IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer


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<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES NOVARTIS<br />

The reg u la tory fil ing was sub mit ted to the EMEA in early 2006 and was con sid ered ‘mock-up’ be cause it<br />

laid the ground work for a more rapid ap proval (af ter sub mis sion of a re vised fil ing) and avail abil ity of the<br />

vac cine upon dec la ra tion of a pan demic by the WHO. The fil ing was based on re sults from tri als in volv ing<br />

the MF59 adjuvant and po ten tially pan demic in flu enza strains, including H5N1 and H9N2.<br />

MYCOGRAB (efungumab) is a hu man ge net i cally re com bi nant an ti body that tar gets heat shock pro tein<br />

90 (HSP90). Novartis is de vel op ing efungumab as a po ten tial treat ment for in va sive candidiasis, can cer<br />

and cryptococcal men in gi tis. It was orig i nally de vel oped by NeuTec (ac quired by Novartis in 2006).<br />

NeuTec sub mit ted an ap pli ca tion seek ing Eu ro pean ap proval for the treat ment of in va sive candidiasis in<br />

2005. It re ceived a num ber of ques tions from the EMEA, which later is sued a neg a tive opin ion for the<br />

prod uct. Novartis and NeuTec ap pealed, but in March 2007, the EMEA maintained its negative opinion.<br />

In June 2006, a multicenter, ran dom ized, dou ble-blind, pla cebo-con trolled, phase III trial ini ti ated in<br />

Swit zer land as sess ing the ef fi cacy and safety of efungumab as ad junc tive ther apy for cryptococcal men -<br />

in gi tis in 150 pa tients with AIDS. The trial is ex pected to com plete in June 2009. In Jan u ary 2009,<br />

Novartis noted that a fil ing for ap proval in men in gi tis and a fil ing for use in in va sive candidiasis may take<br />

place in 2012 or later.<br />

A phase Ib trial for use in the treat ment of breast can cer has been com pleted. Mycograb has Or phan Drug<br />

sta tus in the US and the EU for use against in va sive fun gal in fec tions, and has dem on strated su pe ri or ity<br />

in clin i cal out comes in com bi na tion with amphotericin B over amphotericin B monotherapy, with re duc -<br />

tion in Candida-re lated mor tal ity and mycological superiority.<br />

Sales/An a lyst Com ment: Cowen & Co an a lysts (Au gust 2008) fore cast ini tial sales of $25 mil lion in<br />

2010 ($100 mil lion by 2013).<br />

IXIARO (vac cine, Jap a nese en ceph a li tis vi rus, Intercell) is a pro phy lac tic vac cine against Jap a nese en -<br />

ceph a li tis vi rus in fec tion, orig i nated by Intercell (Aus tria). It was sub mit ted for ap proval in the US and the<br />

EU in 2007. Global, multicenter phase III tri als as sessed the immunogenicity and safety of the com pound<br />

in more than 4,900 sub jects. Immunogenicity stud ies in Aus tria, Ger many and the USA were de signed to<br />

show non-in fe ri or ity in com par i son with the JE-VAX vac cine. Ad di tional phase III tri als are ex pected to<br />

gather more data from 4,000 sub jects re cruited in Aus tria, Aus tra lia, Bul garia, Ger many, Is rael, the<br />

Neth er lands, New Zea land, Ro ma nia, the UK and the USA. In Jan u ary 2009, Novartis, which has rights in<br />

the EU and USA, plus a num ber of other coun tries, stated that it ex pects an EU ap proval in the first half of<br />

2009 af ter re ceiv ing a pos i tive rec om men da tion from the CHMP in December 2008. It also anticipates US<br />

approval in H1 2009.<br />

Li cens ing: In 2005, Intercell signed an agree ment with Bi o log i cal E, un der which the lat ter will de velop,<br />

man u fac ture and mar ket the vac cine in Asia. In 2006, Intercell granted Novartis rights in the USA, Eu -<br />

rope and other mar kets in clud ing Asia and Latin Amer ica. In re turn, Novartis will make an eq uity in vest -<br />

ment in Intercell of up to Euro30 mil lion. This will grant Novartis first ne go ti a tion rights to cer tain Intercell<br />

tech nol ogy de rived prod uct can di dates. Intercell will also re ceive mile stone pay ments re lated to fi nal<br />

phase III data, and upon US and EU ap proval of the prod uct. In Jan u ary 2009, Intercell an nounced that<br />

the Aus tra lian Ther a peu tic Goods Ad min is tra tion (TGA) has granted ap proval for the vac cine, fol low ing a<br />

pos i tive opin ion rec om mend ing ap proval by the Aus tra lian Drug Eval u a tion Com mit tee (ADEC) in De -<br />

cem ber 2008. The vac cine will be mar keted as Jespect by CSL, which has ex clu sive mar ket ing and dis tri -<br />

bu tion rights for the vaccine in Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and the Pacific Islands.<br />

Clin i cal Data: In 2006, Intercell re ported ini tial re sults from its phase III safety trial of IC51 in 2683<br />

healthy vol un teers. Re sults from the multicenter, mul ti na tional, dou ble-blind, pla cebo-con trolled, ran -<br />

dom ized trial showed that IC51 was sys tem i cally and lo cally well tol er ated with the over all lo cal<br />

tolerability and gen eral safety pro file com pa ra ble to pla cebo. This on go ing trial is part of a global,<br />

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