IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer
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IMS COM PANY PRO FILES NOVARTIS This could be an im por tant in di ca tion as it in flu ences how the pa tients func tion in the day time. The same doses also pro duced a 68.7% and 76.5% re duc tion in weekly in con ti nence ep i sodes ver sus 46% for pla - cebo. Gen eral anticholinergic sys temic side ef fects (such as dry mouth, con sti pa tion, and blurred vi sion) have been noted with the drug despite its specificity for M3 muscarinic receptors. Com pe ti tion: Darifenacin’s main com pet i tors are the lead ing prod uct in this cat e gory, Pfizer’s Detrusitol (tolterodine) and a newer treat ment, Astellas’ M3 se lec tive prod uct Vesicare (solifenacin). Vesicare’s side ef fect pro file has dem on strated anticholinergic side ef fects (dry mouth/con sti pa tion), sim - i lar to the older OAB treat ments and its mar ket ing cam paign seems more fo cused now on price, with launch price at a dis count to older com pet i tors. Darifenacin, how ever, has shown lower lev els of these side ef fects but com pa ra ble ef fi cacy to im me di ate-re lease oxybutynin al though the study did not com - pare with the con trolled re lease ver sion. How ever, look ing at lat est IMS fig ures, sales of Vesicare are grow ing faster than sales of Enablex in fixed rate dollar terms. Ac cord ing to IMS, Enablex was the num ber three prod uct in the G4D class (Uri nary In con ti nence Prod - ucts) in the 12-month pe riod to the end of Sep tem ber 2008, with a 7.1% mar ket share and sales up 27% in fixed rate dol lar terms. Pfizer’s Detrusitol was num ber one prod uct, with a 41.7% mar ket share, up 5% in fixed rate dol lar terms. Vesicare was sec ond, with a 21.3% mar ket share and sales up 53% in fixed rate dollar terms. Sales/An a lyst Com ments: Mor gan Stan ley an a lysts (Jan u ary 2009) put sales at $210 mil lion in 2008. They fore cast sales of $224 mil lion in 2009 ($288 mil lion by 2014). Cowen & Co an a lysts (Au gust 2008) fore cast sales of $205 mil lion in 2008 ($265 mil lion by 2013). ESTRADERM MX/ESTRADERM MA TRIX (17beta estradiol), a new ma trix form of the orig i nal Estraderm patch, was first launched in Swe den in 1995 for the treat ment of meno pausal symp toms and the pre ven tion of post-meno pausal os teo po ro sis. It has since been launched in a num ber of mar kets world wide. Estraderm MX is a sin gle layer patch, in which the ac tive in gre di ent, 17-beta estradiol, is con - tained within a ma trix in the ad he sive layer. This makes it thin ner and more flex i ble than Estraderm/Estraderm TTS (first launched in 1985), where the ac tive sub stance is mixed with eth a nol to form a gel con tained within a res er voir in the patch. How ever, un like the TTS patches, the MX does not re tain its efficacy if relocated during use. Li cens ing: In 2000, Kissei took over mar ket ing of Estraderm MX and Estraderm TTS in Ja pan). ESTRADOT/VIVELLE-DOT (drug de liv ery sys tem, trans derm al 17beta estradiol) is the world’s small - est trans derm al es tro gen de liv ery sys tem, in di cated for the treat ment of meno pausal symp toms. It was de vel oped by the women’s health joint ven ture of Novartis and Noven (USA), Novogyne Pharmaceuticals (for merly Vivelle Ven tures), and launched in the USA in 1999 as Vivelle-Dot. It has sub se quently gained EU ap proval and has been launched in a num ber of Eu ro pean coun tries, in clud ing Ger many, Bel gium, France, Ire land, the UK, Po land, Spain and Den mark as Vivelle-Dot or Estradot. Estradot has also been launched in Fin land, Nor way, Ven e zuela, Brazil, Ar gen tina, Aus tra lia, South Af rica and Uru guay. In 2002, the FDA ap proved the ex panded use of Vivelle-Dot for the pre ven tion of post-meno pausal os teo po ro sis. It was launched in Canada in 2001 as Estradot. Li cens ing: In 1998, Novartis and Noven formed a jv, Vivelle Ven tures, to mar ket Vivelle and Vivelle-Dot in North Amer ica (51%-owned by Novartis, and 49%-owned by Noven). Un der the jv agree ment, Noven was to man u fac ture the prod uct, pro mote it to phy si cians and re ceive roy al ties from the Vivelle Ven tures, and Novartis was to dis trib ute the prod uct. The com pa nies were to share prof its from Vivelle Ven tures. In 1999, Noven an nounced that the Vivelle jv would change its name to Novogyne Pharmaceuticals with the launch of Vivelle-Dot. © 2009 IMS Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 54

