

church<br />

Weekdays at 9 a.m. and 5:30<br />

p.m.<br />

Confessions<br />

Saturdays and evenings of holy<br />

days. 3 and 3:45 p.m. anytime at<br />

the rectory. First Friday before<br />

each mass.<br />

Mission of Renewal<br />

Weekdays: at 9:30 a.m. Sr.<br />

Anne D'Arcy, CSJ will give daily<br />

mission talk following 9 a.m.<br />

mass.<br />

Congregational<br />

Church in <strong>Wilmington</strong><br />

220 Middlesex Avenue.<br />

<strong>Wilmington</strong>; interim Pastor the<br />

Rev. James McCloy; office hours<br />

Mon -Thurs.. 9-1; 658-2264.<br />

Sunday School. 9:15 a.m..<br />

Worship Service; 10:30 a.m.;<br />

Nursery and second hour program<br />

provided; Youth group meets<br />

every other Sunday at 6:15 p.m.<br />

Thurs., Dec. 11: 6:15 p.m.,<br />

bell choir; 8 p.m., NA.<br />

Sat., Dec. 13: 7:30 p.m.. N.E.<br />

Brass Band Christmas Concert<br />

Sun., Dec. 14: 9:15 a.m..<br />

Sunday School for all ages: 10:30<br />

a.m.. Sunday morning worship<br />

followed by coffee hour; 6:15<br />

p.m.. Youth Group; 7:15 p.m..<br />

YG. parents invited.<br />

Medford Bank has Provided<br />

Construction & Development<br />

Financing for<br />

EAQIM<br />

Eagles Landing, in Tewksbury, is a<br />

55 and older community which includes<br />

176 residential condominium units,<br />

a club house and a 9 hole golf course.<br />

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hBBBBBBl aaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanBaaBBaaM ■aaaaaal BM<br />

MOB., Dec. 22: 7:30 p.m..<br />

Women's Prayer and Praise.<br />

TBCS., Dec. 23: 10 am. Bible<br />

study.<br />

Wed., Dec. 24: 7 p.m.. Choir<br />

practice; 7:30 p.m.. AA Twelve<br />

Steps for Life.<br />

Congregational<br />

Church in Tewksbury<br />

Corner of Main and East Streets,<br />

the Rev. Paul Millin. pastor. Office<br />

hours are Monday through Friday,<br />

8:45 am. to 1:45 p.m. Call 851-<br />

9411.<br />

Thurs., Dec. 11: 7:30 p.m.,<br />

Senior choir.<br />

Sun., Dec. 14: 10 a.m..<br />

Worship service. Advent Pageant<br />

"Carriers of die Light", worship<br />

followed by classes; 11 a.m..<br />

coffee hour, fellowship; 11:10<br />

a.m.. Junior Choir rehearsal.<br />

Cherub Choir rehearsal; 11:30<br />

a.m.. Junior Handbell rehearsal;<br />

5:30 p.m.. Junior High Youth<br />

Fellowship; 7 p.m.. Senior High<br />

Youth Fellowship; 7:30 p.m.,<br />

Interfaith Choir rehearsal.<br />

MOB., Dec. 15: 7:30 p.m..<br />

Carillon ringers rehearsal.<br />

Tues., Dec. 16: 7:30 p.m..<br />

Church Council meeteing.<br />

Wed., Dec. 17: 9 a.m..<br />

Friendship Circle; 7:30 p.m..<br />

Senior Choir. »<br />

<strong>Wilmington</strong> United<br />

Methodist Church<br />

Serving Billerica, <strong>Wilmington</strong><br />

and Burlington. 87 Church Street.<br />

The Rev. Herb Taylor, pastor, 658-<br />

8217; Ron Kirby, assistant pastor.<br />

657-5224. <strong>Wilmington</strong>'s United<br />

Methodist Church is accessible to<br />

handicapped individuals. World<br />

Wide Web *www. tiac. net/users/<br />

amerins/ wumc. htm. Services<br />

shown on WCTV Sundays at 1.5<br />

and 8 p.m.<br />

Thurs., Dec. 11: 3:30 p.m..<br />

Kirk wood House Nursing Home<br />

service; 6:30 p.m.. new members<br />

dinner.<br />

Fri., Dec. 12: 7:30 p.m..<br />

Alcoholics Anonymous.<br />

Sat., Dec. 13: 8:45 a.m..<br />

Mission of Deeds.<br />

Sun., Dec. 14: 8:15 a.m..<br />

Communion service; 9:15 Sunday<br />

School; 10:30 a.m.. Family<br />

worship service; 11:45 a.m..<br />

Orchestra rehearsal; 4:30 p.m.,<br />

CbrisUnas.J'ageaut; 8 p.m., Al<br />

Anon. '<br />

Mon., Dec. 15: 3:15 p.m..<br />

Brownies; 6:30 p.m.. Cub Scouts;<br />

7 p.m.. Bible study.<br />

Toes., Dec. 16: 2:30 p.m..<br />

Woodbriar Nursing Home service;<br />

7 p.m.. Choir rehearsal; 7:30 p.m..<br />

Handbell Choir rehearsal; 8 p.m..<br />

Alcoholics Anonymous.<br />

Wed., Dec. 17: 10 am.. Bible<br />

study; noon. Alcoholics<br />

Anonymous; 6:30 p.m.. Parenting<br />

Group; 7:30 p.m.. Ruth Circle.<br />

Thurs., Dec. 18: 9 a.m..<br />

Women's Club; 3:15 p.m.. Junior<br />

Girl Scouts; 7 p.m.. Finance<br />

Committee; 7:30 p.m., Miriam<br />

Circle.<br />

Fri., Dec. 19: 5:30 p.m..<br />

Nominating Committee; 7:30 p.m..<br />

Alcoholics Anonymous.<br />

<strong>Wilmington</strong> Baptist<br />

Fellowship<br />

51 Adams St., Pastor Daryn<br />

Marsh. 658-1588.<br />

Every Wednesday at 6 p.m..<br />

prayer, fellowship and study.<br />

Sunday at 6 p.m.. Worship<br />

service at St. Elizabeth's Episcopal<br />

Chapel. Forest Street.<br />

Attention teens: Teens for<br />

Christ will meets Friday evenings<br />

from 6:30 to 8:30 at St. Elizabeth's<br />

Chapel. 4 Forest St. All teenagers<br />

(13-19) are welcome.<br />

Direct prayer requests or<br />

questions to Christina Valenti,<br />

youth director or Pastor Daryn<br />

Marsh. 658-1588.<br />

Temple<br />

Shalom Emeth<br />

Programs<br />

Temple Shalom Emeth is located<br />

at 16 Lexington St.. Burlington,<br />

Temple Shalom Emeth is a reform<br />

synagogue serving Burlington and<br />

neighboring communities. Call<br />

617-272-2351.<br />

For information call Francine<br />

James 508-667- 7863 or Rabbi<br />

Abramson 617-272-2351.<br />

Congregation Shalom<br />

A Reform synagogue located on<br />

Richardson Road. Chelmsford<br />

invites those interested to observe<br />

Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur<br />

services as follows:<br />

Santa's been<br />

busy writing<br />

to local tots<br />

For a small donation to the<br />

<strong>Wilmington</strong> Community Fund Food<br />

Pantry Santa will write to your child<br />

(or deserving adult) too. Jim Murray is<br />

again acting as representative for the<br />

Jolly Old Elf and creating personal-<br />

ized letters from Santa<br />

To have a letter sent to your tot send<br />

$2.50 (or more) to The North Pole, 25<br />

Lowell St.. <strong>Wilmington</strong>, MA 01887.<br />

Please tell Santa what to say he will be<br />

leaving under the tree for the child and<br />

Monday, December 1st<br />

A Main Street business reported<br />

having a problem with a patron wish-<br />

ing to be served after closing<br />

Gari R. Bustamante, 23, Chelsea<br />

was arrested for being an unlicensed<br />

operator, and giving a false name to<br />

the police.<br />

Dogs chasing cars was reported on<br />

Grove Ave.<br />

An accident was reported on Main<br />

Street.<br />

Tuesday, December 2nd<br />

A 10 Speed bike was found in the<br />

swamp on Railroad Ave.<br />

An accident occurred on Main<br />

Street.<br />

2 Vehicles were broken into on<br />

Research Drive.<br />

Wednesday, December 3rd<br />

James Monico, 20. <strong>Wilmington</strong> was<br />

arrested on a warrant<br />

2 juveniles walked out of the<br />

Woburn Street School<br />

North <strong>Wilmington</strong> - $ 219,900<br />

yjw-rw*<br />

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Jackson baih brick front Split in Hathaway acres!<br />

8 rooms, 4 bedrooms hardwood floors, garage.<br />

Beautiful lot!<br />

ESTATE<br />

5 Shady Lane Drive - <strong>Wilmington</strong><br />

508-658-2345<br />

=R<br />

TS1<br />

Tewksbury United<br />

Methodist Church<br />

Tewksbury United Metb<br />

Church at 2335 Main<br />

Tewksbury; the Rev. Susan<br />

Curtis, pastor; Bill Williai<br />

organist; Claire Johnson,<br />

SUB., Dec. 14: 10 a<br />

communion service. Sun<br />

School; 11 a.m.. coffee hour.<br />

p.m.. Youth Fellowship.<br />

Moa., Dec 15: 7:30 p.m.<br />

Pastor Parish meeting.<br />

Church office hours for the<br />

will be Monday through Frit<br />

from 9 a.m. to 12 noon.<br />

Presbyterian<br />

Burlington<br />

335 Cambridge St.. Burlington;<br />

617-272-9190. —<br />

Sunday, Dec. 14: 9 a.m..<br />

Church school; 10:30 *-m>fcl<br />

worship for all. preacher"<br />

exchange, guest, the Rev. Stu .<br />

Cameron; child care available;<br />

11:45 am., "Word for Children*<br />

Church school teachers meeting; 2<br />

p.m.. work camp meting at<br />

Waltham; 6:30 p.m.. Explorers „<br />

Group.<br />

Wheelchair ramp available.<br />

•Ojf<br />

■A\c$<br />

. UlffP.<br />

uiA<br />

• .',.'■<br />

• * y's<br />

of course the child's name and any<br />

other specific info that you would like<br />

Santa to say in his letter.<br />

For your donation, your child will,<br />

receive, before Christmas, a letter on<br />

cute stationary telling your child what<br />

to look for under the tree on Christmas'<br />

morning. Your donation will help the'<br />

<strong>Wilmington</strong> Community Fund le

imes & Faces<br />

l&fieila DiLeo joins Carlson Real Estate<br />

TEWKSBURY Carlson Real Es-<br />

tate Better Homes A Gardens has<br />

welcomed Sheila DiLeo to its<br />

Tewksbury office.<br />

Sheila joins Carlson with over 10<br />

years of experience as a full time<br />

realtor.<br />

She is a member of the Eastern<br />

Middlesex Association of Realtors.<br />

National Association of Realtors.<br />

Bay State MLS. an incoming 1998<br />

president of Women's Council of Re-<br />

altors.<br />

Sheila lives in <strong>Wilmington</strong> and is<br />

available for all your real estate needs<br />

by calling (978) 851-0048.<br />

.'■■<br />

Honors for the Loella Dewing School<br />

— **<br />


Birthdays<br />

Tewksbury<br />

P*il Lundbof, Louisiana Rd Dec 16<br />

Jim Haydcn. Easement Rd Dec. 20<br />

<strong>Wilmington</strong><br />

Gladys ttuwley. Deiler Si<br />

celebraiing her «J0lli Dec. 13<br />

ZacharyRiel.SomeivilleAvc Dec. 13<br />

Joyce Dahon. Grove Ave. Dec. 17<br />

Billy Carroll. Veranda Ave. Dec. 18<br />

Bob Mazaka. Grove Ave. Dec 18<br />

Carol Am Allen. Tomahawk Dr. Dec. 19<br />

Edna T. Bixby. Wavcrly Rd. Andover<br />

reined Wd. dental hygienist Dec 19<br />

Cheryl DiOno. Patches Pond Ln. Dec 19<br />


WILMINGTON - Kelly Cunin.<br />

daughter of Ed and Mimi Cunin of<br />

Woburn Street has been inducted<br />

into Psi Chi National Honor Society<br />

in Psychology while studying at<br />

Western New England College in<br />

Springfield.<br />

A I99S graduate of <strong>Wilmington</strong><br />

High School. Kelly is a junior<br />

psychology major at Western New<br />

England.<br />

Cootie Party by the Emblem Club<br />

TEWKSBURY - The<br />

Tewksbury/<strong>Wilmington</strong> Emblem<br />

Club will hold a Cootie Party<br />

Monday, December 15, 7:15 p.m.<br />

in Elks Hall. South Street. Dessert<br />

and coffee will be served The<br />

public is invited.<br />

No experience is required to play<br />

this fun tilled game. Take along a<br />

friend and enjoy the fun. For more<br />

information call Elsa at 851-2882<br />

or Nancy at 851-2810.<br />

TEWKSBURY - The administration at the Loella F. Dewing School has released the honor roll for the first marking period with the following students listed:<br />

f. Grade five<br />

B-4<br />

JV Mrs. Mrozowski<br />

" High honors<br />

Nicholas Fell/<br />

Colleen Hannigan<br />

Paul McDermott<br />

Steven McGinnis<br />

Kevin McGrath<br />

SoniaShah<br />

Robert Stewart<br />

Honor roll<br />

Julia Cormier<br />

Stephanie l-rey<br />

Sarah Lee<br />

Samantha Quint<br />

Jessica Worthen<br />

B-7<br />

Mrs. Robinson<br />

High honors<br />

Melissa Goldsher<br />

Matthew Hirsh<br />

Kn'ribcrly Perley<br />

/nnson Smith<br />

Honor roll<br />

Jenna Bristol<br />

Matthew Carlson<br />

Anthony DeMarco<br />

JUH**» Faherty<br />

Courtney Marr<br />

loscph Reitano<br />

Ashley Sheehan<br />

Jennifer Wells<br />

B-8 Ms. Rend<br />

High honors<br />

Chelsea Conrad<br />

Sara Faulkner<br />

KjJjj^Mac Donald<br />

David Reichert<br />

Lauren looker<br />

.■■ ■ * Honor roll<br />

Jennifer Dermody<br />

Brian Ford<br />

Krista Folhergill<br />

Kim Haley<br />

.IcHrcy Little<br />

Er^Melo<br />

JTJ<br />

B-9 Mrs. Henry<br />

High honors<br />

SwVen Higgins<br />

Elizabeth Mucica<br />

b9K Honor roll<br />

Jeauca Berquist<br />

Kelly Cross<br />

Knsien Galh<br />

AfevHcrzog<br />

Chryslinc Lecesse<br />

noi9<br />

tin.' .<br />

»:#tiO<br />

Stacey McDonald<br />

Stacy Ossinger<br />

Brad Yerkes<br />

B-10 Ms. Whitehonse<br />

High honors<br />

Jeremiah Boyle<br />

Jeffrey Cooney<br />

Kevin Igo<br />

Christopher Dietsch<br />

Honor roll<br />

Daniel Bradley<br />

Jodi Cronin<br />

Colette Gondola<br />

Meghan Lyndston<br />

John McLaughlin<br />

Carolyn Mortimer<br />

Amanda Parsons<br />

Nicole Russell<br />

Joseph Smith<br />

Bretton Slarliper<br />

Adelheid Waumboldt<br />

Grade four<br />

B-2 Mrs. Fisher<br />

High honors<br />

Sarah Boudreau<br />

Brendon Cottrcau<br />

JclTMagee<br />

Allyson Trull<br />

Gloria Yip<br />

Honor Roll<br />

AlexChou<br />

Joshua Coakley<br />

Brian Fialkowski<br />

Kim Kline<br />

Mia Luteria<br />

Timothy Maher<br />

Neal Roberts<br />

Michelle Ronayne<br />

B-3 Miss Parker<br />

High honors<br />

Amanda Levesque<br />

Courtney Lizotte<br />

Kenneth MagiK><br />

Jeremy Margi<br />

Teagan McCarthy<br />

Matthew Morrison<br />

Erik Tabor<br />

Honor roll<br />

Bridgette Burns<br />

Stephanie Domoracki<br />

LeoKeefe<br />

Megan Linskey<br />

Kathcrine Mattel<br />

James Moody i<br />

Friends of <strong>Library</strong> hosts Guest Author<br />

WILMINGTON - The Friends of<br />

the <strong>Wilmington</strong> <strong>Memorial</strong> <strong>Library</strong><br />

will be hosting their first visit to the<br />

liftra-fy by an author. Gary<br />

GMshgarian, author of three novels<br />

and an English professor at<br />

Northeastern University, will be<br />

discussing his most recent book,<br />

"Jb^. Stone Circle" Thursday,<br />

January 22 at 7 p.m. in the library<br />

conference room.<br />

"The Slone Circle is a<br />

suspense/thriller about an<br />

ilogist and his son who are on<br />

dig on a fictitious Boston Harbor<br />

Robert Parker, author of the<br />

lenser detective series,<br />

bommends this book highly for<br />

/one who enjoys the works of<br />

ephen King and Dean Koontz.<br />

ic^J/riends of the <strong>Library</strong> will<br />

fcr free refreshments, and this<br />

am is free to the public.<br />

He Friends have donated Five<br />

Dies of "The Stone Circle" to the<br />

which are already in<br />

circulation. There will be books<br />

available for sale, and Mr.<br />

Goshgarian will sign copies for<br />

anyone interested. Reserve a copy<br />

of the book for your winter reading<br />

and please join us for what<br />

promises to be a fascinating<br />

evening!<br />

SNOW<br />


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Katelyn Noyes<br />

Alesia O'Lalor<br />

Brendan Tuttle<br />

B-ll Mr. Maloney<br />

High honors<br />

Alexandra Kami<br />

Dean Sheehan<br />

Ashley Trull<br />

Honor roll<br />

Kathleen Bums<br />

Craig Collins<br />

Ashley Long<br />

Caitlin Mahoney<br />

Samantha Morse<br />

Michael Perrigo<br />

Girbaud Tibodeau<br />

B 12 Mrs. Ryan<br />

High honors<br />

Audrey Cutelis<br />

Shaylin Major<br />

Honor roll<br />

Kelly Gorham<br />

Kevin Grayson<br />

Jeffrey Haslam<br />

Jillian Indelicalo<br />

Alyssa Johnson<br />

Amanda Koval<br />

John I alia<br />

Caitlin Mason<br />

James McLeish<br />

Andrew Minichino<br />

Marie Vitello<br />

Eric Webb<br />

B-14 Mrs. Cintolo<br />

High honors<br />

Jeffrey Fredrikscn<br />

Zachary Jones<br />

Jason Tully<br />

Honor roll<br />

Lcana Gaudette<br />

Benjamin graham<br />

Julie Hudson<br />

Patrick Kelley<br />

Travis Leone<br />

Kathcrine Murdock<br />

Minal Patcl<br />

Stephanie Seeliger<br />

Laura Stewart<br />

Charles Webber<br />

Ronisc Whealon<br />

Jessica White<br />

B 15 Mrs. Hughes<br />

Honorable mention<br />

Ricky Carson<br />

Rachel Wecden<br />

IWMHlM — ' ,: - '<br />

WILMINGTON Firefighters Richard Tiger - Hughes and Al The<br />

Legend" Mouse gave Janelle Puleo. Erica Jensen. Melissa Aiesi. Tuna<br />

Marguaru. Alexandria C«>pn. Jessica Phclan. Cameron Bahinc. Michael<br />

Donahue and Zachary Cupp a lour of the fire house.<br />

Christmas aboard USS George Washington<br />

TEWKSBURY - While most<br />

Americans are celebrating the<br />

holiday season al home or with<br />

family. Navy Seaman Michael<br />

Roux. son of Joseph Roux of<br />

Helvitia Street, Tewksbury. is<br />

scheduled to spend the holidays<br />

deployed to the Mediterranean and<br />

Arabian seas aboard the aircraft<br />

carrier USS George Washington.<br />

Roux is one of more than 65,000<br />

Sailors. Marines "and Coast<br />

Guardsmen who arc serving the<br />

country separated from their<br />

families this holiday season. He is<br />

working abroad to preserve peace<br />

as part- of our nation's forward<br />

defense forces.<br />

Aircraft carriers like L'SS George<br />

Washington are forward deployed<br />

around the world to maintain a U.S.<br />

presence and provide rapid<br />

response in times of crisis.<br />

A 1993 graduate ol Tewksbury<br />

<strong>Memorial</strong> High School. Seaman<br />

Roux joined the Navy in October<br />

1995.<br />


at 87 Church Street<br />

The <strong>Wilmington</strong> United Methodist Church<br />

Welcomes You!<br />

Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship Services<br />

5:00 PM and 7:00 PM Family Worship Sen ices<br />

11:00 PM Traditional Communion Service<br />

Sunday Services 8:15 AM Informal Communion<br />

10:30 AM Family Worship<br />


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Names & Faces<br />

's, the lucky winners<br />

; MEDFORD - Joseph and Marie<br />

DiChiara of Burlington are the lucky win<br />

fliers of $1.000 in Medford Bank's recent<br />

Combo Plus promotion.<br />

The DiChiara's were one of 25.000 area<br />

residents who received a postcard entry<br />

•■•nil in the mail. The drawing for the<br />

S1.000 prize was open to the public. Entry<br />

forms were also available in all of Medford<br />

Bank's 16 branch locations and in recent<br />

newspaper advertisements. "I'm so ex-<br />

cited." said Mrs. DiChiara. "I don't usually<br />

enter contests, but when the postcard from<br />

Medford hank arrived in the mail. I just had<br />

a feeling we might win. So I mailed it in."<br />

Medford Bank's Burlington branch man-<br />

ager. Rina Lindonen presented the lucky<br />

winner with the check at the Burlington<br />

Office located at 258 Cambridge St. The<br />

DiChiara'acntry was drawn randomly from<br />

among hundreds filled out by hopeful win-<br />

ners.<br />

Medford Bank initiated the marketing<br />

promotion in an effort to create more aware-<br />

ness of their unique Combo Plus account.<br />

The account combines a Checki ng account<br />

and a statement savings account. Special<br />

features include a high interest rate, easy<br />

ATM access, and free checking for life. To<br />

I .cam more about Combo Plus or any of<br />

Medford Bank's products and services, call I -888-MEDFORD (I -888-633-3673).<br />

Medford Bank with over $1 billion in assets, has a solid history of financial strength and commitment to the<br />

communities it serves. The bank provides a variety of financial services to commercial and retail customers in its 16<br />

branch locations including <strong>Wilmington</strong>, Maiden. Medford. Arlington. Belmonl. Burlington. North Reading, an<br />

Waltham.<br />

Achievements<br />

Jennifer Stella<br />

TEWKSBURY - Maureen Cornish<br />

of Tcwksbury, whose major is<br />

hotel/restaurant management, was<br />

named to the Presidents List at<br />

I lesser College in Manchester. N.H.<br />

Jennifer Stella of Tcwksbury.<br />

whose major is accounting was<br />

named to the dean's list.<br />

Jessica Spinazola<br />

TEWKSBURY - Jessica Spinazola.<br />

daughter of Vic an Paullette<br />

Spinazola of Charles Drive.<br />

Tcwksbury and granddaughter of<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Victor Spinazola of<br />

Richmond Avenue.^Woburn, was<br />

honored recently at a reception for<br />

new members of The Golden Key<br />

National Honor Society.<br />

This Society is composed of the<br />

hip 15 percent of the junior and<br />

senior classes of major universities.<br />

Jessica is a senior at the University<br />

of New Hampshire, majoring in<br />

Occupational Therapy with a minor<br />

in Performing Arts. She is a 1994<br />

graduate of Tcwksbury <strong>Memorial</strong><br />

High School.<br />

BFA Senior Exhibition<br />

LOWELL - The Art Department<br />

of the University of Massachusetts<br />

Lowell welcomes its December<br />

1997 Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)<br />

Candidates in Graphic Design to the<br />

world of professional artists. This<br />

special exhibition in the University<br />

Gallery showcases selected works<br />

completed during their 15 credits of<br />

Senior Studio visual thesis projects.<br />

Fantasy artist Daniel DiCcnso is<br />

represented by work from two of<br />

his major scries. "Fantasy ABC"<br />

and selections from the<br />

"Federation's Restaurant<br />

Campaign." which employs a Star<br />

Trek theme. He' utilizes the<br />

computer to color his fanciful pen<br />

and ink drawings. Dan's influences<br />

run the gamut from Frank Zappa to<br />

Roy Lilchcnstcin. In addition, he<br />

has created two popular Web sites.<br />

Matthew High walks on the dark<br />

side. His illustrations focus on the<br />

malevolent aspect.in human nature<br />

and are inspired by both pop fiction<br />

and golhic horror. During his three<br />

semesters in Senior Studio. Matt<br />

created a comic book and two<br />

illustration portfolios. His<br />

fascination with good and evil are<br />

represented by his portfolio.<br />

"Highlander: Scotland the Brave"<br />

and- the computer manipulated<br />

images in his final portfolio. "All<br />

Things Widked."<br />

Tirnothy Notaro is a pop humorist<br />

with a distinct cartooning style.<br />

Included in this exhibition are<br />

panels from his comic book scries.<br />

"Tainted Colors." which focuses on<br />

contemporary themes. "Whifflcball<br />

'99" demonstrates Tim's talents<br />

with the computer, fje developer)<br />

this whimsical video game and its<br />

accompanying ads as a marketing<br />

prototype.<br />

The public is invited to join in this<br />

celebration of the completion of<br />

their formal education at UMass<br />

Lowell and the beginning of their<br />

life adventure in art!<br />

It's about time you had the best of both worlds.<br />

Its a checking account It's,. state- !" ^to AMiMI CMpffK<br />

menl savings account. Its ComboPltis | VittttmtkmKkM4<br />

m _ # from Medford ■»-.—»—•<br />

M C||% Bank, and its<br />

T;tJ\JflPY what happens<br />

when a bank<br />

takes the time to understand what you<br />

need. While other hanks promise one<br />

or I he other. ComboPltis delivers both.<br />

• An < In. I- ..i. IAM fin tlt;;hK mi MnM lu.ipn .mlux-v 1.*<br />

J (!..». I 111 Me i iMtliiKiiUl I .S «n*l ^-^il.^l I

Stevenson to Project Superintendent<br />

WILMINGTON-J.M.Cnull. IIH-<br />

rcccnily announced the promotion of<br />

Jeff Stevenson of <strong>Wilmington</strong> to<br />

Project Superintendent.<br />

Stevenson has been employed<br />

with J. M. Coull. Inc. provides pro-<br />

fessional design, engineering and<br />

construction services for commercial<br />

and industrial clients throughout New<br />

England. Their client base includes<br />

Emery Air Freight, Millipore Corpo-<br />

ration, Caiagnic Spagna and Adesa<br />

Corporation.<br />

Woburn Street School<br />

WILMINGTON - Mrs. Welch's<br />

and Mrs. Arciero's classrooms<br />

visited Boston as an extension of<br />

th#ir Social Studies unit. The<br />

classrooms took a walking tour<br />

where they visited: New City Hall,<br />

City Hall Plaza, the Old City Hall<br />

and the statue of Benjamin<br />

Franklin.<br />

The highlight of this trip was an<br />

exciting, informative tour of the<br />

State House. Senator Bruce Tan-<br />

gave Mrs. Welch's students a special<br />

opportunity to sit in the Senate<br />

Chamber for a discussion of the<br />

senate's role in state government.<br />

Following the tour the children<br />

were involved with a question and<br />

answer session by Representative<br />

Miceli.<br />

Mrs. Jervis" first grade is eagerly<br />

awaiting Christmas Eve. Everyone<br />

is busy writing letters to Santa.<br />

They are also trying to figure out<br />

what they would do if they had<br />

Rudolph's red nose. In between all<br />

the festivities they are busy working<br />

on their Weather Unit.<br />

Mrs. Butterfield and Mrs.<br />

Dumont's class enjoyed a recent trip<br />

to Plymouth Plantation. The<br />

children learned the Pilgrims' way<br />

of living. They saw houses made of<br />

sticks and mud, and roofs made of<br />

straw. They saw a blacksmith fixing<br />

his tools and other Pilgrim men<br />

harvesting the fall vegetables along<br />

with a turkey being roasted over an<br />

open fire for the Pilgrims'<br />

Thanksgiving dinner.<br />

Mrs. Praia's class has finished a<br />

life sized Egyptian Mummy Case<br />

Project. These projects reflect<br />

pattern. Hieroglyph and design that<br />

is part of an Interdisciplinary Art-<br />

Social Studies Unit. They are now<br />

working on Earth Clay Canopic<br />

jars. These were the vessels that<br />

held the burial remains and were<br />

placed in pyramids with the<br />

mummies!<br />

The second grade classes have<br />

finished reading another favorite<br />

story of their's called Daniel's<br />

Duck. An at home project<br />

consisting of soap carvings were<br />

done along with the theme of the<br />

Itory. These soap carvings can be<br />

ccn in the lobbv of the school.<br />

Mrs. Feeney's class will perform<br />

>ickcns "A Christmas Carol" for<br />

heir families and friends on<br />

>ecember 22 at the school.<br />

'ostumes and scenery are designed<br />

y the students.<br />

The fourth and fifth graders will<br />

e performing a winter concert at<br />

le school on December 16.<br />

Ambersue Thibodeau. Matthew<br />

'ompancschi and Keith Little were<br />

it- only students in Massachusetts<br />

'ho were honored for their art<br />

rork in the 1997 Cray-Pas<br />

/onderful. Colorful World<br />

Contest.<br />

Philip D'Arcangclo. Jessica<br />

Metcalfe. Bethany Chisholm and<br />

Katelyn Maggio's artwork was<br />

selected from over 4000 entries.<br />

Their artwork will be shown to<br />

schools abroad. These artwork<br />

submissions were from the "French<br />

Impressionism" Art Gallery and<br />

were done in Cras Pas.<br />

St. William's<br />

TEWKSBURY - St. Williams<br />

Parish has offered congratulations<br />

to the winners of its Christmas Fair<br />

poster contest:<br />

First prize was earned by Steven<br />

Southard; second (a tie) was<br />

awarded to Dina Ferriero and<br />

Jessica Joyce and third prize went to<br />

Michelle Boncore.<br />

Honorable mention was earned by<br />

Ashley Avakian. Kristen Boncore.<br />

Mark Boncore. Stephanie Callan.<br />

Christina Cognalo. Nicholas<br />

DiBisceglia, John Donovan. Jackie<br />

Hulme. Nicholas Martucci. Keith<br />

McCarthy. Kaitlyn McNamara, Eric<br />

Mee. Jessica OConnor.Kaitlin Rose<br />

and Ryan Weiss.<br />

TEWKSBURY - According to St.<br />

William's Church bulletin, the<br />

"Most Merry Christmas Tree"<br />

project is underway at Tewksbury<br />

Hospital. The goal is to provide 550<br />

patients a Christmas gift. Those<br />

interested may donate toward that<br />

goal and though all gifts will be'<br />

greatly appreciated the following<br />

items will be especially welcome.<br />

Sweatshirts and pants male and<br />

female; sweaters, male and female;<br />

flannel shirts, blouses, (sizes<br />

medium, large, extra large); radios,<br />

especially headphone; dusters,<br />

winter hats, gloves, slippers, socks,<br />

blankets, lap robes. CD or cassette<br />

tapes, wallets, gift certificates,<br />

miscellaneous items.<br />

Donors are asked to wrap their<br />

gift and tag it male/female, size and<br />

description. Gifts may be dropped<br />

off at St William's Rectory.<br />

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BobMehrman<br />

WILMINGTON Bob Mchrman.<br />

a well known Mass. radio<br />

broadcaster whose life was<br />

drastically affected by smoking,<br />

will speak to West Intermediate<br />

School students on Friday. Dec. 12<br />

about the dangerous effects of<br />

cigarette tobacco.<br />

Mchrman is a successful on-air<br />

personality who. over the years, has<br />

worked at stations across the state<br />

including signals in Lawrence.<br />

Cambridge.Lynn and Boston. A<br />

longtime smoker, he was diagnosed<br />

in 1989 with cancer of the larynx.<br />

His voice box was surgically<br />

removed and now he is able to<br />

communicate only with the help of<br />

a speech prostheses. Mehrman<br />

blames his cigarette addiction for<br />

cutting short his successful<br />

broadcasting career and, as a result,<br />

has taken it upon himself to warn<br />

students throughout Mass. of the<br />

inherent risks of smoking.<br />

In his talks. Mehrman explains<br />

how addiction takes away your<br />

power to make a choice. Once you<br />

are addicted to cigarettes, the<br />

physical need to smoke can<br />

overpower the decision to stop. He<br />

offers a chilling statistic: only five<br />

percent of young smokers believe<br />

that they will be smoking five years<br />

later, but in fact 75 percent of them<br />

afe still smoking eight years later.<br />

Mehrman will speak to 150.<br />

seventh graders at I p.m.<br />

The Mass. Tobacco Control<br />

Program CMTCP), administered by<br />

DPH. is funded by the 25 cent tax<br />

on cigarettes that voters approved<br />

*in a 1992 state referendum. To<br />

date, the MTCP has funded over<br />

300 local agencies to provide<br />

prevention and cessation programs,<br />

worked to limit youth access to<br />

tobacco, reduce public exposure to<br />

second hand smoke and created a<br />

major media campaign to influence<br />

attitudes towards smoking.<br />

Trahan School<br />

TEWKSBURY - Wed.. Dec. 3.<br />

from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m.. students<br />

of the Louise Davy Trahan School<br />

attended a performance by New<br />

England Percussion ensemble led by<br />

Bob Otto.<br />

The "Language of the Ancients"<br />

program is a blend of information,<br />

performance, and hands-on<br />

audience participation Ears, eyes<br />

and minds are opened as the notion<br />

that percussion is "just drums" is<br />

changed for ever.<br />

Annual Story Night<br />

TEWKSBURY - The Louise Davy<br />

Trahan Elementary School second<br />

annual Santa's Story Night is<br />

scheduled to be held Friday.<br />

December 12 from 6 to 9 p.m.<br />

Admission will be free, but<br />

reservations are required.<br />

Refreshments will be available<br />

along with photos and visits with<br />

Santa. Stories with Santa. Mrs.<br />

Hennemuth and Mrs. Mooney and<br />

Caroling will be enjoyed along with<br />

presentations by the combined<br />

Elementary School Band.<br />

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tuaries m<br />

oanne M.Carey<br />

tetired medical secretary<br />

.WILMINGTON - Joanne M.<br />

ey of <strong>Wilmington</strong> died<br />

iy. December 4. I997 at the<br />

Rehabilitation Hospital in<br />

Ion following a long illness. The<br />

vdfe of William F. Carey for the<br />

i 10 years, she was SS years of<br />

*<br />

Born in Boston, she was the<br />

daughter of Mildred (Rosalbo)<br />

DiPietro of Winter Haven. Ha ..and<br />

the late Joseph E. DePietro. She was<br />

raised in Somerville and graduated<br />

from Somerville High School with<br />

u)c class of I960. She lived with her<br />

family in Waltham for about 20<br />

yjcars. and then took up residence in<br />

Woburn. She had been in<br />

<strong>Wilmington</strong> with her husband Bill<br />

for the last year and a half.<br />

'Mrs. Carey worked as a medical<br />

secretary for Dr. Wheelock at the<br />

Deaconess-Waltham Hospital for<br />

over 10 years, until this past August<br />

when illness forced her to retire.<br />

In addition to her husband Bill,<br />

with whom she had recently<br />

celebrated her 10th wedding<br />

anniversary, and her mother,<br />

Mildred DiPietro, she is survived<br />

by two daughters.Lisa DiFranza of<br />

Woburn and Cheryl Maggioli of<br />

<strong>Wilmington</strong>; a son, Eric Frai/.e of<br />

Salem; a brother, Joseph E.<br />

DiPietro. Jr. of Quincy; a sister.<br />

Lucille Santorelli of <strong>Wilmington</strong><br />

and four grandchildren.<br />

The funeral was held from the<br />

Lynch-Cantillion Funeral Home.<br />

263 Main St.. Woburn. Tuesday.<br />

December 9 followed by a funeral<br />

mass in St. Dorothy's Church.<br />

<strong>Wilmington</strong> and interment at<br />

Wild wood Cemetery. <strong>Wilmington</strong>.<br />

Harold E. Crosby, Jr.<br />

Boston's All-Round<br />

Athlete<br />

TEWKSBURY - Harold E.<br />

"Sonny" Crosby. Jr.. 68, died<br />

Friday. December 5. 1997 at Saints<br />

<strong>Memorial</strong> Medical Center following<br />

a brief illness. He was the husband<br />

of Evelyn J. (Robinson) Crosby,<br />

with whom he would have<br />

celebrated their 44th wedding<br />

anniversary March 6.<br />

Born in Boston July 31. 1929. he<br />

was the son of Harold F. and Evelyn<br />

F. (Boutilier) Crosby. He was<br />

educated in Boston schools and<br />

graduated from Boston Trade<br />

School in 1948. During his high<br />

school years he was voted Bostons<br />

Ail-Around Athlete and went on to<br />

play semi pro baseball with the<br />

former New England Hobos<br />

baseball organization.<br />

Mr. Crosby served with the U.S.<br />

Army during the Korean Conflict.<br />

He earned several decorations<br />

including the Korean Service Medal<br />

wilh three bronze stars and the<br />

United Nations Service Medal.<br />

Prior lo his retirement in 1990. he<br />

was employed as a mail handler at<br />

the South Boston Postal Annex for<br />

25 years. Following retirement he<br />

worked part time at A&B<br />

Automotive Service Station in<br />

Tewksbury.<br />

In addition to his wife, he is<br />

survived by his son and daughter-<br />

in-law. Edward J. and Sandra<br />

(Campbell) Crosby of <strong>Wilmington</strong>;<br />

his daughter and son-in-law, Debra<br />

A. and Jeff Castro of Spencer; his<br />

brother and sister-in-law, William<br />

J. and Kay (McCarthy) Crosby of<br />

Framingham; two sisters-in-law,<br />

Doris C. Torres of Lowell and<br />

Helen M. Athas bf Sarasota. Fl.;<br />

three grandchildren, Frika-I.ce<br />

Crosby, Debi J. and J. Michael<br />

Castro; his special nephew Philip T.<br />

Torres and many additional nieces<br />

and nephews.<br />

Funeral services were held<br />

Monday morning from the Farmer<br />

& Dee Funeral Home of Tewksbury<br />

followed by a committal service at<br />

Tewksbury Cemetery.'<br />

Donations made in his memory to<br />

the Edith Nourse Rogers <strong>Memorial</strong><br />

VA Hospital. 200 Springs Rd..<br />

Bedford. MA 01730 will be deeply<br />

appreciated.<br />

Is Seeking<br />

Substitute Teachers<br />

Some college course work preferred.<br />

Send letter of interest to: Bradford L. Jackson<br />

Director of Administration and Finance<br />

<strong>Wilmington</strong> Public Schools. 161 Church Street<br />

<strong>Wilmington</strong>. MA 01887 Equal Oppurtualy Ilnpioya<br />

4-4—4<br />


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Wilming<br />

Having a hard tin: Feeding<br />

your family? Call Project Bread's<br />

FoodSource Hotline at I 800 645<br />

8333. The Hotline is open Monday<br />

through Friday from 8 am lo 5<br />

p.m.<br />

All day, every day: Free<br />

blood pressure clinic al<br />

<strong>Wilmington</strong> Fire Station; 9 am. to<br />

8 p.m.. weekends included. No<br />

appointment necessary.<br />

Weds., begin Dec. 3: 6:20 lo<br />

7:10 p.m.. IS skating periods.<br />

CaH 658-6822.<br />

'Thar*., Dec. 11: 7 to 9 p.m..<br />

Financial Aid Workshop Tor<br />

parents and high school students<br />

planning to attend 2-4 year<br />

colleges. Call 978-640-7837.<br />

-Than., Dec. 11: 7 p.m.. The<br />

Baker's Dozen," a Dutch colonial<br />

laic of St. Nicholas presented at<br />

Wll. Mem. Lib. children four to<br />

10.<br />

Sat., Dec. 13: - 10 a.m. lo 2<br />

p.m Santa Claus visit to WCTV<br />

Station (School Street and<br />

Middlesex Avenue). Public invited.<br />

Take along non-perishables for the<br />

Food Commissary. Free pictures.<br />

Sat., Dec. 13: 9:30 am.. Wild<br />

"n Crazy Readers book discussion<br />

group meets at Wil. Mem. Lib.<br />

Call 658-2967.<br />

SOB., Dec. 14: 1:30 p.m.,<br />

Christmas Concert in Council Tor<br />

the Arts Bldg.. Middlesex Ave.<br />

English Handbell Choir; Piano<br />

Potpourri Admission free; public<br />

invited.<br />

MOD., Dec. 15: 7 p.m.. WHS<br />

Pac meets in the school library. All<br />

welcome.<br />

o Fri., Jan. 9: Soccer coaches<br />

info course registration; call Mass.<br />

Soccer Association at 1-800-852-<br />

8111. Course will be held 6 to 10<br />

p.m.. Fridays Jan. 16, 23. 25, 30<br />

and Feb. 6 and 8 (8 am. to 5 p.m..<br />

Sundays) at West Intermediate<br />

School, Carter Lane except last<br />

day will be at the High School.<br />

i'hurs., Dec. 22: 7 p.m.. Meet<br />

author Gary Gosgarian and hear<br />

him speak on his novel. The stone<br />

Circle," at the library. Free<br />

program, free refreshments.<br />

Tewksbury date book<br />

Having a hard time: Feeding<br />

your family? Call Project Bread's<br />

FoodSource Hotline at 1-800645-<br />

8333. The Hotline is open Monday<br />

through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5<br />

p.m.<br />

Tewks. Iaterfaith Choir has<br />

started rehearsals for the spring<br />

concert; 7:30 p.m., al Tewks.<br />

Congregational Church. Call 957-<br />

9562.<br />

MOD through Thurs., Dec.<br />

11-18: 10 am to 10 p.m.. Winter<br />

Coat, hats, gloves may be dropped<br />

ai Superstar Video. 2290 Main St..<br />

or 1699 Shawsheen St.. Tewks.<br />

Items will be turned over to<br />

Salvation Army.<br />

Wed., Dec. 10: 10:30 a.m. to<br />

f2:30 p.m.. VNA Blood Pressure<br />

Clinic at Tewks. Senior Center.<br />

175 Chandler St.<br />

• Thurs., Fri., Dec. 11, 12:<br />

Tickets available 10:30 a.m. Nov.<br />

19<br />

Fri., Dec. 12: 6 to 9 p.m..<br />

Santa's Story Night at Trahan<br />

Area date book<br />

Having a hard time: Feeding<br />

your family? Call Project Bread's<br />

FoadSourcc Hotline at 1-800-645-<br />

8333. The Hotline is open Monday<br />

through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5<br />

p.m.<br />

Mon & Wed., 9 to 10 a.m..<br />

Lowell Boys Club offers water<br />

aerobics. Call 458-4526.<br />

Wed., Dec. 10: 6 p.m.. Career<br />

Exploration evening at MCC<br />

Bedford Campus. 8 Springs Rd.<br />

Adm. free. Call 1-800-818-3434.<br />

■ Wed. Dec. 10: 7:30 p.m..<br />

Reading Art Assoc. artist Bill<br />

Tcrnes will demonstrate at First<br />

Congregational Church. Sanborn<br />

St.. Reading. Public invited. $3<br />

donation suggested. Refreshments.<br />

Call 781-944-7573.<br />

Fri., Dec. 12: 7:30 p.m..<br />

Country Western Dance at No.<br />

Reading Moose Lodge. 140 North<br />

Street. Call 978-664-8561.<br />

Dec. 12-21: Wil. youths will<br />

appear in The Nutcracker at<br />

Chevalier Theater on Forest St..<br />

Medford. Call 617-665-2236.<br />

Sat., Dec. 13: 9 am to 3 p.m.<br />

Holly Fair at First Parish Church.<br />

Billerica Center. Public invited.<br />

Call 978-667^845.<br />

Sat., Dec. 13: 8 p.m. to<br />

midnight. Royal American Singles<br />

Smoke Free Christmas Dance at<br />

American Legion Hall. 357 Great<br />

Rd.. Bddford. Complimentary<br />

hors d'oeuvres. Proper dress<br />

required.Call 617-326-4900.<br />

, Sun., Dec. 14: 2 to 4 p.m..<br />

School. Admission free;<br />

reservations required.<br />

Fri., Dec. 12: 8 p.m. to<br />

midnight; Singles Dance at K of C<br />

Hall. 2068 main St. Spon by<br />

Lexington Chapter of The Single<br />

Life. Call 891-3750.<br />

Sun., Dec. 14: Tewks.<br />

Intcrfaith choir Christmas Concert<br />

at St. William's Church. 1351<br />

Main St. Admission free.<br />

Sat., Dec. 16: Tewks. seniors<br />

off to Regal Theatre for Christmas<br />

Show. Sign up by November 7.<br />

Call 640-4480.<br />

Wed., Dec. 17: 10:30 a.m. to<br />

12:30 p.m.. VNA Senior Health<br />

Clinic at Senior Center, 175<br />

Chandler St<br />

Sat., Dec. 20: 11:30 am. to I<br />

p.m.. Share signup at Tewks.<br />

Senior Center. 175 Chandler St.<br />

Call 851-3344.<br />

Wed., Dec. 31: 10:30 am to<br />

12:30 p.m.. VNA Senior Health<br />

Clinic at Senior Center, 175<br />

Chandler St.<br />

UMass Lowell Family Discovery<br />

Series Holiday Magic Spectacular.<br />

Call 978-934-4444.<br />

Wed., Dec. 17: 5:30 to 7:30<br />

p.m.. December Holiday Business<br />

Mixer at Nesmith House. 229<br />

Andover St.. Lowell. Spon by<br />

MCC. Call 508-459-8J54.<br />

Dec. 17, 22, 26, 29, 30; Jan.<br />

2: YMCA lifeguard training<br />

course. Call 978-454-7825.<br />

Sat., Dec. 20: Open<br />

registration for winter session of<br />

classes at Greater Lowell Family<br />

YMCA. Call 978-454-7825.<br />

Sat., Dec. 20: Jewish Singles,<br />

97 tennis and volleyball party at<br />

Waltham Racquet Club. 249<br />

Lexington St 6:30 to 9:30 p.m..<br />

Call 978-443-7834.<br />

Sun., Dec. 21: 9 a.m. to 6<br />

p.m.. Free admission day at<br />

Naismith <strong>Memorial</strong> Basketball Hall<br />

of Fame, 1150 West Columbus<br />

Ave.. Springfield. Call 413-781-<br />

6500.<br />

Wed., Dec. 24: Chai's Jewish<br />

Singles Chai's Eve dance 8 p.m. to<br />

I p.m. at Westin Hotel. Waltham.<br />

Call 978-443-7834.<br />

Thurs., Dec. 25: 9 am. to I<br />

p.m.. Chai's Jewish Singles huge<br />

brunch at Westin Hotel. Waltham.<br />

Call 978-443-7834.<br />

Mon., Jaa. 5: 7 p.m.. Bridges<br />

to Equality meeting at St. Anne's<br />

Episcopal Church. 8 Kirk St..<br />

Lowell. Call 251-1439.<br />

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Ben Dobbins, a 20 year member of The St Williams Men's<br />

