IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer


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<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES NOVARTIS<br />

vaccine, Borrelia, Novartis — J7A9 Preclinical<br />

vaccine, Candida, Novartis — J7A9 Preclinical<br />

vaccine, Chlamydia, Novartis/Intercell — J7A9 Preclinical<br />

vaccine, Group A Streptococcus, Novartis — J7A9 Preclinical<br />

vaccine, Group B Streptococcus, Novartis/<br />

Intercell — J7A9 Preclinical<br />

vaccine, influenza, Dynavax — J7A1 Preclinical<br />

vaccine, Klebsiella, Novartis/Intercell — J7A9 Preclinical<br />

vaccine, otitis media, Novartis/Intercell — J7C Preclinical<br />

vaccine, Streptococcus pneumoniae,<br />

Novartis/Intercell — J7A7 Preclinical<br />

TLR9 immunomodulatory<br />

oligonucleotides, Idera/Novartis QAX 935 R3X Discovery<br />

In Jan u ary 2009, Novartis stated that it had 152 pro jects in clin i cal de vel op ment. R&D ac tiv i ties are fo -<br />

cused in par tic u lar on car dio vas cu lar and met a bolic dis eases, on col ogy and neu rol ogy as well as re spi ra -<br />

tory and in fec tious dis eases. Novartis’ pipe line is vast, con tain ing com pounds in many ther a peu tic ar eas.<br />

In Jan u ary 2009, Novartis re ported that in 2008 it had made 14 reg u la tory sub mis sions for key prod ucts<br />

and re ceived 10 ap prov als for key prod ucts (in clud ing line ex ten sions for mar keted drugs). Novartis also<br />

re ports that 25% of its ex plor atory pipe line is now bi o log i cal drugs. In 2008, Novartis invested $7.2 billion<br />

in R&D, up 12%.<br />

Sub mis sions for ap proval for key pipe line prod ucts in 2008 in clude, the men in gi tis vac cine Menveo in the<br />

USA, the new can cer treat ment Afinitor (everolimus) in the USA and Eu rope, for the once daily long-act -<br />

ing beta ag o nist indacaterol (QAB 149) for COPD in the USA and Eu rope, and the hu man monoclonal<br />

an ti body to interleukin-1 beta, and ACZ 885, for the treat ment of Cryopyrin-As so ci ated Pe ri odic Syn -<br />

dromes (CAPS) in the USA and Eu rope. Novartis an tic i pates ap proval in 2009 for Menveo, Afinitor, and<br />

the Jap a nese en ceph a li tis vi rus vac cine, Ixiaro, which was filed for approval in 2007 in the USA and EU.<br />

Novartis plans sub mis sions for sev eral new prod ucts in 2009: for fingolimod (FTY 720), which may be -<br />

come the first oral, once-daily dis ease-mod i fy ing treat ment for pa tients with re laps ing mul ti ple scle ro sis<br />

(MS), MFF 258, com bi na tion of formoterol and mometasone for COPD, and Albuferon (albinterferon<br />

alfa-2b) for hepatitis C.<br />

Novartis faces the pros pect of US ge neric com pe ti tion for its lead ing prod uct, Diovan (valsartan) in Sep -<br />

tem ber 2012 (ear lier in some other mar kets). It has al ready launched a com bi na tion prod uct, Exforge<br />

(valsartan + amlodipine) and the renin in hib i tor Tekturna (aliskiren) to bol ster its car dio vas cu lar fran -<br />

chise. It is also de vel op ing a range of fixed-dose com bi na tion prod ucts in clud ing Diovan plus Tekturna<br />

(filed in the USA in late 2008), Tekturna plus amlodipine, Exforge plus HCTZ, and Tekturna plus<br />

amlodipine plus HCTZ. How ever, these prod ucts will not be able to re place the Diovan sales that will be<br />

lost at pat ent ex piry. Novartis also has sev eral renin in hib i tors in early clin i cal tri als, fol low ing the 2008<br />

ac qui si tion of Speedel, and a range of other cardiovascular products in early clinical trials.<br />

In Feb ru ary 2009, Novartis gained a li cense to Portola’s ADP re cep tor an tag o nist, elinogrel, for the<br />

treat ment and pre ven tion of throm bo sis in pa tients with acute cor o nary syn drome or un der go ing cor o -<br />

nary in ter ven tion (PCI), and for the sec ond ary pre ven tion of MI and stroke. This is a new area for Novartis<br />

but one that is be ing ac tively in ves ti gated by sev eral of its peers, but with prod ucts al ready filed for ap -<br />

proval or in phase III, whereas elinogrel is in phase II tri als.<br />

© 2009 <strong>IMS</strong> Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 76

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