IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer


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<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES NOVARTIS<br />

The QMF 149 pro gram, which com bines QAB 149 with the once-daily in haled corticosteroid<br />

mometasone (Asmanex), be gan tri als in 2007 with plans for the first reg u la tory sub mis sion in 2010. The<br />

com bi na tion is be ing de vel oped in col lab o ra tion with Schering-Plough (USA).<br />

The QVA 149 pro gram is as sess ing in COPD pa tients the po ten tial of a once-daily fixed-dose com bi na -<br />

tion of QAB 149 and Novartis’ once-daily in haled long-act ing muscarinic an tag o nist NVA 237<br />

(glycopyrronium bro mide). This novel com bi na tion is ex pected to show su pe rior bronchodilation<br />

com pared to the in di vid ual com pounds alone due to their com ple men tary mechanisms of action.<br />

An agree ment was signed in 2003 to com bine QAB 149 with SkyePharma’s multi-dose dry pow der in haler<br />

de vice to be mar keted by Novartis as Certihaler.<br />

Li cens ing: In 2006, Schering-Plough en tered into a col lab o ra tion with Novartis to de velop a fixed com bi -<br />

na tion of the corticosteroid Asmanex (mometasone) and indacaterol, as a once-daily in haled treat ment<br />

for asthma and COPD. The com bined prod uct, with once-daily dos ing, has the po ten tial to of fer pa tient<br />

ben e fits in clud ing en hanced dis ease con trol and con ve nience. This pro gram is known as QMF 149.<br />

Clin i cal Data: In No vem ber 2008 Novartis re ported re sults from an in ter na tional phase III trial of<br />

indacaterol (QAB 149), in pa tients with COPD. The study, in volv ing over 6,000 pa tients, achieved its pri -<br />

mary ob jec tive: indacaterol, ad min is tered once daily at 150 mcg or 300 mcg for 52 weeks, re sulted in a<br />

sta tis ti cally sig nif i cant im prove ment in FEV1 lev els 24 h post-dos ing com pared with pla cebo. Indacaterol<br />

had a fast on set of ac tion, sim i lar to sal buta mol, and the agent was safe when stud ied at 600 mcg dose for<br />

one year.<br />

Sales/An a lyst Com ment: Cowen & Co an a lysts (Au gust 2008) fore cast ini tial sales of $50 mil lion in<br />

2009 ($300 mil lion by 2013).<br />

FORMOTEROL + MOMETASONE (MFF 258): Un der the terms of a 2003 deal, Schering Plough and<br />

Novartis are co-de vel op ing MFF 258, a com bi na tion prod uct com pris ing Schering-Plough’s corticosteroid<br />

mometasone (Asmanex) and the Novartis beta2 ag o nist formoterol, as a treat ment for asthma and<br />

chronic ob struc tive pul mo nary dis ease (COPD). Phase III tri als were un der way in 2008. Novartis plans to<br />

file for ap proval in COPD and asthma in 2009.<br />

Sales/An a lyst Com ment: Cowen & Co an a lysts (Au gust 2008), fore cast ini tial sales of $50 mil lion in<br />

2010 ($125 mil lion by 2013).<br />

QAE 397 is be ing de vel oped for the po ten tial treat ment of asthma and chronic ob struc tive pul mo nary<br />

dis ease (COPD). QAE 397 was in phase II tri als in Eu rope in 2008.<br />

Sales/An a lyst Com ment: Cowen & Co an a lysts (Au gust 2008) fore cast ini tial sales of $50 mil lion in<br />

2013.<br />

QAT 370 is a po ten tial treat ment for asthma and chronic ob struc tive pul mo nary dis ease (COPD) in<br />

phase II tri als with Novartis in Eu rope in 2008.<br />

Sales/An a lyst Com ment: Cowen & Co an a lysts (Au gust 2008) fore cast ini tial sales of $50 mil lion in<br />

2012 ($100 mil lion by 2013).<br />

QAU 145 is be ing de vel oped by Novartis for the treat ment of cys tic fi bro sis. In 2007, a phase II trial was<br />

ini ti ated in the USA to eval u ate safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of QAU 145<br />

ad min is tered via a na sal pump to 14 pa tients with cys tic fi bro sis. Pri mary out come mea sures in clude<br />

pharmacodynamic re sponses and sec ond ary out come mea sures in clude safety and tolerability.<br />

© 2009 <strong>IMS</strong> Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 95

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