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<strong>Wilmington</strong>'s Tom Brown honored for rescue<br />

(Continued from Page One)<br />

to Brown at the Somerville<br />

Firefighter's Annual Ball Sat-<br />

urday night. Brown also<br />

received citations from the City<br />

of Somerville, from the Massa-<br />

chusetts House of Representa-<br />

tives and Senate, and from<br />

American legion Post 19 in<br />

Somerville.<br />

Brown appreciates having<br />

received the honors, but insists<br />

that all the firefighters on his<br />

team deserve the award.<br />

Brown explained, "No one per-<br />

son is any good without the<br />

rest of us" on the fire fighting<br />

team.<br />

Brown said that he just hap<br />

pened to be the first person in<br />

'•/line to get to the burning apart<br />

- ment. Brown recalled that<br />

••• Cant. John Doherty also enter-<br />

ed the blinding smoke in the<br />

- room as Brown was leaving<br />

and helped Brown get the man<br />

out of the building.<br />

Brown emphasized that any<br />

other member of his firefight-<br />

ing department would do the<br />

same thing be did if the timing<br />

had been different and anther<br />

team member had been stand-<br />

ing where be was.<br />

"You react to the situation<br />

you have at the time, or you<br />

try to," said Brown. He ex-<br />

plained, "I had an extinguisher,<br />

and while the other company<br />

set up a hose, I wanted to see if<br />

Donna Sullivan<br />

Owner<br />

Paul Carney<br />

Linda Cuvino<br />

GRI,CRS<br />

Jane Merrill<br />

Chris Cassidy<br />

Tony Vassell<br />

»<br />

I could knock down some of the<br />

fire-<br />

Brown used up the ex<br />

tinguisher to put out the flame,<br />

which appeared in the thick<br />

smoke as a glow, recalled<br />

Brown. Then, said Brown, he<br />

felt around the apartment<br />

trying to find anyone, and<br />

within a minute or two, found<br />

the man.<br />

Brown was wearing a self-<br />

contained breathing apparatus<br />

with and air tank. Without that<br />

device, he could not have<br />

stayed in the dense smoke.<br />

Brown, who is MMgBMl to<br />

ladder company number two,<br />

elaborated on the teamwork<br />

used in a fire, saying that part<br />

of his assigned task is to open a<br />

wall to expose flames. How-<br />

ever, he does so only when<br />

other firefighters are ready<br />

with a hose.<br />

"You're watching each<br />

others' back — you have to,"<br />

said Brown, adding that the<br />

company officers track where<br />

their men are, and the chief<br />

knows where the companies<br />

are.<br />

Brown said that there are<br />

predictable hazards in a fire,<br />

and one can sense when a fire<br />

is getting too hot to fight close<br />

range, or firefighters outside<br />

can see danger and alert team<br />

members in a building.<br />

When a fire hits, said<br />

Brown, "It's considerable<br />

MALDEN<br />

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, *154,900<br />


FOR RENT/SALE Two second floor units with<br />

finished toft. Features central air. good visabiMy<br />

and location on rte 38. Great for doctors office.<br />

Seller ml consider al offers. Cal Patsy or Gary<br />

Chnch*) today at Ext. 236<br />

Rental $600.00 - Purchase *24,900<br />

LOWELL<br />

JUST LISTED! Move right nto Bus beauuful Colonial<br />

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imcteoVivewayandloveh/landscapng DontrmssouH<br />

Cal Donna at Ext 230 $124,900<br />

chaos,' but constant and ongo-<br />

ing training "tells us what to<br />

do."<br />

Brown said he receited Ins<br />

initial training via a ttwrt<br />

month long program at a fire<br />

fighting academy. In addition,<br />

mittee consider Brown for an<br />

award.<br />

Brown's certificate from<br />

Cellucci reads, "Massachusetts<br />

Firefighter of the Year Award<br />

SSJE'SS Newhouse weighs run for the house<br />

extrication jaws, CPR training.<br />

control of blood flow and other<br />

medical training<br />

Brown was asked if he<br />

would approve of his daughters<br />

Chrissy, a sophomore at Wil<br />

mington High School, and Lind<br />

sey, a WUdwood School student<br />

becoming firefighters. Brown<br />

replied, "It's a job you don't<br />

ever have to be ashamgrf of,"<br />

but added that he would rather<br />

see his daughters do something<br />

less dangerous, less physical,<br />

and perhaps even achieve<br />

financial independence at a<br />

young age.<br />

The Heroic Awards Committee<br />

that selected Brown for<br />

his award includes Kattlfi<br />

OToole, Secretary of Public<br />

Safety, Cant Robert McCarthy,<br />

President of the Professional<br />

firefighters of Massachusetts,<br />

Paul Da vies of the Tapper Club<br />

and chiefs of several Massachusetts<br />

fire departments.<br />

Chief Kevin Kelleher of the<br />

Somerville Fire Department —<br />

who is not on the committee —<br />

recommended that the com<br />

w/mk<br />

®<br />

FROM PAGE 1<br />

could do il besi by woffcing in ihc Stale<br />

House.<br />

When asked why he feds he could<br />

do mote for Tewksbury and Wilming-<br />

ton. Newhouse staled. "1 fed I could do<br />

a belter job addressing llic communities'<br />

concerns. We really need a fresh ap-<br />

proach to some of Ihc old problems."<br />

Represemauvc Miceli hasn't faced a<br />

serious challenge in many years. He has<br />

been popular local political figure for as<br />

long as he has held office. Miceli is<br />

known lor bringing in die needed funds<br />

for many projects in this district.<br />

"I am not questioning Representa-<br />

nvc Mitch's contributions to our com-<br />

munities. I just fed a new approach<br />

would benefit the district in the long<br />

term.'' said Newhouse. Newhouse sug-<br />

gests a review of current plans and more<br />

dialogue will help get projects com-<br />

pleted faster.<br />

The issues that top Newhousc's list<br />

include education, public safety, and<br />

local aid "I really sec a lot of opportuni<br />

ties to provide our schools, police, and<br />

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mmmmm<br />

in recognition of your heroic<br />

ads of bravery, courage, and<br />

performance beyond the call of<br />

duty as exhibited on April 21,<br />

1997 at an apartment building<br />

fire on 75 Myrtle Street"<br />

fire professionals with funds that will<br />

make their jobs easier."' said Newhouse.<br />

A master plan still lingers in limbo<br />

for the RL 38 Main Street roadway. The<br />

plan has been updated and reviewed for<br />

the last 20 years, but never acted upon.<br />

Although improvements are beginning<br />

to take place in the form of the Wilming-<br />

ton RL 62 bridge and the new bridge next<br />

to die Knights of Columbus Building in<br />

Tewksbury, no long term solution to ihc<br />

congestion is apparent.<br />

When asked how he would approach<br />

this problem. Newhouse commented.<br />

"We need a complete review of all ihc<br />

concerns. A project this large needs to<br />

consider all the factors. Most impor-<br />

tantly, how il will affect ihc people and<br />

structures currently in place. The lime is<br />

here to move forward on those i mprovc-'<br />

menls."<br />

Newhouse faces an uphill haiile in a<br />

race against Miceli. Known localb for<br />

his work on the Board of Selectman and<br />

law practice. Newhouse is not as well<br />

known in Tewksbury.<br />

Asked how he would overcome this"<br />

Patsy Chinchillo.<br />

GRI<br />

& Gary Chinchillo<br />

Dana Singleton<br />

Patti Parker<br />

Elaine Hoff<br />

Joan Unger<br />

CRS<br />

Cathy Lawson<br />

CRS, GRI<br />

Brown observed that other<br />

Massachusetts firefighters<br />

pulled people from fires tins<br />

year. He concluded. It's a job<br />

— that's what we de-<br />

obstacle. Newhouse commented. If I<br />

decide to run I will certainly focus on<br />

arldressingihecoiicenisoftheTewksbury<br />

community. I will he out then: talking In<br />

anyone who wishes to question my plat-<br />

form."<br />

If he makes a run for Miceli s seal.<br />

ihc question is when will he make the<br />

official announcement? "I si 111 have a lot<br />

more lo think about before I make that<br />

decision. But. I should be firm by early<br />

nexl year cither way."<br />

Mike Newhouse feels he can do bet-<br />

ter for the community, that is why he is<br />

considering throwing in his hat. He wants<br />

to listen to all the voices and get the<br />

disinirlits fair share. "I welcome support<br />

from anyone who feels il is time for a<br />

change." Newhouse said.<br />

Il is a difficult task to defeat the<br />

silting favorite. A challenge to the status<br />

'quo is also a measure of a healthy politi-<br />

cal arena. Newhouse stresses he can<br />

bring a new approach to the problems in<br />

our communities. Only a run for office<br />

will determine if the citizens of<br />

Tewksbury and <strong>Wilmington</strong> agree.<br />

When asked lo comment on the pos-<br />

sible bid by Newhouse. Miceli said: * It<br />

is the holiday season. I think it really is<br />

not in good taste for a couple of politi-<br />

cians lo discuss an election that is not<br />

going lo lake place until after Labor Day<br />

of nexl year. Almost a year from now. In<br />

Ihc meantime. I continue to work hard in<br />

behalf of the cm/ens of Tewksbury and<br />

<strong>Wilmington</strong>. When the 98' session winds<br />

down, sometime in the summer. I will<br />

campaign aggressively as I have in the<br />

pasi said Miceli.<br />

Trees<br />

FROM PAGE 1<br />

Ihc town's two major building<br />

construction projects - the new<br />

middle school and public safely<br />

building.<br />

According lo Caira, officials are<br />

presently looking to use the site<br />

opposite the West Intermediate<br />

School for the construction of the<br />

middle school, and have<br />

progressed as expected.<br />

"We're on target. We have every<br />

reason to. believe that our schedule<br />

will he met." said Caira.<br />

However. Caira mentioned that<br />

Ihc Swain School site may be<br />

sought for the public safely<br />

building, rather than the original<br />

Adelaide St. location which has<br />

been problematic due to<br />

neighboring wetlands.<br />

"We're still looking at lhal site,"<br />

said Caira. "but a number of<br />

variables have caused the<br />

desirability of thai site to change."<br />

The meeting, which was the last<br />

until after the New Year, could not<br />

have been complete without a visit<br />

from Father Christinas himself (an<br />

exceptionally slim Santa in fact,<br />

noted (me selectman), who made<br />

the cameo to hand out candy canes<br />

and lo wish all happy holidays.<br />

WANTED<br />

Sports<br />

Correspondent<br />

The <strong>Town</strong> <strong>Crier</strong> is seeking a<br />

person to write sports stories on an<br />

assignment basis. Writing experi-<br />

ence is preferred. Correspondents<br />

are paid per story.<br />

Contact the sports editor, Jamie<br />

Pote for more information at-<br />

978-658-2346<br />

Prayer to SL Theresa<br />

of The Little Flower<br />

Please pick me a rose from the<br />

Heavenly Garden and give it to die<br />

one who loves you the most. Ask<br />

Him to grant the favor thee implore<br />

and tell him I will love Him each<br />

day more and more.<br />

Follow with 5 Our Fathers, 5<br />

Hail Marys. 5 Glory Be. Must be<br />

said by 11 (X) AM each day forS<br />

days. If you see a rose on or before<br />

he 5th day Your request will be<br />

granted.<br />

Thank you, St. Theresa of The<br />

Little Mower.<br />


e<br />

tod<br />

anal<br />

dpi<br />

L<br />

r<br />

t<br />

<strong>Wilmington</strong><br />

<strong>Town</strong> <strong>Crier</strong> Sports WHS<br />

Schedules 18<br />

Greater Outdoors 19<br />

WRBL action 20<br />


<strong>Town</strong> <strong>Crier</strong> names:<br />

Dick Scanlon coach of the year •■<br />

h T Imir Pirtr<br />

Snorts Editor<br />

To prove jusl how vital Dick<br />

Scanlon is u> the <strong>Wilmington</strong> school<br />

system, its athletic program and of<br />

course this entire town, is very<br />

easy.<br />

Sure one can say look at his<br />

achievements: 200 career wins in<br />

baseball; Ten WHS Teacher of the<br />

Year Awards; Seven Coach of the<br />

Year Awards between the Merri-<br />

mack Valley Conference and the<br />

<strong>Town</strong> <strong>Crier</strong> and the Lowell Sun<br />

newspapers; an early induction to<br />

the WHS Hall of Fame; Two Divi-<br />

sion HI North Final Championships<br />

in soccer; One Division III Final<br />

runners up trophy in soccer. And<br />

finally, many state tournament<br />

appearances over his 22 years of<br />

coaching.<br />

All of that is deserving enough for<br />

Dick Scanlon to walk away with any<br />

award, nevermind, this year's<br />

<strong>Town</strong> <strong>Crier</strong> Coach of the Year<br />

Award. However, that's not the<br />

reason. One reason for the award is<br />

for what he has done for hundreds<br />

and hundreds of student-athletes<br />

over the 29 years of teaching at<br />

WHS. He has touched so many<br />

lives. He is a <strong>Wilmington</strong> legend,<br />

up there with the likes of Frank<br />

Kelley. Fred Bellissimo. Jan Cas-<br />

sidy-Wood, Mike Esposito and<br />

Meghan Donnelly.<br />

Many other reasons for him<br />

getting the award is his guidance,<br />

support, and most of all his aggres-<br />

siveness, passion and love for both<br />

baseball and soccer and every team<br />

he coaches. Also, his love for each<br />

and every kid who goes out every-<br />

day and busts their tails for him on<br />

the diamond or the soccer field can-<br />

not go unnoticed. It's in his blood,<br />

it's in his mind and of course it's in<br />

his heart.<br />

Along with tremendous know-<br />

ledge of baseball and soccer and<br />

each of his student athletes' streng-<br />

ths and weaknesses, his integrity to<br />

win and succeed, comes his style.<br />

He is not the rah-rah. emotional<br />

speaker. He doesn't give learjerk-<br />

ing pregame speeches or hugs that<br />

last a lifetime. Rather, he gives<br />

everything he has so each and every<br />

student-athlete becomes a better<br />

person in the class room or on the<br />

field. His style is one of a kind. He<br />

is the type of a person, teacher and<br />

coach, that people sit around a fire<br />

on a cold winter night, laughing up<br />

a storm, reminiscing old memo-<br />

ries and good times they had with<br />

the legend.<br />

Dick Scanlon's personage goes<br />

and goes that even this past fall's<br />

incredible soccer run to the division<br />

finals pretty much goes unnoticed<br />

compared to what Scanlon has<br />

meant to so many people. But, that,<br />

the fantastic turnaround soccer<br />

season - going from a five win<br />

season to a ten win season and then a<br />

ride to the state finalsin a three-year<br />

span — is the reason for the award.<br />

"People ask me all of the time.<br />

"Why are you still coaching when<br />

your 65 years old"? Why not?<br />

What does a number have to do with<br />

anything.* It's what I like to do,"<br />

Scanlon said. "If the soccer team<br />

went 8-10 this season. I would still<br />

come back next season. I'm not<br />

coaching for the glory or for the<br />

money. I love the game and I love<br />

dealing with kids."<br />

Scanlon started out his athletic<br />

career when he was a stand-out<br />

athlete himself at Wakcfield High<br />

School and then Boston College in<br />

track and baseball. He was a Boston<br />

Post and Boston Herald All-Schol-<br />

astic baseball player when he won<br />

the league's batting title at Wake-<br />

field High School and he was also a<br />

220-yard state champion in outdoor<br />

track.<br />

After his days at Boston College.<br />

Scanlon went into the pharmaceu-<br />

tical business, while slaying with<br />

sports as a little league coach and so<br />

forth. When he turned 35. he<br />

changed his life style and job as he<br />

took a teaching position in Wil-<br />

mington at the West Intermediate<br />

School. In 1975. he applied for the<br />

baseball coaching position at Austin<br />

Prep. He got the job and led the<br />

team to a state tournament appea-<br />

rance in his first year as head coach.<br />

Ironically, on that team, was an out-<br />

standing shortstop named Paul<br />

Lyman. who nevertheless. 15 years<br />

later would become Scanlon's<br />

coaching counterpart at WHS in<br />

softball.<br />

Scanlon coached baseball for four<br />

years at AP before taking the same<br />

position at Wakcfield High School.<br />

Scanlon returned to AP. before<br />

being named as the <strong>Wilmington</strong><br />

High School baseball head coach in<br />

1980 where he still serves. Two<br />

years later. Scanlon took over as<br />

boys soccer coach for Bill Peabody<br />

and he has kept those chores ever<br />

since.<br />

For the first decade or so. Scanlon<br />

had some very tough soccer teams.<br />

that were average record-wise. He<br />

said, opponents didn't want to play<br />

<strong>Wilmington</strong>, especially in the late<br />

80s as they had tough teams that<br />

always gave opponents, whether<br />

undefeated or winless. games to be<br />

remembered. Then came 1990<br />

when the program captured its first<br />

Division III North Championship in<br />

its existence, but lost to Medway 3-1<br />

in the Eastern Mass. finals.<br />

"We had a prolific scorer in John<br />

Lynch on the 1990 team We didn't<br />

have that this year," Scanlon said.<br />

"But I told this year's team before<br />

the season that you don't need a<br />

scorer to win. Everyone needed to<br />

pick it up a notch, if players who<br />

scored three or four goals last year<br />

scored five or six goals this season<br />

then we would be successful.<br />

Everything this season was team<br />

oriented. The scoring was spread<br />

out and everyone contributed. Jeff<br />

Arciero had an excellent season and<br />

not too may people can say they<br />

were both Boston Globe and Herald<br />

All-Scholastic players.<br />

"When wiffaced McdwV«* 3 *K<br />

they were the best team I've seen.<br />

They had a player who went on to<br />

become an All - American in college.<br />

Wc lost to them 3-1 and we gave<br />

them everything we had. And that's<br />

what this year's team did also. Both<br />

teams [90 and *97] wanted to win so<br />

badly. Both teams had good<br />

defenses and that carries you along<br />

way."<br />

Prior to the start of this soccer<br />

season, Scanlon was very optimis-<br />

tic, but he was worried that his team<br />

wasn't ready for action with games<br />

starling a week before they nor-<br />

mally did. As the season started and<br />

moved on through the first handful<br />

of games. <strong>Wilmington</strong> was winning,<br />

but not playing Iheir full complete<br />

game. They had injuries to key<br />

players such as Tom Heigham and<br />

Dan Sweet.<br />

As the season continued. Wil-<br />

mington piled up yellow cards.<br />

And if a team got ten of them, they<br />

were not going to the slate tour-<br />

nament. That caused panic, contro-<br />

versy and the team not to play their<br />

style of play through the last<br />

handful of games because they were<br />

aggressively timid on whal could<br />

eventually hurt them.,<br />

Then came the stale tournament.<br />

<strong>Wilmington</strong> drew Wayland. the<br />

toughest team in division three.<br />

<strong>Wilmington</strong> won in triple overtime<br />

and everything came together at<br />

that point for the team: they beat a<br />

terrific team by playing together;<br />

they were healthy; and'they didn't<br />

have to worry about not playing<br />

their aggressive style of play. From<br />

there, victories kept coming and<br />

before you knew it, <strong>Wilmington</strong><br />

was on its way to its first ever state<br />

championship game.<br />

This year's team was a very good<br />

soccer team; there were no indivi-<br />

,<br />

dual stars," Scanlon said. "They<br />

were a funny and crazy learn.<br />

There wasn't any yelling on the<br />

sidelines, practices were very laid<br />

back and we had a lot of laughs.<br />

Sometimes I did wonder if the learn<br />

was ready to play. I would ask Jeff<br />

Arciero that question and all he had<br />

to say was 'yes' and he was right -<br />

they were."<br />

A lot can be answered on the<br />

how's and why's of the fantastic<br />

season the boys soccer team had.<br />

Maybe Dick Scanlon had everything<br />

to do with the season or nothing to<br />

do with the season? Everyone who<br />

has ever been associated with Dick<br />

Scanlon knows that he had a lot to<br />

do with their success, but so did the<br />

players themselves.<br />

"I think coaches are both over<br />

evaluated and under evaluated.<br />

Players win and lose the games,<br />

coaches don't." Scanlon said. "Players<br />

have to want to win. A coach<br />

should be judged on an overall<br />

season. I laugh when the Boston<br />

papers criticize [New England Patriots<br />

head coach | Pete Carroll game<br />

after game about this decision or<br />

thai decision. Players win the individual<br />

games, not coaches and<br />

coaches should be judged on what<br />

ihcy do for a learn through the<br />

entire season.<br />

Dick Scanlon, <strong>Wilmington</strong> High School's boys soccer coach and history/sociology/ psychology<br />

"I know it sounds kind of trite, but teacher is named the <strong>Town</strong> <strong>Crier</strong> Coach of the Year, (photo by Bill Ryerson). • -<br />

I've taken il one game at a time and<br />

one year at a lime. When my body<br />

tells me it's time to hang il up, I<br />

will, but right now I don't feel that<br />

way. I don't understand why people<br />

look down the road and say if wc<br />

beat this learn and that team and if<br />

Annual Sons of Italy wrestling<br />

tourney December 20<br />

ihis happens then that will happen.<br />

round consolation and semifinals pionship finals in all weight classes<br />

Forget about that stuff, just go out The eleventh annual <strong>Wilmington</strong><br />

will begin at 12:30 p.m.. while the begins at seven o'clock.<br />

and perform on that day and in thai Sons of Italy Holiday Invitational<br />

consolation round is set for 3 p.m. General admission for each of the<br />

.game _ _<br />

. ., ■Wrertung.Tonrnamrnt will be held<br />

The evening session will start at<br />

"That's the thing I take the most Salurday/'Deccnibcr 20, In ihc<br />

day and evening sessions is $4 (52<br />

six o'clock with ihc consolation for students and senior citizens).<br />

pleasure about coaching in Wil- Cushing Gymnasium at <strong>Wilmington</strong><br />

finals along with Ihc third and All tourney passes are available for<br />

mington - thai we do come to play High School.<br />

every game. When these | Wilming- This premier early season tourney<br />

fourth place matches. The cham- ■ S6 and $3 respectively.<br />

ion| kids want to crank it up, they is comprised primarily of Division<br />

certainly do," he continued.<br />

2 and 3 wrestling teams. Last year's<br />

For now, Dick Scanlon says he tournament was met with resound- Boys hoop team to<br />

will continue to coach despite the<br />

rumors that he was going to retire<br />

from it If and when he does decide<br />

ing success. As in years past.<br />

wrestlers.who have competed in the<br />

Sons of Italy Tourney have been<br />

very successful in the Regional<br />

Sectionals and Stale Tournaments.<br />

The Methuen High Rangers<br />

copped the 19% team championplay<br />

Saturday in<br />

Jamboree<br />

ship, while the Rcdmen of Tcwks-<br />

North Reading High School will involving seven different leagues<br />

bury gained the runner-up team<br />

host its ann-lal Vin Olivo boys and provides a head start for the<br />

award. Both of these schools will<br />

basketball jamboree on Saturday 1997-98 basketball season.<br />

return along with the host Wildcats,<br />

evening, December 13. North The matchups and times are as<br />

Con-Val High from Peterborough,<br />

Reading High School is located on follows:<br />

N.H.. Dracut. Havcrhill, Mascono-<br />

Route 62. Park Street. The jam- 5:15. Hamilton- Wenham vs<br />

mei Regional. North Andover,<br />

boree begins at 5:15 p.m. and seven Methuen<br />

North Reading. Salem, Shawshccn<br />

games, each one half in duration, 5:55. Georgetown vs Essex Aggie<br />

Tech, Westford. and Winchester to<br />

will be played.<br />

6:35, Triton vs Tewksbary<br />

round out the 1997 field.<br />

The jamboree is named in 7:15. Masconomet vs Chelsea<br />

The double elimination lourncy<br />

memory of Vin Olivo. North Read- 7:55. Pentuckct vs SL Clements<br />

will get underway at 10 o'clock in<br />

ing basketball coach from I960 to 8:25, <strong>Wilmington</strong> vs Austin<br />

the morning with Ihc preliminary<br />

1972, who died in August. 1992. Prep<br />

and quarter final rounds. The first<br />

The event includes 14 teams 9:05, North Reading vs Pope John<br />

to hang them up, a valuable piece<br />

will be missing from the Wilming-<br />

ton athletic program not to mention<br />

a valuable piece will be missing<br />

from the classrooms and hallways at<br />

WHS.<br />

Dick Scanlon didn't change what<br />

he has been doing for the past 22<br />

years at the start of this past soccer<br />

season. He continued to guide the<br />

learn lo get better and better, some-<br />

thing that he instills with every<br />

teenager he comes across with. This<br />

past year was no different for<br />

Scanlon despite the success he had in<br />

both baseball and soccer. True, he<br />

and the soccer program accom-<br />

plished a first when they went to the<br />

Division III finals,, but it didn't<br />

happen on one lucky joy ride. A<br />

ton- of hard work, preparation,<br />

determination and patience over a<br />

long period of lime went into that<br />

ride. And what a ride it was. A<br />

ride that the team, the school, the<br />

town, this newspaper and Dick<br />

Scanlon will never forget.<br />

Before, during and after the<br />

soccer journey to the finals. Scanlon<br />

will continue to do what he has<br />

always done: he has taught, coach-<br />

ed, and influenced hundreds of<br />

student-athletes through his lough,<br />

yel heartwarming demeanor, his<br />

jokes, his personality and most<br />

importantly, with every ounce of<br />

purity in his heart<br />

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I<br />

■25^5--'• ** I*>-*JMIC-<br />

<strong>Wilmington</strong> High School winter sports schedule<br />


December<br />

Date Opponent Ttoc<br />

17 at 1 A nnfield (P) 8:15<br />

20 vsPcntuckct 2:30<br />

26 at Hav. Tourey* 7.00<br />

27 vs dm. Carlisle 2:30<br />

29 at Hav. Tourney** 7:00<br />

3lj at Durfcc (D) 2:00<br />

Date Opponent Tiaie<br />

3 at Triton (G) 6:00<br />

7 at No. Andover(M) 6:30<br />

10 vsAmcsbury 2:30<br />

14 at No. Reading (M) 8:30<br />

17 vs Newburypoft 2:30<br />

19 at Masconomet (P) 11:00<br />

24 vs HanvWcnham 2:30<br />

2S vs Dracul 7:20<br />

31 at Amesbury (G) 6:00<br />

February<br />

Date Opponent Time<br />

4 vs Masctmomct 7:20<br />

7 vs Triton 2:30<br />

II at Newburyport

Nets beat Hornets, 68-50 in boys hoop<br />

The Tewksbury Boys Basketball<br />

League completed Hs second week<br />

of the 1997-98 season on Saturday.<br />

November 29. The following are<br />

the results from all divisions<br />

including the offensive, defensive<br />

and outstanding player of each<br />

game:<br />

Intermediate division<br />

Nets 68. Nick Ckrffi. John Papp<br />

and Brett Anderson<br />

Hornets 50, Chris Hughes, Jim<br />

Ryser and Sean Dane<br />

Ballets 55, Chris Keenan. Jeff<br />

Joyce and Nirva Paid<br />

Friars 32, Mike Murphy. Mike<br />

Feener and Brian Ford<br />

Pistons 46, Mike Kukler. Dan<br />

Desmond and Gerry Ianetta<br />

Heat 44, Rich Cruz, mark<br />

Harrington and Kevin Mansfield<br />

Nuggets 44, Bryan Donoghue.<br />

John Scholl and Ryan Balcom<br />

Eagles 36, Nick Bacliglupo.<br />

Mike Sullivan and Tim Perotta<br />

. Sonics 32, Ryan Byrne, Andrew<br />

Gillis and Jared Tagliaferro.<br />

Jazz 28, Jason Knight, Nick<br />

Manna and Brad Capadonna<br />

Senior division<br />

Blazers 73, Josh Taylor.<br />

Michael Robson and Evan<br />

Bachelder<br />

Hawks 34, Mark Dolan. Robert<br />

Harrington and Ryan Sullivan<br />

Rockets 42, Paul Mucica, Paul<br />

Morris and Dan Elliman<br />

Bocks 39, James McCarthy. Matt<br />

Perriera and Gary Jop<br />

Pacers 74, Danny Palumbo,<br />

John Paul Keating and Jordan<br />

Frasca<br />

Wolves 53, Jesse Cianci.<br />

Brandan Chamberland and Brian<br />

Feener<br />

Balls 54, Michael Blaisdell.<br />

Peter Kelley and Joe Dooling<br />

Huskies 52, Ryan Carlson, Matt<br />

Greenan and Brian Haberman<br />

Junior division<br />

Kings 30, Eddie Numes. Bradley<br />

McGibbon and Brandon Lunz<br />

Warriors 14, Tom Dattilo.<br />

Brian Failkowski and Mike<br />

McCarthy<br />

Celtics 42, Alex Herzog. David<br />

Rcicheit and Chris Monfague<br />

Clippers 34, Gred Brennan, Jeff<br />

Solis and Jeff Jackman<br />

Cavs 34, Brian Gorman. Danny<br />

Kasprzak and Ryan Berube<br />

Suns 28, Kevin Gillotte. Paul<br />

McDermott and Justin Sharili<br />

Lakers 38, Darren Cham-<br />

berland, Mark Davis and Mike<br />

Donofrio<br />

Sixers 26, David McCauley,<br />

Patrick Kelly and Jetf Magee<br />


Devils 28, Justin Illsley. Travis<br />

Marshall and Eric Fencira<br />

Hoyas 18, Kevin Igo, Anthony<br />

Segsiai and Chad Chartiniix<br />

Course offered for<br />

<strong>Wilmington</strong> youth<br />

soccer coaches<br />

There will be a course for West Intermediate School in<br />

<strong>Wilmington</strong> youth soccer coaches <strong>Wilmington</strong>. From there the<br />

who are going for their D license regular courses will be held on die<br />

starting on January 9th in following dates: In Jan 16th. In<br />

<strong>Wilmington</strong>.<br />

Jan. 23. Sunday Jan. 25. Fri. Jan 30.<br />

This is an 36-hour course and Fri. Feb. 6th, Sunday Feb. 8th. All<br />

coaches must register through the Friday meetings are held from 6-10<br />

Massachusetts Youth Soccer p.m. and the Sunday meetings will<br />

Association (phone number is I- be from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. All of the<br />

800-852-81II). This is the only meetings except the last one will be<br />

time these courses will be held in held at the West Intermediate<br />

<strong>Wilmington</strong>, so it's important that School. The Feb. 8th meeting will<br />

the coaches attend.<br />

be held at <strong>Wilmington</strong> High School.<br />

The Pre I) course will be held on Any questions can be answered by<br />

January 9th from 6-10 p.m. at the calling the MYSA.<br />

Tewksbury youth football<br />

accepting nominations<br />

for openings<br />

Tewksbury Youth Football is<br />

accepting nominations for the<br />

Board of Directors and coaches in<br />

both football and cheerleading for<br />

the 1998 season.<br />

Two year director positions are<br />

open for treasurer, secretary, senior<br />

division football commissioner,<br />

junior and intermediate divisions<br />

football commissioner, cheerleader<br />

commissioner and registration<br />

director.<br />

There are 11 assistant one year<br />

director positions open in the<br />

following areas: senior, junior,<br />

intermediate football, senior,<br />

junior, intermediate cheerleading,<br />

snack shack, purchasing, 50/50,<br />

broadcasting, game publicity.<br />

Those interested in serving on the<br />

Board of Directors of Tewksbury<br />

Youth Football or in being a<br />

football coach for 1998 are<br />

requested lo contact Frank Ferrelli<br />

ai 851-4494. or Jim Baxter at 851-<br />

3821. All candidates for cheer-<br />

leading coaching positions must also<br />

submit an application.<br />

Tewksbury Youth Football is built<br />

on people who care for ihc children<br />

of Tewksbury and wish to provide<br />

everyone with the opportunity lo<br />

participate in football and<br />

cheerleading. As our experience<br />

people leave the program, we need<br />

people, who care enough lo get<br />

involved - step up and carry on the<br />

Tewksbury price.<br />

Voting for director positions will<br />

take place at ihc annual meeting to<br />

be held in February. All head<br />

football coaches will be appointed<br />

in April.<br />

. J* • _ . _<br />

rewksbury <strong>Memorial</strong> High School girts winter track team is gearing up foragood season which<br />

gets underway early next week. Look for next week's issue for the team preview, (photo by'Maureen<br />

