RRNF, E-2 Inter-Forest Grazing Report - Southern Oregon Digital ...

RRNF, E-2 Inter-Forest Grazing Report - Southern Oregon Digital ... RRNF, E-2 Inter-Forest Grazing Report - Southern Oregon Digital ...


Tbe Oratot off io has isaue4 permits to th Johnson Bro.* s1ince 1909 utl they went out of the eattle busines,. Their em-ar range was almost entirely in the Umpqua for ,st, yet we have neovr reoeived a oopy of their application, pomit or other oorrespondeno#, noV have we been oonsulted! by the Orateor offioo In rot- *renoe to this allotment. The Johneon Bros. went out of the eattle business after the Close of the season of 1912, as nearly as I oa find out, but we wore not noti$e of this faot. In 1946 'the Oratr offioo Issued permits to now applioatse from the Orater sid *overing the entire Umpqua part of the Johieea Bros* range, but failed to so Inform this office, or to *oxt Bult us as to whether or not it was satlefet-oryo In 191 the Crater office isesuo a permit to W. H. Lewis oovering range in the Umpqua #orest known as Jackass, whioh had formerly been used by Willy (this may have been allotted -to Lewis in 1914, but think not) At any rate, this offioe was not consulted in irams ferring this range to a new man, or, one who a not used it before, This oondition oontinued about the some until 1916. Under &ate of February 7,, 1914, I wrote S,,Pervior Arickson as followms - OUpqaGrazing February Y, 3Lt91 Mr. M. L. criekson pareat Supervisor, Dear )r 4 rioksoa:4 There will be a larg In reasd d o ,4#9

wausng oattle and horses fror the South Uapmu, Retlto St this poreet dwring the oeaing "sea*s. The itoreas will be largely f reserve residents and It il1 so be possible to aoomodate all the stock thet will b, applie for ulea sw am have, Cow Oamp, or the territory from th South fork of the 3outh Umpqua Mver to Abbott Butt## he range, as you know, has in past been allotted to a iCheap msa, a Jro Minter from Central Point* I hope that yon oan adjust the graing situation so that you un aooomadate Mr. Xater elsewhere and enable us to utilise th above reap for eweerve Forest residents' stook, orse$t Supervi sotrl Under "ate of February 8,, 116, Bupervisew Sriokeon answered the above letter as follows Crater Bujiervieiou (10li =ilng) rbuary S. 19-** Forest 8upetvisot, Umpqua National Forest, ioeeburg, Oregon. There is also on the Orater a large farease in th numb tr of eattle ait hortse toe grxeod on the poroet during the 1owing season.o Noe wl b plasing more oattle and more tshep On the tange than over before, Wi *annot give up the range territory betwoee Cow Camp and Abbotte 4uttS, for it will be enttrely utllsx:1S It woull be possible to do this it you oould Ozohang Beavar meraows & Buck Canyon sheep range whc you have been allotting to ktineville sheep men. Very sincerely yors,, Forest uW rviecro The above letter olearly outlines Supervisar Jriokson's position in reforence to range on the apqua Forest, Under date of )Lrat o50, 191*, I wrote the i o-

Tbe Oratot off io has isaue4 permits to th<br />

Johnson Bro.* s1ince 1909 utl they went out of the<br />

eattle busines,. Their em-ar range was almost entirely<br />

in the Umpqua for ,st, yet we have neovr reoeived a oopy<br />

of their application, pomit or other oorrespondeno#,<br />

noV have we been oonsulted! by the Orateor offioo In rot-<br />

*renoe to this allotment. The Johneon Bros. went out<br />

of the eattle business after the Close of the season<br />

of 1912, as nearly as I oa find out, but we wore not<br />

noti$e of this faot. In 1946 'the Oratr offioo<br />

Issued permits to now applioatse from the Orater sid<br />

*overing the entire Umpqua part of the Johieea Bros*<br />

range, but failed to so Inform this office, or to *oxt<br />

Bult us as to whether or not it was satlefet-oryo<br />

In 191 the Crater office isesuo a permit to<br />

W. H. Lewis oovering range in the Umpqua #orest known<br />

as Jackass, whioh had formerly been used by Willy (this<br />

may have been allotted -to Lewis in 1914, but think not)<br />

At any rate, this offioe was not consulted in irams<br />

ferring this range to a new man, or, one who a not<br />

used it before, This oondition oontinued about the<br />

some until 1916. Under &ate of February 7,, 1914,<br />

I wrote S,,Pervior Arickson as followms<br />

- OUpqa<strong>Grazing</strong> February Y, 3Lt91<br />

Mr. M. L. criekson pareat Supervisor,<br />

Dear )r 4 rioksoa:4<br />

There will be a larg In reasd d o<br />


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