RRNF, E-2 Inter-Forest Grazing Report - Southern Oregon Digital ...

RRNF, E-2 Inter-Forest Grazing Report - Southern Oregon Digital ... RRNF, E-2 Inter-Forest Grazing Report - Southern Oregon Digital ...


Dear Mr. riakeoas your letter at mar 22 is rieoivolo It ma be too late We year "to reaJuet the range between the Orator sau 4mpqa Faorsts, but before another year I believe tate a4 uttet should be made v on l in tUs lohnson Arother range an4"O* Qswp. As I have etated Were in oW former letters, Itblieve the Umpqua stockman are entitled to soqe of this rungs, and sinee k. Gordon is a Glass R, stoohUen, an early adjsg tment ought to be made* I would' sugjeot that you Inorporste In, his permit aus a yrovirion. I ehoul be glad to go over the range with 70u perMnZLl y this oozing summer., Will 7ou kindly inform me what your proteotive lii ot is on cattle ant also on Rheoep Very ~Uly yu~ V.. Wiveo wote us as folow: dorest SupteOrvor," Orater,8upervisioa may SI, I1 ' forest bupervisor, Jpm qua National Foroat, Rtoseb'urg, Oregon* D)ar Kr srtrum: Tour letter of Iay 29 is received* There bas never boan a protective II"t *atabliehe4 for districts 8 &ar 1, which omo. prise that portion of the Orator Forest along the mqua Divide Very uinoetoly yours, (s) RU.Dooeter Acting For St Superisoe The above letter shows there ha never. beas a. proteative limit established on the Crater for inter- forest e took. I think I bhve shown conolusively that range on the Unpqua porost has been allotted b th Orater office to different Users an to new users without eo_ -lSt

suiting or advieing this offLoe, yet *. riockson positivel6 denies this in his letter of April 1*, i9l6. Xot he oontinues to parry out his fixed polloy a month or so later by allotting to new men the kintor range in the Umpqua Forest, and thus the yofau 193.6 posees with the came conditions prevailing. April 10, 1917, I oaIlled on riir. Iriokos at his oflice for fthe Purl.se of again taking up with him the yrtiing situation* I was informed that nothing Could be done sbout the grazing then that It was too l*teo that I should take these mzttes up In the fall. We again diroueed the aO.Rindtr&tion foaturo where each Supervisor should have full charge of his Forest* Mfr. Eriokson aeed to this and whn I sugCreeted that I would prepare a written agreemeit and send to him he said"do so, I will sign anything fair.* I left with Ur* Ariekson copies all grazing applioations along the boundary line with the request that he forward a class list and copies of inter-forest grazing appliatione to us. This he agred to do and did in a letter dated April 18, 1917, as follows: SupervrioniCr~ter AApril 18, 1917 Forest 3iparvieff, IRoveburg, regon. Dear Mr. b&rtrum: Below to a list of Orater stookmen, both old reglar users and no users, who gres.e on the Crater and partly on the Uapqa divil ranges *40..-

Dear Mr. riakeoas<br />

your letter at mar 22 is rieoivolo<br />

It ma be too late We year "to reaJuet<br />

the range between the Orator sau 4mpqa Faorsts,<br />

but before another year I believe tate a4<br />

uttet should be made v on l in tUs<br />

lohnson Arother range an4"O* Qswp. As I have<br />

etated Were in oW former letters, Itblieve the<br />

Umpqua stockman are entitled to soqe of this<br />

rungs, and sinee k. Gordon is a Glass R, stoohUen,<br />

an early adjsg tment ought to be made* I would'<br />

sugjeot that you Inorporste In, his permit aus<br />

a yrovirion.<br />

I ehoul be glad to go over the range with<br />

70u perMnZLl y this oozing summer.,<br />

Will 7ou kindly inform me what your proteotive<br />

lii ot is on cattle ant also on Rheoep<br />

Very ~Uly yu~<br />

V..<br />

Wiveo wote us as folow:<br />

dorest SupteOrvor,"<br />

Orater,8upervisioa may SI, I1 '<br />

forest bupervisor,<br />

Jpm qua National Foroat,<br />

Rtoseb'urg, <strong>Oregon</strong>*<br />

D)ar Kr srtrum:<br />

Tour letter of Iay 29 is received*<br />

There bas never boan a protective II"t<br />

*atabliehe4 for districts 8 &ar 1, which omo.<br />

prise that portion of the Orator <strong>Forest</strong> along<br />

the mqua Divide Very uinoetoly yours,<br />

(s) RU.Dooeter<br />

Acting For St Superisoe<br />

The above letter shows there ha never. beas<br />

a. proteative limit established on the Crater for inter-<br />

forest e took.<br />

I think I bhve shown conolusively that range<br />

on the Unpqua porost has been allotted b th Orater<br />

office to different Users an to new users without eo_<br />


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