IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer
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IMS COM PANY PRO FILES NOVARTIS Novartis is a com pany with lead er ship po si tions in pat ented and ge neric pharmaceuticals, vac cines, and over-the-coun ter med i cines. In 2007, it was ranked as the world’s num ber three phar ma ceu ti cal cor po rate group, ac cord ing to IMS. It has four busi ness di vi sions: Pharmaceuticals, Sandoz (Generics), Con sumer Health and Vac cines & Di ag nos tics. Based in Basel, Swit zer land, Novartis has un der gone con - sid er able re or ga ni za tion in re cent years. Sev eral ac qui si tions have strength ened Novartis’ pres ence in vac cines and generics, while the sale of its nu tri tion busi nesses has left the com pany’s fo cus solely on healthcare prod ucts. Lead ing drugs are the an gio ten sin II in hib i tor Diovan (valsartan), with 2008 sales of $5.7 bil lion, and the can cer ther apy Glivec (imatinib), with 2008 sales of $3.7 bil lion. The com pany’s Pharmaceuticals busi ness faced sev eral prob lems in 2007 mainly in the US, in clud ing ge neric com pe ti tion and reg u la tory de lays for a ma jor pipe line prod uct, Galvus (vildagliptin), but 2008 saw the sec tor bounce back, led by dy namic growth of the on col ogy busi ness. 2008 saw few prod uct launches, but new prod ucts launched in 2007 con trib uted sig nif i cantly to growth in 2008. In 2008, Novartis’ vac cines and di ag nos tics per formed well, while the per for mance of the generics busi ness was more muted due to a lack of launches in the USA. The com pany faces the pros pect of los ing around 20% of its sales to ge neric com pe - ti tion by 2012 (in clud ing Diovan). Novartis’ strat egy to sur vive this loss hinges on bol ster ing its ex ten sive R&D pipe line, in par tic u lar its on col ogy pipe line, and growth in emerg ing mar kets, as well as con tin ued cost-con tain ment mea sures. In 2008 the com pany re ceived 10 key ap prov als and made 14 key reg u la - tory sub mis sions (in clud ing ad di tional in di ca tions for mar keted prod ucts) and in 2008 Novartis ac quired two com pa nies to bol ster its pipe line: Protez Pharmaceuticals (USA), fo cused on anti-infectives, and Speedel (Swit zer land), a de vel oper of car dio vas cu lar drugs. In July 2008, it took a 25% stake in the US oph thal mol ogy firm Alcon, which is ma jor ity-owned by Nes tle (Swit zer land), for $10.4 billion. Novartis also gained the right to acquire the remaining 52% Alcon stake held by Nestle between January 2010 and July 2011 for up to approximately $28 billion. Share Data: Shares are quoted on the Swiss stock ex change in Zu rich, and the New York Stock Ex - change. Shares are also traded on the SEAQ In ter na tional, Lon don. The com pany has the fol low ing busi ness di vi sions: Pharmaceuticals Sandoz Con sumer Health Vac cines & Di ag nos tics © 2009 IMS Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 6

IMS COM PANY PRO FILES NOVARTIS In tro duc tion • Strong Per for mance For 2008 Strategy Statement The start of 2009 found Novartis in a pos i tive po si tion in creas ing its div i dends to share hold ers by 25% as it re ported strong 2008 re sults, with a 9% rise in to tal sales (5% in lo cal cur rency) and net in come up 25%. The com pany’s phar ma ceu ti cal busi ness had bounced back from a dif fi cult 2007 and first half of 2008, and Vac cines and Di ag nos tics and Con sumer Health also con trib uted to growth. The com pany was ex tremely pos i tive about its R&D pro duc tiv ity re port ing 14 reg u la tory sub mis sions in 2008 and 10 key ap prov als. For the full year 2008 net sales rose to $41.5 bil lion and net in come grew to $8.2 bil lion. Sales for the Pharmaceuticals sec tor rose 10% (5% lo cal cur rency) to $26.3 bil lion, sales in Vac cines and Di ag - nos tics rose 21% (20% lo cal cur rency) to $1.8 bil lion, sales for Sandoz, the com pany’s generics busi ness, rose 5% (1% lo cal cur rency) to $7.6 bil lion and sales in Con sumer Health rose 7% (4% lo cal cur rency) to $5.8 bil lion. Al though the US mar ket re mains the com pany’s larg est, ac count ing for 31% of sales, it has proved the most dif fi cult in re cent times and growth only re turned in the lat ter half of the year. Dy namic growth for the company is now being seen in Eastern and Central Europe and emerging markets. There is a ma jor neg a tive ahead for Novartis, how ever, the loss of pat ent pro tec tion for its lead ing prod - uct, Diovan (valsartan) in Eu rope in 2011 and in 2012 in the USA. An tic i pat ing this “pat ent cliff”, as it is known, Novartis re ports that it is fo cus ing on three ar eas: its on col ogy pipe line, which it plans to ac cel er - ate in clud ing new in di ca tions; growth in emerg ing mar kets; and the ac cel er a tion and broad en ing of in di - ca tions for 13 ma jor pipe line pro jects in the area Gen eral Med i cines. Novartis also con tin ues to fo cus on im proved pro duc tiv ity, cost flow man age ment and bolstering its product portfolio in general. In the last de cade, Novartis has sharp ened its fo cus on healthcare. In 2007, it com pleted the di vest ment of all its nu tri tion busi nesses. In 2008, the com pany com pleted a se ries of ac qui si tions and in vest ments to bol ster its phar ma ceu ti cal busi ness: the pur chase of a 25% stake in the lead ing eye care com pany, Alcon (USA), the ac qui si tion of Speedel (Swit zer land) a de vel oper of car dio vas cu lar ther a pies, the ac qui si tion of Protez (USA), a de vel oper of anti-infectives, and the ac qui si tion of the pul mo nary busi ness of Nektar Ther a peu tics (USA), which will enhance its respiratory drug delivery capabilities. Novartis launched the “For ward” ini tia tive in De cem ber 2007 to im prove com pet i tive ness. This ini tia tive will sim plify or ga ni za tional struc tures, ac cel er ate and de cen tral ize de ci sion-mak ing pro cesses, re de sign the way Novartis op er ates and pro vide pro duc tiv ity gains. Ap prox i mately 2,500 full-time po si tions are ex pected to be cut as part of the pro gram. The For ward pro ject pro vided an nual cost sav ings of ap prox i - mately $1.1 bil lion in 2008, above the tar get of $670 mil lion. The com pany ex pects fur ther sig nif i cant sav ings for 2009 and the fi nal target of $1.6 billion by 2010 is likely to be exceeded. In 2008, Novartis CEO Dan iel Vasella has made a num ber of changes to man age ment, no ta bly re plac ing Thomas Ebeling as Head of Pharma with Jo seph Jimenez. Mr Jimenez, who joined Novartis from a pri vate eq uity firm, had spent most of his ca reer at the food com pany Heinz. Mr Ebeling was moved to head the Con sumer Health di vi sion, but in Oc to ber 2008, it was an nounced that he was leav ing the com pany. Dr Vasella is also re or ga niz ing R&D and in creas ing his com pany’s in volve ment in the fast-grow ing generics and vac cines sec tors. Go ing for ward Novartis an tic i pates seven ap prov als in 2009 (in clud ing ad di tional in di ca tions), eight reg u la tory sub mis sions (in clud ing ad di tional in di ca tions) and a large amount of data from phase III trials to be reported. © 2009 IMS Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 7

