IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer


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<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES NOVARTIS<br />

In No vem ber 2008, Novartis stated, “AFQ 056, a metabotropic glu ta mate re cep tor 5 (mGlu5) an tag o nist,<br />

has the po ten tial to be come the first ap proved treat ment for Par kin son’s dis ease levodopa-in duced<br />

dyskinesia (PD-LID). No ther apy has been ap proved for this dis ease, which is a com pli ca tion af ter do pa -<br />

mine-re place ment ther apy in Par kin son’s pa tients and char ac ter ized by a va ri ety of hyperkinetic move -<br />

ments. AFQ re cently showed pos i tive re sults in a proof-of-con cept trial in PD-LID and is pro ceed ing in<br />

de vel op ment with planned sub mis sions af ter 2011. AFQ 056 shows po ten tial in other dis eases and a<br />

proof-of-con cept study is un der way for symp tom atic treatment of adults with Fragile X syndrome.”<br />

Clin i cal Data: In De cem ber 2008 Novartis re ported re sults from a ran dom ized, dou ble-blind,<br />

proof-of-con cept trial of AFQ 056 in the treat ment of Par kin son’s dis ease as so ci ated levodopa-in duced<br />

dyskinesia. AFQ 056 ad min is tra tion re sulted in im prove ments in both the Ab nor mal In vol un tary Move -<br />

ment Scale and Uni fied Par kin son’s Dis ease Rat ing Scale com pared with pla cebo. Novartis plans to sub -<br />

mit reg u la tory filings for AFQ 056 after 2011.<br />

Sales/An a lyst Com ment: Cowen & Co an a lysts (Au gust 2008) fore cast sales of $50 mil lion in 2012<br />

and $100 mil lion in 2013.<br />

NIC O TINE-QBETA (NIC 002), a vac cine that uti lizes Cytos’ (Swit zer land) Immunodrug tech nol ogy, is<br />

be ing de vel oped by Cytos and Novartis as a treat ment of nic o tine with drawal. Nic o tine-Qbeta con sists of<br />

nic o tine mol e cules com bined with a highly re pet i tive car rier par ti cle, Qbeta, which mim ics the re pet i tive<br />

ac tion of a vi rus, in duc ing a strong im mune re sponse. Cytos an tic i pates that the vac cine will block en try<br />

of nic o tine into the brain. The vac cine is in phase II tri als and Novartis ex pects it to be filed for approval in<br />

2012 or beyond.<br />

Li cens ing: Cytos en tered into an ex clu sive global com mer cial li cense agree ment with Novartis to de -<br />

velop, man u fac ture and com mer cial ize NIC 002 in April 2007. Un der the terms of the agree ment,<br />

Novartis will re ceive world wide ex clu sive rights for NIC 002 and will be re spon si ble for late-stage clin i cal<br />

de vel op ment, man u fac tur ing and com mer cial iza tion of the vac cine. In re turn, Cytos is el i gi ble to re ceive<br />

up to SFr600 mil lion in upfront and de vel op ment, reg u la tory and sales mile stone pay ments, as well as<br />

sales-re lated roy al ties. The upfront payment by Novartis will be SFr35 million.<br />

Sales/An a lyst Com ment: Cowen & Co an a lysts (Au gust 2008) fore cast ini tial sales of $100 mil lion in<br />

2012 ($200 mil lion by 2013).<br />

CAD 106, for the treat ment of Alz hei mer’s dis ease, is an immunotherapeutic that can block the for ma -<br />

tion of beta-am y loid plaques in the brain. In 2008, Novartis was con duct ing a dou ble-blind pla cebo-con -<br />

trolled phase I trial in 60 pa tients with mild-to-mod er ate Alz hei mer’s dis ease to study the safety,<br />

tolerability and beta-am y loid spe cific an ti body re sponse af ter CAD 106 treatment.<br />

Li cens ing: CAD 106 was in-li censed from Cytos (Swit zer land) in 2001.<br />

BGG 492 was in phase I tri als for the treat ment of ep i lepsy in Swit zer land in 2008.<br />

BAF 312 is a se lec tive sphingosine 1-phos phate re cep tor ag o nist, in de vel op ment for the treat ment of<br />

mul ti ple scle ro sis. A phase I trial has been com pleted and Novartis plans to be gin phase II trials in 2009.<br />

ATI 355 is in de vel op ment with Novartis for use in the treat ment of spi nal cord in jury. A multicenter,<br />

open-la bel, non-ran dom ized phase I trial to eval u ate the safety, tolerability and pharmacokinetics of four<br />

dose reg i mens of intrathecal ATI 355 in pa tients with acute spi nal cord in jury is un der way in Ger many.<br />

Novartis ex pects to file for ap proval of ATI 355 in this in di ca tion in 2010 or later. The US FDA has awarded<br />

Or phan Drug des ig na tion to ATI 355 for the treat ment of spi nal cord in jury; Or phan Drug des ig na tion is<br />

pending in the EU.<br />

© 2009 <strong>IMS</strong> Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 91

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