IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer


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Fax: +40 26 521 05 64<br />

De scrip tion: Man u fac turer, packager/as sem -<br />

bler, ex porter, pro moter, sales/detailer. De vel -<br />

ops, man u fac tures, im ports, ex ports, pro motes,<br />

sells/de tails for other com pa nies. Prod uct ranges<br />

in clude: phar ma ceu ti cal prod ucts (branded,<br />

unbranded, pre scrip tion). Established 2001.<br />

Con tacts (Pharm): Chair man: Tomislav Cuk;<br />

Com mer cial Op er a tions: Alexandru Dinu; Man u -<br />

fac ture: Bogdan Antonela; Gen eral Con tact:<br />

Tomislav Cuk<br />

Sub sid iary of: Lek, Slovenia (100%)<br />

Phar ma ceu ti cal Sales: US$ 18-20 mil lion<br />

Prod ucts (% of Sales by Lead ing 5): 80-85%<br />

Ther a peu tic Classes (% of Sales by Lead ing<br />

5): n.a.<br />

Dose Forms (% of Sales by Lead ing 5): n.a.<br />

Prin ci pal Prod ucts:<br />

AMOXICILLIN (pen i cil lin broad spec trum)<br />

CECLODYNE (cephalosporin)<br />

AMPICILLIN (pen i cil lin broad spec trum)<br />

CEXYL (cephalosporin)<br />

OXACILIN (pen i cil lin me dium/nar row spec trum)<br />

Ther a peu tic Range:<br />

antibacterials sys temic 100%<br />

Lead ing Dose Forms:<br />

cap sules 65%<br />

liq uids 34%<br />

coated tab lets 1%<br />

tab lets -<br />

RUSSIA<br />


Street Ad dress: 119002 Mos cow, Glazovskiy<br />

lane, 7 of fice 9<br />

Tel: +7 495 933 5909<br />

Fax: +7 495 933 5903<br />

Email: info@chironvaccines.com<br />

Home Page: www.novartis.ru<br />

HEXAL<br />

Full Name: Hexal AG<br />

Street Ad dress: 119002 Mos cow, B.<br />

Palashevskiy per., 15, str. 1,2<br />

Tel: +7 95 787 8590<br />

Fax: +7 95 787 8592<br />

Email: hexal@hexal.ru<br />

De scrip tion: Rep re sen ta tive of fice. Pro moter.<br />

Prod uct ranges in clude: phar ma ceu ti cal prod ucts<br />

(branded, unbranded, pre scrip tion, non-pre scrip -<br />

tion), hos pi tal pharmaceuticals, herbal prod ucts,<br />

oph thal mic prod ucts. Es tab lished 1994. 85 phar -<br />

ma ceu ti cal employees in 2006.<br />

Rep re sen ta tives/De tail ers (Pharm, Num -<br />

ber): 70 (2006)<br />

Con tacts (Pharm): Chair man: Stefan Marks;<br />

Mar ket Re search: Olga Lvovna Levitskaya; Gen -<br />

eral Con tact: Ma rina Lushbina<br />

Sub sid iary of: Sandoz, Ger many (100%)<br />

Phar ma ceu ti cal Sales: US$ 28-30 mil lion<br />

Prod ucts (% of Sales by Lead ing 5): 65-70%<br />

Ther a peu tic Classes (% of Sales by Lead ing<br />

5): 85-90%<br />

Dose Forms (% of Sales by Lead ing 5):<br />

90-95%<br />

Prin ci pal Prod ucts:<br />

ACC (ex pec to rant)<br />

ACC LONG (ex pec to rant)<br />

ACC 200 (ex pec to rant)<br />

AMBROHEXAL (ex pec to rant)<br />

DICLAC (antirheumatic top i cal; antirheumatic<br />

non-steroidal)<br />

Ther a peu tic Range:<br />

cough and cold prep a ra tions 68%<br />

anti rheu ma tics top i cal 6%<br />

renin-an gio ten sin sys tem agents 5%<br />

an ti bi ot ics, sulphonamides and antivirals top i cal<br />

4%<br />

antidiarrheals, elec tro lyte re plac ers, in tes ti nal<br />

anti-inflammatorie s 4%<br />

Lead ing Dose Forms:<br />

tab lets 49%<br />

pow ders/gran ules 24%<br />

liq uids 8%<br />

gels/sols 6%<br />

coated tab lets 5%<br />

LEK<br />

Full Name: Lek Pharmaceuticals d.d.<br />

Street Ad dress: 123104 Mos cow, Bolshoy<br />

Palashevskiy per, 15<br />

Tel: +7 95 258 8484<br />

Fax: +7 95 258 8485<br />

Home Page: www.novartis.ru<br />

Con tacts (Pharm): Chair man: Metod Dragonja;<br />

Gen eral Con tact: Vladislav Veresov<br />

Sub sid iary of: Novartis, Swit zer land (100%)<br />

Phar ma ceu ti cal Sales: US$ 110-120 mil lion<br />

Prod ucts (% of Sales by Lead ing 5): 70-75%<br />

Ther a peu tic Classes (% of Sales by Lead ing<br />

5): 70-75%<br />

Dose Forms (% of Sales by Lead ing 5):<br />

90-95%<br />

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