<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES NOVARTIS<br />

Novartis is a com pany with lead er ship po si tions in pat ented and ge neric pharmaceuticals, vac cines,<br />

and over-the-coun ter med i cines. In 2007, it was ranked as the world’s num ber three phar ma ceu ti cal<br />

cor po rate group, ac cord ing to <strong>IMS</strong>. It has four busi ness di vi sions: Pharmaceuticals, Sandoz (Generics),<br />

Con sumer Health and Vac cines & Di ag nos tics. Based in Basel, Swit zer land, Novartis has un der gone con -<br />

sid er able re or ga ni za tion in re cent years. Sev eral ac qui si tions have strength ened Novartis’ pres ence in<br />

vac cines and generics, while the sale of its nu tri tion busi nesses has left the com pany’s fo cus solely on<br />

healthcare prod ucts. Lead ing drugs are the an gio ten sin II in hib i tor Diovan (valsartan), with 2008 sales of<br />

$5.7 bil lion, and the can cer ther apy Glivec (imatinib), with 2008 sales of $3.7 bil lion. The com pany’s<br />

Pharmaceuticals busi ness faced sev eral prob lems in 2007 mainly in the US, in clud ing ge neric com pe ti tion<br />

and reg u la tory de lays for a ma jor pipe line prod uct, Galvus (vildagliptin), but 2008 saw the sec tor bounce<br />

back, led by dy namic growth of the on col ogy busi ness. 2008 saw few prod uct launches, but new prod ucts<br />

launched in 2007 con trib uted sig nif i cantly to growth in 2008. In 2008, Novartis’ vac cines and di ag nos tics<br />

per formed well, while the per for mance of the generics busi ness was more muted due to a lack of<br />

launches in the USA. The com pany faces the pros pect of los ing around 20% of its sales to ge neric com pe -<br />

ti tion by 2012 (in clud ing Diovan). Novartis’ strat egy to sur vive this loss hinges on bol ster ing its ex ten sive<br />

R&D pipe line, in par tic u lar its on col ogy pipe line, and growth in emerg ing mar kets, as well as con tin ued<br />

cost-con tain ment mea sures. In 2008 the com pany re ceived 10 key ap prov als and made 14 key reg u la -<br />

tory sub mis sions (in clud ing ad di tional in di ca tions for mar keted prod ucts) and in 2008 Novartis ac quired<br />

two com pa nies to bol ster its pipe line: Protez Pharmaceuticals (USA), fo cused on anti-infectives, and<br />

Speedel (Swit zer land), a de vel oper of car dio vas cu lar drugs. In July 2008, it took a 25% stake in the US<br />

oph thal mol ogy firm Alcon, which is ma jor ity-owned by Nes tle (Swit zer land), for $10.4 billion. Novartis<br />

also gained the right to acquire the remaining 52% Alcon stake held by Nestle between January 2010 and<br />

July 2011 for up to approximately $28 billion.<br />

Share Data: Shares are quoted on the Swiss stock ex change in Zu rich, and the New York Stock Ex -<br />

change. Shares are also traded on the SEAQ In ter na tional, Lon don.<br />

The com pany has the fol low ing busi ness di vi sions:<br />

Pharmaceuticals<br />

Sandoz<br />

Con sumer Health<br />

Vac cines & Di ag nos tics<br />

© 2009 <strong>IMS</strong> Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 6

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