IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer


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<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES NOVARTIS<br />

Sales/An a lyst Com ment: Sales in 2008 were $295 mil lion, up 6% in lo cal cur rency terms, and it was<br />

Novartis’ num ber 19 in ter na tional phar ma ceu ti cal prod uct. Cowen & Co an a lysts (Au gust 2008) fore cast<br />

sales of $295 mil lion in 2008 ($310 mil lion in 2009). They state that from 2010, sales of the cur rent TOBI<br />

prod uct will be re placed by the sec ond-gen er a tion dry pow der prod uct (TMB 100). They think that sales<br />

of the new ver sion will reach $300 mil lion by 2013. Mor gan Stan ley an a lysts (Jan u ary 2009) fore cast<br />

TOBI sales of $293 mil lion in 2009 ($356 million by 2013-14).<br />

TYZEKA/SEBIVO (telbivudine) is an oral once-daily nucleoside an a logue for the treat ment of hep a ti tis<br />

B. It was first launched in the USA in 2006 as Tyzeka. In 2006, it was also launched by Novartis as<br />

Sebivo in Can ada, Swit zer land and In do ne sia. Ap proval in the EU (where it is sold as Sebivo) was<br />

granted in April 2007. In 2007, it was launched in the UK, Ger many, Brazil, Aus tria, Hong Kong, Ma lay sia,<br />

Fin land, Thai land, the Phil ip pines, Ar gen tina, Sin ga pore, the Neth er lands and Nor way. In 2008, it was<br />

launched in Tai wan, It aly, the Slo vak Re pub lic, South Ko rea, Rus sia, Swe den and Pa ki stan. It has also<br />

been launched in China.<br />

In Feb ru ary 2008, it was re ported that the Eu ro pean CHMP had rec om mended that warn ings about the<br />

risk of pe riph eral neu rop a thy be added to the prod uct’s la bel. Sebivo has only been ap proved as a<br />

monotherapy and the CHMP stated that cases of pe riph eral neu rop a thy had un com monly been re ported<br />

in use as a monotherapy. How ever, an in creased risk of de vel op ing pe riph eral neu rop a thy was seen in a<br />

clin i cal trial in ves ti gat ing a com bi na tion of telbivudine and Roche’s hep a ti tis C treat ment Pegasys<br />

(peginterferon alfa-2a) dosed weekly.<br />

Li cens ing: In 2003, Novartis paid $255 mil lion for around 54% of pri vately-owned Idenix’s out stand ing<br />

cap i tal stock, gain ing rights to de velop and com mer cial ize telbivudine and other drug can di dates dis cov -<br />

ered by Idenix. Novartis was re ported to hold a 56% stake in Idenix in 2008. In 2007, the com pa nies<br />

amended their deal re lat ing to telbivudine. Un der the terms of the amended deal, Idenix will dis con tinue<br />

all de vel op ment, man u fac tur ing, and com mer cial ac tiv i ties for the prod uct. Novartis will con tinue these<br />

ac tiv i ties and as sume full re spon si bil ity for on go ing and fu ture clin i cal tri als and reg u la tory fil ings. Idenix<br />

will receive a worldwide product sales-based royalty.<br />

Com pe ti tion: In the past, hep a ti tis B was mainly treated with al pha-interferons and lamivudine. How -<br />

ever, in 2002, Gilead’s Hepsera (adefovir dipivoxil), was first launched in the USA and this is now the<br />

lead ing HBV treat ment. A ma jor new oral an ti vi ral for HBV is Bris tol-Myers Squibb’s Baraclude<br />

(entecavir), a po tent nucleoside an a logue. Ap proved by the FDA in 2005, it has now been launched in a<br />

num ber of mar kets. It has dem on strated su pe rior an ti vi ral ac tiv ity com pared with con tin ued lamivudine<br />

in lamivudine-re frac tory pa tients. Sales are now gaining on those of Hepsera.<br />

Sales/An a lyst Com ment: Mor gan Stan ley an a lysts (Jan u ary 2009) put 2007 sales at $88 mil lion and<br />

fore cast $230 in sales in 2008 and $346 mil lion in 2009 ($600 mil lion by 2014).<br />

Various<br />

EXJADE (deferasirox) is an oral iron che lat ing agent for the treat ment of iron over load re lated dis eases.<br />

It was first ap proved in the USA and Swit zer land in 2005 and launched in those coun tries in No vem ber<br />

2005. Ap proval in the EU came in Au gust 2006, and a large num ber of launches across Eu rope fol lowed as<br />

well as launches in Latin Amer ica and Asia. It was also launched in a num ber of mar kets in 2007, in clud ing<br />

Greece, South Af rica, Chile, New Zea land, Fin land, Bel gium, Tur key, Tai wan, Ec ua dor, Bul garia and Sin -<br />

ga pore. It was launched in Uru guay in 2008. Deferasirox has Or phan Drug Sta tus in the USA, EU and<br />

Aus tra lia. It was filed in Ja pan in March 2007, a year ahead of sched ule, and launched in Ja pan in June<br />

2008. It is avail able in over 90 coun tries world wide, according to Novartis in January 2009.<br />

The phase III stud ies in volved around 800 adults and chil dren with beta-thalassemia myelodysplastic<br />

syn drome. Thalassemia is a con gen i tal dis or der re sult ing in pro duc tion of ab nor mal he mo glo bin. Treat -<br />

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