IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer


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<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES NOVARTIS<br />

Clin i cal Data: In Au gust 2008, <strong>IMS</strong> R&D Fo cus re ported that a US ran dom ized, dou ble-blind, pla -<br />

cebo-con trolled phase III trial of in duc tion che mo ther apy (daunorubicin/cytarabine) and con sol i da tion<br />

che mo ther apy (high-dose cytarabine) plus midostaurin or pla cebo has ini ti ated in the USA in ap prox i -<br />

mately 514 newly di ag nosed pa tients with FLT3 mu tated acute myeloid leu ke mia (AML). The pri mary<br />

end point of the trial is to de ter mine over all sur vival. Sec ond ary out come mea sures in clude: re sponse<br />

rate, event-free sur vival, dis ease-free sur vival and dis ease-free sur vival one year af ter completion of the<br />

planned continuation phase.<br />

Sales/An a lyst Com ment: Cowen & Co an a lysts (Au gust 2008) fore cast ini tial sales of $50 mil lion in<br />

2012 ($75 mil lion in 2013).<br />

PASIREOTIDE (SOM 230), a somatostatin an a logue, is in phase III tri als. It has po ten tial in the treat -<br />

ment of acromegaly, carcinoid syn drome, Cush ing’s dis ease and gastroenteropancreatic (GEP)<br />

neuroendocrine tu mors. Cush ing’s dis ease is a rare dis or der char ac ter ized by ex ces sive ex cre tion of the<br />

hor mone cortisol from a pi tu itary adenoma (tu mor), a con di tion for which there is no approved medical<br />

therapy.<br />

In No vem ber 2007, Novartis ini ti ated a multicenter, ran dom ized, blinded phase III study in the USA to<br />

as sess the safety and ef fi cacy of long-act ing re lease pasireotide ver sus long-act ing re lease octreotide in<br />

330 pa tients with ac tive acromegaly. Pri mary out come mea sures will in clude mean growth hor mone lev -<br />

els and in su lin like growth fac tor-1 (IGF-1) levels.<br />

Novartis plans to file a NDA for the treat ment of re frac tory/re sis tant carcinoid syn drome in 2010 and for<br />

the treat ment of acromegaly in 2011.<br />

Sales/An a lyst Com ment: Cowen & Co an a lysts (Au gust 2008) fore cast ini tial sales of $50 mil lion in<br />

2011 ($100 mil lion by 2013).<br />

PATUPILONE (EPO 906 or epothilone B) is an epothilone microtubule poly mer iza tion pro moter and a<br />

depolymerization in hib i tor in de vel op ment for the treat ment of solid tu mors. The com pound en tered<br />

phase III tri als in the USA in 2005 for po ten tial use in the treat ment of ovar ian can cer. How ever, it has ex -<br />

pe ri enced un ex pect edly slow pa tient ac crual for this trial, de lay ing sub mis sion. A pro to col amend ment<br />

has been made and the num ber of cen ters ex panded. Phase II tri als in colorectal can cer, breast can cer,<br />

re nal cell car ci noma and non-small cell lung can cer are also ongoing in the USA and Europe.<br />

Epothilones are macrolides, pro duced by myxobacteria, that have the abil ity to in duce microtubule for -<br />

ma tion and sta bi li za tion, ar rest ing the pro gres sion of the cell cy cle and in duc ing apoptosis. EPO 906 is un -<br />

der in ves ti ga tion as an in tra ve nous for mu la tion. Novartis has fore cast a first filing in 2010.<br />

Clin i cal Data: Phase II re sults for patupilone were pre sented at the Amer i can So ci ety of Clin i cal On col -<br />

ogy An nual Meet ing in June 2008. In this US trial, patupilone was as sessed in 22 pa tients with breast can -<br />

cer brain metastases pro gress ing or re cur ring af ter whole brain ra di a tion ther apy. The agent was well<br />

tol er ated. No ther apy-re lated grade 4 or 5 ad verse events were ob served. Di ar rhea (71% of pa tients)<br />

was the most com mon tox ic ity re ported. Fa tigue (63%), nau sea (45%), an orexia (22%), sen sory neu -<br />

rop a thy (26%) and pain/head ache (27%) were also re ported. Three-month CNS pro gres sion-free sur -<br />

vival was 32% (95%, CI 11-53%). Three pa tients achieved par tial re sponse, two pa tients had sta ble<br />

dis ease and eleven had pro gres sive dis ease. Four pa tients are await ing assessment. Accrual in this trial is<br />

still ongoing.<br />

Sales/An a lyst Com ment: Cowen & Co an a lysts (au gust 2008) fore cast ini tial sales of $50 mil lion in<br />

2011 ($100 mil lion by 2013)<br />

© 2009 <strong>IMS</strong> Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 80

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