IMS COM PANY PRO FILES NOVARTIS Hormonal Agents MIACALCIC/MIACALCIN (salcatonin), a syn thetic salmon calcitonin prep a ra tion for Paget’s dis ease, os teo po ro sis, and hypercalcemia, was first launched in 1976. Now avail able in many mar kets, it has proved par tic u larly pop u lar in It aly (calcitonin has tra di tion ally been widely used in South ern Eu rope). In 1987, a na sal spray for mu la tion was launched. In April 2005, Miacalcic in di ca tions were up dated. Am poules and multidose vi als are now only in di cated for pre ven tion of acute bone loss due to sud den im mo bi li za tion such as in pa tients with re cent osteoporotic frac tures, Paget’s dis ease and hypercalcemia of ma lig nancy. Miacalcic na sal spray is in di - cated for the treat ment of es tab lished post-meno pausal os teo po ro sis in or der to re duce the risk of ver te - bral frac tures. Both for mu la tions are now con tra in di cated in patients with hypocalcaemia. Li cens ing: In 1999, Noven’s (USA) women’s health joint ven ture with Novartis, Novogyne Pharmaceuticals (pre vi ously known as Vivelle Ven tures LLC), agreed to co-pro mote Miacalcin na sal spray in the USA. Lifecycle Man age ment: In 2008, Novartis was de vel op ing an oral form of Miacalcic, with the labcode SMC 021, in phase III tri als for osteoarthritis and os teo po ro sis. It uses Emisphere’s (USA) Eligen drug de liv ery tech nol ogy. Novartis an tic i pates a fil ing for SMC 021 for the lead in di ca tion of osteoarthritis in 2011. Novartis ac quired ex clu sive world wide rights from Emisphere to de velop and com mer cial ize oral calcitonin, us ing Emisphere’s pro pri etary Eligen drug de liv ery tech nol ogy in 2000. Novartis made a $10 mil lion in vest ment in Emisphere, which is el i gi ble for mile stone pay ments up to $30 million and royalties on any sales. Com pe ti tion: In the 12-month pe riod to the end of Sep tem ber 2008, ac cord ing to IMS, Miacalcic was the num ber one prod uct in the ‘Cal ci tonins’ class (H4A), with a 40.5% mar ket share, but sales were down 18% in fixed rate dol lar terms. Its clos est com pet i tor was Asahi Chem i cal’s Elcitonin (elcatonin), with a 23.2% mar ket share but 0% fixed rate dol lar growth. Num ber three was Upsher Smith’s Fortical (salcatonin), with a 10.5% mar ket share and 23% growth in fixed rate dollar terms. Sales/An a lyst Com ment: Miacalcic sales were $281 mil lion in 2007, down 17%. Mor gan Stan ley an a - lysts (Jan u ary 2009) put sales at $253 mil lion in 2008 and fore cast sales of $232 mil lion in 2009 ($180 mil lion by 2014). Cowen & Co an a lysts (Au gust 2008) fore cast ini tial sales for the oral SMC 021 prod uct of $25 mil lion in 2012 ($50 million by 2013). OMNITROPE (somatropin), man u fac tured by re com bi nant DNA tech nol ogy, is a biogeneric/biosimilar prod uct to the hu man growth hor mone prod uct somatropin. It is pro duced in a 3.3mg/ml so lu tion for in - jec tion. It re ceived its first world wide ap proval in 2004 in Aus tra lia, and was launched in Aus tra lia in 2005. The in di ca tion is to treat growth dis tur bance in chil dren over three years of age and ad o les cents due to in - suf fi cient se cre tion of growth hor mone and growth dis tur bance as so ci ated with Turner syn drome or chronic re nal in suf fi ciency. It is also in di cated as a re place ment ther apy in adults with pro nounced growth hor mone de fi ciency. Omnitrope was the first biosimilar product to be approved in the EU and the USA. Omnitrope was ap proved in Eu rope and in the USA in 2006, af ter a lengthy cam paign in volv ing a le gal ac - tion against the FDA. In Eu rope, Novartis’ Sandoz di vi sion aimed to be first onto the mar ket in 2004 and had hoped to gain EU ap proval for Omnitrope be fore the end of 2003, fol low ing rec om men da tion by the CPMP in June 2003. How ever, in April 2004 it be came ap par ent that the Eu ro pean Com mis sion was, in a highly un usual step, re fus ing ap proval as it was un happy with the le gal path way of ‘well es tab lished use’ taken by Sandoz. Sandoz sub mit ted a sec ond ap pli ca tion in July 2004, based on a rec om men da tion from the EMEA and the Com mis sion. In Jan u ary 2005, the CHMP fi nally is sued a pos i tive opin ion re gard ing Omnitrope, pav ing the way for the launch of the first ge neric ri val to biotech med i cines in Eu rope. Omnitrope was fi nally ap proved in Jan u ary 2006 and was launched in Ger many in May 2006. In 2007, it © 2009 IMS Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 55

<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES NOVARTIS<br />

This could be an im por tant in di ca tion as it in flu ences how the pa tients func tion in the day time. The same<br />

doses also pro duced a 68.7% and 76.5% re duc tion in weekly in con ti nence ep i sodes ver sus 46% for pla -<br />

cebo. Gen eral anticholinergic sys temic side ef fects (such as dry mouth, con sti pa tion, and blurred vi sion)<br />

have been noted with the drug despite its specificity for M3 muscarinic receptors.<br />

