IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer


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<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES NOVARTIS<br />

Sales/An a lyst Com ment: Lescol sales were $645 mil lion in 2008, down 9% in lo cal cur rency terms,<br />

and it was Novartis’ num ber ten phar ma ceu ti cal prod uct. Mor gan Stan ley an a lysts (Jan u ary 2009) fore -<br />

cast sales of $645 mil lion in 2009 ($183 mil lion by 2014). Cowen & Co an a lysts (Au gust 2008) fore cast<br />

sales of $640 in 2008 ($100 million by 2013).<br />

LOPRESOR (metoprolol), a beta-blocker in di cated in the treat ment of an gina, car diac fail ure, and hy per -<br />

ten sion, and in the pre ven tion of mi graine, was first launched in 1975. It is now avail able in most mar kets<br />

world wide via Novartis and its part ner AstraZeneca (UK), which mar kets it as Betaloc and Seloken.<br />

Lopresor is also avail able as a once-daily, slow-re lease for mu la tion as Lopresor SR. Due to ge neric com -<br />

pe ti tion, sales of Lopresor have fallen in re cent years. Novartis mar kets ge neric ver sions of metoprolol in<br />

various markets.<br />

Li cens ing: Metoprolol was li censed-in from AstraZeneca for ex clu sive mar ket ing in the USA and non-ex -<br />

clu sive mar ket ing in other coun tries. Sankyo Pharma in Ger many has li censed mar ket ing rights in France<br />

It aly Bel gium, Swit zer land, and Portugal.<br />

LOTREL (amlodipine + benazepril), a once-daily cal cium-chan nel blocker/ACE in hib i tor com bi na tion in -<br />

di cated in the treat ment of hy per ten sion in ad e quately con trolled with ACE in hib i tors or cal cium an tag o -<br />

nists alone, was launched in the USA and Puerto Rico in 1995. It is only avail able on these mar kets. A<br />

Lotrel 10mg amlodipine/20mg benazepril dos age strength was launched in 2002.<br />

Li cens ing: Pfizer granted Novartis rights to use its cal cium an tag o nist amlodipine (Norvasc) in com bi -<br />

na tion with the Novartis ACE in hib i tor benazepril in the USA and It aly. In 2003, Novartis stated that there<br />

are no plans to launch Lotrel in any mar kets out side the USA.<br />

Pat ents: Novartis’ pat ent on Lotrel, a com bi na tion prod uct, ex pires in 2017, but amlodipine’s pat ent pro -<br />

tec tion ex pired in Sep tem ber 2007. In 2004, the FDA re vealed that an un named com pany had filed for<br />

ap proval of a ge neric ver sion of the drug and the fol low ing month Novartis filed a law suit against Teva (Is -<br />

rael). Teva re ceived ten ta tive ap proval for its ge neric ver sion of Lotrel in July 2006 and fi nal ap proval in<br />

May 2007, im me di ately launch ing the ge neric prod uct at risk. Novartis ob tained a tem po rary re strain ing<br />

or der one day later. Both com pa nies were or dered not to sell or of fer fur ther ge neric prod ucts, be yond<br />

what had al ready been com mer cial ized, in clud ing any au tho rized generics, un til the next court hear ing in<br />

late May, when a judge ex tended the tem po rary re strain ing or der. In June, a court de nied a re quest from<br />

Novartis to stop sales of Teva’s ge neric and al lowed re sump tion of ship ments to cus tom ers. Novartis sub -<br />

se quently launched its own authorized generic version of Lotrel through Sandoz.<br />

Clin i cal Data: In De cem ber 2008 fi nal re sults were an nounced from a ran dom ized, dou ble-blind, par al -<br />

lel-group, multicenter phase III trial, des ig nated AC COM PLISH (Avoid ing Car dio vas cu lar Events through<br />

COM bi na tion Ther apy in Pa tients LIv ing with Sys tolic Hy per ten sion), de signed to as sess the safety and<br />

ef fi cacy of Lotrel, com pared with a fixed oral com bi na tion of benazepril plus hy dro chlo ro thi a zide (HCTZ)<br />

in more than 11,000 pa tients with high-risk hy per ten sion. Lotrel sig nif i cantly de creased the risk of car -<br />

dio vas cu lar events by 20% com pared with benazepril plus HCTZ. Ap prox i mately twice the num ber of pa -<br />

tients tak ing ei ther of the fixed com bi na tions achieved tar get blood pres sure lev els com pared with their<br />

pre vi ous sin gle agent or com bi na tion ther a pies. At study en try, ap prox i mately 37% of pa tients were at<br />

the sys tolic blood pres sure tar get of less than 140 mmHg; af ter switch ing to a fixed com bi na tion and fol -<br />

low ing dose ti tra tion, 75% of pa tients given Lotrel and 72% given benazepril plus HCTZ achieved blood<br />

pres sure tar gets, and the mean sys tolic blood pres sure was ap prox i mately 130 mmHg. Both fixed com bi -<br />

na tions were well tol er ated, with a low in ci dence of ad verse events lead ing to dis con tinu a tion from the<br />

trial (ap prox i mately 15% in both treat ment arms). Hypotension oc cur ring as a se ri ous ad verse event was<br />

re ported in 0.4% of pa tients given Lotrel and in 0.5% given benazepril plus HCTZ. Approximately 70 of<br />

patients were continuing to take combination therapy at study closure.<br />

© 2009 <strong>IMS</strong> Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 41

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