Lamoureux).<br />

Greater outdoors<br />

Break out the boards<br />


The early season snowfall caused a<br />

flush of panic throughout the New En-<br />

gland area. Just mention the word snow,<br />

and the commuter population goes mad.<br />

If snow is the long term outlook. I sug-<br />

gest you head down to the local ski shop<br />

and think about getting some type of ski<br />

package.<br />

Most of our first snow is gone. But.<br />

up North this cold weather is filling the<br />

mountains and forest with lots of fresh<br />

powder Alpine skiing and snow hoarding<br />

are fine ways to enjoy a winter day. In<br />

point of fact, cross-country skiing is the<br />

best way to explore a wintcMis day.<br />

There are many wonderful places in<br />

New England to strap on a pairof boards<br />

and kick your way through some of the<br />

world's most beautiful country side. By<br />

far the newest and most cxciiing is the<br />

Portland region of Maine.<br />

Just a two hour ride from Wilming-<br />

ton, the Portland area offers lodging to<br />

fit most budgets as well as many fine<br />

restaurants. It only lakes a short ride<br />

from the cily to find yourself engulfed in<br />

thick forest running next lo pristine<br />

rivers and streams.<br />

Sure, screaming down a hill on a pair<br />

skies made of high lech, composite ma-<br />

terial is exciting. Catching a wildcat in<br />

winter forage will also make your heart<br />

pound. The purpose «>f a cross-oiuntry<br />

ski trek is lo feel and experience the<br />

world an mud you. noi let.it pass you by<br />

at light speed.<br />

■'■ With -so many choices «rf X-Skiing<br />

centers in Maine. 3n early startfothe day<br />

can almost guarantee you a solitary trip<br />

inio the woods. With proper trip plan-<br />

ning, many areas offer a warming hut to<br />

eat your lunch in along the way.<br />

The biggest advantage to skiing in<br />

this area is the cily of Portland. With its<br />

wonderful downeast flavor there is some-<br />

thing for everyone in town. Chock full of<br />

great restaurants and shoos, it offers the<br />

weekender a great value for the dollar.<br />

During the ski season Rt 95 is a lot<br />

easier lo travel compared to other New<br />

England Stales. Most folks are thinking<br />

Vermont or New Hampshire. On the<br />

way up or down. Kittery offers a great<br />

shop slop.<br />

To find out more information about<br />

cross -country skiing call the Maine Nor-<br />

dic Ski Council at I -800-754-9263 This<br />

information line gives you the latest ski<br />

conditions. You can leave a message for<br />

them and they will send you a brochure.<br />

For more insights try their web site at<br />

www.MNSC.com.<br />


I sent in an application lo hunt the<br />

Quabbin Reservation area. This is a two<br />

day controlled hunt. The MDC uses<br />

hunters lo help thin the deer population<br />

lo ensure t he plants that act as part of the<br />

water shed ecosystem stay healthy. You<br />

must check in and out of the area every<br />

day.<br />

I was lucky enough to be selected for<br />

the Pre scon Peninsula area. This section<br />

is closed lo the general public the rest of<br />

Jibe year. I look offal 3:30 AM Monday<br />

morning and made the gale right at 5:00<br />

AM. I drove the whole length of the<br />

peninsula, so I might get some deer<br />

movenmeni later in the morning.<br />

I found a nice ridge to sit on and felt<br />

I had a great view of the forest below. I<br />

thought I could hear some movenment<br />

after sitting for 30 minutes in the pitch<br />

dark.<br />

As the sun began to rise, a purple and<br />

orange hue covered the far hillsides. As<br />

the brillinat morning fight crept into the<br />

woods below. I was excited thinking<br />

about die early rustling I heard.<br />

When the shooting light finally<br />

am vied. I looked around only to see the<br />

ndge fine filled with other hunters. The<br />

noise I heard was other sportsmen climb-<br />

ing the hillside.<br />

I sat anyway, hoping maybe other<br />

hunters walking might drive one to my<br />

area. No such luck. After sitting for a<br />

couple of hours. I decided to still hunt.<br />

This turned out to be worst than sitting.<br />

Every 100 yards I would she another<br />

hunter.<br />

I Moved to a couple of different places<br />

on lire peninsula, but had the same prob-<br />

lem. I really enjoyed the beautiful<br />

Quabbin area. I don't think I will apply<br />

for a permit to hunt there again. Too<br />

many hunters for such a compact place.<br />

I think it would serve everyone better if<br />

they issued less permits and added more<br />

days. Must be time lo start ice fishing.<br />

■'. » /.>

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V<br />

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i<br />


<strong>Wilmington</strong> Recreation<br />

Basketball League in full swing<br />

■ The 1997/1998 Wilminglon<br />

Recreation Basketball League got<br />

into full swing this past weekend<br />

with 27 games played at three<br />

gyms. With over 500 boys and girls<br />

competing, the weekend provided<br />

some great entertainment for all.<br />

What follows is game highlights:<br />

Big 12 division<br />

Texas A&M vs<br />

Oklahoma State<br />

Texas A&M defense swarmed all<br />

over Oklahoma State's offense for<br />

the entire game soundly defeating<br />

ihcm by the score of 40-25. High<br />

scorers for A&M were Zach Mitzan<br />

with 17. Derek Concannon with<br />

eight and Ryan Olivieri with four.<br />

High scorers for Oklahoma Slate<br />

were Scott Konieczka with four.<br />

Lou Insalaco with four and<br />

Jonathan Gravallcse with four.<br />

The Warford brothers. Brendan<br />

and Tom. with help from Joe Mayo<br />

kept the pressure on for Texas<br />

A&M. Mike Mclnlyrc. Brian<br />

Dallon and Mike Damplo were<br />

impressive in the loss.<br />

Texas vs Texas Tech<br />

Texas beat up on Texas Tech by<br />

the score of 38 to 26. High scorers<br />

for Texas were Derek Trueira with<br />

18. Tim Sughrue with 10 and Steve<br />

DiTullio and George Carroll with<br />

four each. High scorers for Texas<br />

Tech were Kevin Pizzotti with 12.<br />

Brian Frongillo with six and Kyle<br />

Sweeney with four.<br />

Rob Gillis, Joe Fagan and Dan<br />

Sprague keyed the victory for<br />

Texas. Steve lorio. Bryant Buck<br />

and Doug Tranghese made sharp<br />

passes for Texas Tech.<br />

Colorado vs Kansas<br />

Colorado crushed Kansas by a<br />

score of 41 -22. High scorers for<br />

Colorado were Mark Giordano with<br />

. 128. Eric Ollila with 15 and Matt<br />

"- Clark in with four. High scorers for<br />

Kansas were Dan Trayers with<br />

eight. Mike Labrecque with four<br />

and Tim Kent and Sean Wilson with<br />

two each.<br />

Conor Moroncy. Ryan Connolly<br />

and Rocco Puccio stole the show for<br />

Colorado. Travis Mills. Kevin Col<br />

and Mike Cullen played an inspired<br />

gamefor Kansas.<br />

Missouri vs Kansas State<br />

In a tight game that was tied al<br />

h.illume. Missouri hung on to<br />

defeat Kansas State by the score of<br />

31 to 30 after taking a 14 point lead<br />

early in the second half. High<br />

scorers for Missouri were Jon Stark<br />

with 10. Matt Stewart with seven<br />

and Scott Hanson with six. High<br />

scorers for Kansas State were Vic<br />

Delllsola with 12. Misha Glazo-<br />

mitsky with eight and Chris Pedi<br />

with four. Mike Vassallo. Mike<br />

O'connor and Paul Chisholm led<br />

Missouri's offense early in the<br />

second half only to sec Kansas<br />

State's Dave Douccllc. Ryan Curtis<br />

and Andrew Mills take charge late<br />

in the game to make the game<br />

exciting to the end.<br />

Iowa State vs Oklahoma<br />

Iowa Stale got by Oklahoma in<br />

overtime by the score of 29-27.<br />

High scorers for Iowa State were<br />

James Ciulla with six. Dcvin Boyle<br />

with six and Joe Kivlehan with five.<br />

High scorers for Oklahoma were<br />

Eddie Kaufman with six. Jeff<br />

Youngclaus with six and Scan<br />

Murphy with six. Joe DiMarc.<br />

Mark Zuravel and Tom Blaisdcll<br />

chipped in with big baskets for<br />

Iowa Stale.<br />

Mike Hackell.Louis Auciello and<br />

Chad Madcria made some great<br />

plays al the end of regulation to<br />

help Oklahoma put in the overtime.<br />

Baylor vs Nebraska<br />

Baylor hurig on lo defeat<br />

Nebraska by the score of 26-22.<br />

High scorers for Baylor were Dan<br />

Reed with 12 and Joshua Ncwhousc<br />

with four. High scorers" for<br />

Nebraska were Jarcd Nims with 12.<br />

Tim Madden with six and Mike<br />

MacPherson with four. Alan<br />

Gentile. Mike Cantania and Ryan<br />

Quiglcy made great shots for<br />

Baylor. Chris Clark. Corey Banda<br />

and Brendan Gibson dug defen-<br />

sively for Nebraska.<br />

Big East division<br />

Boston College Eagles vs<br />

Syracuse Orangemen<br />

The Boston College Eagles started<br />

off with a victory over the Syracuse<br />

Orangemen by ihc score of 25-19.<br />

High scorers for Ihc Eagles were<br />

Ray Gravallcse with 12. Tom Miele<br />

with 11 and Jonathan Maimarch<br />

with two. High scorers for ihc<br />

Orangemen were Jeremy Schuh<br />

with eight. Mike Kavanaugh with<br />

six and Ryan Trulli with five. Nick<br />

Duggan. Malt Olson and Alex<br />

Monlalto played key roles in the<br />

victory for BC. Chris Marcin. Brad<br />

Lucas and Mike Jensen were<br />

aggressive on the boards for<br />

Syracuse.<br />

Providence vs St. Join's<br />

Providence hung on to defeat Si<br />

John's by the score of 20-16. High<br />

scorers for Providence were Chris<br />

Dancoe with six, Tim Brady with<br />

four and Mike Fitzgerald with four.<br />

High scorers for St. John's were<br />

Chris Crosby with five and Eric<br />

Murray with four. Keith Brandano,<br />

Chris Crescenzo and Ryan Dooley<br />

made big shots in the win for<br />

Providence.<br />

Greg Stewart, Joshua Youngaitis<br />

and Zachary Church chipped in<br />

with key baskets for Si. John's.<br />

Georgetown vs villanova<br />

In a nail biter. Georgetown snuck<br />

by Villanova by the score of 24-21.<br />

High scorers for Georgetown were<br />

Steve Potcner with eight, Mike<br />

Auciello with six and Anthony<br />

Karcleakas and Phillip Russo with<br />

four points each. High scorers for<br />

Villanova were Mike Haepers with<br />

10 and Patrick Ryan with four.<br />

Jesse Belding, Daniel Kline and<br />

Jonathan Cullen played their hearts<br />

out for Gerogetown.<br />

Brian Caira, Mike Fogarty and<br />

Steve Tower made key baskets for<br />

Villanova.<br />

Western Athletic Conference<br />

Wyoming vs New Mexico<br />

Wyoming defeated new Mexico<br />

24-16. High scorers for the<br />

Cowboys were Nick Clark, with<br />

nine. Chris Welch eight and Kyle<br />

Nims six. The Lobo high point<br />

getters were Dean Carpenito eight,<br />

James Cuoco four, Kevin Skinner<br />

two.<br />

Al Marfleet, Andrew Valcnic and<br />

Jon Chirichiello played awesome<br />

defense for New Mexico. Nick<br />

Milano. Mike Maslropietro and Tim<br />

Forte had several assists for<br />

Wyoming.<br />

Tulsa vs Rice<br />

Tulsa 23-Rice 10. William Starred<br />

six. Joseph Gore and Matthew<br />

Hilx.au with four each led the way<br />

for Tulsa. C.J. Jeannette also<br />

pumped in four points for Rice.<br />

Derek Slukey, Matt Brooks and<br />

Ryan Fahey played heads up defense<br />

for Rice while Mike Emery, Tim<br />

Perkins and Brendon Sheehan<br />

played a great all around game for<br />

Tulsa. _<br />

BYU vs Utah<br />

BYU defeated Utah 18-11. Chris<br />

Benoii. eight, Dan Patterson fou<br />

rand Mike Larffarello with four<br />

were the high scorers for BYU.<br />

David Reed four. Kevin Cavanaugh.<br />

Michael Thomas and Dan Evans<br />

each scored key baskets for the<br />

Utes. Trevor Cormier also notched<br />

a nice basket for Utah while Patrick<br />

Cassidy, Mike Cassidy and Steve<br />

Shibilia played a strong game for<br />

BYU.<br />

Pac 10<br />

Oregon vs Stanford<br />

Oregon outscored Stanford in a<br />

Pac 10 shootout. Lyndsey Borseti.<br />

Kristin Sauve, Jen Gillis and Julie<br />

Cronin led the balanced Oregon<br />

scoring attack with six apiece. Lisa<br />

Antonagcli nine, Christine Anto-<br />

nageli six and Brittany Diorio four<br />

were top scorers for the Cardinals.<br />

Kristcn Eraser, Jill and Any Coulu<br />

also scored big hoops for Stanford.<br />

Margo Hery, Stephanie Sprague and<br />

Kate Lyons pulled down key<br />

rebounds for Oregon.<br />

California vs Arizona<br />

Sheri Thresher 10, Mary Kale<br />

Griffin five and Kim Nadeau four<br />

were top scorers for California.<br />

Jacqueline Rubino 13. Lauren<br />

Whiifiekl seven and Stephanie Winn<br />

Five led the way for the Wildcats.<br />

Ariana Mills, Jessica Jurewicz and<br />

Ariana Mills played a strong game<br />

for Arizona.<br />

Rachel DiGregorio, Kelly<br />

McLaughlin. Sarah Hayes and Jen<br />

Ruggiero tossed in key hoops for<br />

California.<br />

NBA<br />

Celtics vs Spurs<br />

Celtics 74-Spurs 61 In a high<br />

scoring affair. Chris McHale 22,<br />

Kyle Hendricks 14 and Jim<br />

Fennelley four led the, way for the<br />

Spurs while the Celts were led by<br />

Dave Rappoli 16, Malt Jordon 16<br />

and Marty Tildsley 13. Pat<br />

Cucinotta, Joe Burns and Jason<br />

Barrett helped power the Celts<br />

offense while Andrew Petrillo.<br />

Richard Buttaro and Sean Cannon<br />

played great defense for the Spurs.<br />

Lakers vs Raptors<br />

Lakers defeated the Raptors 55-48<br />

in a double overtime affair. A.J.<br />

Mitzan 16. Jeff Coughlin 14 and<br />

Tim Riley 10. led the way for L.A.<br />

Brian LcBlanc 13. Chris Ramsdell<br />

eight and Jarcd Constantino eight<br />

WRBLPAGE21<br />

Dana Collins, a student at TMHS, share's a laugh, while<br />

gelling a candy cane, on Santa's (TMHS boys soccer and track<br />

coach as well as physical education teacher Steve Levine) lap<br />

during last week's fashion show held at TMHS. (photo by Joe<br />

Brown).<br />

Tewksbury Pee Wee Ill's win 5-1<br />

Tewksbury vs Methuen<br />

Tewksbury's Pee Wee III team<br />

continued its winning ways by<br />

defeating Methuen 5-1 at Methuen<br />

High School. Early in the First<br />

period, Danny Jones set up Carolyn<br />

Danceki with a nice pass lo open the<br />

scoring. The Redmen went up 2-1<br />

when Joe Brodcrick found Joel<br />

Bucci for the score.<br />

In ihc second. Marc Stanicich.<br />

after stickhandling through heavy<br />

traffic, spotted an open Justin Booth<br />

who put the puck into a wide open<br />

net to give Tewksbury a 3-1 lead.<br />

The score went to 4-1 when<br />

defenscman Geoff Luciano beat the<br />

Methuen goalie on the back hand<br />

after working a slick give and go<br />

with Stanicich.<br />

In the third period, winger Joe<br />

Brodcrick stripped the puck from a<br />

Methuen defender to set up Joel<br />

Bucci's second goal of the game.<br />

David Duffy. Jon Berkeley and<br />

Robby Harris lead a rock solid<br />

defense and forwards Eric<br />

Belmonte, Sam MacLeod. Chris<br />

Kapusl and Steve Riccio played<br />

strong two way hockey. Goaltender<br />

Ryan Harris came up big on several<br />

shots in the victory.<br />

Tewksbury vs No. Middlesex<br />

The beat goes on for Tewksbury's<br />

Pee Wee Ill's with a 5-4 victory<br />

over No. Middlesex at Tully Forum<br />

in an exciting game that featured<br />

magnificent goaltending by Ryan<br />

Harris and a hat trick by Carolyn<br />

Danceki.<br />

Danecki gave the Redmen the<br />

"early lead converting a pass from<br />

Chris Kapust. No. Middlesex<br />

answered with a goal of its own as<br />

the first period ended with the score<br />

tied at one.<br />

In the second. Marc Stanicich gave<br />

Tewksbury the lead 2-1 after<br />

relentless pressure on the No.<br />

Middlesex goalie by Justin Booth<br />

and Sam MacLeod. Tewksbury<br />

went up 3-1 when Danecki, trailing<br />

a Steve Riccio breakaway, picked<br />

up the rebound for her second goal<br />

of the game.<br />

After no. Middlesex closed the<br />

gap to a 3-2. Danecki completed the<br />

hat trick, slamming home another<br />

rebound. The Redmen went up 5-2<br />

on a Chris Kapust goal, assisted by<br />

Robby Harris and Steve Ricco.<br />

Late in the third period, two No.<br />

Middlesex goals cut the Tewksbury '<br />

lead to 5-4. Ryan Harris, who was<br />

outstanding in goal all game, saves<br />

his best for last, making several<br />

spectacular saves to thwart the No.<br />

Middlesex comeback in the final '<br />

two minutes.<br />


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<strong>Wilmington</strong> Recreational Basketball League in full swing<br />

FROM PAGE 20<br />

were top scorers for Hie Raptors.<br />

Ryan Oaiis. Ed Harrison and Mike<br />

Gable had several assists for the<br />

Raptors.<br />

Scott Neville, Brad Lawrenson<br />

and Mark Krasynansky made some<br />

clutch plays to help the Lakers win<br />

ihsi game.<br />

Jazz vs Clippers<br />

The Jazz defeated the Clippers 64<br />

53. Andrew Coyne 18. Jason Stark<br />

17 and Kevin Forgctt 16 were top<br />

point getters for the Jazz. Dan<br />

Keating 15. William Kent eight and<br />

Joe Ranno 10<br />

Arkansas were Michael Harrison<br />

with nine, Derek Hartley with eight<br />

and Brad Mclsaac with four.<br />

Jonathan Bamberg, Kevin Neville<br />

and Chris Stygles were immense on<br />

defense for Florida. Stephen<br />

Gravlalese. Michael lorio and<br />

Steven Berry played well at both<br />

ends of the floor for Arkansas.<br />

Atlantic Conference<br />

St. Joe's vs UMass<br />

St. Joe's defeated UMass 22-13.<br />

Top scorers for St. Joe's were<br />

Jennifer Comer with eight and<br />

led the Clipper's Kerri Stinson with six. Top scorers<br />

scorers, for UMass were Ashley Bruno with<br />

Jason Frongillo. Jacob and John seven and Caitlin Padziorko with<br />

Saad ruled the boards for the six. St.Joe's was led by the all<br />

Clippers. Mike Halas and Brian around hustle of Shannell Courtois<br />

Brown vs riiawtlon with three and Lauren Cushing with<br />

Brown defeated Princeton 23-15. two. Nicole Sauve, Katie Celli and<br />

Brown's offense was led by Tara Binkowski played solid<br />

Catherine Michaud with eight, defense for Brown. Christina<br />

Marianne Hery with five and Tocci,Lanie Cabral-Pini and Julia<br />

Debbie Lyons with four. Top MacDougall showed great hustle at<br />

scorers for Princeton were Lauren both ends of the floor for<br />

Rappoli with 10, Danielle Cornnier Princeton.<br />

v i JS£ 7 F 0 !*!**.. . ■, Athanassiou with four points each<br />

Yale defeated Columbta 16-13. and Melissa M Jg <br />

Top scorers for Yak were Shannon Jcssica BrouillarTEllen Jordan a£<br />

ShCr^S K\ H y " ^ Daniclle ^^ P^ a 3d two<br />

w.th four and Katie Haepers with for Y*c<br />

two. Columbia's offense was led by<br />

Jacqueline Grady and Andrea<br />

Jennifer Earles, Jaclyn Sou/a and<br />

Kimberly Strazzere were tenacious<br />

on defense for Columbia.<br />

<strong>Wilmington</strong> Mite D's tackle Agawam, 6-1<br />

Roberts played intense defense to Kerry Velozza, Charisse Marches. P 1 **** 1 ,ls <strong>Wilmington</strong> 6 Agawam 1 behind the net minder for a 2-0 with assists from Casey Picket! and the D's. His first goal was set up by<br />

The <strong>Wilmington</strong> Mite D team first period lead.<br />

Steven Dunnett making it 3-1 after David Sweet who kept the puck in<br />

strongest game of the After Agawam scored to make it two periods.<br />

the Agawam zone and fed it over to<br />

gie the Jazz the edge. and Megan Reardon who in addition season beaUng a scrappy Agawam C 2-1 Josh Westfall who played goal The <strong>Wilmington</strong> defense of Pal Aelx who backhanded it past the net<br />

Southeast conference contributed key baskets<br />

team 6-1. <strong>Wilmington</strong> scored the for die D's came up with a beautiful Schullz, Kalelyn Lynch.Laurcn minder. His second score came<br />

So. Carolina vs LSU Danielle Bamberg. Alyssa Sullivan first goal of the game whe Alan- glove save to keep the game horn Hccnan. David Swcel and Chris when Michael Jenson passed the<br />

South Carolina defeated LSU in a and Kaitlin Sullivan had several Michael Santos got the puck to being tied. Chris Burns made a Bums played sensationally. They all puck to Alex streaking down the<br />

Fiercely contested battle 46-45.Top assists for Umass.<br />

Michael Jenson who back handed fantastic rush from the <strong>Wilmington</strong> squeezed the blue line effectively in right wing and the third goal came<br />

scorers for South Carolina were George Washington vs URI one past the Agawam goalie. zone in the second period the Agawam zone and kept the on a shot from outside the blue line<br />

Ryan Parsons with 14. Craig George Washington defeated URI Michael Cabral got the puck to slickhandling by the Agawam Agawam offense in check in the that eluded the Agawam goalie.<br />

Osgood with II and Sean Osgood 12-8. Top scorers for George Casey picket! behind the Agawam defense but was denied. Michael <strong>Wilmington</strong> zone. Alex Santini Agawan had tied the D's only a<br />

with 10. LSU was led on offense by Washington were Amber Warnick net and she fed a perfect pass to Cabral scored a big goal with a scored the hat trick in the third month ago but today the D's would<br />

Joseph Cavanaugh with 12. Chris with six points. Alyssa Bibeau with Steven Dunnett who one limed it minute left in the second period period to round out the scoring for not let them get on track.<br />

Derian with 11 and Derek Courtois three and Kathreine Holland with<br />

with eight. Ryan Gaudet. Daniel two. URI's offense was led by<br />

<strong>Wilmington</strong> Mite C hockey team<br />

Esdale and Robert Harrington Jillian Guzinski and Adrienne<br />

played a solid two way game for Massiello with four points apiece.<br />

South Carolina. Patricia Gearty. Brittany Collins<br />

Andrew Holland. Jeremy Miller and Chelsea Gish played a solid two<br />

dominates Cambri<br />

and Phillip Mallard played an way game for Geroge Washington,<br />

inspired game for LSU. Coselte Hirshfeld. Danielle Robarge<br />

• •<br />

Auburn vs Georgia and Caitlin Harrington were<br />

Auburn defeated Georgia 39-38 in tenacious on defense for URI.<br />

another intense battle. Auburn's Ivy League<br />

<strong>Wilmington</strong> 6 Cambridge 1 finishing oil a Jason Yeomelakis the Masco B team 2-0. The boys did Scott Dacko for their back checking<br />

offense was led by DerekTynan Penn vs Dartmouth The <strong>Wilmington</strong> Mite Cs traveled break as he banged in the rebound a great job of playing defensive<br />

hustle.<br />

with 12. Ryan Tildsley with 11 and Penn defeated Dartmouth 40-14. into Cambridge Sunday and handily of Jason's shot.<br />

hockey. Mike Gautreau. Michael<br />

Robert Mills with six. Leading Penn was led on offense by Ashley defeated Cambridge's Mite B team<br />

The Cs scored both goals in the<br />

<strong>Wilmington</strong> 2 Masco 0 Robarge. Jason Yeomelakis and<br />

scorers for Georgia were Keith Morgado with 18. Marjorie Taylor by a score of 6-1. The outcome was<br />

first period. Michael Wilson got the<br />

Nick Robarge made his return lo Corey Tobin were tenacious on<br />

Frongillo with 17 points. Neil with six and Emily Dorrance with never in question as the C's<br />

C's on the board first set up by<br />

the nets Saturday. Nick was stellar defense. All the forwards worked Gregory Good. Later in the first.<br />

Smith with seven and Dennis six. Dartmouth was led on offense dominated from the beginning.<br />

once again, this lime shutting out hard in the defensive zone. Special Mark Manning scored a nice goal<br />

Robillard and Patrick Graham with by Bryanna Moroney with eight Michael DeRosa enjoyed his best<br />

credit goes to Timmy Cushing and assisted by Max Wilkins.<br />

four points apiece. Pranav Vaidya. along with Michelle Mastropietro. game of the year as he, along with<br />

Joel Guzinski and Corey McCann Kalianne Martel and Julianne Jason Yeomelakis each scored twice.<br />

had multiple assists for Auburn. Martel with two points apiece. In Scott Dacko was solid in net as he<br />

Joseph Caira Doug Horan and addition to their great offensive kept Cambridge at bay while his<br />

Graham Padziorko played well at output. Penn displayed a strong teammates enjoyed success at the <strong>Wilmington</strong> Mite A youth hockey<br />

both ends of the floor for Georgia, defense led by Dawn DeRosa, Erin other end.<br />

Kentucky vs Vanderbilt Magee and Kristen Nollett.<br />

The C's scored twice in the first<br />

Kentucky defeated Vanderbilt 38- Jenna Ciaramella, Sandra Kelly period. First Michael DeRosa team ties tough Melrose club<br />

33. Top scorers for Kentucky were and Kalelyn Enwright hustled at scored on a dandy move, then Jason<br />

Michael Cavallaro with 13, Patrick both ends of the floor for Yeomelakis fired home a hard wrist<br />

O'Shea with 10 and Steven Haepers Dartmouth,<br />

shot. <strong>Wilmington</strong> maintained the <strong>Wilmington</strong> 2 Melrose 2 got ihe equalizer at the close of Ihe ice. Melrose did tie il up bit if not<br />

with six. Leading scorers for Cornell vs Harvard pressure in the second period this The <strong>Wilmington</strong> Mite A team. period ona nice passing combination for their goaltender CJ Palmer the<br />

Vanderbilt were Michael Gore with Cornell defeated Harvard 22-9. time scoring three times. Michael sponsored by First Electric Motor started by Zachary Church in his Wildcats would have blown them<br />

18. Danny O'Connell with nine and Top scorers for Cornell were Katie DeRosa struck again this time he played to a 2-2 tie in a Dual Slate own end. Church led Dan Metcalfe out as they gotten at least IS quality<br />

Michael Kelly with four.<br />

Rijey with seven, Stephanie Gable<br />

picked the low corner and made a game this past weekend against across center ice as he gave it to shots on the Melrose netminder.<br />

Jonathan Tremblay. Michael Bell with four and Gina Ranno with rtlce pin point shot: TlrhrhyCirShirig" Metrdse. Brian Garrett got the call Dana Slecnbruggcn who fed Dave Garrctt played big in net for<br />

and Ryan Jeannette were immense three. Top scorers for Harvard got the lone assist. Jason'Yeomelakis in net for this contest bringing the Ri/zo for tfic back hander. <strong>Wilmington</strong> as he made two greal<br />

on the boards for Kentucky. Patrick were Stephanie Ramsdell with three then got his second of the game as Mite A team lo a l-l-l record. <strong>Wilmington</strong> look the lead early in glvoe saves in the third lo keep ihe<br />

Reck. Daniel Shimlla and Joseph along with Ashley Porier. Megan<br />

he deked through a number of There was no scoring in teh first the third when Derek Griffin game lied at Iwo.<br />

Lane hustled on defense for Grenier and Shannon Fahey with Cambridge players before slipping period with Derek Ftizpatrick and playing the point passed lo Shane<br />

Vanderbilt.<br />

iwo points apiece.<br />

the puck past the goalie. Max Chris Stafford playing their usual Foley down low. found Mike Fay<br />

Florida vs Arkansas Heather Danehy. Kelly Crosby Wilkins finished the second period strong defense oul in front of then oul fronl as Fay just one timed il The Cats got a power play in the<br />

Florida defeated Arkansas 43-25. and Michelle Jensen played solid scoring as he ripped a powerful own net. Melrose got on ihe board for Ihe score.<br />

final minute keeping the pressure<br />

Florida was leld in scoring by defense for Cornell. Michelle Bush. wrist shot past the goalie from the halfway through Ihe second with<br />

on as Danny Silva got off a shot but<br />

Michael Jordan with 15 points. Kayla Frascr and Lauren Brassil lop of the faceoff circle.<br />

Garrctt making the original stop as<br />

was stopped. The Mite A's nexi<br />

Michael Tocci with 12 and Patrick<br />

Michael Wilson scored in the third they just slid it under the pad on Ihe As always, great iwo way play game day is Saturday the 13th with<br />

played an inspired game for<br />

Taylor with 11. Top scorers for Harvard.<br />

period. Michael did a nice job of rebound.<br />

was turned in by Mark Walsh both a Valley and a Dual Slate game<br />

i<br />

The Wildcats played tough as they working hard al both ends of the in the morning.<br />

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The Tewksbury Youth Fall Soccer Under 10 boys team, the Cosmos, completed ihcir successful<br />

"season with api/ya and trophy night at PapaGino's in the Oakdale Mall. Thanks to the coaches a good time<br />

^ was had by all. Pictured left to right in the front row is: Alex Nicols. Christopher Altovino. Jeff Allan and<br />

: Anthony Galloao. Back row is: Coach Tony Gallotto. Brian Kilfoyle. Zachary Johnson. Gregory Lobdell.<br />

(,, Justin Messina. Daniel Litton and Assistant Coach Vini Messina. Missing from photo is Assistant Coach<br />

. VLeo Altovino and Geraido Santiago.<br />

Tewksbury thundering<br />

i,-<<br />

off and running<br />

The Tewksbury Mite Thundering<br />

Ill's, after running off a season<br />

long 18 game unbeaten streak,<br />

finally succumbed to defeat after<br />

, suffering a 4-1 loss to a tough Cape<br />

.Ann squad.<br />

.• Despite missing several key<br />

contributors to the team, the Mite<br />

Til's hung tough at 2-1 alter two<br />

.periods on the strength of a Tim<br />

.Sheehan give and go pass and goal<br />

/with Bob Bennett. Nick Giasullo<br />

'made several key saves to keep the<br />

£core close but the Cape Ann<br />

•forwards found the top corners to<br />

extend their margin and pin a<br />

'.^heartbreaking loss on the<br />

.Thundering Ill's. Justin O'Brien<br />

Tilled in admirably at a variety of<br />

positions while Brett Little and<br />

Tewksbury Mite B's tie 3-3<br />

The Tewksbury Mile B's went 2-<br />

2-1 over their last five games. Most<br />

would say that a tie is like kissing<br />

your sister, but Sunday's lie with a<br />

very talented Groton A team was<br />

arguably our best game of the<br />

season. Rumor has it thai the<br />

Groton A team was hot to avenge<br />

three recent shellackings of the<br />

Groton B's by the Tewksbury B;s.<br />

Instead, they found they had<br />

stirred up a hornet's nest (or should<br />

we say Killer B hive?). In fact,<br />

'.Tewksbury took a 3-2 lead into the<br />

jtlnal minutes of the game before<br />

''proton managed to tie it up. It was<br />

an effort of which the whole team<br />

■should be very proud.<br />

' 'In an earlier match against Salem,<br />

like defensive tandem of Sean<br />

I) Hare and Chris Noyes accounted<br />

lor all the scoring. Chris made a<br />

'diving play to break up a one on<br />

pne. right lo Sean who went the<br />

, Jsngth of the ice for the goal.<br />

'Tewksbury displayed a little more<br />

''fire power against Wakcfield with<br />

Matt Bruno scoring the first (lifted<br />

.over the goalie), third (slickhandled<br />

' all the way lo the crease) and fifth<br />

(knee high blast) goals of the game<br />

Tor an odd hat trick. Between<br />

-Bruno goals. Scott Carparo slid onc<br />

in (assisted by Kevin Swansburg<br />

and Sean O'Hare) and Joey<br />

Ginsburg scored from the point<br />

(assisted by Dan Grasso), James<br />

Duffy gathered up a loose puck at<br />

center ice, broke in and scored.<br />

Scott Capraro hit Shane Mirisola at<br />

.(he blue line. Shane moved around<br />

The last defender and scored.<br />

Against a tough Agawam team.<br />

Kevin Swansburg jammed in Tim<br />

Dooley's rebound. Kyle Russell<br />

panged a pass off the boards that<br />

,«ont Shane Mirisola in alone. Shane<br />

-finished off the breakaway by<br />

^irawing the puck to his backhand<br />

'.tad popping il in. Then came a<br />

«*lurry of nice saves by Billy Stuart<br />

''**< Agawam turned up the neat.<br />

'Next. Scott Capraro won the draw<br />

, o Shane Mirisola who fired one in<br />

ttsom the lop of the circle. Finally.<br />

Tini Dooley bet a defenseman to the<br />

''tuck, kicked il ahead and squeezed<br />

, >BC through the five hole with just<br />

-nough oomph lo trickle over the<br />

■ -me. Joey Ginsburg made a great<br />

in>hy on D to stay with a guy thai<br />

.practically turned him inside out<br />

IM .<br />

odfjth some flashy moves and Billy<br />

• Stuart diffused a dangerous play<br />

-when he gloved a knee high<br />


<strong>Wilmington</strong> Squirt Ill's up to<br />

challenge against Medford<br />

<strong>Wilmington</strong> vs Medford<br />

Knowing the Medford hockey<br />

program and knowing <strong>Wilmington</strong><br />

and Medford were tied for first, a<br />

great game was coming up.<br />

First period action was exactly as<br />

expected, up and down action. Billy<br />

Schultes. Justin Roberts and Mark<br />

Picket! put lots of pressure on the<br />

goalie with Mark grabbing a loose<br />

puck curling the net and sliding one<br />

home! Both teams had ample<br />

opportunities to score but the goal<br />

tenders, Tim Anderson for the Cats,<br />

had plenty to do with keeping it<br />

close.<br />

The middle period saw the same<br />

torrid pace of action with Russell<br />

Grant and Jason Buckley keeping<br />

the play in the offensive end<br />

constantly. Dave Griffin. Dan Tobin<br />

and Mike Welch had some excellent<br />

scoring chances with nifty passes<br />

from Dan and Mike. Dave would<br />

have had one in the net, but with his<br />

new stick die short ended up in the<br />

second balcony! Medford kept up<br />

the attack and finally broke<br />

<strong>Wilmington</strong>'s defense to tic the<br />

game late in the period!<br />

Play in the third again saw action<br />

in both ends with Steve Stokes. Nick<br />

Yeomelakis and Mike Earls getting<br />

slopped on several excellent scoring<br />

bids. Albert Fiorenza and Danny<br />

Hccnan kept the puck away from<br />

Timmy Anderson and if needed<br />

Timmy would cover the puck for<br />

the faceoff. Near the end with<br />

<strong>Wilmington</strong> 3 Masco 0<br />

The Squirt H's played a game at<br />

Ristuccia against Masco.'Warren<br />

Fitzpairick was nctminder.<br />

The Wildcats dominated this<br />

conets. Masco was not allowed to<br />

light the lamp with solid goal-<br />

lending, tough defense led by Scon<br />

Sferrazza. Jennifer Corcoran. Jason<br />

Randall, and Jimmy Fitzpairick as<br />

well as tenacious offense by Derek<br />

Liberty. Bryant Buck, Ray Bennett.<br />

George Dighton. Steve Emery, Ray<br />

Gravellesse. Marshall Nevins. Joe<br />

Pino and Jay Surianello.<br />

<strong>Wilmington</strong> popped in ihrec. Joe<br />

Pino started the scoring with Sieve<br />

Emery and Jennier Corcoran<br />

assisting. Next was Ray Bcnnctl<br />

with Ray Gravellesse and George<br />

Dighton assisting and Jay Surianello<br />

Grade Travel Team is off to a quick TJe)'defeated learns from Medfield xored with R Benn><br />

start in the Merrimack Valley (48-42). Easton No._(50-33),_No. Gravellesse<br />

Opening period play saw Dave<br />

Griffin. Dan Tobin and Mike Walsh<br />

starling out pressuring N.H. early.<br />

One minute into the game Mike<br />

Welch slid onc past their goalie for<br />

the score with Dave getting the<br />

assist. After that goal. <strong>Wilmington</strong><br />

went on a downhill slide.<br />

Dcfcnsemen Donny Hccnan. Albert<br />

Fiorenza. Russell Grant and Eric<br />

Svensson had their hands full<br />

keeping the puck away from<br />

Timmy Anderson. Cats goalie. Play<br />

tended to be in the Cats end with the<br />

forwards not playing very good<br />

position and it showed.<br />

Second period action again saw<br />

sloppy play from the cats. Timmy<br />

Anderson was saving the day<br />

slopping everything coming his<br />

way. Finally trie N.H. team dented<br />

Tim and scored one. Jason Buckley<br />

came right back to start his scoring<br />

binge with good team work coming<br />

from Charlie Broussard and Nick<br />

Yeomelakis. Another <strong>Wilmington</strong><br />

breakdown allowed their second<br />

goal to tie the score at two with the<br />

game starling to look as though<br />

N.H. was going to lake it away.<br />

Surviving the rest of the second,<br />

just because Timmy stood on his<br />

head to stop the puck, the Cats tried<br />

to regroup.<br />

Third period action saw a totally<br />

different Cat team, Justin Roberts<br />

put a nice goal away with Mark<br />

Picket! and Billy Schultes gelling<br />

iltc assists. Jason Buckley polled his<br />

second on a great rush with Nick<br />

Yeomelakis and Charlie Broussard<br />

giving a hand. <strong>Wilmington</strong> up 4-2<br />

was still tense and the game<br />

definitely not over. N.H. East<br />

pulled their goalie.<br />

With three seconds left Jason<br />

Buckley put his third in the empty<br />

net to get the hat trick with the<br />

assists going lo Nick and Eric.<br />

<strong>Wilmington</strong> 4 N.H. East 2.<br />

With that win the Squirt Ill's have<br />

a 6-1 record in the Valley League.<br />

next action is at Hockey <strong>Town</strong><br />

December 14 to take on the Melrose<br />

II team Go Wildcats!<br />

<strong>Wilmington</strong> Squirt<br />

A's add three<br />

more victories<br />

game as he stoned three Lynnfield evcrv Katelyn Slokes did their best<br />

one ««ed. Mark Picket! again<br />

protecting the Tewksbury defensive<br />

ul onc away W,U<br />

breakways to preserve the victory. P<br />

zone.<br />

Chris Mugford and Jon Henry Holt,<br />

left. Victory dancing in their heads, <strong>Wilmington</strong>'s Squirt A Team An early Sunday morning game<br />

In die Thundering U's best game after receiving an emergency all- ended with onc minute lo go when a added three more victories lo its was the cats latest win. coming after<br />

of the season, an undermanned up. played super on the blue-lines tired line fell to a Medford goal. record on the strength of some a 6-2 game with the Squirt A team<br />

Tewksbury moved to 17-0-1 after while fellow defenseman Chris<br />

Especially with a 2-2 tic our boys impressive play from the entire from neighboring Tewksbury. The<br />

hanging on to defeat Lynnfield by a Dilorio narrowly missed the left played fantastic hockey and showed te.mi. The Wildcats improved their 6 a.m. starting lime didn't' seem lo<br />

3-1 count. After a scoreless first comer of the net on hockey's most<br />

that they play with some of the best win/loss percentage with wins over be a problem for the Wildcats as<br />

pciiod.Eric Major pointed the team exciting play, the penalty shot caliber teams in their division. Go Kcvcrc. Mcthucn and Tewksbury. they scored four unanswered goals<br />

in the right direction with quick During a 6-2 victory over S&S.<br />

Cats!<br />

Despite missing four players who in the firs! period. Edzo Tucker<br />

shortside net Tinder to post a 1-0 Jim Fitzpairick added to his goal <strong>Wilmington</strong> vs N.H. East were out with the flu. <strong>Wilmington</strong> slammed in the firs! goal of the<br />

lead. Tim Sheehan extended the lead scoring punch as he contributed two A December 7 Valley League had an excellent game against game after an ice setup pass from<br />

to 2-0 with a remarkable length to scores while Tim Sheehan contri- ^tween <strong>Wilmington</strong> and a lough Revere, posting an 8-4 win. The Bobby Sinopoli. Eric Ollila Ihcn<br />

length, deck through the defense. bulcd his fourth hat trick of the N.H. East team look place. N.H. Wildcat line of Mark Giordano. went on a "tear" as he blasted in the<br />

lamplighter while Joe Bucci season by pumping in three goals. East is the only team since parity Edzo Tucker and Scott Dunnett had next three goals to notch anothei<br />

backhanded in a great feed from the Joe Bucci deked his way to a goal round to have beaten these boys, so an awesome game, scoring seven of hat trick for the home team. Ollila<br />

sticks of Bob Bennett and Joe and two assists while Justin a lot of pride was riding on the line. the eight goals. Dunnett and added two more points later in the<br />

Napolitano to push the lead to 3-0. O'Brien, Eric Major, Lindsay<br />

Giordano each tallied three goals to game with assists on goals by<br />

Despite a late Lynnfield goal, P.'cano and Neil Marino also<br />

cam "hat tricks." Also notching linematcs Edzo Tucker and Mark<br />

Nick Giasullo was the story of the contributed assists.<br />

goals were Edzo Tucker and Eric Giordano. Also earning assists in<br />

Ollila. Assists were awarded lo this game were Bobby Sinopoli.<br />

<strong>Wilmington</strong> Zack Wilkins dhieei. Bobby Timmy Aldrich Edzo Tucker (two).<br />

Sinopoli and Edzo Tucker. Mark Giordano and Kyle Browne.<br />

The Squirts then moved on lo Nctminder Malt David had yet<br />

centering pass. However, the But the gameof the week had to be<br />

their ncxl game, a morning contest another great game between the<br />

shutout bid was foiled with 1:13 left the 3-3 tie with Groton A. Groton Squirt ll's with Mcthucn which <strong>Wilmington</strong> pipes. Tewksbury started a laic<br />

in the game off a broken delayed drew first blood on a breakaway.<br />

won by a score of 3-1. As in the game comeback but the efforts of<br />

off side play. Does anybody no! hale Tewksbury answered as Chris<br />

Revere game. Matt David was super defenders Eric Raposa. Michael<br />

thai new rule?<br />

Noyes broke down the right wing<br />

in goal for the Cats and was McMahon. Robbie Peterson and<br />

Against Danvers, james Duffy and put onc on net. He ws stopped,<br />

supported well by.his defensive Kevin Vclardo kept them in check.<br />

started things off by stepping into a but Scott Capraro swept the puck in<br />

corps of Jackie Rideout. Michael The Cats are playing well these<br />

passign lane at center ice, while laying flat on his belly beside<br />

McMahon. Robbie Peterson and days, having won six of their last<br />

intercepting one and stick handling the crease. Groton got another<br />

Kevin Vckirdo. Lighting the scoring seven games. To see if they can<br />

up the middle for a score. Tim before Jeremy Booth swooped<br />

lamp for <strong>Wilmington</strong> were Dezo keep the streak going, come out and<br />

Doolcy broke down the left wing down the right wing and squeezed a<br />

Tucker. Zack Wilkins and Kyle cheer them on in their next game at<br />

and fired one in. And, some hard "seeing eye" shot short side.Chris<br />

Browne with assists going lo 6 p.m. Saturday, December 13 al<br />

work from Chris Noyes following Noyces fired in Scolt Capraro s<br />

leammalcs Eric Ollila, Robbie Skate 3 in Tyngsboro when they<br />

up on his own rebound paid off in a rebound for the lead, but Groton<br />

Peterson and Edzo Tucker. will take on Haverhill.<br />

goal. Unfortuantcly, Danvers got a managed to tie it up with a lough<br />

couple of late goals to steal the shot that Billy Stuart got a piece of<br />

game.<br />

but couldn't quite steer wide.<br />

Tewksbury eighth grade<br />

hoop team<br />

The Tewksbury Boys Eighth held at Wheaton College in Norton.<br />


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Conference League. SfXaS^S^ T T" Fi,z P a,ri

. _ 24 TOWN CRIER - WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 10.1997<br />

