IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer


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<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES NOVARTIS<br />

about 58% of net sales with 10% growth in lo cal cur rency terms. US sales were re ported to be up 10%.<br />

Novartis noted that Diovan has bene fited from its sta tus as the only drug in the ARB class ap proved to<br />

treat high blood pres sure, high-risk heart at tack and heart fail ure. Mor gan Stan ley an a lysts (Jan u ary<br />

2009) fore cast 2009 sales of $5,819 mil lion, peak ing at $5,834 mil lion in 2010 ($1,264 mil lion by 2014).<br />

Cowen & Co an a lysts (Au gust 2008) fore cast sales of $5,985 mil lion in 2008. They think sales will peak at<br />

$6,405 mil lion in 2009 and fall to $1,500 mil lion by 2013. Ac cord ing to <strong>IMS</strong>, in the 12-month pe riod to the<br />

end of Sep tem ber 2008, Diovan was Novartis’ num ber one in ter na tional phar ma ceu ti cal prod uct ac -<br />

count ing for a 9.9% share of au dited cor po rate pharmaceutical sales, with 12% fixed rate dollar growth.<br />

EXFORGE (valsartan + amlodipine), a fixed-dose com bi na tion of the cal cium chan nel blocker amlodipine<br />

(Pfizer’s Norvasc) and Novartis’ Diovan (valsartan), was ap proved in Eu rope in Jan u ary 2007 for the<br />

treat ment of hy per ten sion. In Jan u ary 2007, it was launched in its first world mar kets, Ger many and<br />

Swit zer land. Later in 2007, it was launched in the USA, the UK, Greece, Ire land, Fin land, Bel gium, Cen -<br />

tral Amer ica, Aus tria, Nor way, the USA, Den mark, the Neth er lands, France, Ec ua dor, the Do min i can Re -<br />

pub lic, the Slo vak Re pub lic, South Ko rea, Co lom bia, Chile, In do ne sia, Peru, Leb a non, Ven e zuela, Po land,<br />

Ar gen tina and Mex ico. In 2008, it was launched in Hun gary, Saudi Ara bia, Por tu gal, Bul garia, Spain, Tur -<br />

key, and the United Arab Emirates. In Au gust 2008, the US FDA ap proved Exforge as a first-line treat -<br />

ment for pa tients likely to need mul ti ple drugs to reg u late their blood pres sure. In 2008, Novartis filed for<br />

approval of Exforge in Japan.<br />

Ac cord ing to Novartis, Exforge is the first fixed-dose com bi na tion of the two most pre scribed<br />

anti-hypertensives in the mar ket place, bring ing to gether all the ben e fits of these two lead ing agents in<br />

one pill. Novartis says that “clin i cal data have shown nine of ten pa tients treated with Exforge reached<br />

treat ment goals, con firm ing strong ef fi cacy cou pled with im proved con ve nience”. Pre lim i nary data from<br />

ran dom ized, dou ble-blind phase III tri als con ducted in over 5,000 pa tients with hy per ten sion showed<br />

that Exforge re duced sys tolic blood pres sure by up to 36mmHg, and di a stolic blood pres sure by up to<br />

29mmHg. In ad di tion, there was a lower in ci dence of edema in pa tients re ceiv ing the fixed com bi na tion<br />

prod uct than in patients receiving amlodipine alone.<br />

Li cens ing: In Jan u ary 2009, Ipsen en tered into a deal with Novartis for the co-pro mo tion of Exforge in<br />

France as a treat ment for hy per ten sion.<br />

Lifecycle Man age ment: In Jan u ary 2009 Novartis re ported that it had de vel oped an Exforge plus hy -<br />

dro chlo ro thi a zide com bi na tion and that it was an tic i pat ing approval in 2009.<br />

Com pe ti tion: In the 12-month pe riod to the end of Sep tem ber 2008, Exforge was the num ber eight<br />

prod uct in the C9D class (An gio ten sin II An tag o nists, Com bi na tions), with a 3.4% mar ket share in its first<br />

year on the mar ket. The lead ing prod uct in this class was Novartis’ Co-Diovan (valsartan + hy dro chlo ro -<br />

thi a zide), with a 28% mar ket share and 14% fixed rate dol lar growth. Num ber two was Merck & Co’s<br />

Hyzaar (losartan + hy dro chlo ro thi a zide), with a 16.9% mar ket share and 11% fixed rate dol lar growth.<br />

Num ber three was sanofi-aventis’ Coaprovel (irbesartan + hy dro chlo ro thi a zide), with an 8.8% mar ket<br />

share and 15% fixed rate dol lar growth. Num ber four was Bris tol-Myers Squibb’s Avalide (irbesartan +<br />

hy dro chlo ro thi a zide), with a 7.5% mar ket share and 10% fixed rate dol lar growth. Num ber five was<br />

AstraZeneca’s Atacand Plus (candesartan cilexetil + hy dro chlo ro thi a zide), with a 6.9% mar ket share<br />

and 7% dol lar growth. Num ber six was Daiichi Sankyo’s Benicar HCT (olmesartan medoxomil + hy dro -<br />

chlo ro thi a zide), with a 6.9% mar ket share and 31% dol lar growth. Num ber seven was Boehringer<br />

Ingelheim’s Micardis HCT (telmisartan + hydrochlorothiazide), with a 6.0% market share and 25%<br />

dollar growth.<br />

Sales/An a lyst Com ment: Sales of Exforge rose 292% in lo cal cur rency terms in 2008 to $406 mil lion,<br />

driven by the July 2008 ap proval in the USA and launches in the rest of the world. Exforge rose to be come<br />

Novartis’ num ber 15 phar ma ceu ti cal prod uct by the end of 2008. Mor gan Stan ley an a lysts (Jan u ary<br />

2009), fore cast sales of $676 mil lion in 2009 ($874 mil lion in 2011-12). They think sales will fall to $230<br />

© 2009 <strong>IMS</strong> Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 39

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