IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer


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<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES NOVARTIS<br />

Com pe ti tion: Ac cord ing to <strong>IMS</strong>, Zelmac was the sec ond lead ing gas tro in tes ti nal sensorimotor mod u la -<br />

tor in the 12-month pe riod to the end of Sep tem ber 2008, with sales down 94% in fixed rate dol lar terms.<br />

It made up 45.2% of the mar ket or $19 mil lion in sales. Its only ma jor com pet i tor in this class is<br />

GlaxoSmithKline’s Lotronex (alosetron) which led the mar ket with a 51.7% mar ket share or $22 mil lion<br />

in sales, up 43% in fixed rate dol lar terms. Also in cluded in the class are some ge neric ver sions of<br />

tegaserod sold in In dia, Ban gla desh, Pa ki stan, Chile, Peru and Co lom bia, which have neg li gi ble sales.<br />

Lotronex tar gets di ar rhea-pre dom i nant IBS (and is a 5HT3 an tag o nist), while Zelmac tar gets con sti pa -<br />

tion-pre dom i nant IBS (and is a 5HT4 ag o nist). In 2007, Pro me theus Lab o ra to ries (USA) gained exclusive<br />

rights to Lotronex in the USA.<br />

A re cent new com pet i tor in this area is Takeda’s Amitza (lubiprostone) a se lec tive chlo ride chan nel ac ti -<br />

va tor that works to in crease fluid se cre tion and mo til ity in the in tes tine speed ing up the pas sage of stool<br />

and thus re duc ing symp toms of con sti pa tion. Amitza was ap proved by the US FDA in April 2008 in adults<br />

(fe male) for con sti pa tion-pre dom i nant ir ri ta ble bowel syn drome (IBS-C) fol low ing the fil ing of a sNDA in<br />

July 2007. Amitza is pend ing ap proval in Eu rope. Also pend ing ap proval in Eu rope is Movetis’<br />

prucalopride, a se lec tive 5-HT4 re cep tor ag o nist, for the treat ment of gas tro in tes ti nal mo til ity dis or -<br />

ders, es pe cially those af fect ing the lower bowel, in clud ing chronic con sti pa tion and irritable bowel<br />

syndrome (IBS). It was filed for approval in May 2008.<br />

Sales/An a lyst Com ment: Zelnorm/Zelmac fell from the list of top 20 Novartis prod ucts in 2007 fol low -<br />

ing sus pen sion in the US and other mar kets. Ther a peu tic op tions for IBS are lim ited. Med i ca tions in the<br />

past have usu ally been di rected at iso lated symp toms (e.g. di ar rhea/con sti pa tion). With the mar ket sus -<br />

pen sion in the US and other mar kets in 2007, the pros pects for Zelnorm look gloomy al though the FDA<br />

left the door opened for the pos si bil ity of the drug re turn ing to the US mar ket. In dus try an a lysts say that<br />

even if the prod uct is re in tro duced, its sales will prob a bly be low be cause of the neg a tive pub lic ity and the<br />

pos si bil ity of in creased risk for car dio vas cu lar events. Mor gan Stan ley an a lysts (Jan u ary 2009) have con -<br />

sid er ably re duced fore casts for Zelnorm. They now ex pect only $13 mil lion in sales be tween 2009-2014.<br />

Cowen & Co an a lysts (Au gust 2008) put 2007 sales at $88 mil lion and think sales will fall to $15 million in<br />

2008 ($10 million by 2012/2013).<br />

Antineoplastics/Immunomodulating Agents<br />

CERTICAN (everolimus), an orally ac tive rapamycin an a logue with immunosuppressant ac tiv ity, was<br />

ap proved for the pre ven tion of re jec tion in re nal and heart trans plan ta tion in Swe den in 2003. Swe den<br />

acted as the ref er ence mem ber state for the EU’s Mu tual Rec og ni tion pro cess, which com pleted by the<br />

end of 2003 in 15 coun tries. In 2004, Novartis launched everolimus in Ger many, its first world mar ket, for<br />

the pre ven tion of re jec tion ep i sodes in pa tients with heart and kid ney trans plants in com bi na tion with low<br />

dose ciclosporin. It has now been launched in sev eral world mar kets, most re cently in Rus sia in 2008. In<br />

2007, Novartis re ported that phase III tri als in liver trans plan ta tion were also un der way. Everolimus is<br />

now be ing de vel oped for the treat ment of cancer by Novartis under the brandname Afinitor.<br />

Li cens ing: In 2002, Novartis li censed everolimus to Guidant (USA) on a co-ex clu sive ba sis for use in the<br />

lat ter’s drug-eluting stents for the treat ment of cor o nary and pe riph eral vas cu lar dis eases. Novartis will<br />

pro vide everolimus to Guidant, sup ply data to sup port reg u la tory fil ings, and re ceive mile stone pay ments<br />

and roy al ties on sales of everolimus-eluting stents. This agree ment was later re vised to give Guidant ex -<br />

clu siv ity, and the right to grant sub-licenses.<br />

Pat ents: Wyeth had be gun le gal pro ceed ings against Novartis in cer tain EU coun tries, claim ing that<br />

everolimus in fringes sirolimus pat ents. How ever, Novartis has been granted a dec la ra tion of non-in -<br />

fringe ment in a num ber of coun tries. Both Wyeth and Novartis EU pat ents are due to ex pire around 2010.<br />

In 2001, the Eu ro pean Pat ent Of fice up held Novartis’ European patent.<br />

© 2009 <strong>IMS</strong> Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 27

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