Squirt I's take first<br />

Tewksbury youth hockey teams successful<br />

The Tewksury Squid I hockey<br />

learn recently competed in the Si.<br />

Albans. Vl. Thanksgiving A<br />

Toumamenl over the Thanksgiving<br />

weekend. There were five teams in<br />

Ihe A division. Iwo from Vermont.<br />

two from Massachusetts and one<br />

from Maine. The format was a four<br />

game round robin Ihe champion<br />

being decided by the team having<br />

ihe highest total points (one point<br />

for lies, two points for a win. zero<br />

points for a loss).<br />

Tewksbury started the toumamenl<br />

on Friday after a four hour snow<br />

swept ride up route 89 to Vermont<br />

against a Vermont team from South<br />

Burlington. The Rdmcn started<br />

slowly as would be expected with<br />

great goal lending by Frankic<br />

Hallcy keeping the learn in ihe<br />

game. Brian Macy took off on a<br />

spectacular break away, bulr was<br />

denied by the South Burlington<br />

goalie, it was the first of two clean<br />

breakaways he would slop on Ihe<br />

day.<br />

The line of Billy Dcferrari. T.J.<br />

Boyle and Patrick Cullily swarmed<br />

ihe South Burlignton goal all game<br />

long until 1 they finally hil pay dirt<br />

when Billy Dcfferrari finished<br />

some nifly moves with a goal in the<br />

second period. Despite great<br />

defensive efforts by Sarah Russell.<br />

John Marazzi. Mike Albano. and<br />

Mike Fra/ier. the South Burlington<br />

learn scored in the second period to<br />

lie the game at one. The tie did not<br />

last long as the Redmcn again<br />

scored before the period ended, this<br />

liemit was ihe line of Brian Macy.<br />

Ryan Walsh and Patrick Fitz-<br />

mauricc scoring with the goal going<br />

to Filzmaruice assisted by Mike<br />

Albano.<br />

The Rcdmen look a one goal lead<br />

into the final period and actually<br />

carried the play to the South<br />

shot slid by the open net. The<br />

Tewksbury team continued lo press<br />

but the geam ended in a two to two<br />

lie. Ihe Rcdmen had let a win slip<br />

away into a lie. They would now<br />

have lo be perfect through the<br />

balance of Ihe touranmcnl if they<br />

were lo have a chance al the<br />

championship.<br />

Game Iwo of the tournament was<br />

an early morning affair that had Ihe<br />

Rcdmen facing a strong team from<br />

Lewiston/Auburn. Maine. Tewks-<br />

bury slated out strong with all lines<br />

applying pressure on the LA zone.<br />

Then Mike Frazicr struck for his<br />

first of iwo goals in Ihe game with a<br />

sizzling wrist shot from the point<br />

that found its way into the upper<br />

corner of ihe LA net. The lead was<br />

short lives as the LA learn pressed<br />

and eventually scored the game<br />

lying goal with a minute left in Ihe<br />

firsl period.<br />

Both learns played well in ihe<br />

second period but neither learn<br />

could score due in great part lo<br />

strong defense again lead by Sarah<br />

Russell and excellent goal tending<br />

by Frankie Hallcy. Six minutes into<br />

the third period Brian Macy scored<br />

a beautiful goal on assists from<br />

Patrick Fitzmaurice and Ryan<br />

Walsh. The lead stood through the<br />

balance of the game with great<br />

efforts by the entire Rcdmen learn.<br />

The game was in doubt until Mike<br />

Fra/ier finished a strong game by<br />

adding his second goal of the game<br />

into ihe LA empty net as they had<br />

pulled their goalie in lavor of Ihe<br />

extra skater. Tewksbu-y had now<br />

defeated last year's tournament<br />

champions and was clearly the learn<br />

■obeal.<br />

Game three of Ihe tournament was<br />

against the host St. Albans team. Il<br />

turned out lo be another defensive<br />

battle with the difference being<br />

Hallcy and ihe defense. The<br />

outstanding play of Mike Grasso.<br />


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A Prayer to the Blessed Virgin<br />

imtrrrkmawlofaUi<br />

O Most beautiful Flower of Mount<br />

Carmcl. Fruitful Vine. Splendor of Heaven.<br />

Blessed Mother of ihe Son of God. Im-<br />

maculate Virgin, assist me in this my ic<br />

qacst O Star of Ihe Sea. help me and show<br />

me herein yon ate my Mother.<br />

O Holy Mary. Mother of God. Queen of<br />

Heaven and Earth. I humbly beseech you<br />

from the hotfoot of my heart. to succor me<br />

in this request: there are none that can with-<br />

stand y< Hir power.<br />

O. show me herein you arc my Mother. O<br />

Mary, concerted waboat sin. pray for us<br />

who have recourse to Thee (.1 limes i<br />

*«» eel Mother. I place this request in your<br />

hanuV I * times)<br />

Say tor 1 consecutive days and publish<br />

God Bless<br />

FIX. .<br />


ST. JUDE<br />

May ihe sacred heart of Jesus be<br />

adored, glorified, loved and pre-<br />

served ihroughout the world now<br />

and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus,<br />

pray for us. and St. Jude. the worker<br />

of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude<br />

helper of the hopeless, pray for us.<br />

Say this prayer nine times a day<br />

for nine days, by the 8th day your<br />

prayer will have been answered.<br />

This prayer has never been known<br />

to fail. Publication promised. My<br />

prayers have been answered.<br />

i»io R.S.P. Jr.<br />

~" p h,T7" """ si>OTt '' vcd as a<br />

edmen and hand them the _ £ j Jbod y forwad look advantage of assured themselves a first place<br />

position to capture. It was two<br />

Massachusetts teams facing each ourament without a fight. When L-H22<br />

other. Peabody versus Tewksbury.<br />

with a tie or a win for Ihe Rcdmen<br />

asssuring them the toumamenl title.<br />

The game started out with the<br />

Rcdmen applying all the pressure<br />

culimiating in an impressive full ice<br />

P ° Ck and fcored 1°** five !"•»*sfconds<br />

later to ruin the win for the Congratulations to the members of<br />

Kedmen as the game ended in a four ,ne Tewksbury Squirt I team for<br />

jo four tie. The tie. however meant 8" n the dust settled midway though the<br />

third period the Redmcn had<br />

watched a two goal lead to go a one<br />

8 undefeated in the SL Albans<br />

goal deficit.<br />

thai the Tewksbury team went Thanksgiving Tournament and for<br />

With time running out and the undefeated for the tournament mi taking home to Tewksbury the big<br />

tournament slipping away the<br />

price - First Place!!<br />

rush and goal by Patrick Cullity. It Rcdmen put on a surge first it was<br />

appeared early as if the Redmcn ihe great work of Ryan Walsh and<br />

would have their way with the Patrick Fitzmaurice that resulted<br />

Peabody team. TJ. Boyle added a inthe game tying goal by Fitzgoal<br />

from in front of the Peabody maurice off a great pass from<br />

net to give the Rcdmen a two goal WalshThen the onslaught continued<br />

lead in the second period. Then the when the tenacious Mike Grasso<br />

Peabody team decided that they netted the go ahead goal with just<br />

were not going to roll over for the 58 seconds left to play. The<br />

Squirt ll's went to<br />

triple overtime in their<br />

championship game<br />

Tewksbury Pee Wee<br />

II team swiped three<br />

victories up north<br />

The Tewksbury Squirt II Redmen answred that score with a solo<br />

participated in the Essex Junction<br />

Burlington team with great play all<br />

over the ice. The line of Mike<br />

Grasso. Jenna Bristol and Joe who was covering all over the ice.<br />

Monlcbleau were playing great two and a great passing play by Billy<br />

way hockey. Il appeared is Ihe Dcferrari lo Patrick Cullily for the<br />

Rcdmen would pull out their first only goal of Ihe game was enough<br />

win of the touranmcnl until midway to put ihe Rcdmen in Ihe position of<br />

through the third period when having to only lie their lasl game of<br />

South Burlignton was able lo drive the tournament to be guaranteed the<br />

home the equalizer. The balance of championship<br />

the game was Tewksbury pumping Game four was played at the<br />

the south Burlington goalie and impressive Gutlerson Field House,<br />

when Patrick Cullily broke away it home of the University of Vermont<br />

appeared ihe hard working Redmcn Hockey Catamounts. The players<br />

would be rewarded, bul after a nice from both learns wre excited and<br />

they both had places in Ihe<br />

tournament that they were still in<br />

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effort from The Tewksbury Pee Wee II youth and Chris Soares kept the Blades<br />

hockey team traveled to Essex from scoring again. Al the end of<br />

junction, Vermont for the annual the first period Joe Clark, with the<br />

Thanksgiving Tournament. help of Brian Little, scored the<br />

On Friday afternoon the Redmen ihird goal. The Redmen scored five<br />

began the tournament facing off more times in the second period.<br />

against the host team the "Essex Jason Tamburello was assisted by<br />

Sling." Ryan Sweeney wasted no Scott Sacco, Ryan Sweeney was<br />

lime getting Tewksbury on Ihe assisted by Brian Keen.Ryan<br />

*5- Then Kevin Crosby scoreboard with the help of Wyle Sweeney and Wyle Asfour assisted<br />

Thanksgiving Week Hockey<br />

Asfour. Before the end of the first Billy Ward. Scott Sacco assisted<br />

sent a Shockwave to the back of the<br />

Tournament.<br />

period defenseman Brian Kee Wyle Asfour, and Brian Nikonchuk<br />

Capital net assisted by Donny<br />

They came out victorious in the<br />

received a pass from Joe Clark and was assisted by Scott Sacco. The<br />

Swansburg and Mark Martel. The<br />

regular round with two wins, one<br />

slapped in Ihe second goal. third period began just as the<br />

Capitals tied il up with a good pass<br />

tie and nine goals. Only to be<br />

In the second period Jason second, with a goal by Jason<br />

play #5 to #10. The game ended<br />

outscorcd in the third overtime<br />

Tamburello took control at Ihe Tamburello assisted by Scott Sacco.<br />

tied at two each and these two teams<br />

(period six) of the final game, a<br />

faceofT and scored Ihe third goal of The Redmen scored three more<br />

were destined to meet the following<br />

five on five sudden death overtime<br />

the game, unassisted. The sling put before the end of ihe game. Chris<br />

day.<br />

period with no goalies. All the<br />

the pressure on the Redmen scoring Leonard was assisted by Scott<br />

The Squirt II Redmen met the<br />

teams played great hockey during<br />

twice in the second period.<br />

Albany Capitals in the Tournament<br />

O'Neill, Jeff Bourgeois scored<br />

this touranment, the Albany<br />

The Redmen came on strong in<br />

Championship game on November<br />

unassisted and finally Wyle Asfour<br />

Capitals getting the crunch calls<br />

the third period, Brian Nikonchuk<br />

30. The Capitals cameout skating<br />

assisted Billy Ward. The final score<br />

took home the big trophy for their<br />

was assisted by Jason Tamburello<br />

and shooting but the Redmen were<br />

was 12-1 Tewksbury.<br />

efforts. The Squirt II Redmen had<br />

and Scott Sacco to score Ihe fourth<br />

the first to score near the end of<br />

Later thai Saturday, Tewksbury<br />

no reason to hang their heads as<br />

goal. And just before Ihe game<br />

period one. Brendan Stokes stole<br />

played the Albany. NY. Capitals.<br />

they played like champions.<br />

ending buzzer sounded Ryan<br />

the puck at center ice and drove il<br />

Needless to say the Redmen were<br />

The Squirt ll's faced the Essex<br />

Sweeney scored his second goal of<br />

home solo for the 1-0 score. The<br />

fired up after ihe morning's<br />

Sting in the first game on Friday<br />

Ihe game, unassisted, final score 5-<br />

capitals got a power play oppor-<br />

victory. The team's cheerleaders,<br />

the 28th, swatting the Sting 2-1.In<br />

2 Tewksbury.<br />

tunity to start the second, but they<br />

Maura Kee. Alexander Sacco.<br />

the first period, Brendan Stokes<br />

After an evening of social<br />

could not lake advantage.<br />

Noelle Bourgeois. Vanessa<br />

"scored on a solo effort, Ihe shot in<br />

enjoyment with fellow Tewksbury<br />

The Redmen scored again near the<br />

Tamburello. Danielle Asfour and<br />

the upper deck Then in the second<br />

Youth Hockey families and a good<br />

end of the second, a great lead pass<br />

Lyndsay Cormier routed the<br />

Even Patten netted the winning goal<br />

night's sleep, Ihe Redmen played Ihe<br />

from David Balfour to Brendan<br />

Tewksbury Pee Wee II learn on lo<br />

with help from Bobby Ftizpatrick<br />

New England Blades from Enfield.<br />

Stokes. Brendan took it up Ihe wing<br />

its third victory of ihe tournament.<br />

and David Balfour. Essex made a with a picture perfect centering pass £"" StiETK SSrSSl ^ *£*" **** »■«*■■ ■■<br />

third period goal early in the period<br />

lo Mark Martel for Ihe shot andSo SBlt TSiH ZStSSS ££ ^? ** "<br />

but couldn't break ihe defense or score. The Capitals didn't find the<br />

Ihe Redmen goalie. Rcdmen nel until they knocked il<br />

The second game was early off halfwlay through the Ihird and<br />

Satuday morning and the Squirt U's they called it good. Albany<br />

were sharp against the New followed this up with a good pass<br />

England Blades from Connecticut, play lo tie it up at two each.<br />

As the puck was dropped in the first Regulation play ended in a 2-2 tie<br />

David Balfour sent the lead pass lo and Ihe sudden death battle was to<br />

Brendan Stokes for Ihe initial goal. ensue.<br />

The Blades came back with a goal There wre three five minute<br />

near ihe halfway mark and then overtime periods played, the first<br />

Stokes, on tiie pass from Nicole was five on five with goalies, the<br />

aWC * MnC lipping in a pass from Billy Ward, letting the Capitals score only once<br />

**<br />

The Blades responded quickly lying Tewksbury waited until the second<br />

up ihe game. period to score, about a minute into<br />

Within one minute of Ihe Blade's the period Brian Nikonchuk was<br />

scoring, Wyle Asfour assisted by assisted by Jason Tamburello and<br />

Brian Kee and pulled ihe Redmen Scotl Sacco. Billy Ward scored ihe<br />

ahead. The unbelievably strong second goal of the game with the<br />

help of Wyle.<br />

Smith put the Redmen up once second was four on four with<br />

again. The tribe netted three more goalies and Ihe third was five on<br />

in ihe second, Mark Martel shot the five with no goalies. Both teams<br />

winning goal assisted by Brendan played well bul the Capitals got the<br />

Stokes. Brendan stokes scored a hat breaks and won in .the third<br />

trick goal and Evan Patten with overtime with 26 seconds left. An<br />

help from Todd Richards scored the absolutely great effort by David<br />

final Tewksury goal. The Blades Balfour defending the Redmen net •fl*** "Guns" on Ihe board at the<br />

had the only score in the third in the final overtime period. The ° : ^ 7 mark when Chris Freeman<br />

period and the Squirt ll's won this Squirt fls'played some great hockey P assed across to Mike Feldhouse<br />

one 5-2. ,hjs tournament. Andrew Bochart and te xat Bowsc in dkMC °° *■<br />

The third game was a ihird period was stellar in the net for the S 081 tender and fired a backhander<br />

battle between the Squirt IPs and Redmen. playing his best. Brendan to ** far side for a '"° lead<br />

the Albany Capitals. The first two Stokes was the touranment high Matt Wilkie P° l the Guns U P 2 "°<br />

periods were scoreless bul there scorer with five goals and two whcn '• P' ckcd U P a rebound of a<br />

was some great team play on both assists and David Balfour earned ic Tewksbury Squirt<br />

Ill's beat Nashua, 4-2<br />

Tewksbury 4 Nashua 2 defense lead by goalies Tim Lyons<br />

?.f" 5?*<br />

^ Conlon shot from the blue line<br />

se . ?" l .? e J!* k !. b "^' and TJ Slron 8 whcn iad IO<br />

^y<br />

kill off two penalties in a row in ihe<br />

period.<br />

In the third period Tewksbury<br />

went up 3-0 on Ron Camara's<br />

unassisted goal. Ron picked up a<br />

loose puck a center ice and broke in<br />

on the right wing firing the puck<br />

high into the top left hand comer of<br />

ihe net. Nashua pulled its goal<br />

sides of the ice. Chris Ronayne was special mention for his outstanding and beat the goal lender lo the short lcnder wi|h ,wo miaules |cf( ^<br />

ended 2_0<br />

the first lo score on a pass from<br />

Brendan Stokes. The Capitals<br />


Reasonable Rates<br />

Most driveways<br />

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Please Leave Message<br />

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defense throughout the tournament. side "■ firsl P 6 " 01 *<br />

Also playing some Of their best T^ second P* riod w as scoreless<br />

hockey ever were forwards Evan and Matured some great goal<br />

Patten. Donny Swansburg, Billy tending from John Giasullo. who<br />

LaVigne, Derek Beatrice, Chris wcnl ■" "^ wa y in "« Tewksbury<br />

Ronayne, Mark Martel, Todd nel Thcrc was a,so some 8 rcal<br />

Ricahrds, Bobby Filzpatrick: and on P ena '«y killing work by Ron<br />

defense Nicole Smith. Kenny Gordon, Ron Camara, Dan Allen.<br />

Maglio and Kevin Crosby.<br />

We all missed Matt Procaro this<br />

tournament, but he was there in<br />

Redmen spirit. The fans (parents<br />

and siblings) congratulate the Squirt<br />

II Redmen on a fine display of<br />

athletics and sportsmanship.<br />

Let's Talk Real Estate<br />

with<br />

Ralph E. Newhouse and<br />

Maureen A. Foresteire<br />

GRI,CRB<br />


If you are going to sell your present home, die market condition will play a<br />

crucial role in determining the asking price Market conditions change constantly, so<br />

it is important that you get solid advice from a professional who is familiar with your<br />

specific area.<br />

A good Realtor will know how houses in your area are selling, as wdl as the<br />

other factors that may influence the sale. Nearby commercial development, which<br />

may create congestion and noise, may also mean a greater demand for housing from<br />

people who will be working in the new office buildings. A new bus route that cuts<br />

commuting time could make your home valuable and highways close by can be an<br />

issue with Ihe pnccTrK economic conditions have a strong impact on the real estate<br />

market Real estate professionals can help you consider all of the issues and assist you<br />

in setting a fair price for your home.<br />



For professional advice on baying or selling real estate,<br />

please drop by oar office in The Starwood Building at<br />

299 Main Street, or call us at 657- 8444.<br />

G?n*brK-<br />


fired a shot through a,screen of<br />

players and beat Giasullo to the<br />

glove side to ruin his shutout bid.<br />

With 1:29 left Mike Feldhouse<br />

scored on Ihe empty Nashua net for<br />

a 4-1 lead. Nashua came back with a<br />

score with nine seconds left for a<br />

final 4-2 score.<br />


mmumun<br />

Santa Heeds<br />

Your Help!<br />

The M.E. Santa is going to have to ring the bell just a<br />

little harder this year.<br />

"We are in dire need of more bell ringers," says Sam Mil<br />

ler, a media liaison between the Salvation Army's Boston of-<br />

fice and the Middlesex East area.<br />

The goal this Christmas, he points out, is the same as it<br />

has been for the past several years ($2 1/2 million).<br />

The window between Thanksgiving and the holiday sea-<br />

son, however, is very short this year, due to the late date of<br />

Thanksgiving.<br />

"We are going to be $500,000 short because we can't get<br />

the bell ringers," lamented Miller to the M.E. staff yester-<br />

day.<br />

The shortfall, he says, has nothing to do with the<br />

generosity of people but rather in the lack of bell ringers at<br />

popular locations, i.e. malls, downtown etc.<br />

"We need people badly," said Miller.<br />

People interested in ringing bells need only to call the<br />

Boston Salvation Army offices on Berkley Street (617-542-<br />


< "<br />

A weety regional supplement reaching 10 communities<br />


M.E. Santa to S-9<br />

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Over 3,9f9 tree$ te chaasa from 2' - 17*<br />

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Theme Trees!<br />


is bnmming with decorating ideas<br />

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'TwoBpi S mudyudi—el<br />

• Cyclamen Express the varmtk of<br />

•GlOXiniae tke nolirlay. with a beauti-<br />

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He makes customized golf clubs<br />


|\ /I aster golf club maker<br />

JLV l John Curr Capmakers Association (GCA).<br />

He holds the rank of Class A<br />

Clubmaker in both organizations.<br />

said that<br />

y<br />

"there is a lot he can do<br />

to help a person's golf game,<br />

1 work with a person and put<br />

the customer on a computerized<br />

swing analyzer. I take the body<br />

measurements," Curry, the<br />

Eastern United States<br />

Chsbmaker of the Year said.<br />

"Then I ask them what they<br />

As the Eastern United States<br />

Clubmaker, Curry was one of six<br />

finalists in the Ninth Annual<br />

GCA Clubmaker of the Year.<br />

Others came from the south,<br />

mid-west and southwest United<br />

States, one represent4ed Canada<br />

and the sixth represented<br />

European and Asian members<br />

of the Association.<br />

want to do."<br />

He added "I can build a set of<br />

dubs for experts or for beginners."<br />

However, Curry explained<br />

that the most important part of<br />

the analysis is to find out if the<br />

customer is playing within his<br />

or her ability.<br />

As Curry said, " It is a very<br />

personal kind of service."<br />

Curry, the owner of the Golf<br />

Wbrk Shop on Route 28 in North<br />

Reading, is a member of both<br />

the Professional Clubmakers<br />

Society (PCS) and the Golf<br />

The winner was a friend of<br />

Curry's, Dana Upshaw, of<br />

Warner Robbins, GA.<br />

Curry started to work with<br />

golf dubs in 1973, However, he<br />

did not go into the business on<br />

his own until seven years ago<br />

when he bought the present<br />

shop from a friend, Lou DeGregorio.<br />

"I've been pouring money<br />

back into the business for the<br />

last seven years," Curry said<br />

However, it must be paying off.<br />

Master to S-4<br />

/ /?: >W" £j.< >^lS<br />

Enjoy tbe<br />

zAmnm of an<br />

Old fashioned<br />

Christinas with<br />

our vwndcrful<br />

array of ' Holiday<br />

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Come in and browse or join l^<br />

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Get started now and<br />

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Registration<br />

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Register NOW for<br />

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Visit our Ca<br />

Espresso gga&* I<br />

Birthdays A Bmtah Year-round<br />

at Low Bates<br />


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V(617) 938-5240<br />

The Reading Rotary Club's<br />

EntertainmentBsTSICoupon Book<br />

SAVE s50%<br />

With Coupons<br />

And this year there is a special Entertainment Gold<br />

supplement that allows you savings at numerous<br />

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Save up to<br />

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Entertainment* - the<br />

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U/oit uavaiik Cook Lonkit<br />

~ Over 50 persons are already nominated<br />

Entries has been rwwh^g in<br />

fast and furious for the<br />

Middlesex East "Favorite<br />

Holiday Cook Contest-<br />

- $*er SO entries ha«e already<br />

been received from a diverse<br />

Bomber of communities sur-<br />

rounding the Greater Boston<br />

apea and beyond.<br />

• Thus far the communities of<br />

North Reading, Woburn and<br />

Reading would appear to have<br />

the most.<br />

I<br />

admitted an entry coupon.<br />

A list of those who have been<br />

nominated will appear on a<br />

weekly basis in these pages.<br />

The list thus far and the per-<br />

son nominating them includes:<br />

Mary Buscone of <strong>Wilmington</strong><br />

by Steve Buscone<br />

Lorraine Guthrie of North<br />

Reading by C. A. Sullivan<br />

Deanic Perry of Reading by<br />

Herb Perry.<br />


* 'Tavorite Holiday Cook Contest"<br />

Fill in the name of your favorite Holiday cook (females only<br />

please, sotry gays) below and mail to P.O. Box 240 Reading. Ma.<br />

01867. They could win one of 3 $175.00 Gift Certificates to<br />

\ Cardk» Studios m North Reading. And yon could win a $25.00 Gift<br />

Certificate to Harrow's Restaurant in Reading if (bey do win.<br />

Favorite Cook's Name.<br />

ArMnPcc<br />

City Tele.<br />

Your Name ■Your Tele<br />

. ■ To enter the contest all mat<br />

is needed is to cut out an entry<br />

form and fill it out and mail M.<br />

There are no special qualities<br />

teeded or lengthy lists of rea-<br />

sons why you think some one is<br />

io special. Just fill out the entry<br />

form.<br />

t The three winner's names<br />

jKill be drawn randomly and will<br />

Ceceive a $175.00 gift certificate<br />

jo Cardio Studio Health Center<br />

*i North Reading<br />

i The contest will run through<br />

^he end of December so there is<br />

Jrtill time if you have not already<br />

Stephanie Mahoney of<br />

Chelsea by Elaine Sciretta.<br />

Deborah Lamb of Reading by<br />

Robert Chuisa.<br />

m Suzanne Haverty of Reading<br />

by Kevin Haverty.<br />

Dory Clarke of Woburn by<br />

John Clarke<br />

Linda Zarrow of Reading by<br />

MarkZarrow.<br />

Denise Montalto of<br />

<strong>Wilmington</strong> by Mice Montalto.<br />

Michelle Bevilacqua of No.<br />

Reading by Judy Bevilacqua.<br />

Connie Corey of Reading by<br />

Len Corey.<br />

Lorraine Guthrie of No.<br />

Reading by Catherine Sullivan.<br />

Christine Priberg of No.<br />

Reading by John Friberg.<br />

Julie Russell of Woburn by<br />

Dehra Russell.<br />

Jane Casaccio of Stoneham<br />

by Jill Casaccio.<br />

Liz Lupi of Reading by Joe<br />

LupL<br />

Janice McCarthy of No.<br />

Reading by John McCarthy.<br />

Kathleen Davis of Reading by<br />

Jim Davis.<br />

Anne Decubellis of Woburn<br />

byJohnDecubellis.<br />

Martha Waldo of No. Reading<br />

by Sylvia Hutchins<br />

Brenda Ward of Stoneham by<br />

Grace Hart<br />

Lucy A. Olson of Woburn by<br />

David A. Olson.<br />

Margaret Fabbri of Woburn<br />

by Dan Fabbri.<br />

Jacquelyn Little of Reading<br />

by Gordon Little.<br />

Alice Falcone of No Reading<br />

by Jane and Michael Falcone.<br />

Lisa Getchell of <strong>Wilmington</strong><br />

by Louise Oulette.<br />

Mystic moments<br />

"The Friends of the Mystic<br />

Lake in cooperation with the<br />

Winchester Boat Club (WBC)<br />

turned out to express their sup-<br />

port for a three-year continua-<br />

tion of the aquatic vegetation<br />

control program at a<br />

Conservation Commission meet-<br />

ing," notes the Winchester edi-<br />

tion of the "Daily Times<br />

Chronicle."<br />

"The Mystic Lake has under-<br />

gone herbicidal treatments to<br />

control 'floating vegetation, sub-<br />

mersed vegetation, algae and<br />

dense growth,' according to<br />

aquatic control technician Jerry<br />

Smith.<br />

"Four years ago, the lake was<br />

in 'very bad shape' according to<br />

Hilda Perlitsh, member of the<br />

Friends of Mystic Lake The<br />

'dangerous condition' of the<br />

water had 'virtually cut off sail-<br />

ing in the area,' says WBC<br />

Commodore William Baldwin.<br />

"Seeing this the WBC 'initiat-<br />

ed a plan' to begin the clearing.<br />

lLaPierre dancers in clean sweep<br />

i<br />


Team of Reading swept the Dance America Competition<br />

(regional) at Brockton High School. They will compete<br />

next in Boston before Christmas.<br />

Just hack...from a clean sweep<br />

at the Dance AmerraCornpetition<br />

(regional) at Brockton High<br />

School, the Dance Competition<br />

Team from the LaPierre School of<br />

Dance in Reading is now prepar-<br />

ing for the New York City Dance<br />

Alliance Competition to be held at<br />

the Hynes Convention Center in<br />

Boston before Christmas.<br />

The Dance America<br />

Competition is considered the<br />

elite of dance competitions<br />

around the country and at the<br />

November "regionals", students<br />

from LaPierre School went into<br />

competition with the best from<br />

Massachusetts, New Hampshire,<br />

Maine, Connecticut and Rhode<br />

Island. '<br />

The students range in age from<br />

eight to 18 and in the senior divi-<br />

sion, the team took on chal-<br />

lengers in Tap, Ballet and Modern<br />

TersepoOs Orientalf%uj<br />

A generation dedicated to importing fine rugs! Come in and see<br />

the latest color, style and design. Now offering cleaning and repair.<br />

SALE<br />

Wakefield Store<br />

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50% TO 75%<br />

from original ticket price --'.<br />

We BUY and TRADE your old rugs.<br />

We have new handmade OrientalfytfS<br />

and Many Antique & Semi-Antique<br />

here in Wakefield.<br />

781-246-4026<br />

472 MAIN ST. (Ext 40 Rte 128) WAKEFIELD<br />

Rose MctaughBp at P»arW<br />

by Bill McLaughlin<br />

LaPierre toS-9<br />


They live by the lake...<br />

preventative action and restora-<br />

tion of this natural resource. In<br />

the years following the Friends<br />

of Mystic Lake as well as the<br />

Conservation Commission and<br />

the Massachusetts Department<br />

of Conservation have been help-<br />

ful in the progression of this<br />

project..."<br />

Tewksbury pals<br />

"Brad Bailey, executive direc<br />

tor of the Governor's Alliance<br />

Against Drugs, presented the<br />

Tewksbury Police Athletic<br />

(TPA) League with a $10,000<br />

high risk grant...," notes the<br />

•Tewksbury <strong>Town</strong> <strong>Crier</strong>."<br />

"'Immediate after-school<br />

hours must continue to be our<br />

principal area of concern for<br />

kids,' said Bailey, a strong pro-<br />

moter of after-school diversion<br />

programs. 'Statistics show that<br />

half of juvenile crime is commit-<br />

ted between the hours of 3 and 8<br />

pm It is crucial that we recog-<br />

nize the 'risk factors' during<br />

these 'fall through the-crack'<br />

hours, and fill the gap with<br />

healthy, esteem building super-<br />

vised activity.'<br />

i<br />

FmserFir •Balsam<br />

Blue Spruce<br />

Pre-cut Trees—Various Prices ©<br />

The TPA League, organized<br />

by Sgt. Dennis Peterson, is a<br />

recreational and athletic orient-<br />

ed drug and crime prevention<br />

program whose goal is to pro-<br />

vide educational, cultural, social<br />

and athletic activities in a safe<br />

and siaiervised atmosphere The<br />

program is geared to Tewksbury<br />

youth, grades six through 12,<br />

during the after-school hours.<br />

"Bailey concluded this pre-<br />

sentation by congratulating the<br />

TPA League, saying 'I salute the<br />

Tewksbury Police Athletic<br />

League for recognizing the<br />

after-school void and filling the<br />

breech with meaningful, mentor<br />

based activity. We are thrilled to<br />

fund mis important initiative!'"<br />

A capital idea<br />

"Pour at large members of<br />

the community and three repre-<br />

sentatives from town commit-<br />

tees have been chosen to study<br />

the capital needs of the town<br />

and to work with hired profes-<br />

sionals to put together a propos-<br />

al for April <strong>Town</strong> Meeting,"<br />

notes the "Lynnfiekl Villager."<br />

<strong>Town</strong>s to S-4<br />

Laurie's Place |<br />

has moved to a new & larger S<br />

facility to serve you better, jj<br />

Now offering a full Deli & Cafe, homemade Jj<br />

muffins, cookies & bagels, featuring Green jA<br />

Mountain coffee. J|<br />

... Hot or cold prepared meals to go... jp<br />

... Homemade soups & chowder daily.... S<br />

Also, our famous ntritlis, SMCSS £ c*lz§*es ^<br />

are available. : *f<br />

101 Main St (Rte. 38) <strong>Wilmington</strong><br />

978-657-4141<br />

1 i<br />

FREE 10" balsam wreath<br />

with tree purchase of<br />

$30 or greater or $6 off<br />

price of decorated wreath<br />


And don't forget to order your Gingerbread houses, gift items,<br />

holiday baked goods!! ornaments & more in the farm stantt<br />

SMOLAK FARMS Farmstand Open Daily 7 a.m. - 6 p.m<br />

Dale and South Bradford St, No. Andover<br />

(978) 682-6332 - FARM STORE (978) 687-4029 TOUR LINE<br />

this holiday we give<br />

you time and space<br />

Valet Parking Service<br />

Customers are welcome to enjoy valet parking at the mall entrance<br />

between Filene's and Sears. It's fast, convenient and only $3.<br />

Convenient extended hours:<br />

Wednesday. December 10 & Thursday. December I I 9:00 a.m.<br />

Friday. December 12 & Saturday. December 13 9:00 a.m.<br />

Sunday. December 14 9:00 a.m.<br />

Monday. December 15 Tuesday. December 23 9:00 a.m.<br />



Master golf club maker<br />

From S-1<br />

as he admits to just signing a »<br />

year lease on the shop.<br />

Cuny started in the field of<br />

computers and in computer<br />

aided deserts (CAD). '<br />

Be and a business partner<br />

were trying to sell the idea of<br />

—*"1IM1MI to the bjg —Mi in<br />

the business such as Ohio based<br />

Marfiregor and wason.<br />

lb do that Curry had to go in<br />

and work with the dubmakers<br />

ID understand what they were<br />

doing. After being bought out by<br />

wither BWBjMMR Curry moved<br />

back to Massachusetts. Once<br />

again the company he was with<br />

got bought out and this time<br />

DeGregorio was ready to sell<br />

the business.<br />

Curry said that he made<br />

DeGregorio an offer which was<br />

accepted and then Curry went<br />

home and told his wife, who<br />

fully supported the idea.<br />

Along the way Curry found<br />

out it was important to have<br />

some kind of accreditation, thus<br />

he joined the PSC and GCA<br />

"We are big on accredita-<br />

tion," Curry said<br />

Be noted that the grades set<br />

him and his shop apart from<br />

afanfltf businesses within two<br />

miles of his shop.<br />

As Curry said, "In business<br />

there are bookkeepers and<br />

accountants and men mere are<br />

Certified Public Accountants/<br />

Tb get his certification Curry<br />

had to pass a battery of written<br />

arid practical tests.<br />

The written tests showed his<br />

knowledge of the needs of the<br />

game as they are related to the<br />

club and to the specifications<br />

that a dub has to be made to so<br />

that it is legal during tourna-<br />

ment play.<br />

Questions such as the differ-<br />

ence the height from the club<br />

which a shaft must start. Curry<br />

said that this is a problem that<br />

almost got the Ping Company in<br />

trouble<br />

The shaft, according to the<br />

rules, must start five inches<br />

from the ground. According to<br />

Curry, Ping was building a dub<br />

with the dub 5 1/2 inches up on<br />

the shaft.<br />

The test also has a section on<br />

the best way to fit a person to a<br />

dub and the dubmaker must<br />

know that the measurement is<br />

taken from the wrist to the<br />

ground<br />

Another section is on the<br />


In-Stock Carpet-<br />

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Take EJA 39. off Rte 128<br />

towards Re**ng.



Carols by Candlelight A fes^<br />

live Christmas choral concert<br />

featuring 130 singers and three<br />

choirs will be presented by file<br />

Wakefield Festival Chorus, Man-<br />

chester Women's Chorus, and<br />

Second Congregational Church<br />

Choir on Saturday, December 13<br />

at 7:30pm, at the Second Congre-<br />

gational Church, 35 Conant<br />

Street in Beverly.<br />

Traditional and new Christ-<br />

mas selections. Freewill offer-<br />

ing. For information call 978-283-<br />

9Q2L<br />



HOPE (Helping Other Parents<br />

Endure) is a peer support group<br />

for parents who have had a baby<br />

die through miscarriage, still-<br />

birth or neonatal death that<br />

meets on the second Wednesday<br />

of each month. On Wednesday,<br />

December 10 at 7:30pm, HOPE<br />

will hold a non-denominational<br />

Holiday <strong>Memorial</strong> Service at the<br />

Winchester Hospital Family<br />

Medical Center, 500 Salem Road<br />

(Rte G2) in <strong>Wilmington</strong>. Parents,<br />

grandparents and friends are<br />

invited.<br />

For more information, con-<br />

tact the Social Service Depart-<br />

ment at Winchester Hospital at<br />

617-729-9000 or call Rindy<br />

Huebner at 781-273-2624.<br />



ROARING JELLY Contra and<br />

Square Dances are held on the<br />

Third Friday of each month at<br />

the First Parish Unitarian<br />

Universalist Church in Lexing-<br />

ton, 7 Harrington Road, on the<br />

Green.<br />

Beginners Session at 7:30pm,<br />

dance 8pm to 11pm, $5 admis-<br />

sion, under 12 free. Susan<br />

EUberger, caUer. Live music<br />

performed by ROARING JELLY.<br />

Newcomers and Singles wel-<br />

come. Please bring gentle, clean<br />

shoes. Call 781-944-3544, 781-235-<br />

0713 or 978-568-9553 for informa-<br />

tion<br />



The Concord Chorus opens its<br />

52nd season with a glorious all<br />

Bach Concert on Saturday,<br />

December 13 at 4 and 7pm at<br />

the Trinity Episcopal Church,<br />

Elm Street, Concord<br />

Under the direction of F.<br />

John Adams, the 150-voice cho-<br />

rus will perform great Bach<br />

choruses including selections<br />

from the B minor Mass, the<br />

Magnificat, the Christmas Can-<br />

tata #191 "Gloria, 1 ' Cantata 163<br />

"Christians, Mark This Day"<br />

Thomas Kinkade<br />

The "Painter of Light"<br />

and Cantata #110 "May Your<br />

Months be Full of Laughter,"<br />

accompanied by organist Robert<br />

Barney, and trumpet quartet<br />

witn timpani.<br />

Traditional carols and sea-<br />

sonal readings by Derek Till<br />

make this a cherished holiday<br />

tradition for whole families<br />

Tickets at $10, $5 for elders<br />

and children, available at the<br />

door. Call 781-862-7186 for details.<br />

Trinity Church is handicapped<br />

accessible.<br />



It only takes a few hours to<br />

learn how to save a life.<br />

Consider taking a CPR class<br />

this winter. The Center for<br />

Health Promotion at Boston<br />

Regional Medical Center offers<br />

four levels of CPR classes every<br />

month.<br />

They include basic Infant,<br />

Child and Adult CPR, CPR for<br />

Health Care Providers and<br />

Infant and Child CPR. Also<br />

offered is Child First Aid<br />

To register or for more infor-<br />

mation about these classes, call<br />

781-979-7057.<br />



On Monday, December 15, at<br />

7:30pm the Andover Choral<br />

Society (ACS) will present its<br />

Fourth Annual Community<br />

Messiah Sing at the Free<br />

Christian Church, Elm Street,<br />

Andover. This annual event pro-<br />

vides a wonderful holiday oppor-<br />

tunity for members of the com-<br />

munity to join together with the<br />

members of the choral society in<br />

presenting an informal setting,<br />

the beloved Christmas sections<br />

of the Messiah along with the<br />

Hallelujah Chorus.<br />

Singers will be augmented by<br />

soloists Kandace Anastasia,<br />

Soprano; Deborah Owen, Mezzo;<br />

Allen Combs, Tenor, and Daniel<br />

Meyer, Raw, Leonard Ciampa<br />

will be the organist<br />

Anyone with a love of Christ-<br />

mas' musical traditions is cor-<br />

dially invited, especially fami-<br />

lies. Persons having Messiah<br />

scores are encouraged to bring<br />

them. Nevertheless, scores will<br />

be available at the door for a<br />

nominal rental fee. While there<br />

is no admission charge, a free<br />

will offering will be collected.<br />

The Andover Choral Society<br />

is conducted by Music Director<br />

Allen Combs. Now in his seventh<br />

season as Musk Director, Combs<br />

teaches voice at Philips Academy<br />

and maintains a busy schedule<br />

as a professional soloist.<br />

ACS is a not-for-profit organi-<br />

zation established more than 67<br />

years ago by J. Everett Collins.<br />

Picture Works<br />

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.<br />

The group is currently preparing<br />

a performance of early Mozart<br />

choral piece; to be given on<br />

January 18, 1998. For informa-<br />

tion on this performance or for<br />

membership details please call<br />

508-470-8747.<br />



On Saturday, December 13th<br />

the Children's Hour at the John<br />

F. Kennedy <strong>Library</strong> and Museum<br />

presents the children's classic<br />

"Peter Pan" performed by the<br />

National Marionette Theater.<br />

Two free performances, the<br />

first beginning at 1030am in the<br />

Stephen Smith Hall; the second<br />

at 12:30 pm at the John F<br />

Kennedy <strong>Library</strong> and Museum,<br />

near UMass Boston. For family<br />

audiences and children ages 5<br />

and older. Children must be<br />

accompanied by an adult<br />

Free to the public For more<br />

information, call 617-929-4523.<br />



Celebratethe holidays in a<br />

Victorian manner at The House<br />

of the Seven Gables Historic<br />

Site, 54 Turner Street, Salem.<br />

From December 5th through the<br />

28th, several garden clubs from<br />

Boston's North Shore will inter-<br />

pret the theme Season of Light,<br />

through floral designs and tradi-<br />

tional holiday decor.<br />

On December 26, 27 and 28<br />

evening candlelight tours of the<br />

decorated historic houses will be<br />

offered from 5 to 8pm. Daytime<br />

tours will also be available from<br />

10am to 4 30pm daily.<br />

Admission is $7 for adults, $4<br />

for children, and chiIdren under<br />

6 are FREE. Members of The<br />

House of the Seven Gables<br />

Settlement Association will<br />

receive discounted admission<br />

The Museum Store will also<br />

be celebrating The Season of<br />

Light by offering a wide array<br />

of unique Christmas candles and<br />

candle holders For the person<br />

■fl<br />

\tf:.<br />

who has everything, select one<br />

of many hand-made wreaths<br />

and crescents, mercury glass<br />

ornaments 4 candleholders,<br />

antique-style and folk art orna-<br />

ments, or a traditional needle-<br />

point Christmas pillow.<br />

On the weekend of December<br />

13th and 14th, The House of the<br />

Seven Gables will be featured as<br />

part of Salem's Historic House<br />

Tour, presented by Historic<br />

Salem, Inc<br />

For more information, or to<br />

make reservations, call 978-744-<br />

0991.<br />



In the hallowed tradition of<br />

ringing in the old with the new,<br />

the USS Constitution Museum<br />

on Wednesday, December 31,<br />

will give the first 100 visitors<br />

sporting First Night buttons an<br />

authenticated piece of USS<br />

Constitution wood<br />

The lucky 100 First Nigblers<br />

will bring a bit of history borne<br />

with the fragments of Old Iron-<br />

sides' pine decks and remain-<br />

ders of her oak hull. As revelers<br />

took toward 1998 and the future,<br />

their Constitution wood keep-<br />

sake will serve as a permanent<br />

reminder of the past<br />

All First Night Button wear-<br />

ers -young and old- are invited<br />

to celebrate the New Year at the<br />

USS Constitution Museum by<br />

hoisting a sail, taking the ships<br />

wheel, and learning to sail a<br />

square rigger Visitors can chal-<br />

lenge each other in battle with<br />

the Museum's computer interac-<br />

tives recreating USS Constitu-<br />

tion's fiercest fight against the<br />

British frigate Java in the War<br />

of 1812.<br />

Admission to the USS Consti-<br />

tution Museum is free through<br />

December 31 as part of its Gift<br />

to America program celebrating<br />

Old Ironsides' Bicentennial. The<br />

USS Constitution Museum is<br />

located in the Char lest own Navy<br />

Yard, directly across from USS<br />

Constitution, and offers the<br />

largest souvenir shop on the<br />

Freedom Trail<br />



The Adult Education Commit-<br />

tee and Rabbi Bernard Spielman<br />

of Temple Emmanuel of Wake<br />


field are pleased to announce Next Century."<br />

two upcoming sessions in the The first, a session on "Inter<br />

Temple's year-long forum on married Couples at Temple<br />

The Future of Judaism for the Calendar to S-6<br />

Home Portraits<br />

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Order Now for the Holiday 617-589-9115<br />

