IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer
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IMS COM PANY PRO FILES NOVARTIS Lifecycle Man age ment: In 1998, Novartis and SkyePharma (UK) an nounced an agree ment to jointly de velop a new for mu la tion of Foradil, us ing SkyePharma’s pat ented multi-dose dry pow der in haler (MDDPI) de vice Certihaler. Novartis was to re ceive an ex clu sive world wide li cense to mar ket the Foradil Certihaler. In 2002, it was filed for ap proval by Novartis in the USA and Eu rope, and an ap prov able let ter was re ceived from the FDA in 2003. Since March 2003, it has been ap proved in Swit zer land, Aus tria, Fin - land, Por tu gal, the Neth er lands, and Ger many. In the USA, Foradil Certihaler was ap proved in 2006 but not launched by Novartis due to lim ited sales po ten tial. In late 2008 it was re ported that SkyePharma had been in dis cus sions with a third-party (not Novartis) to com mer cial ize the prod uct with a launch set for 2009, but the de ci sion of the FDA ad vi sory com mit tee in De cem ber 2008 to with draw the asthma in di ca - tion from Foradil, means that now the product is unlikely to be commercialized in the USA. In 2003, Novartis signed a deal with Ivax (now part of Teva, Is rael) re gard ing Ivax’s new MDDPI Airmax. The agree ment cov ers the use of Airmax to de liver Novartis’ Foradil and Miflonide (budesonide) in Eu - rope and other coun tries. In 2005, Chiesi (It aly) signed a li cens ing and sup ply deal with Novartis re gard ing Chiesi’s Modulite HFA-based pres sur ized me tered-dose in haler (pMDI) ver sion of formoterol. Un der the terms of the deal, Novartis will have semi-ex clu sive pro mo tion, sales and dis tri bu tion rights for the prod uct fol low ing ap - proval in Den mark, France, Ger many, Greece, Neth er lands, South Af rica, Spain, Switzerland and Turkey. Com pe ti tion: In the 12-month pe riod to the end of Sep tem ber 2008, Foradil was the num ber five prod - uct in the ‘B-2 Stim u lants’ class (R3A), with an 8.4% mar ket share, but sales down 4% in fixed rate dol lar terms. The class was led by Sepracor’s Xopenex (levosalbutamol), with a 17.6% mar ket share and 10% fixed rate dol lar growth. Num ber two was GSK’s Vento lin (sal buta mol), with an 11.7% mar ket share and 7% fixed rate dol lar growth. GlaxoSmithKline’s Serevent (salmeterol) was num ber three, with an 11.0% mar ket share and sales down 11% in fixed rate dol lar terms. Num ber four was Teva’s branded ge - neric sal buta mol prod uct, Salamol, with an 11% mar ket share and 33% growth. The FDA’s ad vi sory com mit tee rec om men da tion for with drawal of the asthma in di ca tion ap plied to all long-act ing beta-agonists used as monotherapy, but not to prod ucts where the LABA is used in com bi na - tion with a corticosteroid, such as GSK’s Advair and AstraZeneca’s Symbicort. Foradil will no lon ger be able to com pete against these two prod ucts. Advair is re ported to have largely re placed the use of Serevent and the use of Symbicort in the US mar ket is grow ing (it was only launched in June 2007). Sales/An a lyst Com ment: Foradil was Novartis’ num ber 16 prod uct in 2008 with global sales of $387 mil lion ($373 mil lion out side the USA), but zero growth in lo cal cur rency terms. Mor gan Stan ley an a lysts (Jan u ary 2009) fore cast 2009 sales of $399 mil lion ($462 mil lion by 2014). Cowen & Co an a lysts (Au gust 2008) fore cast sales of $415 mil lion in 2008 ($430 mil lion in 2009 and $250 million by 2013). MIFLONIDE (budesonide) is a sec ond gen er a tion in haled corticosteroid, mar keted by Novartis. Lifecycle Man age ment: In 2003, Novartis signed a deal with Ivax (now part of Teva) re gard ing Ivax’s MDDPI Airmax. The deal cov ers the use of Airmax to de liver the Novartis re spi ra tory drugs Foradil (formoterol) and Miflonide. XOLAIR (omalizumab), a hu man ized anti-IgE monoclonal an ti body, was first launched in 2003 in the USA for the treat ment of mod er ate-to-se vere al ler gic asthma in ad o les cents and adults. The FDA had re - quested new platelet mon i tor ing data and more pre clin i cal and clin i cal anal y sis and pharmacokinetics prior to ap proval. The ad vi sory panel agreed that Xolair had a fa vor able risk-ben e fit pro file when the con - di tion is in ad e quately con trolled with in haled corticosteroids in pa tients aged 12 to 65 years but the po - ten tial for in creased risk of can cer is still a cause for con cern with the FDA. Xolair was also launched in Aus tra lia in 2003. It is now re ported to be available in over 50 markets worldwide. © 2009 IMS Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 62

