RRNF, E-2 Inter-Forest Grazing Report - Southern Oregon Digital ...

RRNF, E-2 Inter-Forest Grazing Report - Southern Oregon Digital ...

RRNF, E-2 Inter-Forest Grazing Report - Southern Oregon Digital ...


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I,t<br />

Unpquao-suporvisio April 22, I1<br />

For est Supervisor,<br />

U04ford, <strong>Oregon</strong>.<br />

Dear Ur *iokeon:<br />

Your letter of April 14 is raooive.a<br />

I aa Very sorry tht I can not agras<br />

with you us to Your V4esion of the grasing<br />

conditions on the Umpqua ?orest* Tou have<br />

evidently beon misinformed. I also regret<br />

Very much to state that I thizk your attitude<br />

In reference to inter-foreat grazi<br />

matters with the Umpqua Porest in not onfl<br />

wrong, btt arbitrary and not in aoro2-daso<br />

with the anual. This ondition las xisted<br />

for the past 6 years. Tie have submitted to<br />

it, first; becauee we thought you would. se<br />

the mistake and that the matter would finally<br />

adju3st itself without frictiono Setond: %be<br />

aause the range oon3ditions haie not been so<br />

consestod as they aro now.<br />

it may have been olorioal errors, but<br />

the fact remains that we have never receiveL<br />

a letter or other oonunioation from you asking<br />

whether or not we approved th inolusioR<br />

of grzing aroute loated within tho Umpqua<br />

In permite issued by your office, either to<br />

new or old permitteee, aoopt in one oea* In<br />

191f. This couree of cooperation, to I believet<br />

neoessary to equitably adjust graing conditions<br />

between the two Porests, and thie la w1t I<br />

have beon asking for. I ean not underetand<br />

,why you objeot to euoh a ours*e,<br />

The Johneon grothere range, muh of whioh<br />

to looated within the Umpqua Formet was, an you<br />

say, unused In 113 and '9,14* While Johasons<br />

used the range they W a preferenoc right to<br />

It from zra4 years use, When they wout out ot<br />

the cattle business It left this range ope sul<br />

I oostond that bofore you had authority to Issue<br />

a permit to J. Z* Gordon in 1915 for the part<br />

located within the Umpua, you should have first<br />

seoured oval from this offie $whioh you Aid<br />

not do. The firot we learned of this matter was<br />

when we reosived a CoPY Of the Gordon permit,<br />

" 2h 16 taken the same course with other<br />

range within the Umpqua along the boundary Une<br />

which you h cve allotted from time to time without<br />

ootwulting this office* ftnao R# A* Gordon has not<br />

ob-vaind. a preference right to the Johnson brothers<br />

range I Insist that before you issue a permit to hi*

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