IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer


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<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES NOVARTIS<br />

sion of Ritalin) and Novartis will pro vide funds for all fur ther development, and regulatory and marketing<br />

costs.<br />

Clin i cal Data: A head-to-head study, pub lished in the June 2008 Jour nal of Child and Ad o les cent<br />

Psychopharmacology, con firmed that Focalin XR ex tended re lease cap sules of fer greater im prove ments<br />

in man ag ing ADHD symp toms com pared with Concerta ex tended-re lease tab lets at two hour post-dose,<br />

the pri mary study endpoint.<br />

Pat ents: The FDA granted fi nal ap proval for Teva’s (Is rael) ge neric ver sion of Focalin in early 2007.<br />

Novartis and Celgene have filed pat ent in fringe ment suits so launch by Teva is un cer tain. If Teva<br />

launches and is later found to have will fully in fringed, it could be held li a ble for dam ages. Barr (USA) has<br />

also filed for a ge neric Focalin XR with the FDA.<br />

Lifecycle Man age ment: Novartis has de vel oped an ex tended re lease dexmethylphenidate (Focalin<br />

XR), ap proved by the FDA in 2005 and launched sub se quently.<br />

Com pe ti tion: In the 12-month pe riod to the end of Sep tem ber 2008, ac cord ing to <strong>IMS</strong>, Focalin was the<br />

num ber four prod uct in the ‘Psychostimulants’ class (N6B), with a 6.2% mar ket share and 19% fixed rate<br />

dol lar growth. The lead ing prod uct was Shire’s Adderall (am phet amine + dex am pheta mine), with a<br />

27.3% mar ket share and 9% fixed rate dol lar growth. Num ber two was J&J’s Concerta<br />

(methylphenidate), with a 25.7% mar ket share and 6% dol lar growth. Num ber three was Cephalon’s<br />

Provigil (modafinil), with an 18.5% mar ket share and 9% dol lar growth. In fifth place was Shire’s<br />

Vyvanse (lisdexamfetamine), with a 6.1% mar ket share and 595% growth. Novartis’s Ritalin<br />

(methylphenidate) was num ber six, with a 4.0% mar ket share and 1% fixed rate dollar growth.<br />

Lilly’s noradrenaline reuptake in hib i tor, Strattera (atomoxetine), first launched in the USA in 2003, is<br />

the only ADHD treat ment not con trolled as a stim u lant un der the US Con trolled Sub stances Act and will<br />

be avail able for use once or twice daily. Strattera is clas si fied by <strong>IMS</strong> as be long ing to the N7X class (all<br />

other CNS drugs), where it was ranked as the lead ing prod uct. Other com pet i tors in de vel op ment in 2008<br />

for ADHD in clude Addrenex/Sciele’s Clonicel (sus tained-re lease clonidine hy dro chlo ride) in phase III tri -<br />

als in com bi na tion with stim u lants, Targacept/AstraZeneca’s AZD 3480 in phase II tri als, and Saegis<br />

Pharmaceuticals’ (USA, now Lundbeck), SGS 742.<br />

Sales/An a lyst Com ment: In 2008, the Ritalin/Focalin group of prod ucts was Novartis’ num ber 14<br />

prod uct group with com bined sales of $440 mil lion, up 17%. Mor gan Stan ley an a lysts (Jan u ary 2009)<br />

fore cast sales will peak at $575 mil lion in 2013 and fall to $547 mil lion by 2014. Cowen & Co an a lysts (Au -<br />

gust 2008) fore cast sales of $415 mil lion in 2008 ($490 million by 2013).<br />

CLOZARIL/LEPONEX (clozapine), a neuroleptic for use in schizo phre nia, was first launched in Aus tria<br />

in 1972. It is now mar keted in most coun tries world wide, in clud ing the USA (launched in 1990). In 2002,<br />

the FDA ap proved the use of Clozaril for the treat ment of re cur rent sui cidal be hav ior in pa tients with<br />

schizo phre nia or schizoaffective dis or der who are at chronic risk. This was the first time that any med i ca -<br />

tion has been ap proved to treat sui cidal be hav ior. It has since been ap proved in other mar kets for this<br />

additional indication.<br />

In 2003, an FDA ad vi sory com mit tee rec om mended fur ther re duc ing the fre quency of man da tory WBC<br />

mon i tor ing for pa tients to ev ery month af ter they have been on Clozaril for one year. In the same year,<br />

the FDA re quested prod uct la bel ing on all atyp i cal antipsychotics to in clude a warn ing about ad di tional in -<br />

for ma tion on hyperglycemia and di a be tes. Al though not fully un der stood, ep i de mi o log i cal stud ies have<br />

sug gested some in creased risk. In 2004, the Amer i can Di a be tes So ci ety (among other groups) re opened<br />

the de bate sur round ing in creased obe sity and type 2 di a be tes in pa tients re ceiv ing atyp i cal<br />

antipsychotics, where Clozaril came off badly. Novartis wel comed the ADA’s rec om men da tion to mon i tor<br />

pa tients more closely, com ment ing that the la bel al ready con tains a di a be tes warn ing and that Clozaril is<br />

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