IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer
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IMS COM PANY PRO FILES NOVARTIS re ported that it had come to a set tle ment agree ment with Novartis that will allow it to market 2.5mg tablets. Fifth placed Sandostatin, for the treat ment of acromegaly, has ex pe ri enced growth due to in creased use of the once-monthly ver sion, Sandostatin LAR, which now ac counts for 85% of sales. Novartis re ports that in 2008 new com pe ti tion to the Sandostatin LAR prod uct has had min i mal im pact on prod uct sales. Pharmaceuticals Alimentary Tract and Metabolism Agents EUCREAS (vildagliptin + metformin) is a fixed com bi na tion oral tab let for mu la tion of vildagliptin, a dipeptidyl peptidase IV in hib i tor, com bined with metformin for the treat ment of Type 2 di a be tes. It was first launched in the UK in March 2008. It has since been launched in Fin land, Den mark, Brazil, Nor way, Ger many, Spain, Aus tria and Hungary. GALVUS (vildagliptin), an oral dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV) in hib i tor, was first launched in June 2007 in Brazil and Mex ico. In Sep tem ber 2007, it was ap proved in all 27 EU mem ber states plus Nor way and Ice land for the treat ment of Type 2 di a be tes. The ap proval al lows for once-daily oral vildagliptin to be ad - min is tered with other oral antidiabetic med i ca tions, in clud ing metformin, sulfonylureas (SUs) or thiazolidinediones. How ever, Novartis has found liver safety prob lems with high doses of the drug and sought re vi sion of pre scrib ing rec om men da tions be fore in tro duc ing Galvus to the Eu ro pean mar ket. In Feb ru ary 2008, Novartis re ported that the Eu ro pean Com mis sion had ap proved the pre scrib ing changes for vildagliptin in all 27 EU coun tries, as well as Nor way and Ice land; the ap proval cov ers the use of 50 mg once-daily vildagliptin in com bi na tion with a sulphonylurea, or 50 mg twice-daily vildagliptin in com bi na - tion with metformin or a thiazolidinedione. The pre vi ously ap proved 100 mg once daily dose of vildagliptin will not be avail able. In 2008, Galvus was launched in Sin ga pore, the UK, Nor way, It aly, Fin - land and the Czech Republic. It was filed for approval in Japan in April 2008. EU ap proval was granted in No vem ber 2007 for Eucreas, a sin gle-tab let com bi na tion of Galvus with the oral antidiabetic med i cine metformin, and it was launched in Eu rope in 2008. Skin tox ic ity wor ries have set back Galvus’ ap proval in the US. Filed with the FDA in early 2006, Galvus first had its re view pe riod ex tended by the FDA by three months from No vem ber 2006 af ter clin i cal data were sub mit ted to sup port the pro posed dos ing and in di ca tions as well as com ple ment ear lier data on the risk/ben e fit pro file. Then in Feb ru ary 2007 the FDA is sued an ap prov able let ter for the prod uct and re - quested ad di tional data, in clud ing a clin i cal study in pa tients with re nal im pair ment. This has de layed the de vel op ment of Galvus in the US in at least two years. Novartis is now con duct ing safety stud ies but a resubmission for US regulatory approval is not expected before 2010. Li cens ing: In March 2008, Novartis Ko rea and HANDOK (South Ko rea) signed a co-pro mo tion agree - ment for vildagliptin in South Ko rea. Clin i cal Data: In Sep tem ber 2008, Novartis re ported re sults from the GALIANT trial of more than 2,400 pa tients with Type 2 di a be tes treated with vildagliptin 100 mg once-daily. Vildagliptin showed non-in fe - rior ef fi cacy to thiazolidinediones (TZDs) (-0.68% ver sus -0.57% HbA1c re spec tively, p = 0.001) in pa - tients with in ad e quately con trolled blood sugar lev els (HbA1c more than 7%) with metformin alone. Weight loss was noted in pa tients treated with vildagliptin whereas those pa tients treated with TZDs put on weight (-0.58 kg ver sus +0.33 kg, re spec tively). From a pooled anal y sis from ap prox i mately 6,000 pa tients, vildagliptin was shown to have a fa vor able car dio vas cu lar pro file, with fewer car dio vas cu lar and cerebrovascular events e.g. heart at tacks and strokes, than pla cebo. An anal y sis of pooled re sults from © 2009 IMS Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 24