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Do You Have Any of These Symptoms?<br />

• Frequent "Colds?"<br />

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Call us at (617) 933-2424 and make your<br />

appointment now before you suffer<br />

from another allergy season.<br />

William T. Poirier, M.D.<br />


Most Insurances Accepted<br />

■<br />

Calendar Froms-s<br />

Emmanuel" will be held on<br />

Sunday, December 14, at 9am<br />

Creative interchange with the<br />

audience will be encouraged to<br />

honestly explore the many<br />

aspects of this question The fol-<br />

lowing session is entitled 1 Am<br />

A Convert to Judaism 1 ' and will<br />

feature special guest speakers<br />

Anita Diamant and her husband<br />

Jim Ball<br />

This session, scheduled for<br />

Sunday, January 11, at 9am, will<br />

focus on what Judaism says<br />

about conversion, how a convert<br />

should be treated, and how con-<br />

version changes one's life Both<br />

forums are open to the public<br />

for a one-time S5 registration fee<br />

and will include coffee.<br />

Temple Emmanuel is a con-<br />

servative synagogue located in<br />

Wakefield at 120 Chestnut Street<br />

For further information, please<br />

call the Temple at 781-245-1886.<br />



The BMILS Theatre Company<br />

celebrates its sixth year of<br />

bringing theatre to the commu-<br />

nity with its production of<br />

Shakespeare's delightful come-<br />

dy, A Midsummer-Night's Dream.<br />

Performances will be December<br />

11, 12 and 13 at 8pm in the<br />

newly-renovated Billerica High<br />

School auditorium. Tickets are<br />

$7 for adults and $5 for students<br />

and senior citizens.<br />

Love is the central force for<br />

these characters of ancient<br />

Athens. As a pair of forsworn<br />

lovers escape into the deep<br />

woods to elope, a mixed up case<br />

ensues with another pair of<br />

rivals, a rowdy group of rustic<br />

tradesmen who are ineptly<br />

rehearsing a play for the Duke's<br />

wedding ceremony, and a whole<br />

band of magical fairies who plot<br />

mischief and deception for their<br />

own amusement-and ours!<br />

The play is directed by Mr.<br />

Jeffrey Gage, Students Lisa<br />

Vaughan and Pat Piasecki are<br />

assistant director and stage<br />

manager. ~<br />

Ohryttr<br />

(hopping;<br />

( DAYSLEFT)<br />

Fob, please remanher, If s<br />

better to wear out then to,<br />

-RUST" out<br />

Yean ago when I worked at<br />

the Naval Annex in South<br />

Boston, I would go to Our Lady<br />

of Good Voyage Church on<br />

Northern Avenue with my-feOow<br />

worker Joe Fbley. Father John<br />

Feeney was a, dynamic, forceful<br />

eloquent speaker. One Sunday<br />

morning, he was in rare form.<br />

Every one listened attentively to<br />

every word, even the girls in the<br />

choir where paying attention.<br />

One of them leaned a little too<br />

far and fell from the choir loft<br />

and her dress caught on the<br />

chandelier. Father Feeney shout-<br />

ed, "any man who looks up at<br />

that woman will be stricken<br />

blind!" Joe Foley looked at me<br />

and whispered, "Chipper, I think<br />

I'll RISK one EYE!"<br />

My cousin Mario said to me,<br />

1 know that Napoleon was NOT<br />

a politician because, every pic-<br />

ture or statue of him shows that<br />

he has his hand in his own pock-<br />

et."<br />

Will Rogers said, "I'd rather<br />

be the man who bought the<br />

Brooklyn Bridge than the one<br />

who sold it."<br />

Folks, I must be getting old<br />

and grouchy. I just can't stand<br />

this, "Loud" and "Lousy" so<br />

called music like, 1 Rock, Disco<br />

or Bongo Bongo. I heard more<br />

melic sound from the native<br />

drums in the South Sea Islands.<br />

At my niece Ariene's wedding<br />

reception I told die band leader,<br />

"I'll give you $20 for ten minutes<br />

of SILENCE!" he sold me a pair<br />

of ear plugs for the $20. So I will<br />

NOT attend anymore wedding<br />

receptions unless I am sure that<br />

the, Lawrence Welk type of<br />

music will be played.<br />

FDA Inspector Paul Simon<br />

visited a sardine packing com-<br />

pany in Maine. He asked an<br />

employee, why the heads of the<br />

sardines are, "CUT-OFF'<br />

Before they are packed. She<br />

smiled, then replied, "Sir, that's<br />

so they don't "BITE" each other<br />

in the can."<br />

When Ray Flynn, the former<br />

mayor of Boston was named to<br />

be the U.S. Ambassador to the<br />

Vatican, Tony Stack shook Mr.<br />

Flynn's hand and Tony's whole<br />

RIGHT Side went SOBER<br />


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FoOts I loved the Latin Mass I<br />

remember when my sister<br />

Maureen asked her comedian<br />

son Dennis, 'what did you learn<br />

in csMrdi *«"fay** rw«M« «ma«t<br />

and said, "Father Tom said out<br />

loud, "I can beat you laying<br />

Domino!" Then, four guys with<br />

baskets collected all the BETS."<br />


Michelle Baker, Lori Chase,<br />

Kathleen Gallagher, KeDy Lane,<br />

Mary Frances Murphy, Julie<br />

Santini, Mary Beth Porter, John<br />

Curran and John Renda all of<br />

WOBURN.<br />

Sandra Kayulu, Meredith<br />

Corkery, Lauren Pallotta John<br />

Noonan, Richie Hamel, Mark<br />

Steng, Ryan Duffy, Mark<br />

Sullivan, Jeremy Carroll, Brian<br />

d'Entremont all of<br />


Jon Kemper, Chris Ferrara,<br />

Jackie Diggins, Frank Marches,<br />

Erin Benson, Sean F. Fowler,<br />

Kathleen Hennessy, Mary Ellen<br />

Murray, Mariamella Ricardo<br />

and Gitanjali Shinde all of<br />


Happy 50th Wedding<br />

Anniversary Rick and Rose<br />

Nazzaro, Joe Kwiatek, Dennis<br />

Dicicco, Jeanette Tighe, Rev.<br />

Victoria Wienstein, John<br />

Doherty, Asher Cutter, Chris<br />

Daly, Timothy Fuller, Jessica<br />

Marrocco and Margi Copithorne<br />

all of READING.<br />

Matthew Leccese, Bobby<br />

DePiano, Barbara Zaino, Frank<br />

Downs, Robbie Curtis, Gerald<br />

Pupa, Tara and Shelly<br />

Hardiman, Jennifer O'Neil,<br />

Audrey Murray and Katie<br />

Marasco all of WILMINGTON.<br />

Theresa Martin, Maureen<br />

Munroe, Alison Lynch, Mary<br />

McCoUim, Matthew Small,<br />

Conor Rousell, Navy Seaman<br />

Michael J. Roux, Air Force<br />

Airman Joshua Bombach, Rev.<br />

Paul M ill in and Sr. Anne D'Arcy<br />

C.S. J. all of TEWKSBURT.<br />

Carson Coffey, Safety Officer<br />

Dave Donegan, Michael<br />

Carakatsane, Agnes Dilworth,<br />

Joseph and Jill Milano, Bill and<br />

Marylin Metropolis, Jennie<br />

Mandevilk, Jean Goguen,<br />

Jessica Burke and Nora<br />

Buckbee all of LYNNFIELD.<br />

Lauren Zackular, James A.<br />

North.Michael O'Keefe, Police<br />

Officer Michael P. Leblanc, Pete<br />

Giannone, Pat Brophy, Lynne<br />

Verney, Deputy Fire Chief<br />

Robert McCabe, Tiffany<br />

Goddard and Brielly<br />

McLaughlin all of NORTH<br />

READING.<br />

Meaghan Leary, Rabbi<br />

Bernard Spielman, Melissa<br />

Edward, John Roberto, Coach<br />

Meg McKenna, Kerry Sullivan,<br />

Lisa Mokaba, Shunna Keough,<br />

Vanessa Underwood and Nicole<br />

Encarnacao all of<br />


Karla Linquist, Paula<br />

Fairfield, Jan Levine, Gary<br />

Hagen, Steve and Kim<br />

Bramante, Willis Cobb, Lauren<br />

Surette, Christina Evola, Lori<br />

Pisari, Sandra Angiolilli all of<br />


DREAMBOAT of the week is,<br />

Ashley McRae of LYNNFIELD<br />

and SUPERSTAR of the week is<br />

Jan Cassidy of WILMINGTON.<br />

Folks, researchers have found<br />

that, "LAUGHTER' not only<br />

enhances respiration and circu-<br />

lation, it also increases immune-<br />

cell activity. It also suppresses<br />

and stress-related hormones.<br />

Folks, in other words, "LAUGH-<br />

TER" is GOOD for ALL of US.<br />

"That may be true," Aunt<br />

Nora told me, "BUT!" she<br />

added," the benefits of laughter<br />

are nullified by the GROANS,<br />

after reading your stupid<br />

Woodchips Column. Aunt Nora<br />

takes a, GROUCH Pill every<br />

morning sometimes two pills if<br />

she intends to visit.<br />

Most people throw burnt-out<br />

light bulbs away, photographers<br />

Joe Brown and Don Young use<br />

them in their DARKROOMS.<br />

Marie Tully is a classical'<br />

piano player. She left this note<br />

for her handsome husband,<br />

'Dear Bob, I am doing my<br />

Christmas "Chopin" early. I have<br />

a long "Liszt" SO, don't expect<br />

me, "Bach" in a, ""Minuet!"<br />

Judy D'Ambrosio made a<br />

telephone call and a sweet<br />

switchboard woman' voice<br />

said,"City Hall." "Oh!" Judy<br />

relied, "is this really City Halir<br />

"Yes it is, with whom do you<br />

wish to speak?" "Oh, no one I<br />

guess. You see, I found this num-<br />

ber on a slip of paper in my hus-<br />

band Joe's coat pocket and I<br />

wondered whose number it was.<br />

Thank you."<br />

I remember at harvest time I<br />

put a dozen apples in a bag and<br />

gave then to my nephew Dennis<br />

Tully. I told him, Dennis, walk to<br />

the convent and give this bag to<br />

Sister Marion." She looked in<br />

the bag then said, "wait Dennis<br />

I'll write a note thanking the<br />

Chipper for the TEN beautiful<br />

apples."<br />

"Gee," an embarrassed<br />

Dennis exclaimed, "could you<br />

please make it, "thank you for<br />

the 12 beautiful apples sister?"<br />

I asked Jimmy Qumno, "Any<br />

Big Men born in this city<br />

Jimmy?" He smiled and replied,<br />

*No, only small babies."<br />

Folks, Kathy uses a credit<br />

card to buy things we don't<br />

need, with money we don't have<br />

to impress people she doesn't<br />

lie<br />

Warren Jackson told me that<br />

science has found a cure for<br />

falling hair, GLUE!!

THE READING LIONS CLUB recently presented an opt<br />

Finnegan of Reading. The equipment is a low vision CCTV personal reading<br />

machine which was purchased by the Lions Chios of Massachusetts district 33N and<br />

placed in the care of the Reading Lions Club for Mrs. Ruth Fmnegan's personal use.<br />

Shown in photo are (L to R) Ruth Finnegan of Reading (seated), Mark Haggerty<br />

(Massachusetts Lions Visual Aids Foundation Equipment Chairman), Paul Martins<br />

(Reading Lions Club President), Peter Finnegan (husband of recipient).<br />

(Don Young photo)<br />

ckfd Ate<br />

by Phyllis Nissen<br />

Almost<br />

adults-only<br />

■Dear Class of '98 Parents,"<br />

note Reading High parents<br />

Donna Walsh, Nancy O'Hearn,<br />

Judy Clark, and Kathie Carroll.<br />

"Believe it or not, the much<br />

anticipated senior year is here!<br />

As parents of seniors we may be<br />

experiencing mixed emotions<br />

about our children moving on in<br />

life As a way to get to know the<br />

names and the people who go<br />

with the faces that have been at<br />

Kindergarten screening, school<br />

open houses, on the sports fields,<br />

waiting at the Registry, and<br />

everywhere else you go, a group<br />

of parents decided to plan a par-<br />

ent sponsored fun(d)raiser to<br />

kickoff Senior Year.<br />

"We have planned a PRO-<br />

GRESSIVE DINNER for the<br />

parents and guardians of the<br />

graduating class of 1998. The<br />

dinner will consist of an appetiz-<br />

er, salad and main course, at<br />

different host houses throughout<br />

the evening...We will begin at<br />

f»:00pm at the High School Upper<br />

Gym Lobby to- distribute your<br />

itinerary for the evening. From<br />

there we will proceed to our<br />

assigned host homes to enjoy<br />

our first course. The evening<br />

will end back at the High School<br />

for desserts from 9:30-11:00pm.<br />

"The people we dine with will<br />

be randomly selected for each<br />

course so that we will get a<br />

chance to meet as many parents<br />

as possible. In order to allow<br />

hosts to participate in all cours-<br />

:<br />

mmfl -<br />

Making progress<br />

es of the PROGRESSIVE DIN-<br />

NER, we will be asking mem-<br />

bers of the senior class to act as<br />

servers at the various host<br />

homes to help with setting up,<br />

serving, and cleaning up.<br />

Because this school related<br />

event requires student involve-<br />

ment and driving between<br />

courses, the evening will be<br />

alcohol-free.<br />

"Let us know if you can<br />

attend and-or volunteer your<br />

home. Please keep in mind that<br />

for every 10 attendees we will<br />

need 1 host home per course.<br />

Thus, we wiD need a large num-<br />

ber of homes volunteered to<br />

make this PROGRESSIVE DIN-<br />

NER a success. If you choose to<br />

be a host for a course, you may<br />

select the style (buffet or sit-<br />

down dinner) that suits you<br />

best<br />

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Charlotte Forten Hall, College <strong>Library</strong><br />

Now OrmiNG 27 GRADUATE<br />


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Marionette show<br />

JFK <strong>Library</strong> to host classic "Peter Pan n<br />

As part of its special pro- that it will host two free perfbr-<br />

gramming for children and their mances of the children's classic<br />

families, the John F. Kennedy -Peter Pan" on Saturday,<br />

<strong>Library</strong> and Museum announced December 13.<br />

SCOTT and KAREN (VET<br />

TER) CURRAN of <strong>Wilmington</strong><br />

announce the birth of their daugh-<br />

ter, Juba Maureen, on October 13,<br />

1997 at Winchester Hospital.<br />

Grandparent honors are<br />

extended to Mr. George Vettcr of<br />

Reading, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter<br />

Curran of Stoneham.<br />



ARTONE, JR of Reading,<br />

announce the birth of their daugh-<br />

ter. Lauren Rose, on November 14,<br />

1997 at the Melrose Wakefield<br />

Hospital.<br />

Grandparent honors are<br />

extended to Mary and Francis<br />

O'Hearn of Reading, Rosemarie<br />

Noelcke of Haverhill and David<br />

Artone of North Andover.<br />



KILEY of Reading, announce the<br />

birth of their daughter, Ashleigh<br />

Lauren, on November 13,1997 at<br />

the Melrose Wakefield Hospital.<br />

Births<br />

She joins her brother, R J.. age<br />

two.<br />

Grandparent honors are<br />

extended to Mr. and Mrs. Robert<br />

J. Kiley of Reading, and Mr. and<br />

Mrs. James J. Thnoney of North<br />

Reading.<br />



Wakefield, announce the birth of<br />

their son, Cameron James, on<br />

October 29, 1997, at Melrose<br />

Wakefield Hospital. Cameron<br />

joins his sister, Angela, age six.<br />

Grandparent honors are<br />

extended to Carol and James<br />

Almeida and Barbara and<br />

Anthony Gonnella, all of<br />

Wakefield.<br />

KAREN (MAJESKI) and<br />

DAVID KELLY announce the<br />

birth of their second son, Zachary<br />

David, on November 11, 1997. He<br />

joins his brother, Jonathan<br />

DanieL age two.<br />

Grandparent honors are<br />

extended to Susan and John<br />

.'*-.-.. . # , *-t-> » , .• - t - • . ■ » j .- • **tmman ; . . ; . ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;<br />

The National Marionette<br />

Theater from Putney, Vt and the<br />

Kennedy <strong>Library</strong> invite children<br />

to join in the adventures of Peter<br />

Pan, Wendy, John and Michael<br />

as they fly to Never Land and<br />

meet the Lost Boys, Princess<br />

Tiger Lily, and the villainous<br />

Captain Hook and his motley<br />

pirate crew.<br />

There will be two free perfor-<br />

mances, the first beginning at<br />

10:30 am in the Stephen Smith<br />

Hall at the Kennedy <strong>Library</strong>.<br />

The second performance will be<br />

held at 1230 pm in the Stephen<br />

Smith Hall<br />

(Butch) Majeski of Wakefield and<br />

RoseMary and Daniel Kelly of<br />

WbJtfieU, New Jersey.<br />

ROB and LIZ MALINSKI of<br />

Reading announce the birth of<br />

their son, Jake Robert, on<br />

October S, 1997 at Winchester<br />

Hospital. Jake joins his sister,<br />

Casey Lhabeth, age one<br />

Grandparent honors are<br />

extended to Ruthanne Wood of<br />

Stoneham and Brenda and Bob<br />

Malinski of Pleasanton,<br />

California.<br />

Greatgrandparent honors are<br />

u •<br />

The Children's Hour at the<br />

John F. Kennedy <strong>Library</strong> is a<br />

series of performances by some<br />

of this country's most noted<br />

story tellers, musicians, artists<br />

and puppeteers presented in a<br />

manner appropriate for family<br />

audiences and children of ages 5<br />

and older. Children'must be<br />

accompanied by an adult<br />

The production of Peter Pan<br />

replaces the originally sched-<br />

uled production of "The Nut-<br />

cracker" which has been can-<br />

celed.<br />

For info call 929-1230.<br />

extended to Victoria and<br />

Benjamin Malinski of Goffstwon,<br />

New Hampshire.<br />



Reading, announce the birth of<br />

their daughter, Juba Taylor, on<br />

November 4.1997 at the Beverty<br />

Hospital.<br />

Julia joins her brother.<br />

Timothy Michael, age four.<br />

Grandparent honors are<br />

extended to Paul and Linda<br />

Edwards, and Agnes Soouten, afl<br />

of Reading.<br />

'Christmas Homecoming' at Nazareth Academy<br />

"Christmas Homecoming,"<br />

50th anniversary Christmas fes-<br />

tival of song, drama, and art,<br />

will be presented at Our Lady of<br />

Nazareth Academy on Decem-<br />

ber 12, at 2 o'clock in the after-<br />

noon and again at 8 o'clock in<br />

the evening.<br />

The program of traditional,<br />

classical, and contemporary set-<br />

tings of choral literature will be<br />

performed under the direction of<br />

the OLN Department of Perfor-<br />

ming Arts nd Fine Art, com-<br />

posed of Chairperson Dr.<br />

Patricia Capone Tamagini and<br />

Choral Conductor Lor; Suzanne<br />

Tamagini, both ol Wakefield: Art<br />

Teacher and Set Decorator Tina<br />

Grill Sferlazzo of Lynnfield; and<br />

Accompanist Anne Shields of<br />

Maiden.<br />

Performing will be the 73<br />

voice Concert Choir, the 35 voice<br />

Chamber Singers, and the 18<br />

voice ensemble "Trinity." Solos<br />

will be performed by performing<br />

arts department voice students<br />

and freshmen instrumentalists.<br />

Dancers from all grade levels<br />

will perform ballet, tap, and<br />

acrobatic routines and Nazareth<br />

art students will present<br />

original works. The entire fresh-<br />

man class will sing and act an<br />

original adaptation of "The<br />

Twelve Days of Christmas," fol-<br />

lowed by the senior ensembles<br />

performance of "The Twelve<br />

Days AFTER Christmas."<br />

A choral reading of the<br />

Prologue to the Gospel of St.<br />

John and a dramatization of the<br />

Gospel of St. Luke, Chapter 1<br />

will be presented by the senior<br />

drama class. The role of the<br />

baby Jesus will be played alter-<br />

nately (2pm and 8pm) by<br />

Amanda Beth Cusato and<br />

Christine Beth Cusato, five<br />

month old twin daughters of<br />

David and Beth Capone Cusato<br />

Your Help!<br />


jWMj<br />

■ADDRESS<br />

ICfTY/TOWN_<br />

IPtease accept my donation of<br />

Sharing Is UIOQ $25 Q $50 □ other a<br />

^ . ° IPIease Mail To;<br />

Caring<br />

&*k<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

L<br />

Middlesex Eist Publications, in assocu .<br />

(ion with the Salvation Army will sponsor<br />

"ME Sanu" this holiday season to benefit<br />

needy individuals and families in the area.<br />

In many past years, the Salvation Army<br />

has worked quietly within the comntunibes.<br />

But this year it is asking for assistance due<br />

to increased pressure to provide services.<br />

Funds will be distributed locally in the<br />

M.E. communities, which include<br />

<strong>Wilmington</strong>. Tewksbury. North Reading.<br />

Lynnfield. Reading. Stoneham. Burlington.<br />

Woburn. Wakefield. Winchester.<br />

»PLEASE<br />

HELP!<br />

ME. SANTA<br />



WOBURN, MA 01801<br />

"Sharing is Caring"<br />

A list of contributors will be published in<br />

Middlesex East throughout December.<br />

Corporations and individuals are encour-<br />

aged 10 include their names as part of their<br />

donations as efforts are made to promote the<br />

fund.<br />

The "M.E Santa" effort is actually part of<br />

the Salvation Army's ongoing service pro-<br />

gram. Please Help!<br />

Donations should be mailed to:<br />

"ME. Sana"<br />

c/a Daily Times Chronicle<br />

One Arrow Drive<br />

Woburn. MA 01801<br />

Ml Ptoeeeds To Benefit Local Families<br />

I<br />

of Reading. In 1982. Beth<br />

Capone played the role of the<br />

Virgin Mary in that year's<br />

Nazareth Christmas production.<br />

The audience will be invited<br />

to join in a sing-along of tradi-<br />

tional carols with the choirs.<br />

All of the Nazareth choirs are<br />

featured on a CD and tape enti-<br />

tled "Joy in My Soul," which<br />

will be released in mid<br />

December. Music for the recod-<br />

ing was composed and arranged<br />

for the Nazareth choirs by facul-<br />

ty member Lora Suzanne<br />

Tamagini. There will be nation-<br />

wide distribution of this record-<br />

ing, which is produced by In Bus<br />

Love Music Ministry and was<br />

recorded by Double-Edge Musk<br />

Recording Company.<br />

The Nazareth Concert Choir<br />

enjoys an international reputa-<br />

tion. In 1996, at the invitation of<br />

the Vatican; a group of 45<br />

choralists traveled to Rome,<br />

where they gave two concerts,<br />

including one where they had<br />

the great privilege of singing for<br />

Pope John Paul II. They also<br />

gave concerts at the Chiesa S.<br />

Maria De'Ricci in Florence and<br />

in the courtyard of the home of<br />

the Father of St. Francis in<br />

In addition to the perfor-<br />

mances at the Academy on<br />

December 12, the choirs can be<br />

heard singing at the following<br />

locations. December 6 at the<br />

Melrose Christmas Festival,<br />

December 13 at the Savings<br />

Bank in Wakefield, December 13<br />

at St. Joseph's Church in<br />

Wakefield at the 4.-00 Mass, and<br />

on December 14 at St Joseph's<br />

Church at the 12:00 Mass.<br />

Our Lady of Nazareth<br />

Academy Students taking part in<br />

the performances are the follow<br />

ing-<br />

WAKEFIELD: Adrienne Ross,<br />

Bonnie Massiello, Jessie Perks,<br />

Kara Weisse, Mary Spinosa and<br />

Pamela Courtney.<br />

READING: Lindsay Halliday<br />

STONEHAM: Dandle DNb,<br />

Sandra Cronin, Mary Beth<br />

Conway, Bridget Sheehan and<br />

Cherise DeCroteau<br />

NORTH READING: Marisa<br />

LoGrasso, Lauren Suarez,<br />

Michelle Anderson, Angelique<br />

Bolduc and Darlene Crowtey<br />

WOBURN: Jessica McCor<br />

mack, Laura Tortolano, Julie<br />

Bonaventura, Alissa Rubenstein,<br />

Jannique Holland, Christina<br />

Kouripines, Andrea Tortolano<br />

and Marie Petrulavage<br />

WILMINGTON. Tarryn<br />

Guarino and Erin K Doyle<br />

BURLINGTON: Kim Bennett<br />

BfLLERICA: Jennifer Smith,<br />

Rachel Keniston and Jenifer<br />

Fontana<br />


and Sara Mochrie<br />

DeVito<br />

Christine Daly wins<br />

prestigious scholarship<br />

CHRISTINE E. DALY of Reading has been awarded a<br />

special Rotary International Ambassadorial Scholarship.<br />

Shown above presenting the award is Preident Steve Chuha<br />

(left) and Christine's father Richard. Because of her<br />

outstanding record in school and community service,<br />

Christine was selected for this very unique honor.<br />

Christine E. Daly, daughter of<br />

Patrick and Kathleen Daly of<br />

Reading, has received a Multi<br />

Year Scholarship by The Rotary<br />

Foundation Trustees. This<br />

Ambassadorial Scholarship will<br />

enable Christie to continue her<br />

studies in English abroad Cor a<br />

graduate degree The grant was<br />

presented by President Steve<br />

Chuha of Reading Rotary at a<br />

special Thanksgiving luncheon at<br />

the Reading Public <strong>Library</strong>.<br />

This yearly meeting with the<br />

Stoneham Rotary Club has been a<br />

tradition for several years to prr><br />

mote good sportsmanship<br />

between the-two rival football<br />

teams just prior to the annual<br />

Thanksgiving game, which was<br />

played in Reading this year.<br />

Christine is a 1993 graduate of<br />

Reading <strong>Memorial</strong> High School<br />

and received her BA in Secondary<br />

Education from Boston College in<br />

May, 1997, majoring in English.<br />

She wifl have completed a year of<br />

teaching in Texas, before going<br />

abroad.<br />

Daly has quite a record of<br />

accomplishments including:<br />

Honors: Graduated summa<br />

cumlaude from Boston College<br />

May, 1997 with a rank of sixth in<br />

the graduating class. Member of<br />

the School of Education Honors<br />

Program - Alpha & Omega<br />

Society. Elected to write a year<br />

long Honors Thesis on the con-<br />

(Photo by Don Young )<br />

cept of "Home". First Honors<br />

Dean's List every semester.<br />

Member Of the Golden Key<br />

National Honor Society, the<br />

National Dean's List, Who's Who<br />

of American University Students,<br />

the National Jesuit Honor Society<br />

- Alpha Sigma Nu.<br />

Recipient of the Sullivan Prize:<br />

An award presented in honor of<br />

Father John Sullivan, the first<br />

Assistant Dean of the School of<br />

Education, to a member of the<br />

senior class who, like Father .<br />

Sullivan, exhibits the qualities of<br />

cheerfulness, creativity, enthusi-<br />

asm, and lugh energy.<br />

Emerging Leader Program:<br />

Participant and facilitator in pres-<br />

tigious program containing semi- .<br />

nars by community leaders, group<br />

dynamic workshops, multicultural<br />

training, time management pro-<br />

grams, training in public speaking<br />

and presentation giving.<br />

Umadagu LttCUdana Educa-<br />

tional Summer Camp: One of ten<br />

volunteers to organize and run a<br />

full time summer camp for 350<br />

Belizean students ages 9-15 in<br />

Belize. Co-taught an eighth grade<br />

class in the subjects of English<br />

Math, Science, Art and Social<br />

Studies. Coached basketball, vol-<br />

leyball, softball, and soccer.<br />

Facilitated Parent's Night, School<br />

Talent Show, and Final Olympics.<br />

Fund raised $20,000.<br />

DalytoS-10<br />

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1997 M.E.Santa F^<br />

In flie meantime, the easiest way to reach out to help<br />

someone, or some family, during the holiday season is to<br />

contribute to the ME. Santa - a happy fella' who has a<br />

broad smile, a red kettle and a heart bigger than the ME<br />

circulation area.<br />

To donate to the ME. Santa, send donations to:<br />

M.E. Santa<br />

c/o Dairy Times Chronicle<br />

One Arrow Drive<br />

Woburn, MA 01801<br />

Mrs. Cart A Carlson, Woburn 25.00<br />

Bob and Mary Morgan, Woburn 25.00<br />

Paul and Ruth Haggerty, Woburn 25.00<br />

Dorothy O. Anderson, Stoneham 20.00<br />

Nancy and Bernard Vrotsos, Winchester 25.00<br />

Mrs. Audrey L. Cronin, Woburn 20.00<br />

Hazel and Dan Friel, Woburn 10.00<br />

Fred and Viola MacDonald, Woburn 25.00.<br />

Mrs. Marjorie T. Pacino, Reading 10.00<br />

Pat Alterisio, Buriigton 15.00<br />

Doris and Ernest Balestrieri, Woburn 25.00<br />

Betty Sullivan, Woburn 20.00<br />

Don Miller, "Memory of Rose," Woburn 25.00<br />

Anne M. Beauchamp, "Memory of<br />

John ft Eileen Beauchamp," Woburn 25.00<br />

Anne M Gallello, Winchester 10.00<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Eric Anderson, Woburn 25.00<br />

-Shree", Stoneham 75.00<br />

David and Rosemarie DeBenedetto, Reading 10.00<br />

Fran DiBella. <strong>Wilmington</strong> 10.00<br />

William H. Fallon, Winchester 15-00<br />

Ted Rogers, Woburn<br />

Dorothy F. Lynch, Woburn<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Roland F. Smith, Woburn<br />

Louie's Pizza, Woburn<br />

"Memory of Dolly Paine", Winchester<br />

"In Memory of my husband Alfred Allen<br />

and our grandson Michael Kaper of Reading,"<br />

Rita Allen. Stoneham<br />

"In loving memory of James Mooney, ST.,<br />

who loved children" by his wife,<br />

Tena Mooney, Woburn<br />

"In memory of John P. Downey,<br />

Ellen B. Downey, John D. Downey,<br />

James Downey, Eileen Downey,<br />

William Downey, Lenny Downey,"<br />

by Jean Downev. Woburn<br />


10.00 Woburn Rotary Club, Woburn 5.00<br />

10.00 Jim and Ruth Haggerty, Woburn 20.00<br />

15.00 Michael and Julie Murphy, Woburn 15.00<br />

15.00 The Lydeckers, Reading 25.00<br />

25.00 John and Linda Gaffey, <strong>Wilmington</strong> 50.00<br />

Genevieve E. McKenny, Woburn 10.00<br />

Mrs. Esther N. Richardson, Stoneham<br />

-<br />

1000<br />

20.00 "In memory of Bill Anthony"<br />

from Top Cat, Woburn 25.00<br />

"In memory of Muriel Weldon"<br />

25.00 from Top Cat, Woburn 10.00<br />

5.00<br />


«NAME "" "" 1<br />

■ADDRESS<br />


I Please accept my donation of<br />

l$10Q $25'J $50Q Other J _<br />

'Please Mail To:<br />

| "M.E. SANTA"<br />


I<br />

I<br />


WOBURN, MA. 01801<br />

"Sfiarinq is Carpi/) n<br />

E Ntertoift men!<br />

Dinner For Itoo 1 S*££££ i<br />

Tuesday- Chicken Cacciatore w/ziti<br />

Wednesday Chicken Broccoli and /il i Q | || |||C<br />

Thursday-Chicken Parmesan w/ziti ^ | U«WV<br />

Includes Salad and Dessert<br />

Not for take out no coupons no discounts<br />

Aldo'sCafe<br />

at<br />

Ristorante Daniela<br />

Boiled<br />

I 114 lb.<br />

Lobster<br />

$4.95<br />

Every Thurs-.Fri. & Sat. from 5 p.m.to 9 pan. in the Cafe only<br />

(Limit One per person)<br />

line Italian Cuisine & Cocktails<br />

303 Main St., lite. 28<br />

North Reading, Mass. 01864 (508) 664-6100<br />

Celebrate<br />

your birthday at<br />

Ristorante Daniela<br />

and have dinner on us<br />

Valid LD. Required Function Room and Catering<br />

•«■■ '«»■«"•'<br />

Advertise your restaurant<br />

here and reach up to<br />

140,000 readers in<br />

10 communities.<br />

Middlesex East Dining & Entertainment<br />

617-944-2200<br />

-^» -■ > - -<br />

All major credit<br />

cards accepted<br />

No personal checks.<br />

Asian Cuisine & Cocktails<br />

Ample Parking<br />

Wei<br />


30 Choices @ Special Pkke $4.75-6.50<br />

or Create Your Own Plate!<br />

Any (fishes can be cooked Szechuan Style<br />

'..jm enormous array of Asian delicacies... fresh food, saved<br />

pipina hot, bti friendui sewers.'<br />

rr a •Diana'Broum, •Boston Qlobe<br />

Phantom Gourmet Approved! We got 9*% & 1'<br />

rjnperor's,OH>ioBSj>KUa^<br />

• Szechuan • Thai • Japanese • Malaysian<br />

- Healthy Diet dishes<br />

■ Large Seafood selection<br />

Gift Certificates k fwmctim facilities<br />

it Chinese<br />

Restaurant<br />

of America<br />

530 Main Street (Route 28)<br />

m.l28loE».38Bor39 • Rt-93toE«.3i<br />

Tel: (781) 942-2882 Fax (781) 942-2888<br />

•Mussels<br />

•StuffedOams<br />

•Stuffed Mushrooms<br />

•Shnmp Cocktail A more<br />

MariO'S HnelUdianCiilsiiic<br />

rlv IIIICT•••<br />

'Prime Rib'Chicken Sergio •HotRaasiBt<br />

Piatter 'Chicken BioccoR 'Chicken orVex<br />

Parmesan 'ChickenMarsala giLasagna<br />

and more<br />

•Antipasto, Si more<br />

•Cannoli •Tiramisu<br />

'Italian Cakes and more...<br />

r'. 111 u 11<br />

IIIIITNN (ifiiirmi'i<br />

iki- "in • Di-livfi<br />

Ask for Afina at Mario's to planyour special occasion, Christmas or New Year's party<br />

SAVE 15%* ifuMfa, 1*14/97<br />

Hold your Christmas Party at Mario's and receive<br />


Mario's "48<br />

hr note* required tor cateung<br />

Pizzeria A Family Restaurant «<br />

& bee<br />

I St., MO. I<br />

97*664 8533 FAX 978-664-5645<br />

LaPierre Froms-3<br />

and won die First Place Award in<br />

all three. The younger students<br />

(junior division) were entered in<br />

the Jazz competition and they,<br />

too, took home the First Place<br />

Award.<br />

And as K that wasnt enough to<br />

make these students proud, an<br />

extra bonus was bestowed upon<br />

the Reading competitors as recipt<br />

ents of the "Best Costuming<br />

Award" for the twoday competi-<br />

tion and workshop.<br />

The students shown here are<br />

from Reading, North Reading,<br />

Wakefield, and Lynnfield, and<br />

study at the LaPierre School in<br />

1985<br />

O^IMSB?^<br />

M's For Yoi'<br />



531 Mam St.. Reading, MA 01867<br />

731444-2200 Fax 781-942-0884<br />

■ : ■ ■ gl<br />

7997<br />

■ ' —<br />

We are now featuring complete<br />

dinners for 2 for only $ 14.95<br />

(MoadafeATuaidajs)<br />

We offer families the perfect holiday treat.<br />

Saturdays with Santa<br />

Santa will be here 12-4 every Saturday until Christmas<br />

; ~--K.:b, Stoneham Melro&e Line 665-112'<br />

:-i .'■'-.■ •'-:- Santa s dr. -. * Stoneham Zc<br />

Jfev<br />


425 REAR BROADWAY (Rte. 1)<br />

SAUGUS, MASS. 01906<br />

(781)231-1111<br />

Located adjacent to Osco Drug<br />

in Saugus Plaza<br />

South bound lane on Route 1<br />


SUNDAY 1-6PM $5.00<br />

7-10 PM $4.00<br />



10-12 Noon (Adults) $3.00<br />

8-10:30 (Artistic Night) $4.00<br />

Organ Music<br />


10-12 Noon (Adults) $3.00<br />

8-5:30 $3.00<br />

8:30-11 $4.00<br />

SATURDAY 10 12:30 $3.00<br />

1-4 pm $4.00<br />

7-11 pm $5.50<br />

Escape<br />

H. AHD0VER<br />

China Blossom<br />

All You Can Eat Buffet<br />

Available for $11.95-<br />

Fri ft Sal 9:30<br />

DEC 12-13<br />


A&ETV<br />

DEQ13-20<br />

PAUL<br />


Tim CHASE HOUSE hc*erm, Bfj<br />

Fri9pm-Sat8&1Q:3Qpni<br />

KC12-1?<br />

KEVIN<br />

KNOX<br />

DEC 19-20<br />

STEVE<br />


New Year's Eve<br />


. 1-800-401-2221 .<br />

~3 OFF Admission '<br />



003<br />

Days. Eves, ft Sat's.<br />

Relng afc, wash/dryer.<br />

dfwashers. disp ft ranges<br />

10% Senior discount.<br />

MOM Aopll—ra * ■*%•<br />

617729-7906 6654052<br />


SOB 4»2 7*75<br />

Affordable, dependable,<br />

reliable ft thorough<br />

house cleaning Weekly<br />

ft bi-weekly. Experienced,<br />

fully insured.<br />


Free est. Quality Service.<br />

Comm/Resid. Windows ft<br />

Carpets and gutters.<br />

"Coming home will make<br />

your day brighter!" Ron<br />

5066400698<br />


Openings for full ft part<br />

time. Kind ft loving home.<br />

Meals ft snacks prov. All<br />

ages welcome, infants<br />

incl.il85082.937-4988.<br />



600 West Cummings Park<br />

at Ries. 128 & 93 Full ft<br />

part time. Summer camp,<br />

nursery, pre school ft<br />

kindergarten programs.<br />

College degreed staff.<br />

■001684. Call 9359697<br />

and board expenses, and some<br />

educational supplies.<br />

.... ••- . . .<br />

V • — *■ *■— •■<br />

WHWI<br />

-- -- ■- -. . :, * -.-•-* fc-jB ■*».<br />


rxringtorLiirjbij^<br />

UP TO 14©;<br />


Weddings. Parties. Anniv. BESUBFACED And Well Take Em! Leaf<br />

etc. Supply props, in- is your bathtub worn out ¥aC sen**- Call today<br />

teract wfcrowd! Play the or hard to clean'' Don't and they'll be gone<br />

music YOU want! 617- rip it out Resurface it tomorrow. 617 5164582.<br />

2457228 Work 2244317 with our exclusive syn- -<br />

MSC JOCKEY thetic porcelain. All dec-<br />

Prof, disc jockey for all orator colors. Fully guar-<br />

occasions. Exciting anteed. PERMACERAM<br />

music of the 40s to 90s. °' Ne* England. Call 617<br />

Let us energize your next 2458287. TFS<br />

043<br />

F.GATTAI<br />

30 yrs. exp. Major rebktg<br />

of constr. equip., car<br />

frames ft firs. Snow<br />

plows repaired. 9374043<br />

bus.. 9384258 home.<br />

■-«*<br />

■ « »■ M»A?<br />


AND WALLPAPEBING 2454713. We'll haul away about $20. Bicycle Lotus<br />

Interior ft Exterior. Over anything. Complete Challenger 27" $75.<br />

20 years exp. Reasonable removal from garage. Steamer Trunk 38 x 23 *<br />

prices ft free estimates. yard or house. Fast low 26 $40. Sewing Mack<br />

Quality work. 9444976 or rates. 7812454713. 1941 Singer Model )5<br />

944-3388 ■ $75.617944-2731.<br />

Very dependable ft neat<br />

Exc. work. Reas. rates,<br />

Trucking Car seat $9. Slide $8.<br />

Q&3 Kitchen $8. Stroller $20,<br />

Port-a crib $10. Horse $8,<br />

Y HAUL TBUCKWIG Baby clothes boy ft girt<br />

both interior ft ext. Call<br />

party! Tom 617-2334960.<br />

CARPENTRY 007<br />

awciM<br />

, Household A Office 03T $^544. Walker $9.<br />

Instal ft repair. New kit.<br />

Movers. Lie. ft Insured. Swing $6.7814352428. {<br />

Lot Th« Good Tim. Boil'<br />

WALL*<br />

firs. Bathrm shower<br />

Free est. Same day ser- -,„__ ——=—. _,-■<br />

Quality building and CLEAN & I<br />

OJ Service. Critically ac- repair specialist. Affor-<br />

ROBERT'S of Wilm vice 7 days/week Call toll J* **£*' *5<br />

remodeling, frame to Commercial ft residential TEWKSBURY - F/T open- claimed. Boston Globe dable prices. Work guar<br />

ington. interior painting Mns. leath coat sz 48<br />

)ree 1400-287-5814 or<br />

finish. No job too small cleaning. Fully insured. ing. Available Now Magazine. Family parties. Larry 617 9384897. tft Spartan/ServiStar and ceilings. Winter |OCa| $50. Kit tWe ft 4 chrs.<br />

ca!is 508-454-<br />

Free estimates. Call Free carpet shampoo Open till 6PM. Corporate. Weddings our<br />