IMS COM PANY PRO FILES NOVARTIS Genentech and Novartis, which share co-mar ket ing rights in the USA, filed a Biologics Li cens ing Ap pli ca - tion (BLA) in the USA in 2000, which was ap proved in 2003. In 2004, Novartis re sub mit ted its ap pli ca tion for the treat ment of se vere al ler gic asthma to the Com mit tee for Me dic i nal Prod ucts for Hu man Use (CHMP) in Eu rope. This is a slightly nar rower in di ca tion that ap proved in the USA where it can also be used in pa tients with mod er ate dis ease. It gained EU ap proval in 2005, and was launched in the UK, Den - mark, Po land, the Neth er lands and Ger many. Launches have taken place slowly world wide, most re - cently in 2008 in Rus sia. Xolair was filed for ap proval in Ja pan in 2006 and received approval in January 2009. Phase III tri als have been com pleted (with Tanox and Genentech) in chil dren aged be tween six and 12 years with mod er ate-to-se vere, per sis tent and in ad e quately con trolled al ler gic asthma. An ap proval in this pa tient group could have a high im pact on sales. In De cem ber 2008, Xolair was sub mit ted for use in chil dren from six to less than 12 years of age in the EU by Novartis and by Genentech in the USA. A new liq uid for mu la tion re ceived a pos i tive rec om men da tion in the EU in November 2008. Li cens ing: Genentech and Novartis share US co-mar ket ing rights. A 2003 co-mar ket ing deal with Sankyo for Ja pan was ter mi nated in 2006, when Daiichi Sankyo re turned rights to Novartis. In 1996, orig i na tor Tanox (now part of Genentech), Ciba and Genentech set tled law suits filed against each other re lat ing to the de vel op ment of monoclonal an ti body prod ucts di rected against IgE. Un der the terms of the set tle ment, Novartis will share mar ket ing op por tu ni ties with Genentech in the USA and Eu - rope. Roche, Genentech’s par ent com pany, will also have an op tion to par tic i pate in mar ket ing in Ja pan. Tanox will re ceive an ini tial pay ment from Genentech, as well as mile stones. Tanox will also re ceive roy al - ties from sales of the prod uct world wide, ex cept for Tai wan, China, Hong Kong, Sin ga pore, and South Ko - rea, where Tanox and Novartis will co-de velop the prod uct. In January 2007, Genentech acquired Tanox. Clin i cal Data: Omalizumab is the first of a new class of ther a pies for asthma that tar get im mu no glob u lin E, the an ti body trig ger of al ler gic re ac tions. It is ad min is tered by sub cu ta ne ous in jec tion and binds to free IgE in the blood. Ad min is tra tion is likely to be once a month. In Feb ru ary 2005, it was re ported by Novartis that a new anal y sis of re sults from seven clin i cal stud ies shows that Xolair sig nif i cantly re duced the num ber of asthma at tacks and al most halved the rate of emer gency vis its in pa tients with se vere asthma. The stud ies in volved more than 4,300 pa tients with se - vere per sis tent asthma, who were in ad e quately con trolled de spite re ceiv ing the ther apy spec i fied in cur - rent guide lines. The sum mary of data ap peared in Al lergy, the peer-re viewed jour nal of the Eu ro pean Acad emy of Allergology and Clin i cal Im mu nol ogy (EAACI). The same pub li ca tion con tains the first de - tailed re sults from one of the tri als, IN NO VATE, in di cat ing that “omalizumab is an ef fec tive add-on ther - apy for these dif fi cult-to-treat patients who have an important unmet medical need.” Com pe ti tion: Ac cord ing to IMS, in the 12-month pe riod to the end of Sep tem ber 2008, Xolair was the lead ing prod uct in the R3X class (‘All Other Anti-Asthma and COPD Prod ucts’) with an 80% mar ket share, but sales down 1% in fixed rate dol lar terms. Servier’s Pneumorel (fenspiride) was num ber two, with an 8.2% mar ket share and 4% fixed rate dol lar growth. Wyeth’s Primatene (ephed rine + theophylline + epinephine) was third, with a 2.1% mar ket share and 34% fixed rate dollar growth. Sales/An a lyst Com ment: In 2008, Xolair sales were $211 mil lion, up 42% in lo cal cur rency terms. Genentech re ported sales of $517 mil lion in the USA in 2008. Mor gan Stan ley an a lysts (Jan u ary 2009) fore cast sales of $217 mil lion in 2009 ($256 mil lion by 2011-14). Cowen & Co an a lysts (Au gust 2008) fore cast sales of $190 mil lion in 2008 ($300 million by 2013). ZADITEN (ketotifen), a non-steroidal anti-in flam ma tory agent, first launched in 1979. It is used in the treat ment of asthma, al ler gies, and ec zema. Oral, oph thal mic, and top i cal for mu la tions are avail able. It is now open to ge neric com pe ti tion and sales are in decline. © 2009 IMS Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 63

<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES NOVARTIS<br />

Lifecycle Man age ment: In 1998, Novartis and SkyePharma (UK) an nounced an agree ment to jointly<br />

de velop a new for mu la tion of Foradil, us ing SkyePharma’s pat ented multi-dose dry pow der in haler<br />