IMS COM PANY PRO FILES NOVARTIS more than 1,400 pa tients showed that vildagliptin is well tol er ated in pa tients with type II di a be tes with mild-to-mod er ate re nal im pair ment. Pa tients with mild re nal im pair ment and pa tients with normal renal function reported similar efficacy of vildagliptin. Com pe ti tion: Novartis lost the race to be come first on the mar ket with a DDP-IV in hib i tor. Merck & Co’s Januvia (sitagliptin) was launched in the USA in Oc to ber 2006. Merck filed Januvia in Feb ru ary 2006, just ahead of Galvus fil ing in March. Januvia does not cause weight gain, an ad van tage over some older di a be tes treat ments. In March 2007 it was also ap proved in the EU. Januvia has been ex tremely suc cess - ful and is now a lead ing oral antidiabetic. There are sev eral other DPP-IV in hib i tors close to mar ket. Takeda’s alogliptin was sub mit ted for ap - proval with the US FDA in Jan u ary 2008 and in Ja pan in Sep tem ber 2008. In Oc to ber 2008, it was re - ported that Takeda had re ceived no ti fi ca tion that the FDA will not be able to com plete its re view of the alogliptin NDA by the PDUFA date of Oc to ber 27 2008, due to “in ter nal re source con straints”. In Jan u ary 2009 Takeda stated that the re view would be com plete in June 2009. Bris tol Myers-Squibb’s Onglyza (saxagliptin) was sub mit ted for ap proval in the USA and Eu rope in July 2008. Slightly fur ther back in de - vel op ment is Phenomix/For est (both USA)’s dutogliptin in phase III tri als and Boehringer Ingelheim’s BI 1356 which be gan phase III tri als in Au gust 2008. There are sev eral DPP-IV in hib i tors in phase II tri - als, in clud ing Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma’s TA 6666 (li censed to GlaxoSmithKline), Glenmark’s (In dia) melogliptin, Roche’s carmegliptin, and ActivX (USA)/Kyorin (Ja pan)’s KRP 104. In the 12-month pe riod to the end of Sep tem ber 2008, ac cord ing to IMS, Januvia was the world’s num ber two prod uct in the A10B class (Oral Antidiabetics), with an 8.7% mar ket share and 178% fixed rate dol lar growth. A com bi na tion of sitagliptin and metformin, Janumet, was the num ber 12 prod uct in the class dur ing the same pe riod, with a 1.9% mar ket share and 599% growth. The lead ing prod uct in this class was Takeda’s Actos (pioglitazone), with a 28.1% mar ket share and 9% fixed rate dol lar growth. Num ber three was GSK’s Avandia (rosiglitazone), with a 8.1% mar ket share, but sales down 52% in fixed rate dol lar terms. Sales of Avandia have been ad versely af fected by the pub li ca tion of a study in 2007 link ing it to car dio vas cu lar prob lems. Galvus did not fig ure among the top 15 prod ucts in the class during this period. Sales/An a lyst Com ment: Novartis and an a lysts had high lighted Galvus as a po ten tial $1 bil lion plus prod uct. How ever, in No vem ber 2007, fol low ing the an nounce ment of new liver safety prob lems with high doses of the drug, Mor gan Stan ley an a lysts cut their Galvus sales fore cast. In Jan u ary 2009, they fore cast Galvus sales of $80 mil lion in 2009 ($473 mil lion by 2014). Cowen & Co an a lysts (Au gust 2008) put 2007 sales at $8 mil lion. They fore cast sales of $35 mil lion in 2008 ($120 million by 2013). NAVOBAN/NOVOBAN (tropisetron), a 5HT-3 an tag o nist anti-emetic/antinauseant, launched in Eu - rope in 1992, and now avail able in around 50 mar kets world wide. It was launched in Ja pan in 1998. Clin i - cal tri als were car ried out in the USA, but it has not been launched there. STARLIX (nateglinide), an in su lin secretagogue, was launched in its first mar ket, Ja pan, in 1999 by Yamanouchi (now Astellas, Ja pan) as Starsis, and Aventis (now sanofi-aventis, France) as Fastic. It is in di cated for non-in su lin de pend ent di a be tes mellitus (Type 2 di a be tes) as a monotherapy or in com bi na - tion with other oral antidiabetics such as Merck KGaA’s Glucophage (metformin) in pa tients whose blood glu cose level is not con trolled by diet and ex er cise alone. Ad di tional FDA ap proval in com bi na tion with a thiazolidinedione was given in 2003 in pa tients who are not ad e quately con trolled af ter a ther a peu - tic re sponse to a TZD. Novartis has launched Starlix across Eu rope, as well as in South Af rica, the United Arab Emirates, Latin Amer ica, the USA (2001) and Can ada (2002). Nateglinide is an amino acid de riv a - tive. It stim u lates early in su lin se cre tion, with a rapid on set and short du ra tion of ac tion. It has a faster onset of action than other oral antidiabetic drugs. © 2009 IMS Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 25

