IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer


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<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES NOVARTIS<br />

was launched in the UK, Den mark, the Neth er lands, It aly, France, Spain, Fin land and Austria. It was<br />

launched in Bulgaria and Belgium in March 2008.<br />

In Sep tem ber 2008, the US FDA ap proved Sandoz’s sNDA for a new strength car tridge (10mg/1.5ml) of<br />

Omnitrope for use with a new re us able in jec tor pen, Omnitrope Pen 10.<br />

In the USA, Pfizer, the maker of a branded somatropin prod uct, Genotropin, lob bied against the ap -<br />

proval of Omnitrope and asked the FDA to de lay ap proval. The FDA in formed Novartis in 2004 that it has<br />

been un able to reach a de ci sion be cause of un cer tainty re gard ing sci en tific and le gal is sues. In 2005,<br />

Sandoz sued the FDA, seek ing to force it to make a de ci sion on its ap pli ca tion. The law suit, filed in a US<br />

Dis trict Court in Wash ing ton, al leged that the FDA vi o lated fed eral law by fail ing to make a fi nal rul ing,<br />

keep ing Omnitrope in “per pet ual limbo.” In May 2006, us ing a spe cial reg u la tion, the FDA au tho rized<br />

Omnitrope and cleared the way for it to com pete with Pfizer’s Genotropin in the USA. The spe cial reg u la -<br />

tion is known as 505(b)(2). The FDA ex pressly re jected the sug ges tion that the ap proval pro vided a<br />

far-reach ing pre ce dent for au tho riz ing fol low-on versions of other types of currently marketed products.<br />

Sandoz did not seek a ther a peu tic equiv a lence rat ing for Omnitrope. Con se quently, Omnitrope is not au -<br />

to mat i cally substitutable for Genotropin at the phar macy, al though in dus try ex perts said that a pre scrip -<br />

tion writ ten for somatropin could be filled with Omnitrope.<br />

Com pe ti tion: In the 12 month pe riod to the end of Sep tem ber 2008 Omnitrope was num ber nine in the<br />

‘To tal Growth Hor mones’ class, with a 1% mar ket share and 500% fixed rate dol lar growth, ac cord ing to<br />

<strong>IMS</strong>. Genotropin was num ber one, with a 29.8% mar ket share and 3% fixed rate dol lar growth. In sec ond<br />

place was Novo Nordisk’s Norditropin, with a 24.1% mar ket share and 9% fixed rate dol lar growth, fol -<br />

lowed in third place by Lilly’s Humatrope (somatropin) with a 16.8% mar ket share and 18% growth.<br />

SANDOSTATIN (octreotide), a somatostatin an a logue, first launched in 1988, is mainly used in the<br />

treat ment of gas tro in tes ti nal tu mors and acromegaly and avail able in most ma jor mar kets in clud ing the<br />

USA and Ja pan. Sandostatin LAR, a new long-act ing dos age form (once-monthly in jec tion for<br />

acromegaly), was launched in Ger many in 1997 and in the UK in 1998. In 1998, the FDA ap proved<br />

Sandostatin LAR, which is now sold in many mar kets world wide, including Japan.<br />

Pat ents: Pat ents have now ex pired and Sandostatin is open to ge neric com pe ti tion.<br />

Clin i cal Data: In Jan u ary 2009 Novartis re ported in terim data from a multicenter, pro spec tive, ran dom -<br />

ized, pla cebo-con trolled, dou ble-blind phase IIIb trial of Sandostatin LAR. The Ger man trial in cluded 85<br />

treat ment na ive pa tients with lo cally in op er a ble or met a static func tion ally ac tive neuroendocrine tu mors<br />

(NETs), with the pri mary tu mor in the midgut, who were with out cu ra tive ther a peu tic op tions. Fol low -<br />

ing six months of treat ment, Sandostatin LAR-treated pa tients had a 66% re duc tion in risk of dis ease<br />

pro gres sion, com pared with the pla cebo group; tu mor growth was halted in 69% and 39% of pa tients re -<br />

ceiv ing Sandostatin LAR and pla cebo, re spec tively. Sandostatin LAR-treated pa tients had no tu mor pro -<br />

gres sion for a me dian of 14.3 months, compared with six months for placebo-treated patients.<br />

Com pe ti tion: In 2005, Boehringer Ingelheim launched a ge neric ver sion of octreotide in the USA. In<br />

2006, Teva and Novartis launched ge neric octreotide prod ucts in the US. In the 12-month pe riod to the<br />

end of Sep tem ber 2008, Sandostatin was the lead ing prod uct in the H1C class (Hypothalmic Hor mones),<br />

with a 62.4% mar ket share and 4% fixed rate dol lar growth. The num ber two prod uct was Ipsen’s<br />

Somatuline (lanreotide), with an 8.8% mar ket share and 17% fixed rate dol lar growth. Num ber three<br />

was Pfizer’s Somavert (pegvisomant), with a 6.6% mar ket share and sales up 26% in fixed rate dol lar<br />

terms. Num ber four was Takeda’s Enantone (leuprorelin), with a 4.4% mar ket share and 1% fixed rate<br />

dollar growth.<br />

Ambrilia (Can ada) is car ry ing out phase III tri als with its pro pri etary pro longed-re lease for mu la tion of<br />

octreotide, which it re fers to as octreotide C2L (drug de liv ery sys tem, octreotide, Ambrilia in <strong>IMS</strong><br />

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