IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer

IMS Company Profiles - Report Buyer


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fac ture: Niels Hansen; Mar ket Re search: Mogens<br />

Skov; Gen eral Con tact: Pernille Marhaver<br />

Par ent of: Sandoz AB, Swe den.<br />

Sub sid iary of: Novartis, Swit zer land (100%)<br />

Phar ma ceu ti cal Sales: US$ 50-55 mil lion<br />

Prod ucts (% of Sales by Lead ing 5): 30-35%<br />

Ther a peu tic Classes (% of Sales by Lead ing<br />

5): 60-65%<br />

Dose Forms (% of Sales by Lead ing 5):<br />

95-100%<br />

Prin ci pal Prod ucts:<br />

DICILLIN (pen i cil lin me dium/nar row spec trum)<br />

NOVYNETTE (hor monal con tra cep tive sys temic)<br />

ISODUR (ni trite/ni trate)<br />

LINDYNETTE (hor monal con tra cep tive sys temic)<br />

MANDOLGIN (an al ge sic non-nar cotic)<br />

Ther a peu tic Range:<br />

antibacterials sys temic 26%<br />

sex hor mones sys temic 18%<br />

an al ge sics 8%<br />

psycholeptics 6%<br />

psychoanaleptics 4%<br />

Lead ing Dose Forms:<br />

coated tab lets 36%<br />

tab lets 30%<br />

cap sules 27%<br />

am poules 4%<br />

vi als 1%<br />



Full Name: Novartis Caribe S.A.<br />

Postal Ad dress: Apartado Postal 736, Santo<br />

Domingo<br />

Street Ad dress: Av. 27 de Febrero, No. 18<br />

Miraflores, Santo Domingo<br />

Tel: +1 809 686-7676<br />

Fax: +1 809 687-7972<br />

De scrip tion: Im porter, dis trib u tor, pro moter,<br />

sales/detailer. Im ports, dis trib utes for other com -<br />

pa nies. Prod uct ranges in clude: phar ma ceu ti cal<br />

prod ucts (branded, pre scrip tion, non-pre scrip -<br />

tion), hos pi tal pharmaceuticals, vet er i nary<br />

pharmaceuticals. Es tab lished 1997. Di vi sions<br />

include: Biochemie.<br />

Con tacts (Pharm): Chair man: Diego Cuesta;<br />

Com mer cial Op er a tions: Rob ert O’Sullivan<br />

Phar ma ceu ti cal Sales: US$ 10-12 mil lion<br />

Prod ucts (% of Sales by Lead ing 5): 55-60%<br />

Ther a peu tic Classes (% of Sales by Lead ing<br />

5): 80-85%<br />

Dose Forms (% of Sales by Lead ing 5):<br />

90-95%<br />

Prin ci pal Prod ucts:<br />

CATAFLAM (antirheumatic non-steroidal)<br />

CO-DIOVAN (an gio ten sin-II an tag o nist com bi na -<br />

tion)<br />

VOLTAREN (antirheumatic non-steroidal)<br />

DIOVAN FCT (an gio ten sin-II an tag o nist plain)<br />

PANTECTA (antiulcerant)<br />

Ther a peu tic Range:<br />

anti rheu ma tics sys temic 38%<br />

renin-an gio ten sin sys tem agents 25%<br />

antiepileptics 8%<br />

antiasthma and COPD prod ucts 6%<br />

ant ac ids/antiflatulents/antiulcerants 5%<br />

Lead ing Dose Forms:<br />

coated tab lets 51%<br />

tab lets 16%<br />

cap sules 16%<br />

liq uids 6%<br />

sup pos i to ries 4%<br />

SANDOZ<br />

Street Ad dress: Ho tel Do min i can Fi esta,<br />

Avenida Anacaona, Los Casicaszgos, Santo<br />

Domingo<br />

Tel: +1 809 482-5701<br />

Fax: +1 809 482-3310<br />

Email: sandoz@codetel.net.do<br />

De scrip tion: 18 phar ma ceu ti cal em ploy ees in<br />

2007.<br />

Rep re sen ta tives/De tail ers (Pharm, Num -<br />

ber): 15 (2007)<br />

Con tacts (Pharm): Chair man: Da vid Thomp -<br />

son; Com mer cial Op er a tions: Da vid Thomp son;<br />

Gen eral Con tact: Da vid Thompson<br />



Full Name: Novartis Ec ua dor SA<br />

Postal Ad dress: Casilla 17-11-06201, Quito<br />

Street Ad dress: Av Republico de El Sal va dor,<br />

N34-107 y Suiza, Ed. Brescia Piso 4, Quito<br />

Tel: +593 2 246-4054<br />

Fax: +593 2 246-1394<br />

De scrip tion: Packager/as sem bler, im porter, dis -<br />

trib u tor, pro moter, sales/detailer. Prod uct ranges<br />

in clude: phar ma ceu ti cal prod ucts (branded, pre -<br />

scrip tion, non-pre scrip tion), oph thal mic prod ucts.<br />

Es tab lished 1974. 125 phar ma ceu ti cal em ploy ees<br />

in 2005. Di vi sions in clude: Novartis Con sumer<br />

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