IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer


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<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES NOVARTIS<br />

Sales/An a lyst Com ment: Cowen & Co an a lysts (Au gust 2008) fore cast ini tial sales of $50 mil lion in<br />

2012 ($75 mil lion in 2013).<br />

NVP BEZ235/BEZ 235 is small-mol e cule phosphoinositide-3 kinase (PI3K) in phase I tri als tar get ing<br />

pa tients with ad vanced breast can cer, glioma and pros tate can cer. Novartis ob tained the agent via the<br />

ac qui si tion of Chiron in 2005.<br />

Clin i cal Data: At the Amer i can As so ci a tion for Can cer Re search An nual Meet ing 2007 (14-18 April<br />

2007), the MD An der son Can cer Cen ter (USA) pre sented pre clin i cal data for NVP BEZ235. In vi tro, NVP<br />

BEZ235 in hib ited the growth of glioma cell lines with an IC50 of low nM con cen tra tion. In vivo,<br />

xenografted mice treated orally with NVP BEZ235 (25 mg/kg daily for four weeks) showed in creased sur -<br />

vival (p less than 0.05). No tox ic ity, as as sessed by glu cose lev els and weight mea sure ments, was<br />

observed at this dose.<br />

BGT 226, an in hib i tor of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) and mam ma lian tar get of rapamycin (mTOR),<br />

was in the phase I part of a phase I/II trial in late 2008 for the treat ment of can cer.<br />

KRP 203, an orally-ac tive sphingosine-1-phos phate (S1P) re cep tor ag o nist, is in phase I tri als with orig i -<br />

na tor Kyorin (Ja pan) in 2008 for use in trans plant re jec tion and graft ver sus host disease.<br />

Li cens ing: In 2006, Kyorin granted Novartis a world wide ex clu sive li cense to de velop and com mer cial ize<br />

KRP 203 for trans plan ta tion in di ca tions and ex clu sive rights to KRP 203 in the treat ment of au to im mune<br />

dis eases world wide ex clud ing Ja pan, South Ko rea, China and Tai wan. Novartis re ported in 2008 that KRP<br />

203 was in ex plor atory phase stud ies for multiple sclerosis.<br />

BCR-ABL KINASE IN HIB I TORS were in de vel op ment in 2008 with li censee SGX (USA) and Novartis<br />

for the treat ment of drug re sis tant chronic myelogenous leu ke mia (CML). SGX’s oral bcl-abl in hib i tors,<br />

gen er ated us ing the com pany’s pro pri etary FAST tech nol ogy plat form, have po ten tial as monotherapies<br />

in the sec ond-line treat ment of re frac tory or re lapsed CML, and in com bi na tion with other drugs in the<br />

first-line treat ment of CML. Lilly (USA) acquired SGX in August 2008.<br />

Li cens ing: Un der the terms of the deal, signed in March 2006, SGX will re ceive from Novartis $25 mil lion<br />

in upfront pay ments and the pur chase of SGX com mon stock. To tal pay ments by Novartis to SGX, in clud -<br />

ing a min i mum of two years of re search fund ing and suc cess-based mile stones, but ex clud ing roy al ties,<br />

may ex ceed $515 mil lion. SGX will be re spon si ble for pre clin i cal de vel op ment of a lead can di date, fil ing an<br />

IND with the FDA, and con duct ing an ini tial phase I trial; Novartis will be re spon si ble for fur ther clin i cal<br />

eval u a tion and com mer cial iza tion of the com pound. SGX will re ceive roy al ties from prod ucts that reach<br />

the mar ket. SGX re tains an op tion to co-com mer cial ize on col ogy products generated under the<br />

collaboration, in the USA.<br />

The deal was mod i fied in Sep tem ber 2007. SGX has ob tained the rights to de velop and com mer cial ize<br />

one of the can di dates, SGX 393, out side of the col lab o ra tion, sub ject to a re ac qui si tion right of Novartis<br />

that is ex er cis able at a fu ture date. The amend ment to the agree ment also gives Novartis re spon si bil ity<br />

for the se lec tion of all fu ture de vel op ment can di dates and for the clin i cal de vel op ment of ad di tional com -<br />

pounds from the col lab o ra tion. The financial terms of the deal remained unchanged.<br />

AT 9311: Astex Ther a peu tics (UK, for merly Astex Tech nol ogy) and Novartis are de vel op ing AT 9311, a<br />

cell cy cle in hib i tor, for the po ten tial treat ment of can cer. Pre clin i cal stud ies were un der way in the UK in<br />

2006.<br />

Li cens ing: In 2005, Astex Ther a peu tics granted Novartis an ex clu sive world wide li cense to AT 9311.<br />

Astex Ther a peu tics has the op tion to ac quire US co-com mer cial iza tion rights. Novartis also ac quired an<br />

op tion to gain rights to an other Astex cell; cy cle in hib i tor in R&D, AT 7519 (in phase I tri als). At the<br />

Amer i can So ci ety of Clin i cal On col ogy An nual Meet ing 2008, re sults from a US and UK dose es ca la tion<br />

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