IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer


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liq uids 6%<br />


Full Name: Novartis Pharma Ser vices Inc.<br />

Street Ad dress: 1000 Ljubljana, Tivolska c. 30<br />

Tel: +386 1 300 7550<br />

Fax: +386 1 300 7595<br />

Home Page: www.mea.novartis.com<br />

De scrip tion: Pro moter. Prod uct ranges in clude:<br />

phar ma ceu ti cal prod ucts (branded, pre scrip tion),<br />

oph thal mic prod ucts. Es tab lished 1993. 51 phar -<br />

ma ceu ti cal employees in 2006.<br />

Rep re sen ta tives/De tail ers (Pharm, Num -<br />

ber): 20 (2006)<br />

Con tacts (Pharm): Chair man: Niklas Karlberg;<br />

Gen eral Con tact: Pe ter Pirs<br />

Phar ma ceu ti cal Sales: US$ 28-30 mil lion<br />

Prod ucts (% of Sales by Lead ing 5): 45-50%<br />

Ther a peu tic Classes (% of Sales by Lead ing<br />

5): 50-55%<br />

Dose Forms (% of Sales by Lead ing 5):<br />

90-95%<br />

Prin ci pal Prod ucts:<br />

GLIVEC (antineoplastic other)<br />

CO DIOVAN (an gio ten sin-II an tag o nist com bi na -<br />

tion)<br />

LESCOL XL (cho les terol/triglyceride reg u lat ing<br />

prep a ra tion)<br />

EXELON (anti-Alz hei mer prod uct)<br />

SANDIMMUN NEORAL (immunosuppressive<br />

agent)<br />

Ther a peu tic Range:<br />

antineoplastics 17%<br />

renin-an gio ten sin sys tem agents 13%<br />

lipid-reg u lat ing/antiatheroma prep a ra tions<br />

10%<br />

CNS drugs other 8%<br />

immunosuppressive agents 7%<br />

Lead ing Dose Forms:<br />

coated tab lets 43%<br />

tab lets 19%<br />

cap sules 17%<br />

vi als 10%<br />

creams 4%<br />



Postal Ad dress: PO Box 144, Kemp ton Park<br />

1600, Gauteng<br />

Street Ad dress: 72 Steel Road, Kemp ton Park<br />

1619, Gauteng<br />

Tel: +27 11 975-1445<br />

Fax: +27 11 394-8860<br />

Sub sid iary of: Novartis, South Af rica (100%)<br />

HEXAL<br />

Full Name: Hexal Pharma (SA) (Pty) Ltd<br />

Postal Ad dress: PO Box 15420, West mead<br />

3608, Pinetown<br />

Street Ad dress: 46 Ma hog any Road, Ma hog any<br />

Ridge, West mead, Pinetown 3610, Durban<br />

Tel: +27 31 700-6801<br />

Fax: +27 31 700-6809<br />

Email: hexalsa@iafrica.com<br />

De scrip tion: De vel oper, im porter, ex porter, dis -<br />

trib u tor, pro moter, sales/detailer. Ex ports, dis -<br />

trib utes, pro motes, sells/de tails for other<br />

com pa nies. Prod uct ranges in clude: phar ma ceu ti -<br />

cal prod ucts (branded, unbranded, pre scrip tion,<br />

non-pre scrip tion), hos pi tal pharmaceuticals, den -<br />

tal prod ucts, herbal prod ucts. Es tab lished 1992.<br />

Di vi sions in clude: Den tal Di vi sion; Spe ci al ity Di vi -<br />

sion; Generic Division; Detail Division.<br />

Con tacts (Pharm): Chair man: Lyn ton Lomas;<br />

Com mer cial Op er a tions: Nic Shelver, Daryll<br />

Marescia; Man u fac ture: Malcolm Blane; Mar ket<br />

Re search: Nic Shelver; Re search & De vel op ment:<br />

Lynton Lomas<br />

Sub sid iary of: Sandoz, Ger many (100%)<br />


Full Name: Novartis South Af rica (Pty) Ltd,<br />

Pharma Di vi sion<br />

Postal Ad dress: PO Box 92, Isando 1600,<br />

Kemp ton Park, Gauteng<br />

Street Ad dress: 72 Steel Rd, Spar tan, Kemp ton<br />

Park 1619<br />

Tel: +27 11 929-9111<br />

Fax: +27 11 929-2424<br />

Email: info@novartis.co.za<br />

Home Page: www.mea.novartis.com<br />

De scrip tion: Man u fac turer, packager/as sem -<br />

bler, im porter, ex porter, dis trib u tor, pro moter,<br />

sales/detailer. Prod uct ranges in clude: phar ma -<br />

ceu ti cal prod ucts (branded, pre scrip tion), hos pi tal<br />

pharmaceuticals, bi o log i cal prod ucts, oph thal mic<br />

prod ucts, vet er i nary pharmaceuticals. Es tab -<br />

lished 1996. 261 pharmaceutical employees in<br />

2007.<br />

Rep re sen ta tives/De tail ers (Pharm, Num -<br />

ber): 51-100 (2007)<br />

Con tacts (Pharm): Chair man: Noel Guliwe;<br />

Com mer cial Op er a tions: M. Howell, S. Burns;<br />

Mar ket Re search: P. Howe, K. Ngakatau; Re -<br />

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