IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer


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<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES NOVARTIS<br />

In 2002, it was also ap proved in the USA and Eu rope for the treat ment of unresectable and/or ma lig nant<br />

gas tro in tes ti nal stromal tu mors (GIST). It was ap proved for this in Ja pan in 2003. A warn ing of po ten tial<br />

risk of gas tro in tes ti nal per fo ra tion when used in this in di ca tion was added in mid-2004. In 2002, it was<br />

ap proved in Eu rope and the USA for use in as a first-line treat ment in early stage CML, and, on the ba sis of<br />

the IRIS study data, some ex perts al ready con sider Glivec to be the stan dard of care for early CML. Can -<br />

ada ap proved its use in newly di ag nosed CML in 2003. The FDA ex tended its in di ca tion to cover pe di at ric<br />

use in Phil a del phia-pos i tive chronic myeloid leu ke mia in 2003, and also ap proved its use in pe di at ric CML.<br />

In 2006, Novartis re ceived ap proval for Glivec in the US and Eu rope in four rare can cers:<br />

dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans, cer tain forms of myeloproliferative dis or ders (MPD),<br />

hypereosinophilic syn drome and sys temic mastocystosis, but in Oc to ber 2006 Novartis with drew its fil ing<br />

in Eu rope for the treat ment of sys temic mastocytosis. The EMEA ad vi sory com mit tee had stated that it<br />

did not have enough data to make a judgment on the benefit-risk balance of Glivec for this indication.<br />

Glivec has three modes of ac tion: in CML it in hib its the bcr-abl ty ro sine kinase; in GIST it tar gets the Kit<br />

pro tein pro duced by the c-kit gene; and in cer tain solid tu mors, Glivec acts on the platelet-de rived growth<br />

fac tor (PDGF) re cep tor to pro duce ar rest of the cell cycle.<br />

In 2005, a study pre sented at the ASCO meet ing showed that pa tients with GIST who have a par tic u lar<br />

ge netic mu ta tion are more likely to re spond to Glivec than those with out the mu ta tion. The re sults con -<br />

firm pre vi ous ob ser va tions and pro vide a foun da tion for mo lec u lar test ing that can pre dict who will best<br />

re spond to treatment with the product.<br />

In 2006, Glivec’s la bel was up dated to in clude re ports of se vere con ges tive heart fail ure and left ven tric u -<br />

lar dys func tion. This pre cau tion could have a neg a tive im pact on future sales.<br />

Clin i cal Data: The piv otal study for Glivec was the IRIS (In ter na tional Ran dom ized study of In ter feron<br />

vs. STI 571) trial, which took place at 177 cen ters in 16 coun tries, com par ing imatinib with stan dard al -<br />

pha in ter feron plus cytarabine as first line ther apy in 1,106 pa tients with newly di ag nosed Bcr-Abl pos i -<br />

tive CML. Data was pre sented from this trial in Jan u ary 2002 (pre lim i nary re sults), De cem ber 2002 (18<br />

month data) and De cem ber 2004 (42 month data). All the data was highly pos i tive, with ini tial re sults<br />

show ing that pa tients treated with imatinib, 77% showed com plete or ma jor cytogenetic re sponses, with<br />

a hematological response rate of 98%.<br />

Data pre sented at the 2006 ASCO meet ing showed that 89% of CML pa tients who were treated with<br />

Glivec were alive af ter five years, com pared to no more than 50% sur vival rate with other ther a pies. In<br />

Jan u ary 2009 Novartis noted that data from the IRIS trial showed that nearly 90% of CML pa tients in the<br />

study were still alive seven years af ter di ag no sis fol low ing treat ment with Glivec: this is the lon gest over -<br />

all sur vival ob served to date in this disease.<br />

In 2006, Novartis an nounced re sults from pre clin i cal stud ies of imatinib for the treat ment of rheu ma toid<br />

ar thri tis. In vivo stud ies showed that imatinib damped down sev eral as pects of the im mune sys tem, in -<br />

clud ing tu mor ne cro sis fac tor-al pha re lease, macrophage and mast cell pro duc tion, and pro duc tion of<br />

B-cells; cells known to build up in the joints of pa tients with rheumatoid arthritis.<br />

In Oc to ber 2008, Novartis re ported pre lim i nary re sults from a phase II proof-of-con cept study of imatinib<br />

in the treat ment of pul mo nary ar te rial hy per ten sion (PAH). The dou ble-blind, pla cebo-con trolled,<br />

multicenter trial en rolled 59 pa tients with PAH. The trial aimed to eval u ate the safety and ef fi cacy of 400<br />

mg imatinib in pa tients who had pre vi ously failed to im prove fol low ing stan dard treat ment with<br />

prostanoids, endothelin an tag o nists or PDE-V in hib i tors. Re sults showed a sig nif i cant im prove ment in<br />

pul mo nary vas cu lar re sis tance and a nu mer i cal in crease in car diac out put. Im prove ments in the six-min -<br />

ute walk test were observed but these did not reach statistical significance.<br />

Pat ents: Pat ents run to 2013 in most mar kets (2016 in Aus tra lia) and 2016 in Eu rope.<br />

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