Stoneham ft Wobum rates. Call 1-978457- 5g]4 ,„ $50. Uphls blue rocker<br />

Steve 617 2724731. after 1st 4 visits. Call Call 506651-3112. tft speciality. Agressive<br />

4385555 or 933-2021 7685. Ms Smk. filtrator $20. 3<br />

CM<br />

617-9421249.<br />

pricing. Paul Lazzara<br />

fldg.<br />

WILMINGTON openings<br />

617 944-4617 Est. I960<br />

Quality Builders of addi- Cry—ol Clear Cli ■■!■■ avail. 1/5 Fenced yd.,<br />

lions and homes. Second Commercial and residen smoke free. Ages 3<br />

levels and dormers. Fully tial. Finest quality service mos 5 yrs. Lie. f 184973.<br />

' lie. ins. ft registered 617 guaranteed. Garage, attic Sheila 978 694 9566<br />

9359234.5086634445 ft total clean out also<br />

Call<br />

S50<br />

metal chrs. $15<br />

065 Clothsrk on whls. $15.<br />

Call Ted Nafwalk: Mat,<br />

*■■»»■'■<br />

Wicker chr. $10. Cane<br />


6179444373 • Plaster 0f7 *Heoting 049 Carroll School ft Mass. &<br />

Ceilings, walls, repairs,<br />

Software incl. Microsoft c, .. . .. ==;<br />

patches. Clean ft effi-<br />

3.0. Clarisworks. Publish g?2« ««"*• «g<br />

cient. Free estimates.<br />

It Easy. Print Shop. Soli- 2^2, % ^JXT<br />

617 942-7486.<br />

taire games. Carmen San !^/!??'<br />


Unemployed Teachers 7812450713.<br />

9; "£2<br />

looking for painting jobs<br />

lovely Holiday gifts. Call Int<br />

Rose 508*58 9282<br />

7B1 933 -' ie5 ,<br />

Diego. King's Quest. Sim a " ef6p

10.11,1997-PAGE S-11<br />

Y AM AHA Keyboard $100;<br />

WOBURN 3 rm apt, w/<br />

SERVICES Saga CD $25; Boy's Bike Ill Prestigious elevator bWg private entrance, large<br />

21" $25. CaM 944-4854.<br />

; FROM S-10 .<br />


overlooking town green, living rm. $ bdrm.. closet<br />

OtorAetTMCS<br />

Stu, 1, 2 BR's. Rent incl space, exc. neighbor<br />

4 large upholstered<br />

KITCHEN tble & 2 ctws.<br />

Pictures 8 Frames.<br />

ht 4 hw Short wafk to T. hood. $645 mo., no utils.<br />

chairs, sage green w/lan<br />

ma ■■I-<br />

$160. Adult roMaway bed<br />

Antiques. Jewelry. Silver.<br />

shops/rest Conv. 9312ft no pets, adults pref.<br />

leafy print made by<br />

All general repairs.<br />

S100, long blue raincoat Pndes Crossing in Essex Oriental Rugs. Glass, etc<br />

Gen Washington Apts 438-4564 or508369-1065. Specializing in batteries.<br />

$25. i tail pink lamp $15. An interior decorator's Cash paid /any condition 625 Main St. WOBURN - 1st ft. 1 BR. alternators, radiators.<br />

2 end tbies wrtancy legs dream. Asking $250. CaM Dotty617-275-7793 508-369-726'' compl renov quiet cul- thermostats, water<br />

$70 ea. Lt Woe hassock 617 9354594 alter6pm<br />

Capital Property, a^nac Avail 12/20. $700. purnpsAbrakes tft<br />

SI 5 1 twin egg crate $10 5 PIECE full size Antiques, fum.. glass. ' READING 1-2 bdrm. ,. No utts. no pets. CaM<br />

933-7880bedroom<br />

set. Black lac- oriental<br />

aTXaTiMriaaaW W0041095. Newly renov. Moofri. 96.9350041<br />

KITCHEN table w/6 quer w/brass trim, 2 night jewelry, ZSbJTPb Iff »J"^ tSffi 1 BR Condo ind. hi<br />

Windsor sytle chairs, exc.<br />

• rnntenls N«<br />

table., mirror dresser, entire^contents. No [JVftE^oi^oV **■ £^i $840 Sell $450rBO. Call<br />

cond, 2 yrs. old, 60"x42" chest of drawers, head- obligation to sell. Wayne «—rnx.»ir-vKa^ p*, Reading. 508 276- 978461-99771/301<br />

oval shape w/18" it Ok<br />

READING 1 br centrally 041ft 12f17n v"**"" "f!»<br />

brdwd top w/cream ped-<br />

located near train/trans ~<br />

estal base. S275. SOB<br />

664-8167.<br />

Lamps $25 ea. 933-4296.<br />

LITTLE Tykes car bed.<br />

brand near $65. Office<br />

wood desk $100. 3 pc<br />

white w/btue trim Stanley<br />

br. set. full sz $50000.<br />

19" Color TV $40. 781<br />

246-3229.<br />

LIVRM. Set., sofa,<br />

loveseat. chr. 1/2 w/<br />

ottoman. Comtempocary<br />

style & print. Almost new.<br />

$1500.781674-9185.<br />

Love seat $100. New<br />

computer keyboard. $25.<br />

Call 617 9386820.<br />

LOVESEAT country floral<br />

$295. Dining set, rattan &<br />

glass $250. Small desk<br />

$40. All exc. cond. 781<br />

721-4499.<br />

MACINTOSH Computer<br />

pwr PC 6220. w/32 MB<br />

Ram, 1 gig hrd dr. CD-<br />

Rom, keybd & 15" color<br />

mon, $1000.9440549.<br />

MAHOGANY din. rm.<br />

tble w/teaf, 41" x 73". 1/<br />

4" glass cover. 2 additional<br />

12" leafs & ctr.<br />

support. Hutch, buffet<br />

w/glass drs 48" x 71 1/2"<br />

both for $450. Call Rich<br />

or Diane 978 694-<br />

1512. 12(171<br />

MAPLE kit. tble w/4<br />

chairs $250. Sharp<br />

carousel micro. $150,<br />

Whirlpool super cap. gas<br />

range, model SF305, 1 yr<br />

Old $300.9338388.<br />

MAYTAG washer & dryer.<br />

Heavy duty, super capacity,<br />

like new, rarely used.<br />

$250 ea or $450 both.<br />

781-334-7031.<br />

MOVING: Col. couch,<br />

green & peach w/wood<br />

$225. Ethan Allen Dinrm<br />

set. tble. w/2 leafs. 6<br />

chrs.. $1200. Asst. odd<br />

chrs. $25 ea. 721-2511.<br />

MOST SELL- Henredon<br />

sofa & love seat, handsome<br />

blue & white oriental<br />

print Excell cond.<br />

$475.781-646-3314.<br />

OAK (cream colored)<br />

glider with matching ottoman.<br />

Excellent condi<br />

tion. $150.978-664-5927.<br />

OAK China Cabinet, contemporary.<br />

Parquet front.<br />

Lighted, mirrored glass<br />

shelving & sides. $600.<br />

Call 617-3896629.<br />

PINE HUTCH . exc. cond.<br />

S100/BO. 9x12 royal blue<br />

w/mauve area rug $100/<br />

BO. Call btw. 9 & 10am or<br />

aft. 5PM. 617-2734870<br />

QUEEN size bdrm. set.<br />

white lacquer, 6 dr.<br />

dresser w/rnirror. 2 night<br />

stands, hdbd. w/frame,<br />

S900/BO 617 289-<br />

4733. 12/10S<br />

RUSSO Wood/Coal<br />

Stove, excellent condi<br />

tion. $300/130.9447382.<br />

Sears Cardiofit & Stairmaster,<br />

like new. $75 ea<br />

6179396943.<br />

Small gids dresser $100.<br />

Oak bureau. $100. 933-<br />

4296. m_<br />

Sofa & loveseat french<br />

provmsial new cond.,<br />

S175. Upright Dirtdevil<br />

vaccum. $45. Diaper<br />

Jeanie. $10.933-2504.<br />

SOFA. New. Traditional<br />

loose pillow back, waterfall<br />

skirt, beige/taupe<br />

demask, 2 fringed pillows<br />

$650. Mtch chair & ottoman,<br />

burgandy/taupe<br />

$550. All pcs. scolch-grd.<br />

(781)944-1105.<br />

TAPPAN Gas Stove, self<br />

cleaning. Convectionaire.<br />

good cond., works well.<br />

$150/BO Call 272 3374.<br />

THOMAS Electric Organ.<br />

Fine condition. $125.<br />

Small investment for<br />

Happy Holidays. Local<br />

del, possible. 9356849.<br />

TILE top kit. set w/4 oak<br />

chrs. No leafs. $300. Call<br />

617229-1732.<br />

WALL unit 4'x 6' set on<br />

sliding door base, $100.<br />

617937-9626.<br />

Water fountain w/<br />

planters $300. Barcalngr<br />

rod. S10O/BO Brass 6' fir<br />

iamp/5 chandeliers $275.<br />

All antiques. 882-0198.<br />

Wheelchair - Battery<br />

operated, used 3 mo.<br />

$1200. Gas fplc. Mr. $400,<br />

Trashmasher $50. 617<br />

334-3876.<br />

WROUGHT iron table w/<br />

chairs, white. $150. Call<br />

617272-5185.<br />

1 WOOL cape (never<br />

worn). $50. 14 Karat<br />

Florentine ring. Calla-lily<br />

shaped w/2 diamonds<br />

9150. WiM buy! 935-1956.<br />

36" Rod kite, table w/4<br />

white swivel chai-s $140.<br />

9x12 Kazvin rug red.<br />

ivory, blue, apprd $3300.<br />

sefl $2300, locking liq.<br />

cab/bar $45. ladies slip<br />

per ch. french prov. $25.<br />

944-3987<br />

p **» no P 8 1986 VOLVO DL good 1989 BUfCK Regal Grand 1991 HONDA Accord LX,<br />

engine, new tires, needs Sport. 2 dr., white w/red 2 door, 5 sp. a/c. pw/w.<br />

body work. $850. 617- tot Fulty loaded. $3500/ pw/d. sunroof. 1 owner.<br />

944-5508. BO. 6172730847. onfy 45K mi. mint cond.. I<br />

1987 Chevrolet Caprice 1989 CHEVY Camaro Hoc Asking $8500.9360171<br />

Classic Wagon - White/ 228. bfk, 86K, 5.7 L TPI. 1991 Mercury SaWe pwr<br />

wood trim. 114K miles, ps. pb. ac. cruise, tilt, wnd/dr locks & more,<br />

good cond, $1850 B/O. Boae ste.. autoiOD alarm. 14395 GuNf Station. 183<br />

617-944-2591 after 7pm. Perl. cond. Adult owned, jgm St Wobum. Fi<br />

! gar. winters, sharp car for nancma avail 2799164<br />

TRUCK Cap for 1997 IZ^SStm Pwr" ????<br />

. Dodge Ram. Black.<br />

"- Lartdn ft 0oo|_ «. Park Co|<br />

H"J Bought new 3/97 for<br />

board, steel frame, mat White Jr 6179331258<br />

tress & box spring Exc<br />

m - ^IPO^TIAC Grand AM<br />

cond run. well $3800/ ,5086644407. PM 1/7s<br />

cond. $450. Call Wayne or thingoW marble carved ,W0 mo in 1987 CADILLAC Fleet- BO. CaM 721-9239<br />

O«des ht 6<br />

15f AUTO<br />

wood Brougham. 107K<br />

Diane978851-a030. 1/30t<br />

water, no pets, non<br />


china, silver, prints,<br />

IIS<br />

smkr.. refs. lease. 942-<br />

8 piece living mi set, frames. The Wood<br />

7889.<br />

Office or store for rent<br />

ivory, sofa, loveseat, Carver. Inc. 617-944-3516.<br />

500 sq. ft. Street level. 1956 FORD F 10 PICKUP<br />

chair, coffee table, 2 end<br />

READING 1st ad. Avail Excellent condition. No 292 V4. 4 speed. $9500. $1000. 9786582346 Ask 0197<br />

tables. 2 lamps. $925.<br />

1/1. Splendid 6 mi, 2 money spent. 617-641- Excellent condition. forStu. 2/121<br />

Planes, chisels, tool<br />

781499-7782.<br />

bdrm, 2nd fir apt in oi84. 978657-4626. 12/171<br />

chests, antiquarian tools rharminn Viet, in top<br />

and books (all trades and are& New kit & BA HW WAail—a 1984 LINCOLN. (Mack),<br />

Hot May newts 100 subjects), crocks. «— walk-up attic beau >-ae-or sm. offices, prof, good cond.. brakes, ex-<br />

SING N-SNORE Ernie, lanterns, antiques in ¥afd si200/mo + utils<br />

still in box. Asking $250.<br />

Call 9786588382. 12/10t<br />

SING N'SNORE Ernie, for<br />

sale. $250830. 5 avail,<br />

won't last. Days 9338027.<br />

After 7 pro, 508667-8721.<br />

bM ^ Reas P^ ces - nem 1991 PLYMOUTH Laser. 1<br />

miles. Very reliable.<br />

haust. paint, new in 95<br />

estate lots. 617 5583839<br />

rvw^ioroxens^^iaB.<br />

ro-~JrBrok«Hl944-4158 carpet,<br />

^ .^<br />

pkg. $300rmo. all All power, maroon leath<br />

m ^ ^ jnt ^^^ ^ %iJSO0<br />

READING - 5 rm, renov.. 246 1685 or 246 1156 Call aft. 6pm 942-1398<br />

1fl8B EAGLE Premieres, owner, black. 5 speed.<br />

I2295/BO 617-729-1853 Exc cond.. no rust or loaded. 80K $4000/BRO.<br />

*~T^ "°* dents. Loaded, now bat 6179456520.<br />

T£»SZ XX.180? SJTtmt TSSS: P^^^nl<br />

$1000 978658-2346. Ask £5?*' *" UU °' iX 4 *• 91K m Smote<br />

owner. Exc. cond. Fully<br />

1989 FORD Crown Vic., loaded. $4900 Call 508-<br />

1987 Chevy Cavaliar 224 109^ Mono, good shape! 658-3408.1/141<br />

reo, coupe, e cyi. auto, ^^i maint 96K. $3:400/<br />

low mites, looks 6 runs BO 781 2465328 19B2 CHEVY L " mina - *<br />

super $1500 764W15 -__^^^__ dr, burgrburg . auto. 6<br />


Buying Pre 1970*S fur- ZT ideal for' rmf Tfo «—■'■■'" OOfSM 18—■ 1972 FORD LTD Conv.<br />

niture. frames, maga J^te no net-: rWsmkr Heritage Commons. Just Classic. 55K orig. miles,<br />

zines. lamps, clocks. S^$90a942^ST minutes from all major Always garaged, used<br />

■inens. clothing.<br />

highways. New carpet & only in summer.<br />

••I postcards, glass, china! READING - 7 rm, 2 BR, 2 pajnl! unit § 1g, 706 S.F. roof, spotless int.. recent<br />

"" dolls, toys, games, brie a 1 ° "A. 2nd flr. oft st |8 per SJ^. Exclusive of tuning, good tires. BRO<br />

CELTICS season tickets, brae. PhylHs Hilton 617 P/**-* 1000 ♦ ■* *** utws.CaHS086S8-7188.tft 617-944-2689. Currently<br />

^ B^88306M m 1987 CHEVROLET Monte LXL 5 speed, excellent cau ac 63K mi $5,195.<br />

Carlo, super sport. 46K condition. 1 owner. 60K 9384025<br />

miles. $4500 or best of- miles. $6000. ^^^ r»~.^^ 1 T A<br />

ton**. 12/11.617862-7217. aS a^cScis<br />

° WINCHESTER - Profe* «<br />

4<br />

1987 CHEVY Camero T- 1989 HONDA Accord DX, 8tere0 7^ j3100. Call<br />

top. 6 cyl, a/c. auto, good cond., 1 owner, 60K g78-475-3343<br />

stereo cas. Great car in 6 mi., highly dependable rwvc B,u v^<br />

out. 120K. Great cond. auto. $5.800/BO. 617 1992 DODGE RAM Van.<br />

Adult owned. $2000. 9358849. "Y opt»«» '«*«*"0<br />

9786581777 12/171<br />

alarm w/remote start, ex<br />

games. Row 22. Sec. 13,<br />

sional office space avail- 1976 ALFA SPIDER Con<br />

Seat 4. $1,500/BO 978- Wood, Cool *\ Oil Ill READING - Studio apt. aD|e> 1200 s.f. Avail. Jan. variable, black, cond<br />

461-9977 lOOt<br />

Near transportation, all |. Centrally located. CaH mint $5,500 CaH 617<br />

POWER shear (1/4" x 10").<br />

.„»<br />

Seasoned, cut &<br />

hydraulic press brake<br />

Delivered. Call for pric- 4925<br />

w/programable back ing.617729-»S34.<br />

gauge, 6" power rolls,<br />

handsaws, nibber turret FIREWOOD - Seasoned<br />

punch. Mon.-Fri. 9-5. firewood cut 16 to 18",<br />

Risons 253 Main St.. split & delivered. 128 c.f.<br />

Plaistow, NH. (803) 382- $155rCord. 781272-8090.<br />

5671. 12/10n<br />

102<br />

ARIENS 2.7 hp<br />

Snowthrower. 3 fwd.<br />

spds., 1 reverse. 20"<br />

path. Runs great. $175/<br />

BO. Call 781 729-4558.<br />

utH *- P*9- 9»ntleman 781-7293870. 4385480.<br />

SP"' preferred. $550 mo. 944-<br />

1979 CADILLAC, super<br />

Bright, mod. 3 rm. suite, condition. Good depen-<br />

READING studio, 25900+ dable transportation,<br />

rooms. Furnished, 2nd Many oHlce suj|es, ist 4 $600 firm. 9786644976.<br />

riSL^ fSlS "SL-<br />

FULLY seasoned<br />

firewood cut, split &<br />

delivered. All tardwood.<br />

$140 per cord. (128 cf).<br />

508 667-0648 01 508 851-<br />

3213. 12/311<br />

2nd flre «1SO«00 tm. 198O OLDS 88 Runs<br />

LS» 1« *."■*'■* Agent781-93I»19B. Good ^ Sdy. ZS;<br />

$137 wk. 781944-1554.<br />

WOBURN - 5000 sq ft brakes, gas tank, cat<br />

READING 1000s.(., 3rm fenced storage yard in conv. Needs tran work<br />

apt.. 2nd fl.. Reading industrial zone, good for 307. $225/BO. 617-245-<br />

Center. 24 x 24 LR. 1 BR. storage of contractors 7880.<br />

bath, kit w/all appl equipment. For lease 6 1981 CADILLAC 4 dr. 368<br />

$700/mo. + utils. $500/mo. Carbone RE<br />

9782830707.<br />

V8 engine, new Trans,<br />

617-9356444.<br />

good tires, body fair, runs<br />


STONEHAM for rent. 2<br />

good. $999830 272O570.<br />

Cut 1fr 18" length. Split bdrm Condo, ground<br />

HI<br />

128 cubic foot cord. $110<br />

1981 GMC 1 ton dump<br />

floor, heat & hw included,<br />

CABVfflS<br />

508667 3607 no pets, 1 car parking.<br />

NO ANDOVER 1 BR farm truck, new brakes, clutch<br />

I have access to several<br />

Kinwi ran 7Ri'.j-ui' cottage, edge of pond, carbureter, new front<br />

thousand yards Stain<br />

1816 12/17s **<br />

Master Carpet. You can<br />

on ,50 ""»- 2 ,,re ,,res ***** Oood cond .<br />

■kBiei uBuvi. IUUCW ,„ «-, o»» : wAoft. All apple's incld. runs great. $2,000 B/O.<br />

carpet youriivingroom ASStAJS 51^!"^ "V^J 1 - 1 1989 LINCOLN <strong>Town</strong> Car. cond.. Asking $8,000. Call<br />

1987 FORD Crown Victo- well maintained & in 617-2724445.<br />

^J^^L^J fSLSSS^ "** 1992 DODGE Spirit. 4 dr..<br />

27UTA fnJS' C"<br />

? W/D hkup. loSl for 1 or 2 Call Jim 24S30S1<br />

and hall for $295. Price<br />

9 "*** white w/Mue. fwd. auto.<br />

£w^V«rS«r/^' '989 Mercury Sable ps. pb. cass.. ac, body.<br />

>rauu ui/^AKPe/ wagon, loaded, 3rd seat. int. immac Runs new. 1<br />

1987 Ford Taurus Wagon, front wheal dr. asking yr. 12K warr. $3795. Can<br />

ate. front wheel dr. 3rd $3495.978632-4464. bring to you". 938-4025.<br />

2BBB o55;-»5 l !h«^ 8kin0 1 989 Mercury Grand 1992 FORD Tempo V6 ac.<br />

siWP.»/e^g-Mtt4. Marquis LS, 115k, Tan ps. pb. p. LKS. tilt. wh.<br />

1987 FORD ESCORT GT. w/tan leather, well main- lug rack. rmt starter, ex<br />

Wht toward tan int. start- tamed, new brakes $1695. cond., 1 owner. 87K.<br />

dard, front whl drv. 781-7298040Lvmess. $4395830272-2727.<br />

JUSJ 8, H27 ^ JmnTv 1 9B9 OWsDefta 88. Royal 1992 For Mustang, red/<br />

^jmuK * dr. 1 owner, loaded. 75K black int exc cond 73K<br />

BO.617272*475 rm,asking$4995. mi $3000 Call 50665*<br />

1987 MERCURY Park 978S32-4464. 3408.1/141<br />

Colony Wagon. 8 pas- 1999 Olds Ciena 4 dr. 1 1992 GEO Prism. 4 dr.. 5<br />

senger. Runs great, owner, front wheel dr. spd . 63K mi., great<br />

Loaded. $899.9353581. amffm cass, ate. 78K mi, stereo, fwd, great cond..<br />

exc. winter car. $6150/<br />

BO. 781246-7769.<br />

Hardwood. Free delivery.<br />

rm. 2nd fir. apt. Heat incl. people Avail 1/1/98, $900 IQRI MONTE CARLO<br />

incl. carpet & pad, based SEASONED HARDWOOD Res. nghbhd. no pets. + „,«. smolak Farms, wkcuTtom built 400 ho<br />

on 30 sq. yards Installa- Cut. split. & delivered $850 Last mo + sec 9788888058. 12/1& -no ^ouanmleedMd<br />

tion avail. Also have $150 per cord. Call 978- dep. Ideal for prof. col. „_-■■-,, „„..,.„ . "■" miT^mS eaal<br />

Berber & comm. carpet.<br />

6638485or7814356922. 781438-1885. 12/10s WOBURN duplex. 4 tow ML, I<br />

bdrm., 1 1/2 baths, $4000rBRO.617944-1541. 617397-2836<br />

John 617-272-8822 tfs<br />

S^'SS^SJwS^zS $1900rmo. Neg Fee. No 1982 CHEVY Caprice<br />

Split & Delivered. 1/2 cord St. pkg.. big back yard, pets, aval. Jan. 1st. Call vtfanon All oower aood<br />

vw.MTuM.com/picoptions $90. full cord $160 (128 walk.opub.te..rans$850 % Vht-J^ Larkin & Jg^Jf „££ C<br />

Daily Specials plus free cf)- <strong>Wilmington</strong> Land- mo., no utils. Av. Jan 1 Larkin RE 781 942 2060 miles. Runs well. $950.<br />

weekly drawing. scaping 978 657- Please call Tracy, 781<br />

617935-7439.<br />

8348. 12/171 2793159. 12/17s<br />

HOOKED on Phonics<br />

1*5 1982 SUBARU, good<br />

(used twice) $150.<br />

STONEHAM - Small 2 rm<br />

ATTH: LANOLOeos condition, 77K miles, one<br />

Yamaha Moped bikes, GARAGE. YARD & apt. for sngle adult w/<br />

Do you have a house, owner. $1200. CaH 781<br />

$100 & $175. Boys sz. 14<br />

effic kite. & BA, conv<br />

huskey Mack suit, worn MOVING SALES toe.. $510 htd<br />

"^X2i« apt. duplex or condo for 438-7344 after 5 pm.<br />

. no pets. rent? CaU ELFMAf| R_E_ 12/i0s<br />

once. $30.944-8073.<br />

944-4696.<br />

<strong>Wilmington</strong>. 508-658-<br />

MACINTOSH Performer<br />

lit 1983 AMC Concord V6<br />

TEWKSBURY 1 bedroom 4324 tft<br />

engine. Good shape.<br />

460 Computer w/14" col- MOVING Sale. Everything<br />

apt. w/kitchenette and 3/4<br />

Runs. Needs some TLC.<br />

or monitor incls. must go. Fum., bath in private home Off Bantak To Share 167 $500781-224-2894.<br />

Hewlett-Packard printer housewares. etc. Saturstreet<br />

parking, separate —"—'*«—"<br />

(Deskwriter) GJarisworks, day, Dec. 13, 8 am to 2<br />

Microsoft Word & more. pm. 8 Pine Street. 12/10n<br />

$400/BG 781 942-7845. :<br />

Sing & Snore Ernie $125 REAL ESTATE<br />

or Best Offer. Call 781-<br />

9353744.<br />

Only 6 left. $135 each<br />

Free delivery. 944-3523 WOBURN - 2 BR condo..<br />

leave message.<br />

2nd fl., Continental<br />

Court. $79,500 By owner.<br />

SNOW BLOWER - Aliens<br />

781-9324350.<br />

24in. 7HP.<br />

Electric Starter<br />

Tire chains Just tuned<br />

149<br />

$325-781 72»5372 STONEHAM - 4 BR colo-<br />

SNOWBLOWERS Used & nial. 3 CT full baths. CT<br />

completely tuned up. kit, hdwd tis. deck, Ig<br />

Hahn Eclipse 7 hp 24" yd, fin. attic, & lovely in<br />

has new short block law w/sep. walk-out entry.<br />

$375; Sears Craftsman 5 Move right in. $198,000<br />

hp-22" $300; Ariens 4 By appt. only 781-438hf>20"<br />

$250. 944-5713 0210<br />

after 6 pm.<br />

Stereo Equip. Pioneer<br />

tuner, Hafter power, amp.<br />

Technics turn tM, cas.<br />

deck, equalizer & rack<br />

mount cab. All or<br />

seperate 617 944-4480.<br />

TRAILER Hitches SOW us" CaTl Principal/Agent WILMINGTON 4 rms<br />

and installed, pickup 617906-0075<br />

truck bumpers, all types<br />

of welding. Elston<br />

Welding Service, 280<br />

Park St, North Reading.<br />

506664-3496 tfn<br />

w<br />

1987 MONTE CARLO - asking$3995.<br />

Lux Sport, 145K, new gas 978632^464.<br />

tank, full power. V6. in- .900 olds Drtta f» Roval<br />

entrance. No animals, READING single mother 1984 Chevy Camaro Z28.<br />

non smoker. $550 month looking for same to share auto. T tops, pwr winincludes<br />

utilities. Please 2nd flr. apt. W/D. quiet dows. new alternator. &<br />

call after 7 pm. 9/8 658- St.. $500 mo. + 1/2 utils. work done on coolant<br />

3076 Must provide refer 6179428023. sys.$1,000/BO 935-4272.<br />

ences. Available in ■ooauKATf WAMTID 1984 CENTURY Wgn. 3.0<br />

Jan 12n0t<br />

- No smokers please. Mr., ps, pb, am fm cass.,"<br />

143 WAKEFIELD spec. 2 BR. Stoneham 2 bdrms., 1 kit. ac. r/defog , 85K. Runs<br />

2nd flr of 2 tarn, c'nveway & bath. $350 mo. ht incl. great. $1800/80. Call 781<br />

pkg, w/d hkup Not Ian2798051. 12/17s 729-4558<br />

deleaded. $900 + utils. VVOBURN - 2 prof men 1984 PONTIAC GRAND<br />

322-7800. ext. 108. 12/10s seek same to share 3 PRIX all pwr options incl.<br />

WAKEFIELD - Quiet bdrm apt. Good toe on sunroof, ate. 8 cyl. 112K<br />

nghborhd, Ig. modem 2 Bus line. Nr ctr, off sl miles, well maint. $1,500<br />

fam w/yd. snow plowing pkg. cable hkup. non firm. Call Gregg eves<br />

& landscaping, ht/hw srnkrs/pets. $375 indds 617-2480366.<br />

nc., off St. pking, conv. all. Avail now. 935-1879. 1985 BUICK Regal<br />

1 992 Geo Storm Teal<br />

•f9*«**4Lm '») Brougam.67KmSto^grey ?««.. 2 dr. hatrt^-<br />

SfTOOrBO. Jim 272-1954. r£T int Exc cond O 000 cond- $*500rBO.<br />

1987 NISSAN Maxima $4.800/BO. 1 owner. 617 °*l 508658-7949 Lenny.<br />

SE, Wk., V6, ac, sunrf., all 2298698 ^^ 1992 JEEP Wrangler. 4x4.<br />

^.■^^1^2*^7^ 1989 TOYOTA Celica.35K * ■•"Si V6 Mint cond. 98. ^<br />

'<br />

2 „, chepman, ^ AS> Irt, 5 spd. 73K. Alpine<br />

auto Exc cond $7900 am,,m cass 1 Jesse<br />

-<br />

1987 Nissan 200SX. Wk. Call 617 3543054. (781)932 3387 btwn 7-<br />

V6, ate, all power. 138K, iam CHFVROIFT Cot ^^<br />

E&rnnS&kff *• LT^SJSrS SSe ^ MA2BA MX6. auto.<br />

BO. CaM 617^44^372. w/ J- g 6 s^ red w/spoiler exc. cond..<br />

1987 Nissan Sentra. 2 1 owner. Loni mi. immac. lt« own : e ;- ® 5 m eS<br />

*L,<br />

door, red, 5 spd Clarion $3,195/80.617938-4025. $5500.617-9358252.<br />

stereo, very reliable. ^.,^..w . :— 1992 OWs Achieva. 4 dr,<br />

$800rBO.781-245-4267. 1990 CHEVY Lumina write/red interior, 65K,<br />

1987 Otos CuMaasTT*. ^" ro ^ *, *" F?^I n,ns 9 rea »- «- 495 Gutt -<br />

white, clean, runs great. %**• S "^1 |%° 1» Salem St.. Wobum.<br />

$2350. Gulf Station. 163 S^^JSto 6 ^ Financin 9 avail 2^9164.<br />

Salem St.. Wobum. R- ^«jpJo25 1992 TOYOTA Corolla LE.<br />

nancingavail.2794164 cono.»^tuz> 1 ^^^ ^ ^^<br />

1990 Chevy Celebrity _!-__ __, .„, ,.__ „-.<br />

1987 OLDS Toronado. Euro Sport Wagon. 6 cyf. r^esTsT^OO^onta^<br />

79K mi. auto, immac. 1 owner; cteanT $3995. 751 fl 27?7301<br />

cond.. $3200/BO. Call Gulf. 163 Salem SL R- JA ' ' ^r<br />

(617)944-4616. nancingavail.2798164. 93 F ° r Taurus GL<br />

nSL P 5. NT 4 A 5 Sn v^ 5 neville LE. 4 dr, auto. Yorker. 5S^S Landau, loaded, --rantv IXV^-iWS<br />

immac cond<br />

n^^ ne -. br timing belt, all<br />

nn-ef<br />

power,<br />

SL2S<br />

highway<br />

2"<br />

rm.<br />

2^J2<br />

BB value<br />

SS3b.938^4025<br />

-^=r=^^r-^ rzr~<br />

"_<br />

Clean & dependable, over $6k Asking $3500/ 19B3 FORD Tempo, 4 dr..<br />

$2.450/BO 933-4816. BO. Call 978664-0286. **«*■ ,eal wtoyster grey<br />

ing to you. 938-4025.<br />

to train & highways. 1st<br />

—— Presidential, all options,<br />

fl. 5 rms. 2 BR, + fin.<br />

■ W exc. cond. $1995830. Call<br />

basement. $1150. 2nd fl.<br />

6 rms 3/4 BR, $1250. Avail<br />

FURNISHED rooms & 1<br />

12/31.781-2458508.<br />

WAKEFIELD - 1st Ad.<br />

Lovety, 6 rm, 3 BR, kje.<br />

apt. in 2 family home w/<br />

151 fenced yd. & walking<br />

distance to train. Avail.<br />

BUILDING lots wanted!<br />

2/1. $1250 incldg. heat<br />

7819333063.<br />

studio in Wobum. Handy 1985 BUICK Century. 61K<br />

location. H-HWetoc. ind. original miles. 4 door.<br />

$S0-$135 wk. + sec. dep. power windows. $2000/<br />

932 3827 NOW. BO. Call 617-677-5609<br />

STONEHAM large, clean Leave message.<br />

furnished room. Parking. 1985 CHEVY Blazer S-10.<br />

conven. toe. Non smoker. Runs, needs work. $500.<br />

Reading. Wobum Wikn- (Fee) fi£uTManor Re references. $90 wk. 662- Ask for Pete.<br />

ington, Wakefield. aitvfUAJtm<br />

alty 9444300.<br />

7423. 12/IOs 978856-1777. 12/17t<br />

Stoneham. Sell direct to WAKEFIELD 398 Main St. 1985 DODGE Caravan LE<br />

Clean furnished room, kit 2.6L, 3 sp. auto. 7 pass..<br />

Spacious & sunny, full<br />

attic for storage. Prkg<br />

& laun. prtv. $90 week ps & pb. tilt, cruise, rt<br />

prime location, walk to<br />

617245-2045or rack. exc. cond., well<br />

Desires to buy from<br />

trains $850 utils. includ-<br />

617942-7113. tfn maint. 137K. $1500/80.<br />

owner in southwest side<br />

ed, non smoking, single WILMINGTON - Furnish Job"617 944-3664.<br />

of Reading or nearby.<br />

or couple pref'd. 508- ed room in quiet, clean 1985 LINCOLN <strong>Town</strong>car.<br />

Prefer an older col. style<br />

657-4130. 12/101 house. Light cooking. Mack, all pwr., new ex-<br />

WOOD or Coal Burning home possibly in need of<br />

Stove 28W x 24 in. x 33H. TLC 1617 4386708 WILMINGTON 1 bedroom<br />

w/d Call Scott haust, new radiator.<br />

Old Fashion took Black ^== apt $895 mo. phis 1/3<br />

5086584937. ntf valves, seals. $1000/BO<br />

with chrome trim. $100.<br />

utils. and fee. Kelley & WILMINGTON furnished 9172733458.<br />

Call 508664-4872. 12/10n RENTALS Co. CaH 978658-4171 room for rent w/use of 1985 OLDS CUTLASS EX.<br />

WILMINGTON: 2 bdrm.<br />

full kit. & bath. Prfv. ertt. cond. well maint.. PS. PB,<br />

MjjjjjpjJM 105 Aff »■■■!!*<br />

Good for prof, non-smkr.<br />

& park. All util. & cW 1/4 alarm, Alpine CO speak,<br />

COST ANIMAL SPATSNG Cf»»fl08 157<br />

Firpl. laundry, ac. AH<br />

mile from Rt. 93. 978 plus amp, mint int. plus<br />

6586849 12/10t ext. Asking $3300. 273utils.<br />

incl. $70O$B00 per<br />

Fern, cat $60. Male cat ANDOVER - Ig. fum. stu<br />

mo. Must like pets. 978 WOBURN - rm for rent in "^P*<br />

$50. F«og WO, Mroog dto Pool & tennis. Ht &<br />

6583393.<br />

under 60 lbs.. $80. Rabies ^ jnc,. $675rmo. Call<br />

& distemper shots nee. JOhn leave message.<br />

$19J0rvaccine. 7296453. (781)3348502. 12/17n Just Off 128. on Rt 3<br />

Remod. lux studios 1 $ 2<br />

FREE to good home. 5 ARLINGTON 2 bdrm. ♦.<br />

bdrms. from $695. Incl. h<br />

year old declawed Male H^WO Hr8 owner occup.<br />

& hw. All concrete fire<br />

neutered cat. Very affec- No smfcg, no pets.<br />

proof const., bus stop.<br />

ttonate. Call 781 5534594 $1100+ utils. All United oool m^tm.~m\9~w\<br />

W-"»9- 781446-3935.<br />

6 dr.. auto trans., tow mis., exc. cond. inside/out. All<br />

$2,150/90 617 492-4886. pwr., ac. am fm stereo. ,<br />

1987 Toyota CeHca ST. rwd. great winter car. JPm*2P*« ***<br />

auto. ac. 89K mi. Newer $2850. Call 7812703114. ^8p« ■ "«" J**<br />

tires. brks. exh. garaged. ,990 Fort Taurus Wagon aTJuSlltovs alarSTl<br />

Body in great shape. LX, 1 owner, good shape - ownr SlflLSonal<br />

$3300/80.938-1013 $2800 Call 78V93S2158 cond $7895 93W025<br />

dr<br />

—*nice<br />

nghborhd, off st. pk- 1985 SUBURU GL. looks<br />

ing, w/d, ht ind. $400rmo. & runs good, high mi,<br />

share common space, many new parts, good<br />

Call 935-7845. transportation. $600/BO<br />

WOBURN Rooms m, 617-9384732.<br />

W r2w2'bl2 L Sit5 1990 Honda Civic 4 dr. 1993 MERCURY Grand<br />

S4K miAM Hla2 LX. fuH power. 5 sp. front Marquis GS. 65K. ps. pw.<br />

rass all nwr Rear wheel dr - 59K m '- ksk,n Q keyteSS en,,y - ^ 9 ° 0d<br />

offog.; 2. cruise tflt $«995 978632^464. cond. $9800 firm<br />

694-1580 ask for Jim.<br />

whl.. alarm. Excellent 1990 LINCOLN TOWN<br />

978<br />

condition. Asking $4200. CAR. loaded. 57000 1993 MUSTANG Mach I.<br />

617937-3743 miles. $7,800 Call 617- Parts car or restorable.<br />

9336282. Needs gas tank & bump-<br />

1988 CUTLAS CIERA, gd er replaced 1st $3000830<br />

cond. front whl dr. new «" S£?JfifS dnves it away Before<br />

exhaust, gd tires, am/fm 9°". « P£ 78K. JTW* 3pm617.27^1234.<br />

cass. ate OO 617*35^<br />

St.. Wobum. Financing 1993 PROBE 49K mi. ate.<br />

I 617279-9164. pwr w/l. auto, new ehx/<br />

GuM tton 1 Salem<br />

•<br />

5289. after 5pm.<br />

1988 CHEVY Nova. 178K =='""'" g.-.-- tires. excT cond. $7395<br />

rons ££ $9SBO°9^- «^S BUS < 781 > 9 wy. aiw w 3938550. i/30s<br />

brakes, tires, in new «■.«" P*^- % owner ' •*■<br />

cond $2800 78K. Call n<br />

978-4703057.<br />

rant. Off st. pking, close 1988 AUDI 4000s Loaded<br />

to rte 38. stores, bus & runs good, body good.<br />

restaurants. Call 617- sunroof, about 130K mi.<br />

Pheasant Ridge 42 Cam- 9332941 Lv mess. $1000830. Call after 6pm<br />

FREE 2 yr. old spayed BILLERICA (north): Lg 2 bridge Rd ,617-935-1232 ====== 781-938-1838.<br />

