IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer


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<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES NOVARTIS<br />

Li cens ing: In 2002, Ca na dian rights were li censed to PanGeo Pharma.<br />

Sensory Organ Agents/Ophthalmologicals<br />

LUCENTIS (ranibizumab) is a monoclonal an ti body, orig i nally de vel oped by Genentech (now part of<br />

Roche, Swit zer land) in col lab o ra tion with li censee Novartis, for the treat ment of wet age-re lated macular<br />

de gen er a tion (AMD). It was first launched by Novartis in Fin land in 2004. Genentech filed a BLA with the<br />

FDA for the treat ment of AMD in 2005 and ap proval was granted in June 2006, when Lucentis was<br />

launched in the USA, its first world mar ket, by Genentech, which holds North Amer i can rights. In 2006, it<br />

was also launched in Aus tria, Swit zer land and Nor way. It was ap proved in the EU in Jan u ary 2007. 2007<br />

saw launches in a num ber of coun tries, in clud ing the UK, Ire land, Ger many, Den mark, In do ne sia, Swe -<br />

den, Bul garia, Po land, Bel gium, Can ada, France, Greece, It aly, Aus tra lia, New Zea land, Spain, Ar gen tina,<br />

Mex ico, Hun gary, Thai land and South Ko rea. In 2008, it was launched in Ku wait, Pa ki stan and Sin ga pore.<br />

In Jan u ary 2009, Novartis noted that Lucentis is now ap proved in more than 70 markets. It was approved<br />

in Japan in January 2009.<br />

Lucentis is the first treat ment for wet AMD that has been shown to im prove vi sion rather than slow vi sion<br />

loss, and is ex pected to be come a gold stan dard treat ment. Novartis is also de vel op ing Lucentis for the<br />

treat ment of di a betic macular edema (DME). In No vem ber 2008, Novartis stated that Lucentis had<br />

shown “suc cess ful re sults in the phase II RE SOLVE study with sta tis ti cally sig nif i cant vi sion im prove ment<br />

com pared to pla cebo in pa tients with DME, an eye con di tion linked with high blood sugar that causes<br />

blind ness. The phase III RE STORE study was started in May 2008 in DME, with a sub mis sion in Europe<br />

planned for 2010.”<br />

In the UK there have been prob lems with NHS fund ing for Lucentis, but in late 2008 Novartis came to an<br />

agree ment with the UK De part ment of Health whereby it agreed to pay for use of the drug be yond 14 in -<br />

jec tions if nec es sary.<br />

Li cens ing: In 2003, Genentech granted Novartis an ex clu sive li cense to de velop and mar ket Lucentis<br />

out side North Amer ica for in di ca tions re lated to dis eases of the eye. Un der the terms of the deal, the com -<br />

pa nies shared cer tain global de vel op ment costs. Genentech will re ceive an upfront fee, mile stone pay -<br />

ments and roy al ties from prod uct sales out side North Amer ica. North Amer i can mar ket ing rights will be<br />

retained by Genentech.<br />

Clin i cal Data: Data from the AN CHOR study, pre sented in 2006, com par ing Lucentis to Visudyne<br />

(verteporfin) photodynamic ther apy (PDT), showed a dif fer ence in mean change in vi sual acu ity of 18 let -<br />

ters for pa tients treated with 0.3mg of Lucentis and 21 let ters for pa tients treated with 0.5mg of Lucentis<br />

from study en try com pared to those treated with PDT at 12 months. In the first year of this two-year<br />

study, pa tients treated with Lucentis gained an av er age of 8.5 let ters in the 0.3mg dose group and 11 let -<br />

ters in the 0.5mg dose group com pared to pa tients treated with PDT, who lost an av er age of 9.5 letters.<br />

QLT (Can ada) is con duct ing a phase II trial, known as RAD I CAL, com par ing Visudyne-Lucentis com bi na -<br />

tion ther a pies with Lucentis monotherapy in 162 sub jects with choroidal neovascularization sec ond ary to<br />

age-re lated macular de gen er a tion. The study is de signed to de ter mine if the com bi na tion ther apy re -<br />

duces retreatment rates com pared with Lucentis monotherapy. Six month re sults re ported in De cem ber<br />

2008 showed that mean cu mu la tive treat ments were lower in the com bi na tion groups than the<br />

monotherapy group.<br />

Com pe ti tion: About one third of pa tients in clin i cal tri als of Lucentis dem on strated im proved vi sion af ter<br />

12 months, giv ing it a firm ad van tage over Pfizer’s ri val VEGF in hib i tor Macugen (pegaptanib). Pfizer ap -<br />

peared to have had the ad van tage of six-weekly dos ing with Macugen, Lucentis has a broader la bel.<br />

Macugen was ap proved by the FDA in 2004 (and in the EU in 2006).<br />

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