IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer


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<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES NOVARTIS<br />

In 2007, ini tial re sults of tri als re lated to the AS PIRE HIGHER pro gram showed po ten tial ben e fits of<br />

Tekturna/Rasilez in re duc ing a key biomarker of kid ney dis ease (AVOID) and in re duc ing the se ver ity of<br />

heart failure (ALOFT).<br />

In June 2008, data from the AVOID study were pub lished in the NEJM, dem on strat ing that aliskiren may<br />

have po ten tial kid ney-pro tec tive ben e fits that are in de pend ent of its al ready proven abil ity to pro vide<br />

pow er ful blood pres sure reductions.<br />

Also, in June 2008, Novartis an nounced de tails of two long-term out come stud ies of aliskiren as part of its<br />

AS PIRE HIGHER clin i cal trial pro gram. The two new stud ies will eval u ate the or gan pro tec tion po ten tial of<br />

aliskiren for the treat ment of heart fail ure and pre ven tion of car dio vas cu lar dis ease in the el derly. As part<br />

of the AS PIRE HIGHER clin i cal trial pro gram, aliskiren is be ing eval u ated in three ma jor out come stud ies.<br />

The AL TI TUDE study, be ing con ducted in pa tients with type II di a be tes at high risk from car dio vas cu lar<br />

and re nal events, will in ves ti gate whether aliskiren in com bi na tion with con ven tional ther apy de lays heart<br />

and kid ney com pli ca tions. The AT MO SPHERE study aims to de ter mine the ef fects of aliskiren, in ad di tion<br />

to stan dard ther apy, on mor bid ity and mor tal ity in acute and chronic con ges tive heart fail ure pa tients.<br />

The APOLLO study will as sess aliskiren’s abil ity to pre vent car dio vas cu lar mor bid ity and mor tal ity in el -<br />

derly pa tients with or with out hy per ten sion or other risk fac tors. Over all, the AS PIRE HIGHER clin i cal trial<br />

pro gram com prises 14 tri als in volv ing more than 35 000 pa tients. Short-to-me dium term stud ies be ing<br />

car ried out as part of the pro gram will eval u ate the or gan pro tec tion ben e fits of aliskiren in cardio-re nal<br />

con di tions in clud ing heart fail ure, post-acute cor o nary syndromes, post-myocardial infarction, left<br />

ventricular hypertrophy, coronary artery disease and diabetic nephropathy.<br />

Lifecycle Man age ment: Novartis has de vel oped a fixed com bi na tion prod uct, Tekturna HCT com pris -<br />

ing aliskiren and the di uretic, hy dro chlo ro thi a zide, for the treat ment of hy per ten sion. It was launched in<br />

the USA in Feb ru ary 2008. It has been ap proved in Swit zer land and rec om mended for ap proval in Eu -<br />

rope. In Eu rope, it will be known as Rasilez HCT.<br />

Novartis is also de vel op ing a fixed dose com bi na tion of Diovan (valsartan) and aliskiren and this was<br />

filed for ap proval in the USA in 2008 and Novartis an tic i pates an ap proval in 2009. Phase III tri als have<br />

been con ducted in the USA, Can ada and Ger many for the treat ment of hypertension.<br />

Com pe ti tion: Speedel’s (now Novartis) new renin in hib i tor, SPP 635, is in phase II tri als. Speedel is<br />

also study ing other renin in hib i tors and has two in phase I tri als, SPP 1148 and SPP 676. Actelion (Swit -<br />

zer land) is also study ing renin in hib i tors, and in 2003 formed an al li ance with Merck &Co to work on<br />

these; their lead prod uct MK 8141 is in phase II tri als. GlaxoSmithKline has an al li ance with Vi tae<br />

Pharmaceuticals to de velop renin in hib i tors. Many com pa nies have tried and failed to pro duce renin in hib -<br />

i tors. It has been dif fi cult to find an ef fec tive mol e cule that can be given in once-daily tablets.<br />

Sales/An a lyst Com ment: Tekturna sales in 2008 were $144 mil lion. Ac cord ing to Novartis, it has per -<br />

formed well in a highly com pet i tive US mar ket place. Key driv ers have been broad clin i cal data dem on -<br />

strat ing ef fi cacy in low er ing blood pres sure, its safety pro file and ris ing re im burse ment rates in US<br />

for mu lary plans. Mor gan Stan ley an a lysts (Jan u ary 2009) fore cast sales of $291 mil lion in 2009 ($493<br />

mil lion by 2012 and $532 mil lion by 2014, in clud ing com bi na tions, such as the fixed dose combination<br />

with valsartan).<br />

TEKTURNA HCT (aliskiren + hy dro chlo ro thi a zide), a fixed com bi na tion prod uct com pris ing the renin in -<br />

hib i tor Tekturna (aliskiren) and the di uretic hy dro chlo ro thi a zide, for the treat ment of hy per ten sion, was<br />

launched in the USA in Feb ru ary 2008. Ap proval was based on data from seven clin i cal tri als of aliskiren<br />

alone and in com bi na tion with hy dro chlo ro thi a zide that in volved more than 6,200 pa tients. Sub mis sions<br />

were made for four dif fer ent dos age com bi na tions of aliskiren and hy dro chlo ro thi a zide: 150/12.5mg tab -<br />

lets, 150/25mg tab lets, 300/12.5mg tab lets and 300/25mg tab lets. This com bi na tion was ap proved in<br />

© 2009 <strong>IMS</strong> Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 43

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