(MDDPI) de vice Certihaler. Novartis was to re ceive an ex clu sive world wide li cense to mar ket the Foradil<br />

Certihaler. In 2002, it was filed for ap proval by Novartis in the USA and Eu rope, and an ap prov able let ter<br />

was re ceived from the FDA in 2003. Since March 2003, it has been ap proved in Swit zer land, Aus tria, Fin -<br />

land, Por tu gal, the Neth er lands, and Ger many. In the USA, Foradil Certihaler was ap proved in 2006 but<br />

not launched by Novartis due to lim ited sales po ten tial. In late 2008 it was re ported that SkyePharma had<br />

been in dis cus sions with a third-party (not Novartis) to com mer cial ize the prod uct with a launch set for<br />

2009, but the de ci sion of the FDA ad vi sory com mit tee in De cem ber 2008 to with draw the asthma in di ca -<br />

tion from Foradil, means that now the product is unlikely to be commercialized in the USA.<br />

In 2003, Novartis signed a deal with Ivax (now part of Teva, Is rael) re gard ing Ivax’s new MDDPI Airmax.<br />

The agree ment cov ers the use of Airmax to de liver Novartis’ Foradil and Miflonide (budesonide) in Eu -<br />

rope and other coun tries.<br />

In 2005, Chiesi (It aly) signed a li cens ing and sup ply deal with Novartis re gard ing Chiesi’s Modulite<br />

HFA-based pres sur ized me tered-dose in haler (pMDI) ver sion of formoterol. Un der the terms of the deal,<br />

Novartis will have semi-ex clu sive pro mo tion, sales and dis tri bu tion rights for the prod uct fol low ing ap -<br />

proval in Den mark, France, Ger many, Greece, Neth er lands, South Af rica, Spain, Switzerland and Turkey.<br />

Com pe ti tion: In the 12-month pe riod to the end of Sep tem ber 2008, Foradil was the num ber five prod -<br />

uct in the ‘B-2 Stim u lants’ class (R3A), with an 8.4% mar ket share, but sales down 4% in fixed rate dol lar<br />

terms. The class was led by Sepracor’s Xopenex (levosalbutamol), with a 17.6% mar ket share and 10%<br />

fixed rate dol lar growth. Num ber two was GSK’s Vento lin (sal buta mol), with an 11.7% mar ket share<br />

and 7% fixed rate dol lar growth. GlaxoSmithKline’s Serevent (salmeterol) was num ber three, with an<br />

11.0% mar ket share and sales down 11% in fixed rate dol lar terms. Num ber four was Teva’s branded ge -<br />

neric sal buta mol prod uct, Salamol, with an 11% mar ket share and 33% growth.<br />

The FDA’s ad vi sory com mit tee rec om men da tion for with drawal of the asthma in di ca tion ap plied to all<br />

long-act ing beta-agonists used as monotherapy, but not to prod ucts where the LABA is used in com bi na -<br />

tion with a corticosteroid, such as GSK’s Advair and AstraZeneca’s Symbicort. Foradil will no lon ger be<br />

able to com pete against these two prod ucts. Advair is re ported to have largely re placed the use of<br />

Serevent and the use of Symbicort in the US mar ket is grow ing (it was only launched in June 2007).<br />

Sales/An a lyst Com ment: Foradil was Novartis’ num ber 16 prod uct in 2008 with global sales of $387<br />

mil lion ($373 mil lion out side the USA), but zero growth in lo cal cur rency terms. Mor gan Stan ley an a lysts<br />

(Jan u ary 2009) fore cast 2009 sales of $399 mil lion ($462 mil lion by 2014). Cowen & Co an a lysts (Au gust<br />

2008) fore cast sales of $415 mil lion in 2008 ($430 mil lion in 2009 and $250 million by 2013).<br />

MIFLONIDE (budesonide) is a sec ond gen er a tion in haled corticosteroid, mar keted by Novartis.<br />

Lifecycle Man age ment: In 2003, Novartis signed a deal with Ivax (now part of Teva) re gard ing Ivax’s<br />

MDDPI Airmax. The deal cov ers the use of Airmax to de liver the Novartis re spi ra tory drugs Foradil<br />

(formoterol) and Miflonide.<br />

XOLAIR (omalizumab), a hu man ized anti-IgE monoclonal an ti body, was first launched in 2003 in the<br />

USA for the treat ment of mod er ate-to-se vere al ler gic asthma in ad o les cents and adults. The FDA had re -<br />

quested new platelet mon i tor ing data and more pre clin i cal and clin i cal anal y sis and pharmacokinetics<br />

prior to ap proval. The ad vi sory panel agreed that Xolair had a fa vor able risk-ben e fit pro file when the con -<br />

di tion is in ad e quately con trolled with in haled corticosteroids in pa tients aged 12 to 65 years but the po -<br />

ten tial for in creased risk of can cer is still a cause for con cern with the FDA. Xolair was also launched in<br />

Aus tra lia in 2003. It is now re ported to be available in over 50 markets worldwide.<br />

© 2009 <strong>IMS</strong> Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 62

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