IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer


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<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES NOVARTIS<br />

Li cens ing: Nateglinide was li censed-in from Aji no mo to (Ja pan) in 1994 by Novartis for mar ket ing world -<br />

wide out side Ja pan, South Ko rea, Tai wan, China, the UK, and Ire land. In 2000, Merck KGaA ac quired<br />

co-pro mo tion and co-mar ket ing rights from Novartis. Merck is com mer cial iz ing Starlix in Eu rope and cer -<br />

tain coun tries in Af rica, South east Asia, and Latin Amer ica for the com plete term of nateglinide’s pat ent.<br />

Sankyo (Ja pan) ob tained lo cal co-li censed mar ket ing rights in Ja pan in 2002 and took over co-mar ket ing<br />

in Japan from sanofi-aventis.<br />

Clin i cal Data: Novartis an nounced plans to con duct the larg est clin i cal trial to date on the pre ven tion of<br />

Type 2 di a be tes and car dio vas cu lar dis ease in 2001. The NAV I GA TOR (Nateglinide And Valsartan in Im -<br />

paired Glu cose Tol er ance Out comes Re search) trial will in ves ti gate whether Starlix or high blood pres sure<br />

med i ca tion Diovan (valsartan) can pre vent di a be tes and/or car dio vas cu lar events in in di vid u als with im -<br />

paired glu cose tol er ance that are at high risk for car dio vas cu lar events. NAV I GA TOR is a mul ti na tional<br />

study that will involve about 7,500 individual in over 30 countries.<br />

ZELMAC/ZELNORM (tegaserod), an aminoguanidine indole 5HT4 ag o nist for ir ri ta ble bowel syn drome<br />

(IBS) was launched in Mex ico, its first world mar ket in 2001. It has since been launched in over 56 coun -<br />

tries as a short-term treat ment for women with IBS with con sti pa tion as the pri mary symp tom. It is also<br />

ap proved for use in chronic con sti pa tion in more than 20 mar kets. It was ap proved and launched in the<br />

USA in 2002, as a short-term treat ment for women with con sti pa tion as the primary symptom of IBS.<br />

In March 2007, the FDA re quested that Novartis sus pend sales and mar ket ing of Zelnorm in the USA. This<br />

move was in re sponse to a ret ro spec tive anal y sis of clin i cal trial data from over 18,000 pa tients, show ing<br />

a sta tis ti cally sig nif i cant im bal ance in the in ci dence of car dio vas cu lar ischemic events, in clud ing myo car -<br />

dial in farc tion, stroke and un sta ble an gina pectoris, in pa tients tak ing tegaserod (in ci dence of 0.11%)<br />

com pared to pla cebo (in ci dence of 0.01%). Sub se quently, Can ada (April 2007), Aus tra lia (April 2007),<br />

Swit zer land (May 2007) and a num ber of other coun tries also requested the withdrawal of tegaserod.<br />

In July 2007, Novartis an nounced that it has es tab lished with the FDA, a re stricted ac cess pro gram<br />

(called a treat ment IND) for Zelnorm so that pa tients who need tegaserod can be con sid ered for treat -<br />

ment. The pro gram al lows women in the USA un der 55 years of age who suf fer from IBS with con sti pa -<br />

tion (IBS-C) or chronic id io pathic con sti pa tion (CIC) and for whom no other treat ment has pro vided<br />

sat is fac tory re lief and/or pa tients who had sat is fac tory im prove ment of their symp toms with prior<br />

tegaserod treat ment for IBS-C or CIC to have ac cess to tegaserod for re lief of the symp toms as so ci ated<br />

with these con di tions. The pro gram pro to col en sures that pa tients and phy si cians are fully in formed of<br />

the potential risks and benefits of the drug.<br />

Even be fore the most re cent prob lems in the USA, Zelnorm had not had an easy time from the reg u la tory<br />

au thor i ties. In Eu rope, Novartis with drew its ap pli ca tion in 2001 be cause of a dis pute over ef fec tive ness<br />

with the Eu ro pean au thor i ties, but in 2004 it re-filed tegaserod, based on data from the ZENSAA trial. The<br />

agency is sued a neg a tive opin ion in 2005. Novartis ap pealed and again the agency rec om mended<br />

against the ap proval of tegaserod. In the USA, the FDA ini tially re jected tegaserod in 2001 on safety<br />

grounds, par tic u larly the in ci dence of gall blad der re mov als in treated pa tients, but later re versed its de ci -<br />

sion. Novartis says the in ci dence of gall blad der re mov als is con sis tent with that of the gen eral IBS pop u -<br />

la tion (2-3 times higher than the general population).<br />

In 2004, the FDA added a warn ing against se ri ous con se quences of di ar rhea as so ci ated with use of<br />

Zelnorm, as well as pre cau tions about ischemic co li tis (re duced blood flow to the in tes tines, the same ad -<br />

verse event that led to with drawal of GSK’s Lotronex in 2000). Novartis’ re sponse was that these side<br />

ef fects are rare, how ever crit ics claim that the drug does not of fer enough im prove ment over pla cebo to<br />

war rant the potential dangers.<br />

Pat ents: Ac cord ing to <strong>IMS</strong> Pat ents In ter na tional, pat ents on Zelmac run un til 2012 in many mar kets (the<br />

pat ent has been ex tended to 2016 in the USA).<br />

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