IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer


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<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES NOVARTIS<br />

gle sc dose of canakinumab at 0.5-9 mg/kg. Eleven of 19 pa tients showed at least 50% im prove ment in<br />

dis ease ac tiv ity within two weeks. Four pa tients were clas si fied as dis ease free. Canakinumab was well<br />

tol er ated, with the most com mon ad verse event be ing up per respiratory tract infection.<br />

Sales/An a lyst Com ment: Cowen & Co an a lysts (Au gust 2008) fore cast ini tial sales of $35 mil lion in<br />

2010 ($175 mil lion by 2013).<br />

DRUG DE LIV ERY SYS TEM, HU MAN PARATHYROID HOR MONE: In 2006, Novartis elected to ex er -<br />

cise an op tion agree ment to de velop and com mer cial ize oral parathyroid hor mone us ing Emisphere’s<br />

(USA) Eligen tech nol ogy. In 2008, Novartis ini ti ated a phase I trial in Switzerland.<br />

Clin i cal Data: In No vem ber 2008 Emisphere an nounced re sults from a study of its oral for mu la tion of<br />

parathyroid hor mone, which uti lizes Emisphere’s eligen tech nol ogy. The study, which in volved 20<br />

healthy postmenopausal women (40 to 70 years old), dem on strated that the max i mum plasma con cen -<br />

tra tions of parathyroid hor mone fol low ing ad min is tra tion of Emisphere’s eligen for mu la tion were in the<br />

same range as those ob tained with teriparatide (Lilly’s Forteo). There were no dis con tinu a tions re lated to<br />

drug ex po sure, and no sig nif i cant ad verse events or hypocalcaemia were observed.<br />

ATF 936, an orally-ad min is tered com pound, is be ing de vel oped by Novartis for the treat ment of os teo -<br />

po ro sis. A phase I trial is on go ing in the USA in ap prox i mately 65 healthy male and fe male sub jects. Pri -<br />

mary out come mea sures will in clude safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of<br />

sin gle doses of each drug in healthy male and fe male sub jects, head-to-head com par i sons of each drug<br />

at the ef fec tive dose, and sim i lar ity of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic pro files in healthy<br />

postmenopausal women.<br />

QAL 964 is a new treat ment for rheu ma toid ar thri tis, in phase I tri als with Novartis in 2008.<br />

Respiratory System Agents<br />

indacaterol QAB 149 R3A Filed<br />

formoterol + mometasone MFF 258 R3F III<br />

asthma and COPD therapy QAE 397 R3X II<br />

asthma/COPD therapy QAT 370 R3G II<br />

cystic fibrosis therapy QAU 145 R7X II<br />

drug delivery system, indacaterol +<br />

glycopyrronium bromide QVA 149 R3G, V7A II<br />

drug delivery system, inhaled<br />

glycopyrronium bromide NVA 237, AD 237 R7X II<br />

indacaterol + mometasone QMF 149 R3F II<br />

MAb, interleukin-13, Novartis QAX 576 R3X, R7X, R1B II<br />

COPD therapy QAX 028 R3X I<br />

asthma therapy VAK 694 R3X Preclinical<br />

TLR9 immunomodulatory<br />

oligonucleotides, Idera/Novartis QAX 935 R3X Discovery<br />

INDACATEROL (QAB 149), a once-daily long-act ing beta 2 adrenoceptor ag o nist for the treat ment of<br />

chronic ob struc tive pul mo nary dis ease (COPD) and asthma, was filed for ap proval in the USA and EU in<br />

De cem ber 2008 for COPD. QAB 149 is be ing de vel oped as a monotherapy ini tially, how ever, sev eral<br />

com bi na tion prod ucts are be ing eval u ated in par al lel. The com pany stated, “This com pound is ex pected<br />

to form the foun da tion of the Novartis re spi ra tory fran chise, led by the po ten tial com bi na tions, QMF 149<br />

(in com bi na tion with the corticosteroid mometasone) and QVA 149 (in com bi na tion with the<br />

anti-muscarinic NVA 237 or glycopyrronium bromide) in COPD and asthma.”<br />

© 2009 <strong>IMS</strong> Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 94

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