IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer


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<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES NOVARTIS<br />

calcitonin, us ing the Eligen drug de liv ery tech nol ogy. Novartis made a $10 mil lion in vest ment in<br />

Emisphere. Emisphere is el i gi ble for mile stone pay ments up to $30 mil lion and royalties on any sales.<br />

Clin i cal Data: In Oc to ber 2008, Emisphere re ported that a phase I study by Novartis and Nordic Bio sci -<br />

ence dem on strated that oral salmon calcitonin us ing its Eligen tech nol ogy taken 30-60 min utes be fore<br />

meals with 50ml of wa ter re sults in im proved ab sorp tion and im proved ef fi cacy mea sured by the<br />

biomarker of re duced bone re sorp tion, com pared to the com monly-pre scribed nasal formulation.<br />

Musculoskeletal System Agents<br />

canakinumab ACZ 885 M1C, R3X, V3X, S1P Filed<br />

drug delivery system, human<br />

parathyroid hormone — M5B9, H4E, V7A I<br />

osteoporosis therapy ATF 936 M5B9 I<br />

RA therapy QAL 964 M1C I<br />

CANAKINUMAB (ACZ 885), a hu man monoclonal an ti body to IL-1 beta, was filed for ap proval in the US<br />

and EU in De cem ber 2008 for the treat ment of Cryopyrin-As so ci ated Pe ri odic Syn dromes (CAPS), which<br />

in clude Muckle-Wells Syn drome (a rare in her ited in flam ma tory con di tion which is man i fested by rash,<br />

joint aches, fe vers and mi graine head aches). In a trial in pa tients with Muckle-Wells syn drome, all symp -<br />

toms were re lieved within days by a sin gle in jec tion of ACZ 885. It has an Or phan Drug des ig na tion in the<br />

EU, Swit zer land and the US for treat ing CAPS. The com pany noted that the first sub mis sions were pre vi -<br />

ously planned for 2009 but were moved for ward to De cem ber 2008 af ter data from two clin i cal stud ies<br />

showed adults and chil dren achieved rapid and long lasting clinical remission of these diseases.<br />

Canakinumab also has po ten tial in rheu ma toid ar thri tis (RA) with less fre quent dos ing than TNF-al pha<br />

agents. It was in phase II tri als for RA and sys temic ju ve nile id io pathic ar thri tis (the most se vere form of<br />

ar thri tis in chil dren) in 2008. It has Or phan Drug sta tus for SJIA in the USA and Eu rope. In No vem ber<br />

2008, Novartis re ported that phase III tri als in SJIA are set to be gin in 2009. Phase III tri als in adult rheu -<br />

ma toid ar thri tis are set to begin in 2010.<br />

In No vem ber 2009, Novartis re ported that canakinumab was also in phase II tri als in gout and that it<br />

plans to be gin phase II tri als in Type 2 di a be tes in 2009.<br />

Canakinumab is also in phase I tri als for the treat ment of wet age-re lated macular de gen er a tion (AMD).<br />

In Jan u ary 2007, Novartis ini ti ated a ran dom ized, dou ble-blind, pla cebo-con trolled, 26-week, phase I/II<br />

study in the USA eval u at ing the safety and ef fi cacy of mul ti ple doses of canakinumab in 130 chronic ob -<br />

struc tive pul mo nary dis ease (COPD) pa tients. Pri mary out come mea sures will in clude the im pact on pul -<br />

mo nary func tion in COPD pa tients vs pla cebo and sec ond ary out come mea sures will in clude the im pact of<br />

mul ti ple doses over a pe riod of 45 weeks, safety and tolerability. This trial is expected to complete in<br />

March 2009.<br />

Clin i cal Data: In April 2008, Novartis an nounced re sults from a phase II study of canakinumab in 20 pa -<br />

tients (aged be tween six and 50 years) with cryopyrin-as so ci ated pe ri odic syn dromes (CAPS), in clud ing<br />

Muckle Wells syn drome. Pa tients were treated with in jec tions of canakinumab ev ery two months at doses<br />

of 150 mg in adults and 2 mg/kg in chil dren. Symp toms im proved within one day and all pa tients<br />

achieved com plete clin i cal re mis sion within seven days. On av er age, clin i cal re mis sion lasted 115 days.<br />

Canakinumab was well tol er ated, with only mild skin re ac tions at the in jec tion site. The most com mon ad -<br />

verse events were upper respiratory tract infections.<br />

In Sep tem ber 2008, Novartis an nounced re sults from a phase I/II trial of canakinumab in 19 pa tients<br />

with sys temic ju ve nile id io pathic ar thri tis (SJIA) aged four to 19 years. Pa tients in the trial re ceived a sin -<br />

© 2009 <strong>IMS</strong> Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 93

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