RRNF, E-2 Inter-Forest Grazing Report - Southern Oregon Digital ...

RRNF, E-2 Inter-Forest Grazing Report - Southern Oregon Digital ...

RRNF, E-2 Inter-Forest Grazing Report - Southern Oregon Digital ...


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oabove w$11spoU4onO<br />

Will Show. We UvWr *xro1s.<br />

juriediotion over this range as my letterS of Pri<br />

SOO 1916 will wioate<br />

Under date ot April 18, 19168, upervisor<br />

Rriokson wrote this ofice as follows:<br />

Oratort8wpervision Apri1 18, 191<br />

Porowt Supervisor,<br />

Umpqua National lorest,<br />

Roseburg, <strong>Oregon</strong>.<br />

Dear Mr. JAartr'u-<br />

In reply to your letter of maroh 30:<br />

I am not so grVatly oxitet over the graing<br />

situation on the Vipqua Divide as you sees to be,<br />

I realize though that it In very neoeary to<br />

Provide for Olaus A stookmen, amd this should be<br />

none whether it neoeesitatee redualag the number<br />

grace by Class S men or whether it necessitates<br />

developing now range. Most of the Crater Use"<br />

on the Umpqta Divide are Class A otookmea. ft the<br />

Minter range this year we will have two Clea A<br />

sheep men and one Clus, B man with lose than<br />

the protetive-limit, number ol Sheep. I am, therefore,<br />

not sure whether your Class A men are more<br />

entitled to that range than the Orater Clase A<br />

men. But at any rate the matter will be tatea<br />

up with you in a separate letter later,<br />

Noe, have not been in the habito, as ou i<br />

in your letter of allotting grsaing range along<br />

the Umpqua ii"44 to new applicants. All tbe users<br />

now, with th ezoeption of one, are old reulat<br />

uemrs of whom you have frm time to time been<br />

notified, It any negleet In notifying you of what<br />

we have done or intended to do has occurred the<br />

error as been purely clerical, The new user io<br />

one that took over the Johnson Zrothers' range.<br />

and thiswill make his Eesont year, As you know,<br />

the Johnson Brotherse' range was lying unused duriwng<br />

191 anA 1914.0<br />

There are no Umpqua stok that <strong>Inter</strong>mingle<br />

with the Orater stock exsept four to ten head ot<br />

Wright's oattle and fifty to one hundre head of<br />

Witohett & Oooper's cattle. The letter use ran#<br />

on Three Ror Mountain, partly within Crater ?oret*;<br />

an4 I reget to advise you that you have never<br />

notified this offiee of their being allotted range

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