<strong>IMS</strong> COM PANY PRO FILES NOVARTIS<br />

re ported that it had come to a set tle ment agree ment with Novartis that will allow it to market 2.5mg<br />

tablets.<br />

Fifth placed Sandostatin, for the treat ment of acromegaly, has ex pe ri enced growth due to in creased use<br />

of the once-monthly ver sion, Sandostatin LAR, which now ac counts for 85% of sales. Novartis re ports<br />

that in 2008 new com pe ti tion to the Sandostatin LAR prod uct has had min i mal im pact on prod uct sales.<br />

Pharmaceuticals<br />

Alimentary Tract and Metabolism Agents<br />

EUCREAS (vildagliptin + metformin) is a fixed com bi na tion oral tab let for mu la tion of vildagliptin, a<br />

dipeptidyl peptidase IV in hib i tor, com bined with metformin for the treat ment of Type 2 di a be tes. It was<br />

first launched in the UK in March 2008. It has since been launched in Fin land, Den mark, Brazil, Nor way,<br />

Ger many, Spain, Aus tria and Hungary.<br />

GALVUS (vildagliptin), an oral dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV) in hib i tor, was first launched in June 2007<br />

in Brazil and Mex ico. In Sep tem ber 2007, it was ap proved in all 27 EU mem ber states plus Nor way and<br />

Ice land for the treat ment of Type 2 di a be tes. The ap proval al lows for once-daily oral vildagliptin to be ad -<br />

min is tered with other oral antidiabetic med i ca tions, in clud ing metformin, sulfonylureas (SUs) or<br />

thiazolidinediones. How ever, Novartis has found liver safety prob lems with high doses of the drug and<br />

sought re vi sion of pre scrib ing rec om men da tions be fore in tro duc ing Galvus to the Eu ro pean mar ket. In<br />

Feb ru ary 2008, Novartis re ported that the Eu ro pean Com mis sion had ap proved the pre scrib ing changes<br />

for vildagliptin in all 27 EU coun tries, as well as Nor way and Ice land; the ap proval cov ers the use of 50 mg<br />

once-daily vildagliptin in com bi na tion with a sulphonylurea, or 50 mg twice-daily vildagliptin in com bi na -<br />

tion with metformin or a thiazolidinedione. The pre vi ously ap proved 100 mg once daily dose of<br />

vildagliptin will not be avail able. In 2008, Galvus was launched in Sin ga pore, the UK, Nor way, It aly, Fin -<br />

land and the Czech Republic. It was filed for approval in Japan in April 2008.<br />

EU ap proval was granted in No vem ber 2007 for Eucreas, a sin gle-tab let com bi na tion of Galvus with the<br />

oral antidiabetic med i cine metformin, and it was launched in Eu rope in 2008.<br />

Skin tox ic ity wor ries have set back Galvus’ ap proval in the US. Filed with the FDA in early 2006, Galvus<br />

first had its re view pe riod ex tended by the FDA by three months from No vem ber 2006 af ter clin i cal data<br />

were sub mit ted to sup port the pro posed dos ing and in di ca tions as well as com ple ment ear lier data on the<br />

risk/ben e fit pro file. Then in Feb ru ary 2007 the FDA is sued an ap prov able let ter for the prod uct and re -<br />

quested ad di tional data, in clud ing a clin i cal study in pa tients with re nal im pair ment. This has de layed the<br />

de vel op ment of Galvus in the US in at least two years. Novartis is now con duct ing safety stud ies but a<br />

resubmission for US regulatory approval is not expected before 2010.<br />

Li cens ing: In March 2008, Novartis Ko rea and HANDOK (South Ko rea) signed a co-pro mo tion agree -<br />

ment for vildagliptin in South Ko rea.<br />

Clin i cal Data: In Sep tem ber 2008, Novartis re ported re sults from the GALIANT trial of more than 2,400<br />

pa tients with Type 2 di a be tes treated with vildagliptin 100 mg once-daily. Vildagliptin showed non-in fe -<br />

rior ef fi cacy to thiazolidinediones (TZDs) (-0.68% ver sus -0.57% HbA1c re spec tively, p = 0.001) in pa -<br />

tients with in ad e quately con trolled blood sugar lev els (HbA1c more than 7%) with metformin alone.<br />

Weight loss was noted in pa tients treated with vildagliptin whereas those pa tients treated with TZDs put<br />

on weight (-0.58 kg ver sus +0.33 kg, re spec tively). From a pooled anal y sis from ap prox i mately 6,000<br />

pa tients, vildagliptin was shown to have a fa vor able car dio vas cu lar pro file, with fewer car dio vas cu lar and<br />

cerebrovascular events e.g. heart at tacks and strokes, than pla cebo. An anal y sis of pooled re sults from<br />

© 2009 <strong>IMS</strong> Health In cor po rated or its af fil i ates Page 24

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