Com pe ti tion: Darifenacin’s main com pet i tors are the lead ing prod uct in this cat e gory, Pfizer’s<br />

Detrusitol (tolterodine) and a newer treat ment, Astellas’ M3 se lec tive prod uct Vesicare (solifenacin).<br />

Vesicare’s side ef fect pro file has dem on strated anticholinergic side ef fects (dry mouth/con sti pa tion), sim -<br />

i lar to the older OAB treat ments and its mar ket ing cam paign seems more fo cused now on price, with<br />

launch price at a dis count to older com pet i tors. Darifenacin, how ever, has shown lower lev els of these<br />

side ef fects but com pa ra ble ef fi cacy to im me di ate-re lease oxybutynin al though the study did not com -<br />

pare with the con trolled re lease ver sion. How ever, look ing at lat est <strong>IMS</strong> fig ures, sales of Vesicare are<br />

grow ing faster than sales of Enablex in fixed rate dollar terms.<br />

Ac cord ing to <strong>IMS</strong>, Enablex was the num ber three prod uct in the G4D class (Uri nary In con ti nence Prod -<br />

ucts) in the 12-month pe riod to the end of Sep tem ber 2008, with a 7.1% mar ket share and sales up 27%<br />

in fixed rate dol lar terms. Pfizer’s Detrusitol was num ber one prod uct, with a 41.7% mar ket share, up<br />

5% in fixed rate dol lar terms. Vesicare was sec ond, with a 21.3% mar ket share and sales up 53% in fixed<br />

rate dollar terms.<br />

Sales/An a lyst Com ments: Mor gan Stan ley an a lysts (Jan u ary 2009) put sales at $210 mil lion in 2008.<br />

They fore cast sales of $224 mil lion in 2009 ($288 mil lion by 2014). Cowen & Co an a lysts (Au gust 2008)<br />

fore cast sales of $205 mil lion in 2008 ($265 mil lion by 2013).<br />

ESTRADERM MX/ESTRADERM MA TRIX (17beta estradiol), a new ma trix form of the orig i nal<br />

Estraderm patch, was first launched in Swe den in 1995 for the treat ment of meno pausal symp toms and<br />

the pre ven tion of post-meno pausal os teo po ro sis. It has since been launched in a num ber of mar kets<br />

world wide. Estraderm MX is a sin gle layer patch, in which the ac tive in gre di ent, 17-beta estradiol, is con -<br />

tained within a ma trix in the ad he sive layer. This makes it thin ner and more flex i ble than<br />

Estraderm/Estraderm TTS (first launched in 1985), where the ac tive sub stance is mixed with eth a nol<br />

to form a gel con tained within a res er voir in the patch. How ever, un like the TTS patches, the MX does not<br />

re tain its efficacy if relocated during use.<br />

Li cens ing: In 2000, Kissei took over mar ket ing of Estraderm MX and Estraderm TTS in Ja pan).<br />

ESTRADOT/VIVELLE-DOT (drug de liv ery sys tem, trans derm al 17beta estradiol) is the world’s small -<br />

est trans derm al es tro gen de liv ery sys tem, in di cated for the treat ment of meno pausal symp toms. It was<br />

de vel oped by the women’s health joint ven ture of Novartis and Noven (USA), Novogyne Pharmaceuticals<br />

(for merly Vivelle Ven tures), and launched in the USA in 1999 as Vivelle-Dot. It has sub se quently gained<br />

EU ap proval and has been launched in a num ber of Eu ro pean coun tries, in clud ing Ger many, Bel gium,<br />

France, Ire land, the UK, Po land, Spain and Den mark as Vivelle-Dot or Estradot. Estradot has also been<br />

launched in Fin land, Nor way, Ven e zuela, Brazil, Ar gen tina, Aus tra lia, South Af rica and Uru guay. In 2002,<br />

the FDA ap proved the ex panded use of Vivelle-Dot for the pre ven tion of post-meno pausal os teo po ro sis.<br />

It was launched in Canada in 2001 as Estradot.<br />

Li cens ing: In 1998, Novartis and Noven formed a jv, Vivelle Ven tures, to mar ket Vivelle and Vivelle-Dot<br />

in North Amer ica (51%-owned by Novartis, and 49%-owned by Noven). Un der the jv agree ment, Noven<br />

was to man u fac ture the prod uct, pro mote it to phy si cians and re ceive roy al ties from the Vivelle Ven tures,<br />

and Novartis was to dis trib ute the prod uct. The com pa nies were to share prof its from Vivelle Ven tures. In<br />

1999, Noven an nounced that the Vivelle jv would change its name to Novogyne Pharmaceuticals with the<br />

launch of Vivelle-Dot.<br />

© 2009 <strong>IMS</strong> Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 54

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