Female dog. LabrShepard 00, wWeck; w&d hook<br />

mix. Needs loving home. ups. off st pkg.; Avail<br />

Call after 8 pm. Mary Dec. $700. 1st. Sec. Dep.. WOBURN mod. 2 br. SKIWA<br />

942-3807. trw^froperte. sat2KyL , t2 r 1/30s<br />

Must sell. 1994 Ford Ranger XLT.<br />

Priced to sell at $5950. xtra Cab. 4.01 Auto, power<br />

508 8560061. everything, factory CD<br />

1988 DAYTONA Must 1990 TOYOTA Tercel P<br />

171 1986 CADILLAC Fleet<br />

" wood. Good condition.<br />

$3800.781273-1284.<br />

- 2rr**°»~*-<br />

taver - afc - we " mam -<br />

sell. 1 owner. 77K, ex. /jo^ condition 119K iainoa - diamond tool box<br />

con gr main. FWD/AC/ ggJSS2^stendart ** liner - bn,e S 67K -<br />

sunrf/PSrt»Bffl. new br SK^HOoSSoS S3» C"" 5 942 -* 47S<br />

$1900rBO 506664^815 933^227.' 1994 FORD Taurus GU<br />

1988 JEEP Cherokee 4x4. 1W1 gj^ fSSK 4 MK , ■■» mi -. -•■«»;<br />

5sp. ate. p*. pro, new ^ Km miles o^ty 50K. euston phone. AC. mint<br />

battery, exc. intouL ready Automatic, ac. Stereo. KfttftSU 6 *-<br />

for snow. 104K mi.. ,jhe „„, $4 700 or BO cond 944^)914. $7250.<br />

$4200830 781-4384243. 50B6846407evenings. 1994 MITSUBISHI<br />

1988 Monte Carlo LS V8. 12/16s ECLIPSE GS 16 valve, ate.<br />

auto, all pwr, 110K. T ragi CUTLASS Suoreme *" DOwer • only ^^S?<br />

Tops, tots of parts rptcd. JS a? pm?m, U*KK ■•* »«eal at $7,900.<br />

runs exc. clean, need tijk. mec.' f^ymi, 1 $17-7312893.<br />

781 7290999<br />

128/93. ww cpt.. ac. bale . 3 bd. 2 ba. t/h. 2 tv/vcr. 1986 DODGE Daytona cash, $3500 J 8243 f^^ goo,, Wn„ «m fm 1994 MAZDA Protege LX,<br />

107 $780 mo. incls ht 6 hw, stereo. Fully fum. Wlk to Hatchback, ps. pb. 4 cyl.. 1988 MONTE CARLO tape. $4,000 508 864- exc cond.. am fm cass..<br />

.■■■Ill yard. 781862-7746. pool / gym / jacq. Low 85K, ex. cond.. asking Luxury Sport. V6 auto, 2090.<br />

5 spd., 1 owner, 37.5K,<br />

CARDtOGUDE tow im- Stoneham 2 bdrm . 1 bath<br />

rates. 781-665-2171. $1000. 978884-5686 after 62K mi.. 1 owner. Vy<br />

pact. Adjustable tension. in Mdg. $825 mo. no utils. WOBURN Be home for<br />

1991 CA»< Tm.~.~ m »c. P*<br />

12/108 6pm.wkends(9-12). clean. 933-4773. $2300.<br />

Excellent condition. 2 bdrm.. 1 bath also in the holidays! Vary ig 3<br />

$150. Call 617 937-3316. Mdg $925 mo. htd. 617 BR house; W&D hook<br />

" 1988 HONDA Prelude.<br />


6288110.<br />

12/24S upe; off street prkg; New<br />

New muffler & battery<br />

Black, sunroof, power<br />

ceUent condition. $300. MEL SC to r<br />

22 ,\? JL. *!5 Sec." Dep. t Fee'Pfunfceti<br />

windows. $1395. Call<br />

Call 617-272-0988 2+ BR; w&d hook ups; Pn^rttos 781-7296999<br />

617-2454291.<br />

off street prkg; non- —ST __ _<br />

smoking adults pref Pets Wobum - 1 BR in quiet<br />

OK; avail 12/1; $600; 1st; »>Qhbhd off-st prkg for 1<br />

Iff last; sec. Dep. Fee ear. no pats, non-smkr<br />

SWIMMING pool winter Phinkett Properties 781cover<br />

for t9' x 36" pool 7290999.<br />

wfend steps. Like new! MELROSE downtown<br />

For use w/water tubes, area. 2 bdrm.. no utils<br />

r - Pkg-. black.<br />

>U<br />

$7500 Watoer days. 781<br />

2SW ft *?*3- 6^383:^:2270036<br />


, 1986 OLDSMOBILE Delta auto. ate. v8. exc. cond.<br />

'<br />

88. 4 dr. 6 cyl, new trans.. 12 nvo. warranty, $3795 1994 PROBE. 37K mi. It<br />

runs good. 10K miles B/O. 936-4025 blue, pwr w/l. arn/fm tape.<br />

Auto A Track<br />

lil<br />

!!^<br />

1986 OLDSMOBILE T<br />

S AUTOwtOTtVf Calais, 82 orig. miles.<br />

grey. 4 door. $2500/80.<br />

$875 utils not included.<br />

Must sell as is.<br />

avaH 12/15.932-0143.<br />

4383734. 2/5e<br />

1988 PORSCHE 944. red<br />

3 room. 1 bdrm $800 in Truck cap for 6 ft bed, w/tan leather int.. 93K<br />

$20O/BO. 781-944-5751. close to aH transp., $700 el.. 5 rm. 2 bdrm $800 ♦ , cotor gray, excel cond mi.. Asking $5,000 Scott<br />

Reading. mo CaH 662*489 Agent 781-9385198. $100 Call 5086586023 617-2792094<br />

W ^ 8 5LSL^(617>9444I479<br />

TOYOTA Corolla. 2 am/fm case. Showroom<br />

dr htchbk.. 4 cyl. 5 spd.. cond. Very dean! Low 1994 TOYOTA Camry LE<br />

vy. clean, runs gd. Hi mis. Mi. $2300CaH932-7380. Sedan, auto, ac, full Lo<br />

$1495830.7294J578 -~ ir—mr«nniT g l * ck - *°w* package.<br />

!«— T^V^T. cv ^., IjlvPwfaTPa; bit. 83K. exc. cond $11KA3C.<br />

1988 TOYOTA FX, red, 2 giK mi. new stereo, soft 6172454472.<br />

dr.. hatch. 5 sp . 1S0K top, new then, gd. cond ,<br />

miles, good body. 1 w. maint Seer $6300 AUTO<br />

owner. $1700. 617-334- Eric 9444318, days 978- ««««»«« —<br />

3993 774-1114 TO S-12<br />

-<br />



Tvssm<br />

DECEMBER 16<br />

1997<br />

TFM ■ /PM<br />

•fT/rr<br />

«0lW.<br />

Customer Service<br />

Representatives<br />

Boston CoMnwucjfaoas Grovp, a leacfaig provider or ser<br />

vices lo iSe wireless nckflfey, neb makit, reaponsUt m&*vkt<br />

OP wiifc cwoEfcnt aanewMeooMOB ond rtBjperMnol MBB lor OUT<br />

VNfabuTi and Burangton Coi Center*. Conge oraduoRBs/crjnci<br />

oaks wA PC proficiency or la^lariy reoM^or equi«ORBR»<br />

biABiess enenaice ■» customer service, telephone support or<br />

fBDhnns BRBMRn<br />

(2ndand3tds»i*»,<br />

ITutfontomb<br />

SID AID,<br />

Hontoatend our Jet Fa. ot Confute ED, 100 Sylvan Road, Wobum. MA,<br />

faa^oHl2fl,oal35.bA^AniB0ndSlop&Shop.»>ouafeUnoUe<br />

to ofcnd. pkon JOB your resume to {711) 994-064 or<br />

phone(781)994*549 Vaeaurwateteat<br />

EOE<br />

=. BOSTON<br />


GROUP<br />


/<br />

Data Entry<br />

C>pportunity to work in physicimn<br />

aedentimlmt program.<br />

iabdabamAMkibUa^Miianduaioaalikxa-<br />

HM6 usmg a personal axapnkx, laanaaj ataVcone-<br />

•^jundmce, and nhnc Retains pencna' computer<br />

experience and cxmuunKutJon *nJ OBBBBaXaV<br />

tJotuisUk. VrtBtram<br />

For inanaaafe aaaanrin, afanjc ami nmmM te<br />

HmmmlUsomtrHnmi.PHffraBVtrkanu<br />

mmmm he. UkmnnmniUmmmt, Smne M<br />

itomdum. \Ut2im orfauc ZSI-27MJ87.<br />

So mkmrrMHi, pint- „.xo<br />

AUTO<br />

FROM S-11<br />

1995 FORD Probe. 30K<br />

mi., standard, ac. blk/blk<br />

S10.000 or BO. Call 781<br />

273-1377 after 6 pm ask<br />

for Dino or Jeanne..<br />

1995 GEO Tracker 5 sp, 2<br />

dr. conv. blk. 1 owner,<br />

excel, cond. 14K mi. 4<br />

wd. am/fm cass st. Ask-<br />

ing 10K 721-0244.<br />

1995 GEO Tracker 4x4<br />

conv. alarm, am fm<br />

stereo, allow whls., auto,<br />

low mi., under war. Good<br />

summer & winter vehicle.<br />

$8995030.508 656^7029.<br />

1995 HONDA Accord LX.<br />

5 sp.. exc. cond.. It. blue,<br />

all power, ac. cass.,<br />

$9995. Days 617 578-<br />

3986, eves. 7819446879.<br />

1995 HONDA Civic EX. 2<br />

dr coupe. 5 spd. blk. pwr<br />

everything, sunrf, cruise,<br />

exc. cond. ext. warr.<br />

12.800 mi, $11.400<br />

7295459.<br />

1995 MAZDA 626 LX, Ex-<br />

cellent cond.. gold. auto,<br />

ac, pwr cruise. 75K<br />

$8950 Call 978*640967<br />

1995 PONTIAC Grand<br />

Prix SE, Mack/gray. 2 dr,<br />

V6. auto, 38K mi, ground<br />

effects pack., loaded, 10<br />

disc CD, runs/looks new,<br />

$11.800/BO. 617 2298014<br />

1995 TOYOTA CELICA St<br />

Coupe. 38K, 1 owner, AC,<br />

black on black, auto w/<br />

overdrive, showroom<br />

cond. $12,500.<br />

781-438-3072.' '<br />

1996 Olds Cutlass<br />

Supreme. 2 dr. polo<br />

green, tan leather, load-<br />

ed. 24K mi. S15000/BO<br />

Chris 617-933-7689.<br />

1996 PLYMOUTH Grand<br />

Voyager SE. 21K mi.<br />

loaded Rem start sec.<br />

sys. exc. cond.. warr.<br />

trans. white. $17K. Call<br />

781279-2025. IQOs<br />


Z-24. red. pw pi psnrf,<br />

auto. 7K mi. car is mint &<br />

fast, must sell. $16,000.<br />

78193S1443.<br />

1997 Chevy Tahoe white<br />

w/blue leath.. loaded. 12K<br />

mi. must sell $29.900A3O.<br />

781-721-2855 leave mess<br />

AkrtoWaiittjw 1R7<br />


Highest prices paid.<br />

$$$$$. Junk cars &<br />

trucks. Wing's Used Auto<br />

Parts. 1628 Shawsheen<br />

St. Tewksbury, 508-851-<br />

8100<br />

1996 HONDA XR 100.<br />

Mint cond. Nice. XMAS<br />

present. About 20 hrs on<br />

Bike. $1300. Call<br />

978657-4626. 12/17t<br />

Reaeational<br />

Vehicles 191<br />

AMERIGO Camper,<br />

sleeps 6. needs TLC.<br />

Free! Call for details:<br />

508851-5482.<br />

1988 FORD Jamboree<br />

Rally. Sleeps 6. 10K orig.<br />

mi., auto roll down awn-<br />

ing. Exc. cond. Must be<br />

seen to believe. Self con-<br />

tained. $19,500. Call<br />

Nancy 272-5916 eves.<br />

Tracks t V« 193<br />

1978 GMC DUMP 4x4 ml<br />

plow, great work truck.<br />

Call 781-942-8568<br />

S5.000A3O.<br />

1982 J-10 Jeep P/U 4x4<br />

Autotrans 350 Engine<br />

POL, PW. PS custom In-<br />

terior. RHINO Bedliner.<br />

must see to appreciate.<br />

$10.000/BO. 617-272-0503.<br />

1984 GMC 1/2 ton S-15<br />

Ex-cab. Auto, 4x4 w/cap.<br />

Runs good. Needs some<br />

work. $1500. 781-721-<br />

9807.<br />

1984 S10 BLAZER 4x4,<br />

2 dr., black, needs<br />

transmission work.<br />

$500rBO. Call Joe 617<br />

93S6135.<br />

1985 FORD HICUBE 12<br />

ft. box -//shelving. 16K<br />

orig. miles, new tires &<br />

paint, dual tanks, looks &<br />

runs like new. $10.200.<br />

781-944-3219.<br />

1985 FORD F-250 white. 4<br />

WD, w/Fisher plow, good<br />

condition. 3 Many new<br />

parts. S5000/BO 617-<br />

942-1618.<br />

1986 CHEVY 10 Van, 78K<br />

mi. orig. on eng. Carb.,<br />

trans, rear end, all rebuilt.<br />

New paint, finished in-<br />

side. Good rubber. Vy.<br />

gd. cond. $2200. John<br />

933-1605.<br />

1986 CHEVY S10<br />

Durango PAJ. 45K miles,<br />

new Lear cap, new tires.<br />

$4700 Call 508^664-4601<br />

1986 FORD F250. 4x2.<br />

red ft Mack w/cap, 351<br />

V-8. looks ft runs great,<br />

no rust S3995/BO 978-<br />

6642424.<br />

1987 Mazda B2000. P/U.<br />

5spd. only 94K mi. am/fm.<br />

custom cap, looks ft runs<br />

great. S2.200/BO 781-<br />

24fr7769<br />

1988 CHEVY Suburban<br />

4x4, Silverado pakg,<br />

32.300 orig. mi., impec<br />

cable cond.. $13,500<br />

944-0013<br />

I<br />

needs<br />

Tuckers<br />

pnmarity in grades K-8.<br />

Apphcatwns avaiabte in<br />

the Superintendents<br />

Oface at Lyrmheld <strong>Town</strong><br />

Hal. Four year coSege<br />

degree required<br />

CeR.<br />

7II-334-5IM<br />

1988 DODGE Ram. Full<br />

size, runs great. Back to<br />

school, must sell. $2,800<br />

BAD 617 2724)236 Tim.<br />

1968 FORD Ranger 4x4, 5<br />

spd., V6, am fm, high<br />

mileage, sunroof, runs<br />

excellent. $3100. Call<br />

after 4.617 438-1540.<br />

12/24S<br />

T»T y-.-r*' **-- , *0-~* *-■■+ h**'"*<br />

Part-fcme. temporary paRRjH tor RUM<br />

about January 21.1998.4 hows per day. 5 days par<br />

Dotes reojuMB adrrwVstra&on of weaands raautakons,<br />

overview of conwudton njnjnRa, pubic meeengs. and<br />

coordnaaon wRi toan boards. Two right meetings per<br />

month required Appkcant must tana degree<br />

DrwironmanMI Saence or raMad fceto Salary it $15 par<br />

hour.<br />



Winchester. HA 01890. by December 22,1997<br />

No benefits, and appkcani must prowde own transportation.<br />

Mteage on the |0b can be charged lo tie town Wmchestor<br />

does not onxsvninato on race, color, sex. national origin,<br />

age. rafgna ordsabaaes<br />

For Inquirim cm* (781) 721-71S2 "»«<br />




R We currently have Temp & Temp lo Direct oprainfs for ■<br />

m Adaiuuslrative AwtUaart aad Cartaaur Ser» ;ct |<br />

J| R —M<br />

«*/ lkuoirr tin /tarn Difference!!<br />

S<br />

I<br />

?<br />

L<br />


1-W Middlesex Tpk.<br />

.MA0IS21<br />

Z- GCC<br />


Administrative Assistant<br />

Needed lo sweat ow Tnhwiil Sapport Tom ia a fat paced<br />

tawtenjneat Retpoanbikties wUc ceaoal cknol dabes.<br />

■■■■—titanKitet. »d nuugiag vanot proyat Tbe ideal<br />

Onalwae will hive oceDea verbal jad anaca skilk aid be<br />

detail onewxd. Experieaoe »irh both Mac and PC purfofim<br />

helpM but ma netaary This is at eahy-kvd poottoa tha<br />

offers m exfrilrw np|ii»l—ly for ■rcttecal >■■■».<br />

MA 41739<br />

lo: 711-275-1115<br />



New Faglanrl Power Group bat an awawaR career<br />

opporiunHy available ia oar fun. fast paced office<br />

Rcsponsibililics include: mWmnmmM phoaes. typing lei-<br />

lers and various administrative dabes. we offer a com-<br />

peutivc salary and benefiis package inrlarlatg health<br />

insurance, paid vacalion * holidays and 40l(k)<br />

CaaoMatr should be rarrgtiir. have a dear friendly<br />

voice, and ability lo handle a variety of lasks we will<br />

be excepting applications, and iMerviewiag candid ales-<br />

Tuesday. Dec 16. at One Walnut Hill Park in Wobnra i<br />

Experienced Home<br />

1989 0^1500^.4X4 «rWF»tt. ^U^^.^l H^SSStS^ SSU1!<br />

1994 FORD Explorer Ed-<br />

die Bauer, 28.000 miles,<br />

mint condition, $18,000.<br />

617 942-1490.<br />

1994 NISSAN XE Pickup.<br />

-5 spd., ac, removable<br />

sunroof, am fm cass.,<br />

chrome pekg.. great<br />

shape S6.500/BO 944-<br />

8788<br />

Part time child care.<br />

Resp. person to care for<br />

my 3 kids in my Wilm-<br />

ington home. Must be<br />

experienced and have<br />

ref's. 978 6574389 12/17t<br />

Winchester; any 4 days, 2<br />

ft 5 yrs. $400. Winchest<br />

er; Infant care am s only.<br />

$11 hr Lexington: PT.<br />

flex, schedule. It. clean-<br />

ing, 2 children, $i2/hr<br />

Call Katie today!<br />


FT/PT Experience prefer-<br />

red. Immediate position<br />

available. Call 978 658-<br />

6200. 12/101<br />

>• Owy level RteteJa<br />

Thermo Electron<br />

Tecomet<br />


IN HI6H TECH!!!<br />

>- Do you want to break tie JOB chan and beo-i your<br />

career?<br />

>■ Do you tor* you MUST have a coaege educahon to<br />

have a can<br />

>-Have you atought you would ate a MOH TECH<br />

CAREER?<br />

Thermo Election TECOMET<br />

should be your next idea!!<br />

Tocommtn a rwjhty successtol I dwisnn dwown of ot toe the Fortune Kortum 300<br />

Thermo Electron Corporafcon For over 35 years, we<br />

been pnjvrdng our customers wan HIGH TECH sohj<br />

manutadunnq requrernents.<br />

>- Handson training whto you Hi 4 LEARN<br />

> Enaatent banuMl Some begmng as early as your<br />

aYsr day of work<br />

Famiy haaftn banaflts tor as Bate as S6.00<br />

per week (1st day)<br />

Two owarert ateanf plans (1st day)<br />

Company pmU Re and daabaty muanoa (1st<br />

«*9)<br />

vacaten and akkmw<br />

Company matching *o\k rekremant<br />

Employee saock purchase plan<br />

Ttmwort nantoursement<br />

W owkti opportuMui<br />

« you are a tagh school (or GED) graduate, have good<br />

tmnum opcyl.<br />

auto, ac, new parts ft<br />

tions. Mon-Fri 781-270tires.<br />

Blue. $2800. 978<br />

5522 ext. 15.<br />

988-9123.<br />

1989 GMC Jimmy Full BUSINESS/<br />

size. 2 dr. pw. pdl, tow FINANCIAL<br />

pkge. ps. am/fm/cd, new<br />

tires, alarm ft more.<br />

MSOOjBO 781 9389494.<br />

1990 TOYOTA 4 runner, Opportunity 199<br />

4x4, 4dr, V6. auto<br />

burgundy. Pwr wind/dr Glowing company needs<br />

locks/moon rf. Priv. glass, help! $500 / week part<br />

running bds, rf racks, ate. time. Will train, no expetilt<br />

sw. Ig alloy whls. nonce. For information<br />

brand new hdgasket/ booklet call 617576^829<br />

water pump, rec. muff. ^=^^===:<br />

shocks/timing belt. Exc.<br />

cond. Must see. 1 owner.<br />

130K highway mi. $9900.<br />

781-944-1778.<br />

1991 DODGE Dakota, V6.<br />

auto, ale, 8 ft. bed. 35K<br />

original miles, $6999.<br />

508851-3050.<br />

1991 FORD Explorer<br />

XLT. 4x4, 4 dr.. loaded,<br />

77K miles, 2 tone blue,<br />

alarm, running boards.<br />

$8700 617938-7867.<br />

1992 Chevy Blazer 4x4 pTovitte'care' in "Reading<br />

Tahoe package. 4 dr. 77K home ,or 2 children 10<br />

highway mi. looks ft runs mo. ft 4 yrs. Must be non<br />

great. Asking $11,500. smkr., have own car and<br />

617938O410. re,,. 2 days/wk. 8 am<br />

1992 Ply. Voyager Van 6pm. 942-3863.<br />

V6. auto, all power, lots Non-smkg. mature care<br />

- miiies. $15^200 ^PP'e J f people oriented w/<br />

pleasant personality for wflfedforrj ^|HK ^try k^ sak» recep- Installation onX^roadt<br />

high quality practice. PT r^rs<br />

Wed ft Fri Call Jean 978<br />

6645901.<br />


Investigator Trainees<br />

ee Children;s<br />

Center is looking to fill<br />

Good Wages<br />

the following positions at<br />

617-431-3768<br />

it's locations in Wobum. DUMONDONUTS<br />

■Infant Teacher<br />

•Pre-School Teacher<br />

•Van Driver/Floater<br />

Full ft Part time positions<br />

avail., competitive wages<br />

ft benefits. Warm, supportive<br />

environment.<br />

Training provided. Call<br />

Lisa at 781-933-2630.<br />

ASSISTANT Hairdressers<br />

wanted for busy hair<br />

salon. Growth opportuni<br />

6d {»o hours oeT ^*L 8 ^„ 4 .2°, pm - *" 2""* be ^<br />

, !SH^ K *"' ft career opportunity. 78}<br />

ort-iaonn •»<br />

train - T 81 833^288.<br />

night seven nights per _.-_-.. __-_:—=- C«UORR<br />

week. For further infor- PAT "? U - afB Smatl 9<br />

* '<br />

mation please contact P 8 )!! 0 " P 1 **""!! co. is<br />

Patricia Guarino at seek ' n fl « multi-talented, $10.00perhour<br />

HEALTHSOUTH Home mo, " va,ed P eraon ,„"" ,h Guaranteed 3 hours. \<br />

Services. 60 Mall Rd. V°°° computer skills to lege students take<br />

Suite 101, Burlington MA P" 308 * 8 payroll ft answer vantage. 933-4157.<br />

01803 (781)2296200 ext P 00 * Part-time post-<br />

203. EOE mTwrmrT *"' tion. w/full time a possi STONEHAM newest<br />

Now hiring highly motiv<br />

bility in the future. Ap laundry is looking for<br />

ft depend, people FT ft FRAMERS - Fxp. neces- proximatety 20-26 hrs per careful retiree, horn<<br />

PT. Flex, sched Bagal sary, long term local work wk. Call 781-246-2941. maker etc. Call Joe<br />

Baker/Counter Person, starting immediatty. Call PFDIATRIC Home Health 438-7627.<br />

12/31<br />

We will train. Apply to 6(KM72«21after7 30p.<br />

Aides needed for ador- Stop Reading - Be part ■<br />

store manager at: 211<br />

FULL Time Landscape able preschool ft school the picture, Olan Mill<br />

Lowell St.. in Lucci's<br />

help wanted. Call Chris aged children. Day, eve., needs representitives<br />

Plaza, Rte. 93 to exit 38.<br />

7817296828.<br />

ft block time avail For call prospective custc<br />

<strong>Wilmington</strong>, MA 01887.<br />

5089880755.<br />

FULL Time Medical<br />

more info, contact era. No closing of<br />

Assistant for busy family EtW^^HST<br />

EARN UP 1© $7 JJMwt<br />

ty. Part time, full time. Up Christmas tree lot help.<br />

to $10 hr. Call 438-1227. Dandi Lyons of Reading.<br />

AVON<br />

1331 Main Street,<br />

To buy Avon products or 781944-9226.<br />

sell to ' family, friends,<br />

Wanted for salon in<br />

co-workers. Earn up to *¥* 2LJeVff £L StoneruVFuMtmiwork<br />

week assembling pro- —^iaNe Call 617 43R-<br />

50%. Call Peg 781 933 ducts at home. No expe- EH" **■ •" «-<br />

EMPLOYMENT 6254. Ind. Rep.<br />

rience. Info 1 504 64* °<br />

BOOK BINDERY needs 1700<br />

Child Core<br />

nimble fingered bench<br />

Wonted 209 workers to index quality<br />

books. Full time, good<br />

Child Care needed at my pay ft benefits. In Winhome<br />

Mon. Wed, Fri, 1- chester near 128. Call<br />

6pm. Transportation ft Kathy781 72»8000<br />

ref's needed. Children<br />

ages 4 ft 6 yrs old Great CARPET INSTALLERS<br />

for college students. Call<br />

Helper, some experience<br />

978640-1030.<br />

helpful, but will train.<br />

Local work, flex, hours.<br />

EXP. loving Nanny to Be dependable ft willing<br />

to learn a trade. Call<br />

97a657-3841.<br />

OwU> CARE - Fantastic<br />

jobs avail. Benefits ft<br />

high salary for exp. child<br />

care providers. Car nee.<br />

of parts replaced, exc.<br />

Call today. Minute<br />

giver wanted for 3 yr old<br />

cond., 104K mi. Need<br />

Women Inc. 862-3561<br />

ft 8 mo. old in our Wobmoney<br />

for school $4500. um home. Mon-Thur ml<br />

Joe 781 272-8243. some earfy am hrs req'd.<br />

1993 FORD EXPLORER Ref's, experience, own<br />

XLT 4x4, 59K miles, 1 trans, ft CPR cert, req'd.<br />

owner, exc. cond., all To start 1/5798. Call 781power,<br />

forest green/tan 9356626 fv mess.<br />

$12,900.508664-9914. SEEKING care in my<br />

1 ".? at S3* "J P* 1 °' a<br />

rtahh. ;» oi-wi„„ HEALTHSOUTH Home parry that encourages tha<br />

Health Services, 60 Mall advancement of then<br />

Rd. Suite 101, Burlington employees, earn what<br />

MA 01803 (781)2296200 you are worth. Hourly<br />

ext 203. EOE. wages ft bonuses, am ft<br />

l R RIO XI l RUiim P 1 " shifts avail. Call now<br />

Medium size HVAC com- lor physician in Reading<br />

FAX resume to 781-942<br />

0253.<br />

interview, ask fof<br />

pany. Exp. helpful, but gS"£***£*<br />

Dept.<br />


Personal care attendant<br />

,rtend -<br />

not nee., good benefits ft tQE-617-272-9082.<br />

MA-3528 Home Health Aide need- growth potential. 781 SUBSTITUTE Teachers<br />

12C4t ed •n Melrose to work 933*288. for Wi,mlnflton scn^<br />

with a seven yr. old child<br />

PLASTICS manufacturer Dept. Some college<br />

After school hrs. avail<br />

has several positions course work preferred<br />

For further info<br />

to assist young woman ^^S *""" '" fabrica,ion -S^ te,,e '°»'"'erest to:<br />

...:.*. .«o :' ■«.n-_t„J.. Contact PatHCia Guanno f.nishinn manlMunra X R.aHfn.H I i„i,.nn<br />

with MS in W.Peabody tiTucmmiuo. finishing, maintenance ft Bradford L. Jackson,<br />

Flex. hrs. Lifting req'd. at HEALTHSOUTH Home QC. Exp. pref Exc. work Director of Administr»<br />

ocrvices, ou Mail Ho.<br />

978435-3407<br />

environment ft benefits, tion and Finance. Wiln><br />


i n,"rL^ ?«9l2<br />

Assistant wanted<br />

exp. pref. Small friendly<br />

office. Part time to full<br />

time avail. No wfcends.<br />

781246-3826.<br />

n ^ A PP h / in person to Owl ington Public Schoola.<br />

ifjfj S^? 81 * 22 ** 200 m SeparationTsystems. 10 16f Church StT^Irn;<br />

»- « P""» Call 78t-<br />

mm ?7Ri^oSTl^ LTt aM0 ^i, A " 0W customers in oor busy 9357821 for an appl<br />

0W03^1)229O200 ext LV. Wobum MA 01801. Stoneham and Burlington awjBURN full time maav<br />

^2! I MANAGER needed for heir salons. Nights and SataraTanTploundsX<br />

Exper.ence^d Mature. ,ood chain. Ptease caN weeltends a plus. Great J^omplex. WnrMuS<br />

SIM CAM<br />

Part time. We need a dyfor<br />

junk cars & trucks,<br />

namic energetic Home Health Anle need 1-6^3350641 pay ft benefits. Call Liz^^^o^J-,""*<br />

same day pickup. 617-<br />

ed to assist male patient — —— 7812730934.<br />

hygienist to join our<br />


7640015.<br />

1988 CHEVY Blazer 4x4<br />

progressive office. We<br />

in Budington Will assist<br />

/VOBURN part time<br />

«<br />

with ADLs for lor 1 hr. hr and time Receptionist/<br />

aral cleaning at<br />

350. 4 sp.. OD trans, pw,<br />

offer you an opportunity<br />

119 pi, alum. whls.. am/fm<br />

781862-3561. to grow as a valued<br />

cass., tit. whl., running 1996 CHEVY 1500 Pick-<br />

member of our team. Ex-<br />


boards, never plowed, up. 8 bed w/cap, 16K<br />

cellent salary. All inquiexc.<br />

Good reliable miles, auto. A/C. $11300.<br />

ries kept confidential.<br />

50*658-4900<br />

5086570068<br />

210 Please caH 974-451 2621<br />

son Repair. Repair. Mutoftycww Motorcycles 1»H CMEV. STEP VAN.<br />

1996 F150 4x4 XLT SOL EANN nfdlng<br />

12/241<br />

bought and sold. Over 20 Large cargo area, good V8 eng.. electronic auto books $3O.d0O7yr. inyrs<br />

exp. We pay cash for condition. 80.000 mi., o/d trans. Mint cond. come potential. Details<br />

used motorcycle parts rebuilt engine $5500/80 Remainder of warr. 18K 1 800 5134343, Ext. Y-<br />

mmtmmmtm Call Bob at 781-272-4560. mi. $18,000 508 9880612. 3023 12124s<br />

,,me Rfceptwriist/ * m £»'*^ m '** ** cleaning at a,<br />

help client get ready for O^ t A »»i! u " , 2? £* £2* P 8 **" 6 ■S Wc * T"*i« complex. $7mr<br />

bed 8 pm - 9pmIsaLthru ^ZJ^^'ZJl'^ £jfn%T-!%£?%2 K hra Must **"<br />

Sun. Other hrs. hnT avail. avail For ,. •*•»•»«■» * Oeneral of- §4) «« 2f>o0ierSaL3i793^i414.<br />

further information "" JT<br />

Dental Receptionist part<br />

time for our <strong>Wilmington</strong><br />

ft North Andover offices.<br />

Please call 9784584656 203 EOE<br />

0 * Ftox ,im «<br />

please contact Patricia Sf 38 ^^?* "»»«"•» ««<br />

GTI r i n o a t e,783M737<br />

(Ol) Call 978 6644868 lor<br />

interview.<br />


Small manufacturing<br />

■tariRtetaptlnnlal<br />


Mr «Nw«<br />

Services. 60 Mall Rd. Hours are Mon Fri, 11-2<br />

IOO,dn0 *" W" 1 ***. Of<br />

■ -„ M " ro !*I_^2?:" , S W ; 0 »» lc woodworkinl<br />

8ela> 10t, RtejJRQaBR HR pm Over_ the Rainbow JT 4 * jgSfckSaaaTT~


r=<br />

•"<br />


Are gou interested in uyorkmg m Ikjme Care?<br />

\ Oogou want to give individualattention to<br />

ifour clients?<br />

T\x\wt^Hmxfmoa*kmofmdMttrTEuti<br />

Vaatsng Nurse Ifospicc is ofitraig<br />

Supplemental Training<br />

Programs for CXA's<br />

Our<br />

hours, a c tht<br />

salaries, Ikrible<br />

fits package, and an<br />

I program. Home Health Aide<br />

to patients in over 20 com-<br />

munities; therefore, a car and valid drivers<br />

license are necessary in order to make gout visits.<br />

To explore a rewarding career with us, call<br />

Human Resources, Visiting Nurse Association of<br />

Middlesex EastATtsiting Nurse Itospke, 12 Beacon<br />

Street. Stoneham, HA 02180 at (781) 4384770,<br />

Ext. 622/601 or fax: (781) 4380367.<br />

&2± V^<br />

VMirmg r*«r»e t ■■inure<br />

I . / An Equal Opportunity Employer.<br />

—1-1 " JCAHO JCAH Accredited *U* Hmmmtmt<br />

a<br />



Customer Service *24k<br />

Inside Safes «Mtt - U*x * hrjentms<br />

ym nom/mumku,ukmutlnLSnami mm ituiio.tr<br />

mama a ■ M hUkf/ mi S3 jars' eunan ut*<br />

uVMol UUTUI BUK. fuomwt bawSB uKtaui nduds<br />

78I-27MB70<br />

4I7-C3«00 ^V S0MM-UK<br />

JonnLecMarrl<br />

70 Valaat and, WkaVf<br />

781-235-6400<br />

imuj|kj» roni BB-10<br />

Coras ft Shulman, PC<br />

CtMified Public Accountants<br />


I<br />

You wa provide bookkeeping services to a diverse<br />

client base. Candidate should possess a thorough<br />

understancfcng of G/L Payrol 4 Financial Statement<br />

and is at ease with computer accounting packages<br />

C&S offers both a generous benefit package and<br />

competitive salaries.<br />

Send resume including salary nsquiramonts to:<br />


Human Resources: CSBK<br />

11 Cambridge St. BurMrtgton, MA 01803-4678 3<br />

Manager<br />

Credent latins; Herriee<br />

t firm seeks detaS-orimfed individual to<br />

11 mfc ntiaung program<br />

CSJUMMU mvmvmwapfadmmmmyedomBt,<br />

eujtoUHT savior dais, and the aHay to uuiuujr<br />

mulbpleUaks. Prrs-ious rxpniencr n-uh phyvcian<br />

BuJetMhaei —Bi ilmmi pafcmq<br />

Fn fcuujjfciii rtmmirrmtinm, ufcujujstudirsmme to:<br />

ffar—i Resomte Mammger, Pmgrraive Health<br />

HutmiM. hi, 3$ MomtwmlfAotmme. Smite 2M,<br />

SimmmxUAaOm orfmxto 7*1-2794X7.<br />

No mhomr calk, wleasr gg.,0<br />

jtapJtfW - foil fine<br />

FT position toa Burkngton CPA firm available The<br />

ideal canrJdale has 0-2 years experience answering<br />

and routing cats The successful candidate win act<br />

as lie pnmary contact tor mconvng caters, clients.<br />

and new business prospects. Must be farrakar with<br />

Windows 95. able to muft-taskjjleasant manner,<br />

organized.and able to work in a team environment<br />

Send resume and salary recujeenwrits to:<br />

Carts I SM«a. PC<br />

Attention: Human leaoiaTCaW<br />

11 Cambridge St, Burfington, MA 01803-4678<br />

MrRfifc<br />



. ant at Aaoica't SUJUJ p—tuj »tk4rulr lend<br />

m mrUcm onowi In a unWUBl Minefe<br />

Ont m am taamt i4l>r<br />

Ojaaad a—aw, *«u »»«• ■ but«■—■ aa» npma<br />

uUI OWJuui wnior mm* me<br />

. ■* Met a OUUUUJui niar>. a *ii i<br />

me IIW mm Bp»»»<br />

t camOeamm. rteme m*Vliv v.« ic«imr<br />

. u tat DraWMACLK. Wahk Sum<br />

..NirrxiM r-ai (»||JJ«-J%li i^u.:<br />


Bookkeeper<br />

Part Time<br />

dfrpomUuta detail on-<br />

•M pennn to hanrJa recWvabaas, payable* and bank<br />

rarnreawtuti on location Mutt have computer data entry<br />

stats fanrnmt■BtOajabeatBlia oka Ruxfcf 12 hours<br />

pw week utti mmrnurn of 4 hours per day. Free parking<br />

and BMaaafaa aaay aret<br />

Fax resume to<br />

781-245-9638<br />


AfaSfarai<br />

m mm-kmSt<br />

Fia-umr. Monday Friday.<br />

9U* 5PM Exprnem<br />

Rcspamibiulaa include<br />

awMej ajsewjSMsb and<br />

•arouttTing pnonts. nOm%Vf<br />

Fndjy. 12Noon SPK<br />

Fie Cattk<br />

Monday Friday, i PM 6 PH<br />

° CoalartMaryCncc<br />

i attnilMSaWlar<br />

I Parkuay.<br />

WatiutMHAttaa.<br />

Medical<br />

Assistant<br />

Full-time to work in<br />

busy family practice<br />

located in Melrose<br />

Hours are Monday<br />

Friday, &30 AM<br />

5M PM. rlikbotorny<br />

experience preferred.<br />

mn<br />



Experience preferred<br />

for General Dentistry<br />

practice in Stoneham.<br />

Benefits available.<br />

781-438-3199<br />


Administrative<br />

Needed full time for<br />

miscellaneous office<br />

duties.<br />

Please call Peter at:<br />

(971)<br />

658-0720<br />

EH 17.<br />

PAYROLL/<br />

Busy construction office<br />

seeks a hands-on person to<br />

hanrJe muftple duties MS<br />

OBce (WornVExcel) expen-<br />

ence is a must. Good bene-<br />

fits<br />

Fax resume to:<br />

178-988-9223<br />

lillMllli<br />


Administrator<br />

toM5.000<br />

HanrJe murtple projects.<br />

meat many hats m this<br />

exotog start-up operation<br />

AdmnsW an benefits,<br />

become involved in knan-<br />

cul decisions Strong<br />

Spreadsheei necessary<br />

Vantage Personnel<br />


Ai Aocounum Source Temps, our job is to find you the best Job. in die most<br />

convenient location, making the highest pay possible. We work hard to find<br />

you temporary and temporary-to-hire opportunities with leading compani-<br />

esihroughout the Greater Boston. 128. Metro West. North and South Shore<br />

areas.<br />

Current Opportunities:<br />

Staff Accountants Accounts Receivable<br />

Bookkeepers Payroll Specialists<br />

Cost Accountants Credit ft Colectkns<br />

Accounts Payable Spreadsheet Specialists<br />

CPVs Financial Services<br />

Current pay rates range from S10 to S2S per hour. Work as a contract employ-<br />

ee while earning top pay and hearing about Temp to Hire positions FIRST!<br />

CONTACT;<br />

Maria Ris<br />

at (781. 272-500* *3104 • FAX: (781) 272-0818<br />

20 Mall Road. Suite 305. Burlington. MA 01803<br />

:oouwwm<br />

Source Temps<br />



ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: Multiple Positions ..... to S 3.0Grbour<br />

