IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer


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<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES NOVARTIS<br />

Ac cord ing to <strong>IMS</strong>, Glivec was the num ber four prod uct in the ‘All Other Antineoplastics’ class in the<br />

12-month pe riod to the end of Sep tem ber 2008, with a 12.9% mar ket share and 13% fixed rate dol lar<br />

growth. Roche’s MabThera (rituximab) led the class with a 17.8% mar ket share and 14% dol lar growth,<br />

fol lowed by Roche’s Avastin (bevacizumab) in sec ond place, with a 15.6% mar ket share and 38% dol lar<br />

growth. Roche’s Herceptin (trastuzumab) was num ber three, with a 15.4% mar ket share and 12%<br />

fixed rate dol lar growth. In fifth place was sanofi-aventis’ Eloxatine (oxaliplatin) with a 9.0% mar ket<br />

share and 2% fixed dol lar rate growth. Sutent was the num ber nine prod uct in the class, with a 3.2%<br />

mar ket share and 49% fixed rate dol lar growth. BMS’s Sprycel was in num ber 11 po si tion, with a 1.0%<br />

mar ket share, but 123% fixed rate dollar growth.<br />

Sales/An a lyst Com ment: In 2008, Glivec sales were $3.67 bil lion, up 15% in lo cal cur rency terms,<br />

mak ing it Novartis’ num ber two prod uct. Sales rose 26% in the USA to $902 mil lion, and up 12% in the<br />

rest of the world to $2,768 mil lion. Novartis noted that it bene fited from wider use in pa tients with GIST<br />

and in var i ous rare dis eases. Mor gan Stan ley an a lysts (Jan u ary 2009) pre dict 2009 sales of $3,902 mil -<br />

lion ($4,973 mil lion by 2014). Cowen & Co an a lysts (Au gust 2008) fore cast sales of $3,820 in 2008<br />

($5,100 by 2013). Ac cord ing to <strong>IMS</strong>, in the 12 months to the end of Sep tem ber 2008, Glivec was<br />

Novartis’ num ber two in ter na tional phar ma ceu ti cal prod uct, ac count ing for 8.5% of au dited cor po rate<br />

phar ma ceu ti cal sales, with 12% fixed rate dollar growth.<br />

MYFORTIC (mycophenolate so dium), an en teric coated for mu la tion of the so dium salt of mycophenolic<br />

acid, was ap proved in Swit zer land in 2002 for the pre ven tion of acute re jec tion in kid ney (re nal) trans -<br />

plant pa tients. Myfortic has since been launched in over 50 mar kets world wide, in clud ing Eu rope, the<br />

USA, Brazil, Can ada and In dia for use in com bi na tion with stan dard ther a pies (ciclosporin and<br />

corticosteroids) to pre vent or gan re jec tion in kid ney trans plant pa tients. Ad junc tive ther apy with Roche’s<br />

MPA prod uct CellCept (mycophenolate mofetil) is stan dard in over 70% of new re nal trans plant pa tients.<br />

How ever, se ri ous GI side ef fects (some times lead ing to dis con tinu a tion of ther apy) are seen with<br />

CellCept, and Myfortic has a better GI side-ef fect pro file due to its en teric coat ing, mean ing it is ab sorbed<br />

in the small in tes tine rather than the stom ach. Data from 11 tri als con ducted in Eu rope, in volv ing 877 re -<br />

nal trans plant pa tients were col lected and Myfortic shows im proved gastrointestinal tolerability compared<br />

with mycophenolate mofetil.<br />

In No vem ber 2007, the FDA added a new safety warn ing to Myfortic’s la bel out lin ing the in creased mis -<br />

car riage risk in the first tri mes ter of preg nancy and raised risk for mal for ma tions of the ex ter nal ear and<br />

the face, such as cleft lip and pal ate. Other drug-re lated birth de fect risks in clude anom a lies of dis tal<br />

limbs, which in clude fin gers and toes, and of the heart, esoph a gus, and kid ney. In April 2008, it was re -<br />

ported that the FDA was re view ing whether Myfortic and a sim i lar Roche drug, CellCept, could be linked to<br />

a rare CNS dis or der, pro gres sive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML).<br />

Com pe ti tion: Myfortic is tar geted at pa tients tak ing CellCept and ex pe ri enc ing se vere GI side ef fects, as<br />

well as new kid ney trans plant pa tients. In the 12-month pe riod to the end of Sep tem ber 2008, ac cord ing<br />

to <strong>IMS</strong>, Myfortic was the num ber eight prod uct in the L4A class (Immunosuppressive Agents), with a<br />

1.6% mar ket share and 38% fixed rate dol lar growth. Num ber one was J&J’s Remicade (infliximab),<br />

with a 40.7% mar ket share. Remicade is in di cated in var i ous au to im mune con di tions, but is not a di rect<br />

com pet i tor in the trans plan ta tion field. Num ber two was Astellas’ Prograf (tacrolimus), with a 15.9%<br />

mar ket share and 14% fixed rate dol lar growth. Num ber three was Roche’s CellCept (mycophenolate<br />

mofetil), with a 14.9% mar ket share and 12% dol lar growth. Num ber four was Novartis’ Sandimmun<br />

(ciclosporin), with a 7.7% mar ket share but sales down 3% in fixed rate dol lar terms. Num ber five was<br />

Celgene’s Revlimid (lenalidomide), also not a com pet i tor to Myfortic, with a 4.5% mar ket share and<br />

240% fixed rate dol lar growth. Num ber six was Biogen Idec’s Tysabri (natalizumab), which is used in<br />

MS, with a 3.9% mar ket share and 249% fixed rate dol lar growth. Num ber seven was Wyeth’s<br />

Rapamune (sirolimus), with a 2.5% mar ket share and 1% dol lar growth. Novartis’ Certican<br />

(everolimus) was the num ber 12 prod uct world wide with a 0.6% market share and 48% fixed rate dollar<br />

growth.<br />

© 2009 <strong>IMS</strong> Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 33

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