ACCOUNTING CLERKS: Multiple Positions „... to SI3 OOrhour<br />

ACCOUNTANT . ...... to SI6.00/hour<br />

COST ACCOUNTANT 10 $20.00/hour<br />

TAX ACCOUNTANT: Public exp. 2-5 years to S16 OCYhour<br />

PAYROLL SPECIALISTS: ADP. Multiple Positions to 515 OVhour<br />

PART TIME ACCOUNTANT: Multiple Positions to S13 0(Vhour<br />

COST ACCOUNTANT: MacoU to $l8.O0mour<br />

CPA's to $25.00/hour<br />

FINANCIAL SERVICES: Multiple Positions. Tax Positions<br />

to SI3.0u7hour<br />

For more information on these and other positions, contact:<br />

REsouRCEhkr<br />

IHlKlIIOim"<br />

MammNtt<br />

ditirUmtiom<br />

M<br />

mrimiag<br />

nwiia,<br />

products, and<br />

pmckagimg goods.<br />


at (7811 272-5000 i3033 • FAX: (781) 2724818<br />

20 Mall Road. Suite 305<br />

Burlington. MA 01803<br />

*ccwamitTjmi<br />

Source Temps<br />

Customer Service<br />

Representative<br />

Responsibilities include taking.<br />

entering, and pricing telephone<br />

and fax orders; processing requests<br />

for quotes; calling mills to check<br />

availability; and addressing cus-<br />

tomer complaints. 3-5 years cus-<br />

tomer service experience is pre-<br />

ferred. A professional telephone<br />

manner, bask math skills, comput-<br />

er knowledge, and a high school<br />

diploma or equivalent are<br />

required.<br />

Its an<br />

exciting place to continue your<br />

career. We offer a competitive<br />

salary and outstanding benefits<br />

package including 401(k) plan.<br />

Please send resume to<br />

CS/MtT.<br />

613 Main Street a<br />

<strong>Wilmington</strong>, MA 01887-3236<br />

■ No phone calls or agencies,<br />

please. EOE/AA, M/F/D/V<br />

PART 11M E/F 111. TIME<br />


Receives visitors, ascertains needs and directs guests<br />

appropriately Courteously answers phone, processes calk<br />

and takes messages accurately Answers routine question<br />

regarding departments Performs a variety of clerical<br />

duties as assigned, typing at -tSwpm. data entry and light<br />

filing Maintains knowledge of departmental policies and<br />

procedures. Maintains confidentiality in all aspects of<br />

BIG . business. Performs other related dunes as assigned<br />

or requested. Buckler. Imn & Graf, be is an equal<br />

opportunity employer<br />

Scad I—BM toe fjga feaaaea:<br />

Buckler. Irrto * Graf. Inc.<br />

45 Mimiiia, Raaa. Biaerita. MA8IC1 »»<br />

YOU'VE<br />


Looking tor a great assignment? Talc to tie people at<br />

Adecco" We have long and short-teem openings tor<br />

DUPLICATING CLERKS -1 at. 2nd and 3rd shifts<br />


TELEMARKETERS - Evening*<br />

BROKERS Part rune<br />

Adecco oners top rates, hokday pay. medical<br />

oeneMs. referral bonuses, and more.<br />

Caw tor moro ft ttot iiMtfon:<br />

Wobum 6t7-935-1004<br />

Adecca<br />

HufcaMd 817-224-9500<br />

,........- .,..., OacBord (17-271-0555<br />

We are curreney seeking an e«penenced automotwa<br />

accounfeng dark to work to a fast paced growing dealership<br />

This at an excaftent opportunity lor someone urn s currently<br />

working to a tteatersrxp and s ready to go to the neat<br />

■Rflfl<br />

I you are date* oriented and have a general undeistandtog<br />

of accounbng prinoptes. pteasa cat Carat Turner to arrange<br />

an >nurmo»<br />

7S1-24S-1919<br />

USS&<br />

I<br />


Business<br />

Opportunity<br />

with new company<br />

Come grow with us.<br />

great pay phis com-<br />

mission incentives.<br />

Person must be multi-<br />

faceted, self-driven<br />

and motivated<br />

Also part time sales<br />

positions available.<br />

Enthusiastic, positive<br />

attitude necessary,<br />

experienced or not,<br />

will train.<br />

Leave message at<br />

781-438-9960<br />

or Fax resume to<br />

781-438-9964<br />


^<br />

Secwrfy<br />

fMfriii BIB UTncers<br />

(FuK* Part Time)<br />

APS New England, tie<br />

naaon's largest provider ot<br />

quality corporate security.<br />

has xnmedule openings<br />

Wobum<br />

$7.50+/Hr.<br />

Cnrranal background, drug<br />

test a dean dnving record<br />

required APS o»ers direct<br />

deposit, credit uraon mem-<br />

bership, tree undorms<br />

beneMs nduowig a 40l(k)<br />

plan and paid training a<br />

raterral bonuses.<br />

Caff lor an aaaotew.<br />

I ~OOO""0^ww~B4) 18<br />

2t-GOtympteAve.<br />

120. Wobum<br />

n<br />



■at Mowing:<br />

Data entry and maintenance ot the City Census<br />

and Voter Registration Information in PC computer<br />

Assistance to toe pubic in providing copies of<br />

records fitod at this office, toe issuance of various<br />

■censes and other general clerical tasks as may be<br />

required.<br />

Q»a l *ca>jp n s"<br />

Must be computer literate with good typing. Sung,<br />

record keepng and telephone stalls, along with toe<br />

abilitv to work with the pubkc<br />

Any person interested tn the position should send a<br />

resume to toe City Clerk's Offce. 10 Common<br />

Street Wobum. MA 01801-4197 on or before<br />

Friday. December 19.1997.<br />

Salary for this position is $23,237 81. M(<br />

Personal Lines CSR<br />

Wobum insurance agency seeks an energetic<br />

Personal Lines Client Service Representative with<br />

a minimum of 3 years insurance expenence.<br />

Thorough knowledge of personal lines insurance<br />

and computer skills a must. We offer a full benefit<br />

package, including tuition reimbursement and a<br />

starting bonus.<br />

Please fax your resume to: (781) 933 9048<br />

or mail your resume to:<br />

Kristen Costandno,<br />

Human Resources Manager<br />

DXSaXl<br />


445 Main Street. Woburn. MA 01801<br />





We are seeking a highly organized and self-motivated<br />

individual to manage our adjustment area. The candidair<br />

will report directly to die Controller You matt have a<br />

iimiiij. of two years nraugrimut experience. The sue<br />

vessful amHan must be detail oriented aad able to<br />

maintain tasks in a prioritized manner Expeneuce in<br />

check adjustments, foreign collection, and return checks<br />

would be most beneficial in obtaining this position. You<br />

should have a working knowledge of PC applications,<br />

preferably Word and Excel, and good wntten/veibal com-<br />

munication skills.<br />

We offer a competitive salary and benefits package aad<br />

arc conveniently located off Rle 93. Qualified individu-<br />

ab should scad their resume (including salary icquiie-<br />

mentsl to:<br />

EasCorp<br />

AtteaU—: Kattry I migaaa<br />

P.O. Box2J66<br />

.Vobuni. MAvlRXX BMZ<br />

Fun and fast paced OafcafjflPI showroom. 25 years in<br />

business seeks energetic individuals with phone,<br />

people, typing and organizafeonal staks. Ful frna.<br />

Computer stats preferred, but w* train. We offer<br />

health insurance and proft sharing. Send resume 10:<br />

59<br />

RON GftEFSXY I CO.<br />

The Center, Room 456,<br />

Turnpike, Bedford, HA 01730<br />

Or call 617-275-9456<br />



Advanced Tech Sales (ATS), located at 352 Park<br />

Street North Reading, seeks part time reception-<br />

ist for 15-18 hours per week Individual wB pro-<br />

vide heavy phone coverage and general office<br />

support ndudng typing, data entry and mail<br />

Hours: 200 530 pm. Prior office experience nee-<br />

Fax resumes to: 664-6503<br />

or cell Ed: 6644)688<br />

CASMERS*<br />

very progressive retail<br />

wine, beer, liquor and<br />

daa wilnKitomuia'.<br />

617-272-1<br />

Seeking dependable<br />

person with excellent<br />

drnnng record lo perform<br />

delivery and warehouse<br />

duties<br />

(711)<br />

942-1132<br />

Gayto<br />

Experienced only. Excellent<br />

wages. Hydrolca<br />

fccense. toots and trans-<br />

- ** : -M<br />

ponaaon leojuaen.<br />

Ca.fcK,<br />

Ca» days 97^640-1071<br />

Evenings 781-935 8455<br />

Smal Medical Device<br />

company seeks FT and<br />

FT people for tight<br />

assernbty work M-F<br />

330 pm to 12 midnight:<br />

M-F 5-10 pm. we w«l<br />

train.<br />

Cam<br />

711 9anv3pm<br />

MM Mi<br />

•<br />

il ^£&''<br />



^lmJ^mm^mdi ki •»» poaaon, you wft prowde cdmin-<br />

■Orotm and technical support for our<br />

cologe publishmg soles farce Primary<br />

dukes include kodung cols lo monitor<br />

systems. Kondkng Hardware ond report<br />

(kstnbukon. and pnxndmg a variety of<br />

odniMMSkrakve tasks<br />

■tetfdkl<br />

Requirements include I-3 years of<br />

office expeiience os wel m kwuJadae<br />

of DOS, Windows, end MS Office<br />

environments and on inlensst in prond-<br />

ing technical support m a las* paced<br />

custocner oriented omce<br />

AddiMMi<br />

Wesles<br />

A Pearson Company<br />

Me at room<br />

Helpers<br />

The 99 Restaurants is looking<br />

individuals who enjoy<br />

working in a fast-paced<br />

environment. Some lifting<br />

required. Hours are 8 am to<br />

4:30 pm. We offer competi-<br />

tive wages and benefits.<br />

Please Apply in person lo our receptionist to fill<br />

out an application.<br />

The Ninety-Nine Restaurant-Pubs, 160 Ofympia<br />

Ave , Wobum MA 01801. (Exit 36 off Rle 128)<br />

GlO-li<br />



We are kx*»>g for serf-motivated and refc*le peo<br />

pie wtio want an opportunity to learn the sloi of pie<br />

ctsion rnacrkning ubtang top of the taie equpment<br />

in a state-ot-the-art environment Qualified candi-<br />

dates wil be ekgible for good starting salary delud-<br />

ing, overtime and benefits.<br />

Getov<br />


For more information contact<br />

Human fhnourcai DepL at 781-229-6676<br />

or Fax 781-229-6804 a<br />


P/T COOK<br />

Must have enperience trim therapeutic dets<br />


Prefer exp. but wdl oonada other runtfml appicanls.<br />

Interested peraomm pteate comtact or mppty in<br />

penom to Bob HomeO. food Sewwkt Smtmrwhor<br />

\BearHM Nursing Center<br />

1 ft Monti Street<br />

XStoneham.UA 02180<br />

\617-43B-aS15 ^BE r. V... -.^ - , . . .A*<br />



Indmdual wall good madartcal and aoubletfiouung<br />

skas. waking aHa raqurad Must hava good communi-<br />

cabon skas and ba team and goal onentod tfcoti school<br />

degree or aquwatem. trada ranaVlua a ptrnx «W con-<br />

■ktar bo* entry M (vocaaonal achoot graduate) andtor<br />

experienced mechanic- Via otar luiaiaWm compansa-<br />

bon and an excetanl benetti package EOfc<br />

100 St.WlamfnatOfi,ilA0t887<br />

FULL<br />

:/<br />

EstabCahed coftaa com-<br />

pany requires hard<br />

working, dependable<br />

good dnving record and<br />

Good<br />

salary and<br />

Gaff flam<br />

711-<br />

Service Writer and New<br />

Truck Prep Person Some<br />

aapananoahafcauLMuatbe<br />

dapendabte.<br />

lOOlt. EJCflaaaVat (MYfibttTta)<br />

m.<br />

Apphrto:<br />

aoHtejiaui<br />

I7S-77MMI<br />


NEEDED<br />

Fufl or part lime work<br />

with builder, in the<br />

Danvers/TopsheW area<br />

1m<br />

77441771<br />

G4-W<br />


Ful time Paid vacabOn<br />

and hokoays Experi-<br />

ence a plus, rieahti. Ha.<br />

401 (k). disability- and<br />

Contact BUI Hogon:<br />

408 Washington St.<br />

Wobum. MA 01801 I<br />

Ca8 617-«33-4O00 S<br />


__U2 £— '■-<br />

Appliance<br />

Repair<br />

Technician<br />

MAYTAG<br />

is currently seeking an<br />

experienced appliance<br />

repair technician to service<br />

the Greater Boston area.<br />

Trie successful candidate will be a<br />

self-starter, exude enthusiasm and<br />

have strong customer service skills.<br />

l=ull benefits and salary commensu-<br />

rate with experience.<br />

Call Steve<br />

781-938-1755<br />

to schedule an interview<br />

In addition to offering 100's of<br />

great job opportunities, we'd<br />

like to be part of your holiday<br />

celebration! Apply for one of<br />

our current job openings on or<br />

before Dec. 24th and receive a FREE<br />

Holiday Turkey compliments of Remedy.<br />

♦ Account<br />

♦ Sales N<br />

♦ Sales Assistant<br />

♦ Material Hander<br />

♦ Cuatomer Sanrioa<br />

KTOaucuon inspector<br />

♦ <strong>Library</strong> Assistant P/T<br />

800491-8367<br />

tiul iniml;lilM(i«riii Pi I imi<br />

VEBwwwicmcdyaitfjoom<br />

I30E NcvcrafK 0»1I<br />

S45-70K<br />

S10-12Mr.<br />

S9-9J0Mr.<br />

S9-11/Hr.<br />

Sa.fJuVHr.<br />

SiO-lSMr.<br />

Remedy<br />



Is currently teekicg iadividnals lo fill die following posi<br />

oom. Musi be expoienccd in waking with heavy trucks or<br />

construction equipment Self ifciriplinrd. organized, good<br />

conunumcauon skills, valid dnver's license Shift wok and<br />

some heavy lifting requited Good wages, benefits and m<br />

opportunity in a growth oriented conpany.<br />

• Heavy Equipment Mechanics/<br />

Apprentices<br />

• Garage Service Advisor<br />

• Part Time Parts Person<br />

• TraclVEquipment Fueler<br />

• Part Time Maintenance Garage<br />

Worker<br />

Cull, fax or mail \omr rrnmie lo:<br />

The Middlesex Corporal ion<br />

80 Ayer IbL. Linktoa, MA 01460<br />

Ann: John Odkcrs<br />

■l Fnmmna<br />

\ rmmlmrt MfWmn Glftll<br />



Interested applicants, please call<br />

Lee Black,<br />

Eavimnaamtal Services Sapervtsar.<br />

184 Swaaaaa Street • Wktcheteer, MA 0MM<br />

Tel: (*17) 7»-»37i G10.12<br />


b currently seeking a qualified tefn—!!■■ ante ami—-<br />

»i th a background :n dx construcnon eqwpment industry<br />

Should have a worhng knowledge of miateiiiri control<br />

systems with experience in report witting and a typuig speed<br />

of70wxxdsperminule A mccnancalaptitade would be con-<br />

sidered an asset Self disopbned. orgamnxt. excellent com<br />

mumcanon skills and valid dnver's license Good wages,<br />

benefits and an apponumly in a grom* oncmed company \<br />

Cm% fa or moil wmr n nmt u:<br />

The Middlesex Corporation<br />

80 Ayer Rd. Littleton. MA 01460<br />

Alia John Oefkers<br />

SM-48»-3S81 Fax Sit 48* MM<br />

Wanted for Oil company<br />

Ful and part time<br />

Fuf and part ana.<br />

(«7)<br />

4IMI51 Jtx<br />

notjreos awlcome.<br />


I<br />

I<br />

•<br />

"MXfSClfASI<br />

■■■1<br />


Catci *«* turn iatftl a&*jt tjUaimf 4**m CM<br />

Ttow *%VUKQ<br />

Apply in person daily!<br />

Come hang out with the<br />

Einstein Brothers! Melvyn and<br />

Elmo know how to make work<br />

fun! Einstein employees enjoy<br />

better pay rates, input on<br />

schedules and great deals on<br />

the best bagels on earth!<br />


that leads the way<br />


Raytheon Service Company, the technical services subsidiary of Fortune<br />

100 Raytheon Company, has an excellent opportunity for an Executive<br />

Secretary to support our Accounting management team-<br />

Responsibilities will include typing of reports and correspondence,<br />

financial charts, presentations, etc. Administrative responsibilities will<br />

include travel planning and reservations, expense report preparation.<br />

meeting coordination and scheduling, and frequent interface with our<br />

corporate offices.<br />

The successful applicant will have at least two years' computer<br />

experience and be able to work independently in a fast-paced<br />

environment. Experience with Excel is a definite plus.<br />

Kay I h roi Service Coapaay offers i—f UlUn salaries sad an<br />

exc«ltatka«fitepafkaff.ial»tal^awafcaMii*«wMira am. to<br />

4O0 p.m. at<br />

Cm. 30B Sixth Road. Wobum. MA<br />

781-4354690 c*«<br />



Large corporation seeking a ful feme customer ser-<br />

vice dark. AbHrty to work in a fast-paced office with<br />

excekent phone statts. We offer an excelent bene-<br />

fit package<br />

COL required.<br />

Car Unda or Lwgi at<br />

97M40-1007<br />

Monday thru Friday<br />

8 a.m. - 5 p.m.<br />

(After S p.m.)<br />

(Ml for an interview<br />

508-658-5700<br />

eXt 121 - ae*<br />

781-935-8455<br />

TEWK88URY<br />

MASONRY d»w<br />

MARITZ<br />

TRAVEL<br />


Senior Travel<br />

Consultant<br />

(Vtanftrd. MA Am<br />

for hdl time position M<br />

Sun Microsystems Ex-<br />

ccl k-nt salary and benefit<br />

paikape Apollo. Excel-<br />

lent customer service<br />

riiimwM: S<br />

978-442-1404 3<br />



has immediate opening<br />

forMsM<br />

■' W l<br />

Hours are 11pm-7am<br />

Apply in person Io<br />

481 WiMwood Ave.<br />

Wobum. MA 01801<br />

781-932-9955 r...<br />

Service Tech wanted<br />

Dental and health<br />

insurance. 401K Plan<br />

Must have *eW service<br />

experience.<br />

can.-<br />

(781)<br />


, twe, a touring medcal device man-<br />

ata mmWQ cornpany. is accopfeng 8ja4B88oai<br />

fcx toe fcaowng pocAnns:<br />

Curtom^SefweRqjresmUtiw<br />

RBtponatxtoes nctode feOM OUBtanai contact and<br />

folowupasniirT«i6t»7.ilaWyvigandlatTOxng<br />

rexomed goods leoawvig and nspeong prooucls<br />

crxxOxieferig crjmptart mttmf. and umaawig cor-<br />

nefve servoe doaaaaO*. IridMdual must be s«*ed<br />

m customer letaeons/servce swK. recc PCs and Macs Dept ASA<br />

Sand resumes «*i salary reouwements to HH. S<br />

Rar*»xcs.lric.D«yjt PO.BruJJO. 3<br />

Btx*irxton. AM OfAtO or tax; (6f7J 238-0654 or<br />

E-maflr hrwrmtoncsjxm. No phone cats please<br />

VmaKWlbmitmmt&mMlmmXmmUm<br />


Distribution Center<br />

Supervisor<br />

Vve arc currently serkuxg a prufes-<br />

smnal to supervise all inbound and<br />

outbound operations during our I 30pm - I 00 am<br />

shift including piclurxg packing, checking and<br />

slapping at our Distribuikm Center in Wobum. MA.<br />

You will be responsible for monitoring, trouble<br />

shooting, and coaching to meet existing<br />

performance standards. This includes training<br />

feAEfe | product ion assiuaiits In achieve maximum<br />

■productivity and departmental coverage, emunng a<br />

safe work environment and maintaining positive<br />

associate relations<br />

The successful candidate will possess Z* yean'<br />

supervisory' experience, preferably in warehousing,<br />

distribution or logistics Demonstrated morale-<br />

building and conflict resolution skills are needed<br />

The ability to work flexible hours is a must A BS<br />

or BA degree ts preferred Job Code: NC/WT<br />

md or fax mm<br />

A,oisai.<br />

1801-1880. EOC. BVF/O/V<br />

Full or Part Time<br />

RF test experience required, preferably with<br />

update H.P. analyzers. Anechcxc chamber test<br />

experience a plus.<br />


Mnrnum 3-5 years experience. Must make own<br />

set-ups CNC latoe and nx*ng experience helpful.<br />


Part Time Only<br />

Computer/word processor'rxxjkkeeping experi-<br />

ence a must Telephone personality. 20 flexible<br />

hours.<br />

Eastern Wcrownre Corp.<br />

10 Lowell Avenue, Winchester, MA 01890<br />

617-721-9800<br />

HELPER<br />

Small Wobum manufacturer needs helper for<br />

general shop work and shipping department.<br />

Ful time, excelent benefits.<br />

CcjnlmKtJmiRlchmTthjon<br />



4 Barren Lane. Wobum. MA<br />

933-3570<br />

Otic* Emnronmants ot Ne»<br />

Enokmd. pnvdw ot lop qu*Uy<br />

mc**t*»c* wiuwaw. tMks a<br />

grmm custom* tarvca locus Io<br />

ton at as a Dapxtdw You ».i'<br />

schaaukt «■ cus-<br />


10- 5 14/Hr.<br />

7- , 9/KT.<br />

Full and Part Time<br />

Positions Available<br />

Join The Team At<br />

Giovanni's<br />

Roast Beet & Pizza<br />

Apply in person<br />

between 2-4 p.m.:<br />

2144 Main Street<br />

Tewfcsbury, MA<br />


A<br />

■ . ■ ■<br />



- -- ^ , -.-»-> ^ww^»»>ri — a*ja<br />

Middlesex East 1 \4Mm *-w+±<br />

REAL ESTATE SECTION J JSr/JtS Build a letter box<br />

Housing market posts gains<br />

Declining mortgage rates, a<br />

- tight rental housing market, and<br />

steady income and job growth<br />

across the state this summer, all<br />

' sparked a sharp increase in sin-<br />

gle family home sales in<br />

Massachusetts in the third<br />

quarter of 1997, according to<br />

date released today by the<br />

Massachusetts Association of<br />

Realtors (MAR). Average sell-<br />

ing prices of detached single-<br />

family homes and condos also<br />

rose steadily in the past year,<br />

MAR's report noted, an indica-<br />

tion housing demand continues<br />

to outpace supply, and that<br />

trade-up activity, or the sale of<br />

larger homes to current home-<br />

owners is especially strong right<br />

now. The average sale price in<br />

this area increased from<br />

$203,498 to $217,554.<br />

The MAR data specifically<br />

shows detached single-family<br />

home sales improved 7.8 percent<br />

during the three months from<br />

July-September 1997 vs. the<br />

same quarter a year ago, rising<br />

from 12,629 units closed in 1996<br />

to 13,616 this year, while condo-<br />

minium sales rose 13.4 percent<br />

in the third quarter of 1997 vs.<br />

the same period last year, climb-<br />

ing from 2,591 units closed in the<br />

third quarter of 1996 to 2,939 in<br />

the same period this year. This<br />

marks the ninth consecutive<br />

quarter in which residential real<br />

estate sales have increased in<br />

Massachusetts over the compa-<br />

rable three-month period one<br />

year earlier.<br />

"We're in the midst of a<br />

remarkable run of sustained<br />

sales growth in the single-family<br />

housing market," observed MAR<br />

President Richard C. Dils.<br />

"Similar to the confidence being<br />

shown in the stock market these<br />

days, consumers have demon-<br />

strated an equally strong desire<br />

to enter the housing market in<br />

recent months," Dils stated. In<br />

fact, the 13,616 detached single-<br />

family homes sold from Jury to<br />

September 1997 is the most third<br />

quarter sales tor such property<br />

since 1987, he said<br />

Regionally, during the third<br />

quarter of 1997, detached single-<br />

family home sales exceeded<br />

year ago levels in every area of<br />

the state except the South Shore,<br />

where sales declined 6.7 percent<br />

vs. the third quarter last year.<br />

The most significant sales gains<br />

from July-September of this<br />

year occurred on Cape Cod and<br />

the islands (+13.6%) the Central<br />

(+11J7%), Northeast (+9.1%)<br />

and greater Boston (+9.3%)<br />


. RE/MAX Top Achievers, Inc.<br />

& 100 Main St, Reading (781) 944-6060<br />

KuyAnnQaiaa<br />

CBS.CU.1TG<br />

OB.CH<br />

RF/VIr*<br />

CANTOO USE A ftt BAmfcra<br />

den. office or sewing rat'This<br />

expansive 5 Ixbm 25 lurti Coin<br />

has eveiYthmg a jaxmaig ijmah<br />

could m-jnt 2 ftpL finashttl hsmffl<br />

family mi ca. hdwd (In. A many-<br />

updates MaryAaal<br />

4 fc -T e<br />

$■69.9*0<br />

a Carrier Alvcs<br />

BoaMayCard-Ourmmg6plusmi<br />

Cape k cued on quiet street »■ lge<br />

level vd OB Met MJckaeJ* x240<br />

tor awn<br />

LyaaeAdrcaal<br />

S279.900<br />

IT WDM I FIT m the oocbng hut<br />

miul heller present for your family<br />

man das spacious custum-tiuik 7*<br />

rm in-level ai young neighbor-<br />

hood CaB Cherrl WraMrob »2«<br />

tor mo<br />

$279,900<br />

Greet yow nullity a*c*u •■<br />

Cat large foyer that leads you into<br />

a perfect home to enotam m 9<br />

plus mis. 2 oiaer bUgs. A more<br />

CaM Meg Michaels x240 for<br />

WAKEFIELD $2*9.900<br />

Uadrr CoauUmctkmS 3 bednn<br />

Spta Finn, locaicd in lop aim at<br />

end of cul-de-sac FP kving rm. 2<br />

full baths. 2 car garage O<br />

$209,900<br />

Perfect Holiday Gaft. 6 rm Spat<br />

Entry home ai a Super 1/icaiKin<br />

wn* super level kit CaM Meg<br />

till hull aTilt fcn aiiiii ill I all<br />

Realtor Associates<br />

Joyce Carter MarySalracci<br />

"Call us to find out why RE/MAX is the fastest<br />

growin g Real Estate organization in North America."<br />

RF/fl/INK RF/Vtfc< RF/VtKX RF/Vtr*<br />

Lynnfield • Reading • No. Reading • <strong>Wilmington</strong> • Towksbury • Wakeheld<br />

• Stoneham • Wobum • Burlington • Winctiester<br />


IN<br />


_ 140.000 readers are seeing this ad<br />

*»' •*. I * ■ *<br />

.1 •<br />

*.-jmt&t*ii&>iiH -.»<br />

(617) 944-2200<br />

I t<br />

regions, where the rate of sales<br />

growth surpassed the statewide<br />

sales increase.<br />

Similarly, in the condo mar-<br />

ket,' sales improved in every<br />

region except the West, which<br />

experienced a 8.5% decrease in<br />

activity from the third quarter<br />

of 1996. Again, the Cape and<br />

islands, Central, Northeast and<br />

greater Boston regions observed<br />

the greatest growth in sales dur-<br />

ing the period, with sales up 13-<br />

17% over the third quarter last<br />

year<br />

"With interest rates at their<br />

lowest level in more than 18<br />

months, housing affordability<br />

has risen steadily, and this has<br />

Karl HIP marfcpt hurring flimtlgh-<br />

out the summer and fall," Dils<br />

said<br />

Aside from lower mortgage<br />

rates, which fell to a 1997 third<br />

quarter average of 7.62% for a<br />

30-year fixed-rate loan in<br />

Massachusetts, other factors<br />

drawing home buyers into the<br />

market, include solid gains in<br />

the state's per capita income<br />

levels over the past year, unusu-<br />

ally low apartment vacancy<br />

rates, especially in the greater<br />

Boston region; and a tight labor<br />

Housing market to 5-18<br />

Middlesex<br />

East<br />

Regional<br />

Bottom D<br />

B<br />

Building a letter box can be<br />

an easy and fun way for kids to<br />

begin to work with wood an also<br />

use math and measuring skills<br />

at the same time<br />

Wood comes in many differ-<br />

ent widths and grades-some<br />

pieces may have more knots<br />

than others-so you will want to<br />

be careful when you pick out the<br />

piece to use. For this box, you<br />

can use 1/2 inch width pine<br />

wood or 3/4 inch pine You can<br />

find it at your local home center.<br />

When you get it home, take out a<br />

measuring tape and make a pat-<br />

tern from the measurements<br />

Front A<br />

2iX3f<br />

B<br />

g<br />

Side<br />

Front<br />

Sides<br />

You'll need 10 nails,<br />

five wood pieces, a saw,<br />

hammer & sandpaper<br />

listed here If you are careful,<br />

you can draw directly onto the<br />

wood. It is very important to<br />

keep the pieces even on all sides<br />

or the box will not be 'square"<br />

and fit together evenly.<br />

"If you have a wood-burning<br />

tool you may want to use it after<br />

you finish budding the box," said<br />

Tom Perkins, a home improve-<br />

ment expert who helps organize<br />

Kids Workshops for The Home<br />

Depot. "The kids who make<br />

them at our store will hang<br />

them on the wall or they even fit<br />

nicely on a shelf."<br />

2»or<br />

c<br />

BackE<br />

You II need 10 nails, five wood<br />

pieces, a saw, hammer & sand-<br />

paper<br />

1. Begin by tapping nails into<br />

Front A in four places shown on<br />

the diagram. Do not hammer<br />

the nails all the way through.<br />

2 Stand Side B and Side C,<br />

with the long side up on a table<br />

top. Place Front A on top, plac-<br />

ing side pieces flush with the<br />

short edges of Front A.<br />

3. Nail the front to sides,<br />

making sure to keep edges flush<br />

4. Turn assembled piece so<br />

that the front faces you (see dia-<br />

gram).<br />

5. Set Bottom D on top, plac-<br />

ing back edge of bottom flush<br />

with open end of assembled<br />

piece (Bottom D will extend<br />

over Front A).<br />

6. Nail bottom to front and<br />

sides.<br />

7. Turn assembly so Front A<br />

touches the sort edge of Back E,<br />

even with the sides and Bottom<br />

D. Nail back into sides and bot-<br />

tom.<br />

8. Sandpaper project for<br />

smooth finish<br />

9. Paint it if you like, varnish<br />

it or just leave it natural<br />

10. Watch it fill up with letters<br />

as we get closer b the holidays.<br />

Install a laminated flooring system<br />

If you're considering install-<br />

ing a laminated flooring sys-<br />

tem over your existing floor,<br />

here are some helpful<br />

guidelines:<br />

There are generally two dif-<br />

ferent types of laminated floor-<br />

ing systems, which differ in<br />

how they are installed. Much of<br />

the three-eighths inch thick<br />

flooring is glued to the subfloor<br />


• /<br />

which, in this case, is your old<br />

wood floor. (Always place the<br />

planks at either a 45 degree or<br />

90 degree angle to the original<br />

flooring to prevent the old<br />

floor's natural expansion and<br />

contraction from affecting your<br />

new floor). As an added bonus,<br />

the elastic properties in the ad-<br />

hesive-, like 'the laminated<br />

wood's cross-grain construc-<br />

tion, also help stabilize the<br />

floor.<br />

Glueddown laminated floor-<br />

ing comes in many different<br />

styles, including planks that<br />

are 3 inches, 5 inches and 7 in-<br />

ches wide. You can also find<br />

laminated plank flooring with<br />

pegs for added charm. Beveled<br />

edges create a groove or chan-<br />

nel between the boards, com<br />

Flooring to S-17<br />

NEW! Under Construction at prestigious Andover Heights. Lovely 4 br, 2.5 ba. Colonials with<br />

amenities galore! Features include hardwood, tile, Jacuzzis, meticulous landscaping on half acre<br />

lots and more, in a subdivision of 61 homes. EXCLUSIVE FROM $349,900 & up<br />

Directions: Rt. 93 North to Exit 41, Rt. 125 to Andover St. to left on Fiorcnza Drive.<br />

on \ HOI'SI - si \i)\v 1-4 /'.\i<br />

In the tradition of Harold Parker and Forest Park Estates, this New Habitcch Community is<br />

situated on a prime site nestled between the Thompson Country Club and Swan Pond in North Reading.<br />

These choice parcels offer the most exciting opportunity for today's custom home buyer!<br />




I* WELL SmiATFn 1-4 ACME HOME SOTS PRICED FROM $429,900 - S800K<br />

From Rte. 128, take Haverhill St. to the <strong>Town</strong> Centre, right on Rt*. 62 to Maclntyre Crossing<br />

Preeonitnetm Offering... NORTH RIDGE<br />

UIIMITC nc riiii rrv r>accacc I tunir ^^ ^" ^' ^BF •»•<br />






• 2/3 BEAROOMS * 2 BATHS<br />

N. ■■.*.-T„<br />

Realtor Names in the News<br />


Marge Palla of RE/MAX Tbp<br />

Achievers in Reading has reached<br />

the 100 percent Club for outsbmt<br />

ing achievement in 1997. One<br />

Hundred Percent dub members<br />

represent the highest level of<br />

achievement in the RE/MAX<br />

organisation. RE/MAX of New<br />

England includes over 150 real<br />

estate offices and over 1,570 real<br />


REMAX Tbp Achievers, Inc.,<br />

congratulates Mary Ann Quinn<br />

CRS, GRLLTG far her outstand-<br />

ing sales performance for the<br />

month of November. Mary Ann<br />

has been a consistent leader in<br />

real estate sales for years.<br />

She holds the GRI (Graduate<br />

Realtors institute) designation for<br />

continuing education in all<br />

Flooring Froms-16<br />

Dieting this old-time look.<br />

:• The other type of laminated<br />

wood flooring is called a float<br />

'ing floor system. What this<br />

.means, is that the laminated<br />

.'planks, usually about one-half-<br />

inch thick, are layered over a<br />

thin (one-eighth-inch) foam<br />

pad Other than the glue used<br />

to secure each tongue-and-<br />

rgroove plank to each other, no<br />

.adhesive or nails are used. As<br />

'its name implies, the floor<br />

literally floats on its foam pad.<br />

The advantage this floor has<br />

-over the glued ones is that it is<br />

easier and quicker to install.<br />

Also, the foam can better<br />

bridge irregularities in the<br />

floor below (so it can also be<br />

-installed over cement slabs, in<br />

basements for example).<br />

*.' Floating floor systems usual-<br />

ly come in relatively large<br />

pieces. One of the styles im-<br />

itates the old strip flooring.<br />

•Each piece is about 7 inches<br />

'wide by 8 feet long, and looks<br />

^like three strips of 2\-inch<br />

flooring put together. The sides<br />

'and ends are milled with<br />

.tongues and grooves for easy,<br />

.fight installation. You'll find,<br />

•too, that most floating floors<br />

•are square-edged, rather than<br />

beveled.<br />

3 If you're interested in par<br />

:quet, take a look at some of the<br />

glued-down fingerblock parquet<br />

•floorings. We recommend using<br />

-a very thin (one-quarter inch)<br />

f<br />

estate agents. Marge was also<br />

named as one of RE/MAX of New<br />

BMJMI"fkifepg—ift —■!■<br />

far the month of April of 1997.<br />

"Marge has clearly demon<br />

strated the professional skills that<br />

make her among the most suc-<br />

cessful agents in the real estate<br />

industry," said William E.<br />

Soteroff, regional director of<br />

RE/MAX of New England. -Her<br />

sales pat Winamp is indicative of<br />

her commitment to her clients<br />

and her profession."<br />

Fafla has been a top producer<br />

in the RE/MAX of New England<br />

region since she joined the<br />

Reading office in 1993. Marge<br />

holds the GRI (Graduate Realtors<br />

Institute) designation for confau<br />

ing education in all aspects of real<br />

estate and is also a member of<br />

the Eastern Middlesex Board of<br />

Realtors and National Association<br />

of Realtors.<br />

She and her husband, Craig.<br />

have one daughter, Casey, and are<br />

Reading residents. Marge can be<br />

reached at her office at RE/MAX<br />

Tbp Achievers, 109 Main Street,<br />

Reading or by phone at 781-944<br />

0360x221.<br />

aspects of real estate. Abo, CRS<br />

(Certified Residential Specialist)<br />

designation after competing the<br />

required courses offered by<br />

Residential Sales Council and<br />

must demonstrate specific exper<br />

Use in applied residential real<br />

estate marketing. Less than three<br />

percent of all realtors bold this<br />

designation She is a graduate of<br />

Merrimack College and is a for-<br />

mer vioe president of the Bank of<br />

Boston. A frequent recipient of<br />

safe awards, Mary Ann is deeply<br />

committed to service and profes-<br />

snnahsm.<br />

She and her husband, Bob,<br />

have two children, Emily and<br />

MirhaH. and are Reading resi-<br />

dents. Mary Ann is a member of<br />

the Eastern Middlesex Board of<br />

Realtors, the National Association<br />

of Realtors, and is the state presi-<br />

dent of the Women's Council of<br />

Realtors (WCR).<br />

Mary Ann can be reached at<br />

her office at RE/MAX/Tbp<br />

Achievers, 100 Main Street.<br />

Reading or by phone at (781) 9»<br />

6060.<br />

plywood overlay over the old<br />

wood floor. Since the original<br />

floor is going to expand and<br />

contract, gluing the parquet to<br />

plywood will make the new<br />

floor more stable. Fingerblock<br />

parquet comes in different<br />

sizes. Many are solid wood,<br />

five-sixteenth inches thick.<br />

Some common sizes include 6-<br />

by-6-inch and 12 by 12 inch<br />

squares.<br />

Solid strip floors are beauti-<br />

ful and longlasting, but in-<br />

stallation is more time-<br />

consuming and difficult than<br />

laminated products. Although<br />

most of these products are used<br />

in new construction, they can,<br />

if desired, be added over an ex-<br />

isting wood floor. We must cau-<br />

tion you, however, that this<br />

isn't easy. Since solid wood<br />

flooring is usually three<br />

quarter inches thick, this<br />

added height can cause some<br />

problems, especially if you<br />

can't - or don't want to -<br />

remove the old flooring first If<br />

you choose this route, be<br />

prepared to undercut doors and<br />

casings to make room for the<br />

new boards.<br />

As far as cost is concerned,<br />

thtre isn't too much difference<br />

between the laminated and<br />

solid wood products, that is, if<br />

you do the installation yourself.<br />

So, really, your choice boils<br />

down to the effort and time in-<br />

volved in the job, and the rela-<br />

tive complications involved in<br />

raising the height of your floor.<br />

Don : settle for just any lender...<br />

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Beauty and quality combined<br />

THIS LOVELY SALTBOX COLONIAL has 3 bedrooms and is located in a<br />

family ntighborhood in Wakefield.<br />

A chair rail,<br />

hardwood floor,<br />

ceiling fan<br />

and 200 year old<br />

mantled fireplace<br />

complement the<br />

living area. THE FAMILY BATH is<br />

light, bright and beautiful!<br />

CARLSON,<br />


THE KITCHEN IS a place<br />

where memories are made.<br />

No detail has been<br />

overlooked.<br />

In a young neighborhood of<br />

lovely capes and colonials, this<br />

perfectly maintained and metic-<br />

ulous dormered Saltbox Colonial<br />

is a home to be proud of. This<br />

week's sampler home is located<br />

in Wakefield.<br />

Driving through this area,<br />

one can't help but notice the<br />

sense of commuuEy spirit. This<br />

time of year, each home is<br />

trimmed in holiday decor, chil-<br />

dren are playing out in the crisp<br />

air, and chimneys await Santa's<br />

arrival.<br />

Your holidays will be extra<br />

special in years to come from<br />

this 5 year old beauty. The brick<br />

walkway and slate stairways<br />

lead you to the welcoming front<br />

entry, where hardwood floors,<br />

HrfaiUi wapj mflMfagf pnd, nrr-<br />

tom stencilling create the tone<br />

of what's to follow.<br />

It's often said that no matter<br />

which room a host and hostess<br />

try to entertain their guests, it<br />

seems they "like the kitchen<br />

best". Here's a warning - they<br />

may never leave this showcase<br />

kitchen. Measuring in at<br />

24x11.6,and anchored by an over-<br />

sized center island, this spa-<br />

cious, yet warm eat-in kitchen<br />

will capture the attention of any<br />

visitor. Plentiful maple cabinets,<br />

swanstone sink, brass fixtures,<br />

sliders to a full length deck and<br />

a shiny black and white kitchen<br />

floor are only enhanced by the<br />

tasteful waD coverings-<br />

Complete with hardwood<br />

floors, the livingroom(or family<br />

room) is adorned with a special-<br />

ly selected 200 year old mantle<br />

which surrounds the masonry<br />

fireplace.<br />

The walk-out lower level is<br />

beautifully finished with a 2SxlS<br />

playroom, ideal for family living<br />

with space enough for your pool<br />

table.<br />

Upstairs are 3 large and com<br />

fortable bedrooms, 21/2 baths in<br />

all, and a walk-up attic<br />

If beauty isn't enough, and<br />

quality is your thing, you'll<br />

appreciate the 2x6 construction<br />

and the Andersen windows.<br />

Rich Nazzaro and Bobbie<br />

Botticelli of Colonial Manor<br />

Realty are marketing this<br />

week's featured home and invite<br />

you to call upon them to arrange<br />

a private viewing. Please call<br />

9444300 for more information<br />

(781)942-1500 (978)664-4804<br />

55 Haven St., Reading, MA 01867<br />

REAL ESTATE rteiH«Sg§.<br />

38 Office Locations • Sales • Mortgages • Insurance<br />

IJ! JIBAH<br />


MOVE RIGHT IN to ihis 1 Bit condo at<br />

Ledgewood. Newer European kitchen,<br />

kg living rm/dining rm combination,<br />

full-size laundry in unit, lots of clos-<br />

ets, good storage. All this for $99,900<br />


THISC. 1850 ANTIQUE boasts exceptional<br />

period icimvattofis. Presently used as pro<br />

Sessional space, this 11 rm residence tan be<br />

easily converted to a single. Grand foyer,<br />

r, rirrifjr house A ■■ore. Call for pri<br />

$499,900<br />

GREENWOOD Expanded 7 room Cape<br />

features 3 bedrooms, 2-1/2 baths,<br />

updates galore, full basement suitable<br />

for workshop. Great value. $ 184,900<br />


EATON SCHOOL - 7 rm, 3 bedrm, 2<br />

bath S/E with newer oak kitchen and<br />

hardwd fir. Fireplaced lower level<br />

family rm, office and workshop.<br />

Appealing open floor plan. $239,900<br />

" i | " | LWjRrMh AMeSkdua<br />

Your One Stop for %$&' Red Estate Services.<br />

\<br />

LIGHT « BRIGHT describes this won<br />

derfutty decorated 6 rm, 2 bdrm, 2.<br />

bath Cape. 1st Or fern rm, wooded lot,<br />

walk to all schools A recreation from<br />

this Birch Meadow location. $207,900<br />


8 YEAR YOUNG Classic Center Entrance<br />

Colonial features 4 bedrooms, 2-1/2<br />

baths, fireplaced 1st floor family<br />

room, whole house fan, 2 car garage<br />

& more. $269,900


Real Estate Transfers<br />

- BURLINGTON -<br />

ii MQMBBfcB f ■" r—*■—' *f Wnn B (lan anA ""t* 1 "<br />

1J fcnm<br />

Dankd Maim, Ex for Mann Dankd Est for $200,000.<br />

87 CENTER ST. purchased by Philly Souza from Francis anil Mary<br />

Mardiand for $20E.ooo.<br />

2 CRESTHAVEN PR. purchased by Paul and Mary Alexander from<br />

Baojing Lu and Hong Feng Sun Car $179,200.<br />

41 FRANCIS WYMAN PP. Pgdwed by Sandra Qplo frnm Marir<br />

and Sandra Saia for $IM.MO.<br />

a HAUAiARK flMB m pordmed iy

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